The fang family

The fang family

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bailey part 17

After waking up Bailey and Toby went into the living room to watch TV. They made a point to ignore Angelus as he took Penn into the study. They heard some noises. Some were pleasure and some were pain.
Spike was starting to get a little jealous for real this time. His Sire had paid NO sexual attention to him lately. Had his hands all over Penn all the time. Spike stalked back up the stairs to change. He put on a pair of leather pants. True that he never wore the tight leather pants but he felt like wearing them now. Maybe Angelus would notice him if he tried to be sexy enough. Along with the leather pants he decided to wear Angelus's favorite shirt. The black one that buttoned down but Angelus never buttoned it all the way. Spike left the first three buttons open. Then buttoned two buttons and then left the rest open. Showing his sexy chest and his naked navel and belly button. He sat in a chair in the living room a bottle of red whine in his hand and he took turns between glancing at the study door glancing at the kids and then taking sips of the red whine. It was from Angelus's stock and so he was pretty much just asking for trouble. But again he didn't care because Angelus had been neglecting him in favor of one of his most favorite children. And Spike decided that if Angelus was turned on by the sight of him then the bastard could just suffer with it because he wasn't going to let him touch him.
That's when Spike noticed Toby starting at him. “What? See something you like?” he asked.
Toby smirked “Yeah. You. Shesh your such a tease.” Toby said.
“Not a tease. Come here you.” Spike said placing the whine on a table and snatched the boy moving him from his place on the couch to straddling Spike's lap the same way Angelus liked to sit the boys on him. Their crotches were touching and Toby felt that rush of pleasure again that made him harden a little. “ Come here and give us a kiss then Pet.” Spike leered.
“Are we allowed to do that?” Toby asked.
Spike snorted “Don't see the old man in here trying to stop us. Do you?” Spike asked knowingly and bringing the boy over for a sweet kiss. Toby's hands began to roam over Spike as they continued the make out session. Trying to memorize the feel of his body. Spike's hands went directly to Toby's ass. In a gently cupping grip. Spike knew damn well that they WEREN'T allowed to do this. Because they each belonged to Angelus and according to Angelus only he could touch and pleasure them. But again Spike didn't care at the moment. He was turned on and the younger boy was getting a hard on too.
Bailey eyes wide watched them instead of watching the Disney channel show. It was actually not that horrible. She kinda like it. She was fascinated by the sight of them kissing and touching.
Spike sat back in the chair Toby followed him down. Attaching his mouth to Spike's neck and Spike groaned in pleasure and his hands slid up the boys ass and then pried their way into the boys pants where he then cupped his bare cheeks. That fact that Spike had gotten his hands inside his pants seemed to turn Toby on more. Bailey was getting a little worried now. Why was Spike's hands inside Toby's pants? Was that what Angelus did with Penn in the study?
She watched not entirely sure that she was okay or comfortable with what she was seeing but she couldn't take her eyes off them for some reason.
That's when Angelus came out of the study an arm around Penn's slim waist and a grin on his face or at least he grinned until he turned to say something to the others and saw the action going on and Bailey wide eyed watching it. He released Penn as a slight rage filled him at the sight of his boys touching each other. And in front of Bailey at that! Angelus eyed a stake over near him. Penn saw this knowing exactly who would be dusted if Angelus grabbed that Stake he grabbed Angelus by the arm and turned Pleading eyes on his Sire shaking his head in a silent begging motion. Angelus sighed and took an unneeded breath. But decided to let it go. No need to upset the others by dusting the other childe.
Angelus stalked over a hand slapped down on Spike's neck gripping tightly “Hands off!” he scolded and Spike's hands left the boy and Toby nearly leaped off Spike in embarrassment at being caught like this. Angelus released his grip on Spike's neck then went over to Toby he grabbed him by the chin looking him dead in the eye “You don't NOT touch your brother. Nor do you let him touch you. I didn't tell you that before. But I didn't think that I needed to. You are mine. That means that I alone have the right to touch you. Your not in trouble. But now you know. So next tell him to keep his hands off.” Angelus then took him by the arm and Swatted him with vampire strength
Swat! Swat! Swat! “And that is for doing this in front of your sister! You don't do things like that where others can see.” Angelus scolded after the swats he released Toby “Now go upstairs. Take Bailey with you. Penn go out and hunt.” Toby took Bailey and they went to the bedroom turning on some music out of boredom. Penn grimaced but left not wanting to catch any of this.

