The fang family

The fang family

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bailey part 16

Part 16 : Don't make me come back there 

Later the next night Angelus went to a small shop that only carried clothing. It was a thrift store that also had some good fashion choices too. Angelus snuck in to shut off the alarm and also broke the camera to pieces and burned them in the trash can. Then he told the children to come in.
They each came in all four of them. Spike went looking around he had a bag to carry the things he wanted as did Pen. And Toby and Bailey had one too. Toby didn't like the idea of stealing but then again stealing wasn't the worst thing that vampires did. Bailey happily went around looking at the girls clothing. Angelus picked out a few things and then went to supervise what his children were taking.
Angelus saw Pen picking out some pants and Angelus saw a pair of leather pants that were about the boys size he went over and grabbed them and showed them to Pen after snatching him by the waist and turning him “Here. Get these. They're sexy.” Angelus murmured in his ear and Pen scoffed “Oh yeah just what I need. Angelus why don't you just chain me naked to your bed and be done with it?” Pen asked sullenly not understanding his Sire's obsession with his body.
Angelus chuckled and slapped the boys ass “careful what your offering there baby. I might just take you up on it.” Angelus warned then he frowned at Bailey and growled at her “Bailey no! No skirts!” he scolded as she had been looking a a short pink skirt. She glanced over at him and then put the skirt back. Angelus turned back to Pen “Why don't you go into the dressing room and change into these?” Angelus suggested. Pen rolled his eyes “Because if I do you'll just fuck me right there in the car. No thanks.” Pen said as he went back to his shopping though he saw Angelus place the pants in his own bag for Pen even though Pen didn't want them and knew damn well what would happen if he did wear them. Angelus would pounce on him and not get off for hours.

Angelus then went to pick something sexy out for each of his male children. He picked out a pair of black jeans for William and a black pair of leather pants that he found in Toby's size as well.
“How come THEY get to look sexy?” Bailey asked him after seeing what he was doing.
Angelus first glared at her “you don't say that word little girl! You don't get to talk like that.” then he added “And your a little girl. You don't need to look like anything but a little girl.” Angelus growled going back to his shopping. Then he smelled a human. He realized that the owner probably forgot something and came back for it. Pen and William smelled it too. Angelus snapped his fingers at them “Stay here.” he growled at them and then went to another part of the store where the owner was now coming in. He hid in the shadows until the man came in.
Bailey wondered over because she was curious as to why Angelus had gone over here.
Her eyes widened when she saw a human. Angelus was now behind the man and then lunged at his throat. Draining him dry Bailey had a look of horror on her face. She had never seen anyone get murdered before. She had seen her parents dead but she hadn't actually watched it happen. And she was beginning to see the horror of being a vampire. Angelus fed on humans. And she fed from Angelus. She didn't think. She didn't allow herself to think. Angelus dropped the body deciding that a fire might be a better way to depose of it rather then dragging it and dumping it somewhere.
He then smelled Bailey. She was near. He found her in her hiding place where she had sank down and was clutching her knees to her chest. He crouched down before her “And just what do you think your doing young lady? I thought I told you to stay in the other room. Bailey look at daddy when he's talking to you.” Angelus said annoyed and she raised her defiant gaze to him. He glared right back “Bailey..Honey.” Angelus said his tone was that of a vampire sire trying to hang onto his patience. “What happens to naughty little girls that don't so as they are told?” he asked her knowingly.
Bailey raised her brow defiantly at him “I saw what you did.” she informed.
Angelus snorted “No really? I had no idea. “ he said sarcastically.
She snorted back at him and he raised his brow this time and gave her a patient smile “Oh Princess. Are you trying to get yourself a spanking? Cause I can tell you that your dangerously close to getting one if that's what your after.” Angelus warned.
“No I do not want a spanking. That a stupid question anyways. Who in their right mind would WANT a spanking?” She sassed not really thinking before she said it.
Angelus's jaw dropped for a second in disbelief. He was completely dumbfounded that his fledgeling would dare to disrespect him. As if her words weren't bad enough her attitude and tone certainly needed adjusting.
He closed his mouth and then snapped his fingers holding out his hand to her as he stood “Take my hand.” he ordered.

Bailey sighed then took his hand and he pulled her to her feet he hollered into the other area “Keep an eye and ear out boys. I'm taking Bailey to the car for a moment.” Angelus said then he caught her by the arm and escorted her out to the car “what are we doing?” she asked.
Angelus sat on the hood of the car and after seeing the street was still dark and deserted he yanked her over to unsnap her button on her jeans and unzip them “Don't you dare. You know exactly what you just did. You know better then to talk to me like that little girl.” Angelus scolded pulling her pants down and then flipping her over his lap placing an arm around her waist to hold her still and then he began to spank her on her panties. She yelped and then bit her lip to keep from yelping again. She couldn't believe that he was doing this outside in front of god and anyone else who might happen to be passing by.
Then Angelus began to lecture her. Though it wasn't actually loud or anything. He pulled her panties down to bare her bottom “ Bad little girls get punished. And little girl, you Don't talk to me like that You know that.” he said beginning to spank her bare bottom now.
He covered both cheeks with sharp swats her bottom turning darker. First it had started with a light shade of pink. Then as he spread the spanks out from cheek to cheek they began to turn a darker shade of pink and then a soft shade of red. But he still wasn't finished with her. He stopped suddenly when he smelled blood.

