The fang family

The fang family

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bailey part 15

Part 15: His first time 

Later on in the afternoon Bailey was restless. She had tossed and turned in the bed until Angelus had woken up and firmly placed her at his side and with a swat to her bottom he growled “Be still. Relax and sleep.” she tried. She really did. But she couldn't get comfortable. She had been asleep but had been woken by a bad dream. And now she couldn't get back to sleep.
So she decided that it would just be a waste of time to stay in bed. And though she knew the rules about needed to have permission to get out of bed she knew Angelus would say no if she woke him up to ask him. So instead she inched her way away from Angelus silently and then she carefully stood on the bed making sure to not make it move. Then she leapt landing silently on her feet. Then she went out to door shutting it without making any noise. Then she went to her room and changed into her short skirt and a off the shoulder T shirt and then she went downstairs to watch TV.
She enjoyed watching the earlier shows on Disney channel even more then she liked the ones at night.
She watched TV for the next four hours she even watched the Disney channel movie but when that was over she could hear everyone waking out and she heard Toby raise his voice to Angelus apparently Toby had woken up first and was now afraid and worried that Angelus had done something to Bailey.
“Where is she. What did you do to her!” Toby yelled.
Angelus now awake looked over to see Bailey no longer in bed. He growled low then caught the boys hand before he could slap Angelus's arm again. He sat up and yanked the boy across his lap and landed five sharp swats then he pulled the pajama pants and underwear down and landed another five sharp swats lecturing the whole time “You do not hit your Sire or anyone else here!” Angelus landed another 20 on top of that and the boy was in tears when Angelus released him and got out of bed.
Pen woke up while the spanking was happening he then turned to look at Angelus when he got out of bed. Then he noticed Bailey gone. “Where's Bailey?” Pen asked.
Angelus opened the drawer by Spike which woke him up because he had a sixth sense about that hairbrush. He woke as Angelus took it out and said “I expect you boys to stay in that bed until I return. You can talk but don't you dare move from that bed.” Angelus warned then he went out the door and stopped at the stairs because he heard the TV going. He then went down the stairs.

Bailey heard him coming down the stairs and she knew she was in trouble but at the moment she didn't care. It had been worth it to watch her shows. The ones that she never got to watch anymore because she had to sleep during the day. Or at least she wasn't sorry until she saw him with the hairbrush.
Then she realized she was wearing the short skirt that he didn't like.

Angelus growled deep in his throat “What did I tell you about wearing that damn skirt! And you know better then to get out of bed without permission.” Angelus was definitely annoyed.
He went over and shut the TV off by pressing the button on the TV.
Bailey stood up from the recliner and took a little step to the side as if she was going to run from him. Though she would never do that. It would do no good anyways. He would catch her and then she would get it twice as bad.

Angelus sat himself down in his reclining chair getting comfortable he snapped his fingers “You get your butt over here now.”

“But I don't want a spanking.” She whined.
“Too bad! You should have thought of that before you got out of bed.” Angelus growled heartlessly.
She whimpered but then she went over to him he pulled her closer and set the brush on the side table by the chair. Then he yanked her skirt down and she was forced to put her hands on his shoulders when he took it off of her and then tossed it aside.

She was now in her underwear. Angelus pulled those down to bare her bottom then he pulled her over his lap after he pulled the lever on the chair that would put his feet up. He was more over his thighs now with her hands on the floor her little bottom positioned perfectly. “Now then Princess. This is for getting out of bed without permission. And you know better so you knew what would happen if you were caught.” Angelus told her sternly.