Angelus then turned menacingly “And you..You have no excuse whatsoever!” Angelus stopped as he saw that Spike was drinking HIS red whine. And not only that Spike was wearing HIS shirt. Well actually it looked pretty hot on him. Angelus bent over placing a hand on each arm on the chair and leaned into Spike's face “Are you trying to get yourself punished?” he asked.
“Didn't do anything with him. Not really. Just a kiss and some feeling around. Same as he did. No need to get all claimy Sire on us.” Spike said eying Angelus.
“You know better. So WHY did you touch him? You KNOW that no one but me get's to touch those that I sired. Do you have ANY idea how close I came to dusting him when I saw his hands on you! So far he is my least favorite childe. Mainly because I didn't chose him. And in a way he was forced on me. That's the only reason he was turned. He's grown on me a little. But he's still nowhere near to my heart as the rest of you. You don't let others touch you. Especially not a little boy who's lucky to even be part of this family! You don't touch him. You don't let him touch you. Are we clear on this?” Angelus asked.
Spike raised a brow at that “Don't know why you dislike him so much. He's a pretty boy. Why's it matter that you didn't chose him? You still turned him. He's still yours. Sides seems to be that I'm the one that’s your least favorite.” Spike said with a glare.
Angelus growled at that insult “What the hell is that suppose to mean? What are you talking about William?” Angelus demanded finally seeing that the boy was more then just being defiant. He was also upset. And Angelus now wanted to know why.