Bailey had bitten through her lip and so now it was bleeding. Tears streaming down her face as her bottom blazed hotly. Angelus's arm left her back and he caught her by the face and turned her face towards him and saw that she was biting her lip. He growled because she had bitten herself hard enough to break the skin. He let her tear streaked face go and then held her down and spanked her harder growling “You just earned yourself extra. You do not hurt yourself or bite your lip while your being spanked.” Angelus scolded slapping her bare bottom sharply with vampire strength for the first time ever. And she screamed at the new sharpness of that sting. Angelus gave her ten more with the same amount of strength and she was crying hard by the time he was done. Then he gave her twenty more sharp swats with normal strength again and then he considered the lesson learned but decided to add “If you ever hard yourself again I don't care where we are......I will take you over my knee and blister you bare bottom raw. Do you understand me?” Angelus scolded as he lifted her and replaced her clothing before embracing the now sobbing childe. He held her til her crying calmed slightly then took her inside and soon everyone was done. Angelus placed the bags in the car trunk where there was another smaller trunk as well. Then they all got in the car. Angelus began to drive fast.
This was a longer ride the normal and things got out of hand not even half way down the road.
Toby was in the backseat with Bailey while Pen and Spike were in the front seat with Angelus in the black mustang. Toby poked Bailey and Bailey glanced over to poke him back. Then a poking war was started in the backseat of the car. It was kept so quiet that at first no one noticed. Then the poking was changed directions. Instead of poking arms they were now poking thighs and anything else they could reach while also trying not to bust up laughing. Then Toby surrendered and then leaned over to whisper in her ear and it was so low that no one else hear it “I'm bored.” he said.
She smirked and whispered to him now “Let's play the car game. You know the one.” she reminded him and he spared a brief glance at Angelus knowing that this was just gonna end bad but it would be funny. At least for a few seconds at least.
So he sat back in his seat waiting for his cue.
Bailey began the game “Are we there yet?” she asked in a whine.
Angelus didn't bother glancing back or answering that he just rolled his eyes.
Toby lightly kicked Bailey and Bailey shrieked as if he had just scalped her and he tried not to grin “Don't kick me!” she growled also trying to hide a grin and she playfully kicked him back and he hollered as well pretending that it had hurt. Then he shoved her and she shoved him back. They were only playing though.
Angelus saw this and growled back at them “Knock it off!” he yelled. It stopped then.
A moment after Angelus turned back it started again. They were putting on a good show and suddenly Angelus growled again he glared back at them dangerously “Hey. Do you two want me to come back there?” he demanded.
“He./ She started it.” Bailey and Toby exclaimed at the same time.
“I didn't ask who started it. If I have to waste time pulling this car over there are going to be two very sorry little fledgelings. Do you understand me? Now knock it off! I mean it. I won't repeat myself again. Next time I'm just gonna pull the car over.” Angelus warned.
Well that took the fun right out of it and they really did stop this time.
Until an hour later when Bailey was bored and she started to poke Toby playfully. Toby began poking back. Angelus caught this. He realized it was a game but that wasn't the point. They were told to stop messing with each other. “Pen take the wheel.” Angelus commanded Pen gave him a curious look but he put his hands on the wheel at which point Angelus reached back grabbing Bailey's hands and swatted each hand hard several times until she was yelping and had tears in her eyes then he grabbed Toby's hands and slapped them as well til the boy was in tears too. Angelus settled back in his seat his hands replaced Pen's on the wheel “Now I said that's enough of that. Don't make me come back there!” Angelus warned and Bailey sat there pouting in the back seat while Toby did the same and they both ended up falling asleep which Angelus allowed because it was better then bored fledgelings in the backseat trying to find ways to amuse themselves that annoyed their Sire.

They reached their destination another big mansion that Angelus owned in another part of another state. Angelus tried to wake the fledgeling's up but they were worn out from the long trip and So Angelus just lifted Bailey up she manged to wrap her legs around his waist but otherwise remained asleep and Angelus carried her to bed while Spike grabbed Toby and carried him in. Once both were on the bed Angelus Pen and Spike unpacked and set things up. Angelus was in his study now opening the smaller trunk he took out the strap and the hairbrush. He placed the strap in the desk drawer and then took the brush upstairs to the bedroom. The implements always were stored in the same places in the homes. Then Angelus put the close away spotting Spike laying on the bed and now asleep as well. He grinned. Spike had been worn out by the long trip too. Just like the fledgelings. Pen was probably too stubborn to admit that he was tired. Too stubborn to give into sleep this early as well. Angelus had a solution for that. He went down finding Pen in the living room eye lids heavy though that changed when he saw Angelus. “Bed Pen. Now. Unless you'd care to model for me in the study.” Angelus offered.
Pen picked the lesser of two evils. He swallowed his pride and not for the first time either. “Yes sire. I was just going.” he said getting up to head up to bed. Angelus grabbed his arm which made Pen look up at his sire “What?” he asked.
“Where my goodnight kiss?” Angelus purred. Pen sighed then leaned in Angelus firmed grabbed his ass pulling him in closer and kissed him passionately. His tongue went in the boys mouth and both vampires moaned with passion and Pen's arms went around his Sire's neck while Angelus's free hand cupped the other cheek of Pen's ass. He lifted him slightly off his feet moving them fast Pen found his back to the wall and 200 pounds of hot horny Sire pressed against him. Grinding and touching him and driving him crazy. What happened to Angelus's order for him to go to bed? He wondered. Then again Angelus often was fickle about things.
The passionate kiss finally ended and Angelus set Pen back on his feet with a light swat “We'll finish this later when we both have more energy.” Angelus promised and Pen winced. That wasn't good but oh well. He went up to lay in the bed and tried to sleep. Angelus later went up and slept too.


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