Spike snorted “Was once a time when you could please more then just one Childe at a time. I remember you going between me and Dru nearly every night. I don't know why your keeping me here seeing as you got your beloved Penn back. Never seem to need my body now that his is around. And then you wonder why I always say that you only turned me to replace him? Just look at yourself. And you should be able to see it too.” Spike said angrily he made a grab for the whine again but Angelus caught his wrist before it got there. “That is MY whine. I didn't give you permission to get into it.” Angelus then pulled his up by his arm and then his other hand cupped Spike's ass in a possessive hold he swooped down for a kiss. Then he whispered into Spike's mouth “Sex. Then the spanking.” he said then he swept Spike off his feet in the bridal fashion and carried him into the study.
He kicked the door shut a wicked grin on his face. He set the boy on his feet.
He fingered the shirt “Look at daddy's little boy looking all hot and pretty in daddy's cloths.” Angelus said then added “Raise your arms baby.”
Spike obeyed and Angelus lifted the shirt up and off then dropped it on the floor and gazed adoringly at his childe's bare upper body. Angelus lunged forward grabbing Spike up into his arms. Spike now wrapped his legs around Angelus's mid section and Angelus hungrily kissed him moving them over to the desk that was cleared off. Spike's back found the desk top and now had his Sire on top of him.
He was pleased now that his Sire was paying him some attention. Angelus finally released the boys lips and gazed down at him then he leaned up a little to touch the boy and his hands settled on Spike's nipples he began to rub and play with them. Then he bent to kiss one. Then he licked it. Then sucked it into his warm mouth and began to eagerly suck and Spike stiffened at the pleasure. Angelus sucked forcefully for several moments tormenting him. Then he moved to the other nipple doing the same to it. And Spike whined in pleasure. Angelus gave one last lick to each nipple before moving down Spike's body licked a hot path down his navel. Placing licking and sucking kissing everywhere while his hands worked to get Spike's pants down. The button popped open and the the zipper was down and Spike was lifting his hips helpfully as Angelus yanked the pants down. His breath caught and then he chuckled as he saw Spike had no underwear on. The pants now off and the boy bare. Angelus moved to pin him to the desk “Why am I not surprised that you still have days where you just don't wear anything but pants on your hips?” Angelus grinned then kissed him. Spike wrapped his legs around his Sire finding it unfair that he was still fully clothed while Spike was naked. Angelus slapped a hand on Spike's ass and cupped it firmly. Then he moved both his hands lifting Spike up off the desk and took him to the huge couch. Then slapped his backside again. Playfully pinched and kneading the flesh there. That made Spike growl slightly and whimper. Half in pain and half in pleasure. Angelus always did like to mix the two during sex. Spike found his back firmly pressed into the couch his body laying down as the weight of his Sire held him down.
Angelus brought his finger up to the boys mouth and Spike knew what Angelus was going to do.
He opened his mouth and engulfed his sire's fingers wetting the first three well.
Angelus removed his wet fingers from the boys mouth and then leaned down to kiss him passionately while he used his first finger to penetrate Spike's tight hole. Spike felt the slight burning that always happened because he hadn't been very well used when Angelus turned him. Angelus had only raped him twice.
Angelus worked his finger in deep then touching his prostate. A wave of pleasure crashed through Spike and then Angelus began to work another finger into Spike stretching the boy so that there was room enough for him. Spike tried his best to relax. So that it would hurt less. Then another finger entered him and it burned Spike ended up clenching until Angelus slapped his ass with his free hand “Don't clench. Just relax. You know it's much worse if you tense up.” Angelus said knowingly working his fingers in and out several times watching the mixture on Spike's face as he couldn't decided weather he wanted to concentrate on the pain or the pleasure.
With his free hand Angelus not began to take his own pants down. He only took the pants off. He didn't bother with his shirt. When he thought that Spike was as ready as he was gonna get he removed his fingers and then gently eased himself in kissing Spike mainly to swallow his cry of pain. Angelus groaned into his mouth as he was now fully inside and gripped tight like a glove. The boy fit him as well as Penn did. Angelus gave Spike a moment to adjust to his size and length and then easily began to thrust into him. Spike relaxed as best as he could and lifted his hips meeting each thrust wrapping his legs around Angelus as if trying to get him closer. Angelus kissed him and then began to move faster. Harder. And Spike felt like he was gonna come at any moment. Angelus moved like a demon. Driving fast and hard thrusting madly into him and all Spike could do was hold on for the ride. It was amazing how Angelus didn't even have to lay a hand on him in order for him to come. No he could just come hard on Angelus's thrusts alone. And he did come hard. And once he was worn out Angelus moved harder. Pounding into Spike fast and deep and then he came himself. Fast and hard his orgasm explosive as always when he was inside one of his hot boys. A couple moments later Angelus gripped Spike's ass and kissed him again. Then lightly slapped his right ass cheek and sat up. “Alright William. Now the next time you need daddy you better just come and tell me. But if you ever seek out the attention of another ever again no matter who it will be punished.” Angelus said then he stood and put his pants back on buttoning and zipping them he asked “Do you know why your about to be punished boy?”

Spike grinned “For pissing daddy off?”
Angelus snorted “Well that's a good place to start but no.”
Angelus grabbed him by the wrist yanking him to his feet firmly then sat down himself and said “Stay right there and DON'T move!” Angelus ordered then he left the study to get the hairbrush. He came back with it in his hand and Spike cringed “Hey! What did I do to deserve that?” Spike whined.
“First of all you let another touch you which you KNOW better then to do. Second of all you got into MY whine without permission. And third you stole MY shirt just so you could play the tease.” Angelus said sitting on the couch now and grasped Spike by his wrist and Yanked him down across his lap.
Spike landed hard face down over Angelus's lap. He was still naked so he knew this wouldn't be pretty.
“Are you clear now about what you did wrong?” Angelus asked placing the brush aside.
“Yes Sire.” Spike said obediently.
“Good boy.” Angelus said petting the naked bottom lightly and then landed the first sharp slap.
Spike winced. Angelus brought his hand down 30 more times turning the other vampires bottom bright red and burning hot. Spike wasn't quite in tears yet but his backside smarted pretty fiercely.
“So William. What are we not going to do in the future?” Angelus asked.
Spike groaned but answered him “Not gonna steal your cloths or your booze without permission. Nor let anyone else touch me.”
Angelus was pleased with that he chuckled “That's my good boy.” Then he brought his hand down another 20 times bringing tears to Spike's eyes. Angelus didn't change his mind often. But he considered it more his own fault for not paying enough attention to William. And so he decided to let him off easy this time. He wouldn't use the brush on him. The spanking was over. He picked up the brush long enough to toss it and it landed on the desk.
Spike was shocked when Angelus lifted him from his lap and set him with his lags spread to sit on Angelus straddling him. Angelus's grinned looking him in his teary eyes. His thumb swept away a stray tear “Aw. My poor baby. It's okay. It's over now. Come give daddy a kiss sweetheart.” he pulled Spike forward more and Spike leaned in to accept the kiss.

An hour later Spike got dressed again feeling happy and loved and well satisfied seeing as his Sire had just sexed him up not once but three times. He happily went on his way to hunt.

At which point there was a knock on Angelus's study door. “Come in.” he called and Bailey came in.
“Hello there princess.” Angelus said with a grin putting his drawing pad away and pulling her to sit on his lap sideways. “What can I do for you?” Angelus asked.

“I'm hungry.” she whined. Angelus chuckled at that. “Alright then sweetheart.” Angelus said and changed her position to where she straddled his hips her bottom near his knees as he began to unbutton his shirt he opened it all the way and made a gash in his peck catching her by her head he brought her down to feed from him. Once she had her fill Angelus told her to stop and then he healed but she had a look on her face that told Angelus that feeding wasn't all that she had come in here for.
“Daddy....Can I ask you for something?” she asked.
Angelus smirked “Anything Princess. You know that. I'll give you anything you want.”
Bailey looked at him saying “I'm tired of everyone but me getting kisses and sex. Can I do it too? Get kisses? And have sex?” Bailey asked.

Angelus stilled at that. He tried to remain patient and understanding but his little girl just said the word Sex! And she was talking about kissing too. Granted she probably saw Angelus kissing the boys all the time but...then it hit him. The action she saw earlier must have made her curious. “Why the sudden interest in Kissing and sex?” Angelus asked.
“Because...Everybody else get's to do it. So why won't you do it with me?” Bailey asked.
“BECAUSE I said so! I already told you that your too small. You wouldn't enjoy it.” Then Angelus who had a dirty mind like every vampire suddenly though of other ways that could please her without her having to have actual sex. He tried to get that out of his head. The image of his little girl writhing on his finger and he stroked her to orgasm. But it was such a sweet image. Perhaps he could do it. But not yet. Not now. But maybe...

“So you want to be kissed do you?” Angelus asked giving that some thought.
“Uh huh. I never been kissed before. And it's not fair that you kiss and do things with everyone but me!” she pouted so sweetly that Angelus just couldn't resist.
“Hmm. Daddy's sorry sweet girl. Will you let me make it up to you baby?” he asked a wicked grin on his face.
“What do you have in mind?” she asked curious.
“How about your first kiss Princess? Would you like that?” Angelus asked.
Bailey thought for a moment. From the moment she had seen her Sire she had noticed two things right off. One was his confident manner. The second thing was his looks. He was probably the hottest man she had ever seen. So did she mind being kissed by him? No. in fact his looks only made her want it more.
“Yes daddy.” She said.
“Alright then. But we're gonna take it nice a slow. Close your eyes precious.” Angelus commanded.
She obeyed closing eyes.
Angelus captured her chin tilting it up slightly and then he pressed his lips gently to hers in a soft peck. She gasped as she felt lots of different things at once. She felt butterflies in her tummy and when the kiss ended seconds later she smiled and opened her eyes. Angelus seemed pleased with himself “Did you like that?” he asked knowingly.
She nodded.
“ how about a real kiss?” Angelus asked.
Bailey frowned “That wasn't real? It felt real.” she said.
Angelus smirked “Oh it was real baby. I only meant that there are even better ways to kiss. Here let me show you and you tell me what you think when I'm done. Okay.” Angelus said then he leaned her over on his chest bringing her closer and then her face was inches from his “Open your mouth sweetheart.” he said.
Bailey parted her lips slightly wondering why he wanted her to do that.
Then Angelus swooped over and kissed her passionately. But he took it easy because it was her first kiss. Then his tongue entered her mouth and she was shocked but she didn't panic or scream. She trusted him and he knew what he was doing. So she just let him do it. Then she copied the move. Leaning in just as eagerly and then licked his lips and her tongue and his met and played and then he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth she seemed to like that. Angelus was getting a little too far into it though. One hand wondered beneath her shirt to search out her tiny size A breasts. She wasn't fully developed when he turned her and so she was small. He cupped one breast in his big hand and she gasped this time a little afraid she whined and Angelus took his hand from her shirt and ended the kissing session “Shh....Alright that's enough for now. No need to be frightened. Daddy won't hurt his baby. You know that.” Angelus said bringing her down for a hug now. She wrapped her arms around him afraid but she also felt heat and something strange. She was too young to realize that she was turned on by his actions. “Can we do it again?” she asked suddenly. “Not tonight Princess. Perhaps tomorrow night we can do more.” Angelus said rubbed her back while she just laid there and then dozed off.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bailey part 16

Part 16 : Don't make me come back there 

Later the next night Angelus went to a small shop that only carried clothing. It was a thrift store that also had some good fashion choices too. Angelus snuck in to shut off the alarm and also broke the camera to pieces and burned them in the trash can. Then he told the children to come in.
They each came in all four of them. Spike went looking around he had a bag to carry the things he wanted as did Pen. And Toby and Bailey had one too. Toby didn't like the idea of stealing but then again stealing wasn't the worst thing that vampires did. Bailey happily went around looking at the girls clothing. Angelus picked out a few things and then went to supervise what his children were taking.
Angelus saw Pen picking out some pants and Angelus saw a pair of leather pants that were about the boys size he went over and grabbed them and showed them to Pen after snatching him by the waist and turning him “Here. Get these. They're sexy.” Angelus murmured in his ear and Pen scoffed “Oh yeah just what I need. Angelus why don't you just chain me naked to your bed and be done with it?” Pen asked sullenly not understanding his Sire's obsession with his body.
Angelus chuckled and slapped the boys ass “careful what your offering there baby. I might just take you up on it.” Angelus warned then he frowned at Bailey and growled at her “Bailey no! No skirts!” he scolded as she had been looking a a short pink skirt. She glanced over at him and then put the skirt back. Angelus turned back to Pen “Why don't you go into the dressing room and change into these?” Angelus suggested. Pen rolled his eyes “Because if I do you'll just fuck me right there in the car. No thanks.” Pen said as he went back to his shopping though he saw Angelus place the pants in his own bag for Pen even though Pen didn't want them and knew damn well what would happen if he did wear them. Angelus would pounce on him and not get off for hours.

Angelus then went to pick something sexy out for each of his male children. He picked out a pair of black jeans for William and a black pair of leather pants that he found in Toby's size as well.
“How come THEY get to look sexy?” Bailey asked him after seeing what he was doing.
Angelus first glared at her “you don't say that word little girl! You don't get to talk like that.” then he added “And your a little girl. You don't need to look like anything but a little girl.” Angelus growled going back to his shopping. Then he smelled a human. He realized that the owner probably forgot something and came back for it. Pen and William smelled it too. Angelus snapped his fingers at them “Stay here.” he growled at them and then went to another part of the store where the owner was now coming in. He hid in the shadows until the man came in.
Bailey wondered over because she was curious as to why Angelus had gone over here.
Her eyes widened when she saw a human. Angelus was now behind the man and then lunged at his throat. Draining him dry Bailey had a look of horror on her face. She had never seen anyone get murdered before. She had seen her parents dead but she hadn't actually watched it happen. And she was beginning to see the horror of being a vampire. Angelus fed on humans. And she fed from Angelus. She didn't think. She didn't allow herself to think. Angelus dropped the body deciding that a fire might be a better way to depose of it rather then dragging it and dumping it somewhere.
He then smelled Bailey. She was near. He found her in her hiding place where she had sank down and was clutching her knees to her chest. He crouched down before her “And just what do you think your doing young lady? I thought I told you to stay in the other room. Bailey look at daddy when he's talking to you.” Angelus said annoyed and she raised her defiant gaze to him. He glared right back “Bailey..Honey.” Angelus said his tone was that of a vampire sire trying to hang onto his patience. “What happens to naughty little girls that don't so as they are told?” he asked her knowingly.
Bailey raised her brow defiantly at him “I saw what you did.” she informed.
Angelus snorted “No really? I had no idea. “ he said sarcastically.
She snorted back at him and he raised his brow this time and gave her a patient smile “Oh Princess. Are you trying to get yourself a spanking? Cause I can tell you that your dangerously close to getting one if that's what your after.” Angelus warned.
“No I do not want a spanking. That a stupid question anyways. Who in their right mind would WANT a spanking?” She sassed not really thinking before she said it.
Angelus's jaw dropped for a second in disbelief. He was completely dumbfounded that his fledgeling would dare to disrespect him. As if her words weren't bad enough her attitude and tone certainly needed adjusting.
He closed his mouth and then snapped his fingers holding out his hand to her as he stood “Take my hand.” he ordered.

Bailey sighed then took his hand and he pulled her to her feet he hollered into the other area “Keep an eye and ear out boys. I'm taking Bailey to the car for a moment.” Angelus said then he caught her by the arm and escorted her out to the car “what are we doing?” she asked.
Angelus sat on the hood of the car and after seeing the street was still dark and deserted he yanked her over to unsnap her button on her jeans and unzip them “Don't you dare. You know exactly what you just did. You know better then to talk to me like that little girl.” Angelus scolded pulling her pants down and then flipping her over his lap placing an arm around her waist to hold her still and then he began to spank her on her panties. She yelped and then bit her lip to keep from yelping again. She couldn't believe that he was doing this outside in front of god and anyone else who might happen to be passing by.
Then Angelus began to lecture her. Though it wasn't actually loud or anything. He pulled her panties down to bare her bottom “ Bad little girls get punished. And little girl, you Don't talk to me like that You know that.” he said beginning to spank her bare bottom now.
He covered both cheeks with sharp swats her bottom turning darker. First it had started with a light shade of pink. Then as he spread the spanks out from cheek to cheek they began to turn a darker shade of pink and then a soft shade of red. But he still wasn't finished with her. He stopped suddenly when he smelled blood.

Bailey had bitten through her lip and so now it was bleeding. Tears streaming down her face as her bottom blazed hotly. Angelus's arm left her back and he caught her by the face and turned her face towards him and saw that she was biting her lip. He growled because she had bitten herself hard enough to break the skin. He let her tear streaked face go and then held her down and spanked her harder growling “You just earned yourself extra. You do not hurt yourself or bite your lip while your being spanked.” Angelus scolded slapping her bare bottom sharply with vampire strength for the first time ever. And she screamed at the new sharpness of that sting. Angelus gave her ten more with the same amount of strength and she was crying hard by the time he was done. Then he gave her twenty more sharp swats with normal strength again and then he considered the lesson learned but decided to add “If you ever hard yourself again I don't care where we are......I will take you over my knee and blister you bare bottom raw. Do you understand me?” Angelus scolded as he lifted her and replaced her clothing before embracing the now sobbing childe. He held her til her crying calmed slightly then took her inside and soon everyone was done. Angelus placed the bags in the car trunk where there was another smaller trunk as well. Then they all got in the car. Angelus began to drive fast.
This was a longer ride the normal and things got out of hand not even half way down the road.
Toby was in the backseat with Bailey while Pen and Spike were in the front seat with Angelus in the black mustang. Toby poked Bailey and Bailey glanced over to poke him back. Then a poking war was started in the backseat of the car. It was kept so quiet that at first no one noticed. Then the poking was changed directions. Instead of poking arms they were now poking thighs and anything else they could reach while also trying not to bust up laughing. Then Toby surrendered and then leaned over to whisper in her ear and it was so low that no one else hear it “I'm bored.” he said.
She smirked and whispered to him now “Let's play the car game. You know the one.” she reminded him and he spared a brief glance at Angelus knowing that this was just gonna end bad but it would be funny. At least for a few seconds at least.
So he sat back in his seat waiting for his cue.
Bailey began the game “Are we there yet?” she asked in a whine.
Angelus didn't bother glancing back or answering that he just rolled his eyes.
Toby lightly kicked Bailey and Bailey shrieked as if he had just scalped her and he tried not to grin “Don't kick me!” she growled also trying to hide a grin and she playfully kicked him back and he hollered as well pretending that it had hurt. Then he shoved her and she shoved him back. They were only playing though.
Angelus saw this and growled back at them “Knock it off!” he yelled. It stopped then.
A moment after Angelus turned back it started again. They were putting on a good show and suddenly Angelus growled again he glared back at them dangerously “Hey. Do you two want me to come back there?” he demanded.
“He./ She started it.” Bailey and Toby exclaimed at the same time.
“I didn't ask who started it. If I have to waste time pulling this car over there are going to be two very sorry little fledgelings. Do you understand me? Now knock it off! I mean it. I won't repeat myself again. Next time I'm just gonna pull the car over.” Angelus warned.
Well that took the fun right out of it and they really did stop this time.
Until an hour later when Bailey was bored and she started to poke Toby playfully. Toby began poking back. Angelus caught this. He realized it was a game but that wasn't the point. They were told to stop messing with each other. “Pen take the wheel.” Angelus commanded Pen gave him a curious look but he put his hands on the wheel at which point Angelus reached back grabbing Bailey's hands and swatted each hand hard several times until she was yelping and had tears in her eyes then he grabbed Toby's hands and slapped them as well til the boy was in tears too. Angelus settled back in his seat his hands replaced Pen's on the wheel “Now I said that's enough of that. Don't make me come back there!” Angelus warned and Bailey sat there pouting in the back seat while Toby did the same and they both ended up falling asleep which Angelus allowed because it was better then bored fledgelings in the backseat trying to find ways to amuse themselves that annoyed their Sire.

They reached their destination another big mansion that Angelus owned in another part of another state. Angelus tried to wake the fledgeling's up but they were worn out from the long trip and So Angelus just lifted Bailey up she manged to wrap her legs around his waist but otherwise remained asleep and Angelus carried her to bed while Spike grabbed Toby and carried him in. Once both were on the bed Angelus Pen and Spike unpacked and set things up. Angelus was in his study now opening the smaller trunk he took out the strap and the hairbrush. He placed the strap in the desk drawer and then took the brush upstairs to the bedroom. The implements always were stored in the same places in the homes. Then Angelus put the close away spotting Spike laying on the bed and now asleep as well. He grinned. Spike had been worn out by the long trip too. Just like the fledgelings. Pen was probably too stubborn to admit that he was tired. Too stubborn to give into sleep this early as well. Angelus had a solution for that. He went down finding Pen in the living room eye lids heavy though that changed when he saw Angelus. “Bed Pen. Now. Unless you'd care to model for me in the study.” Angelus offered.
Pen picked the lesser of two evils. He swallowed his pride and not for the first time either. “Yes sire. I was just going.” he said getting up to head up to bed. Angelus grabbed his arm which made Pen look up at his sire “What?” he asked.
“Where my goodnight kiss?” Angelus purred. Pen sighed then leaned in Angelus firmed grabbed his ass pulling him in closer and kissed him passionately. His tongue went in the boys mouth and both vampires moaned with passion and Pen's arms went around his Sire's neck while Angelus's free hand cupped the other cheek of Pen's ass. He lifted him slightly off his feet moving them fast Pen found his back to the wall and 200 pounds of hot horny Sire pressed against him. Grinding and touching him and driving him crazy. What happened to Angelus's order for him to go to bed? He wondered. Then again Angelus often was fickle about things.
The passionate kiss finally ended and Angelus set Pen back on his feet with a light swat “We'll finish this later when we both have more energy.” Angelus promised and Pen winced. That wasn't good but oh well. He went up to lay in the bed and tried to sleep. Angelus later went up and slept too.