Angelus as always used his hand first. He went from cheek to cheek slapping her bare bottom with five sets of 10 and with each set her bottom was coloring up nicely. First it was a soft pink. Then it was a darker shade of pink. And when Angelus reached 50 her bottom was a soft red.. Bailey had tears running down her cheeks by this time. Angelus reached over for the hairbrush and then said “Your not to get out of bed without permission young lady. That is a NO!” Angelus growled then brought the hairbrush down on her bottom going from cheek to cheek darkening the color from soft red turning it a more angry shade of red. Her tears doubled and she cried hard but Angelus continued until he reached 50 again. He stopped placing the brush on the side of the table and looked at her bottom which was a blistering red. He felt no guilt and was satisfied that she had learned her lesson this time.
“We'd be done now...Except you were wearing that damn skirt again. No childe of mine of going to wear something that. I don't care if you and every teen girl out there thinks that it isn't too short. Your MY childe and your not going to wear it again!” Angelus said angrily then he gave her 30 more slaps on her already tender bottom and she cried kicked a little and then finally let out a scream at the last few swats. Angelus replaced her panties and then flipped her over so that she was laying on his chest and she buried her face in his shoulder to cry as he went back and forth between petting her hair and patting her back. “Shh. My baby. Your alright. Shush now my pretty little girl. We won't be repeating those mistakes now will we precious? No. No we won't.” Angelus crooned and held her until her crying began to lessen. And then finally it stopped altogether. Angelus fixed the chair back to normal then he stood up taking her with him carrying her like he always did. Though she was only in her panties and a shirt because Angelus wasn't going to let her put the skirt back on. He carried her up to her room and set her down “Put some pants on before we go back to the bedroom.” Angelus ordered.
Bailey put some jeans on and then went back over to him and held her arms up Angelus chuckled and then picked her up again. Her legs automatically went around his waist and he carried her back to the bedroom rubbing her back the whole way.
The boys were sitting up in the bed talking and the Stitch doll had been tossed over next to the pink stuffed dog. Angelus set Bailey on her feet and tapped her nose lightly with his finger “Now go stand in the corner little one.”
Bailey pouted. “Uh. Why?” she whined. What was the corner punishment for?
Angelus leaned down to look her in the eyes “You were spanked for getting out of bed without permission and also for wearing that skirt. Now you can go stand in the corner for going downstairs without permission. You know your not to be down there during the day light.” Angelus scolded she pouted but turned away. Angelus tapped her sore bottom firmly as a warning to watch herself and she winced and then went to put her nose in the corner.

Angelus turned to the boys “Well. Get up and get dressed. I'm in the room am I not?” Angelus said pointedly. Spike and Pen got out of bed and so did Toby but Toby was annoyed and angry now. Because Angelus had spanked Bailey and he thought Angelus was being unfair and unreasonable.
Toby quickly changed clothes and put a shirt on since him and the others usually slept in a pair of jeans when asleep or pajama bottoms. Bailey slept in jeans and a shirt. She didn't have any pajama bottoms.
Once everyone was changed Angelus took his eyes off Bailey to change from his jeans as well.
He put his favorite leather pants on and then also put on a button down long sleeve black shirt but he left the first four buttons undone and he also left the last three buttons undone. So he only had two of the buttons done in the middle. Showing off his chest and his naval all at once. Pen saw what his Sire was wearing and groaned. Why did his Sire have to flaunt his hotness like that? It wasn't fair! It really wasn't. At one time Pen had tried to play that game. All it had gotten him was Angelus dragging him to bed and he had not left him alone until 3 hours later. He had never done that again. He had learned his lesson. Teasing Angelus wasn't a good idea. He had actually been sore from all the sex by the time Angelus was done with him. Pen couldn't understand how or Why Angelus found him so irresistible. In Pen's opinion it was his dark vampire Sire that was the hottest being in the world.
He grinned when he saw Spike lick his lips at the sight of what their Sire was showing off. Well at least he wasn't the only one. He thought to himself. Pen usually tried to wear clothing that was unattractive to his Sire's eye. Because lord knows Angelus had a hard time keeping his hands to himself enough to where Pen had to watch what he was wearing. He wore a regular black short sleeve shirt and black jeans while Spike wore his regular black muscle T shirt and black jeans and he had also put the black jacket on that he had stolen from the slayer back in the 70's. Angelus scowled when he saw that.
“William I thought I told you to get rid of that thing.” Angelus growled as if Spike was wearing the slayer herself instead of her jacket. Angelus still hated that the boy had been on his own that night when the slayer attacked him. Angelus had been clear across town unaware that his childe was in danger. And so even though Spike had killed her Angelus was annoyed when he saw the jacket because it was a reminder that he hadn't been there to protect the boy.

Spike rolled his eyes “That was 30 years ago when you told me to get rid of it. You just now noticing that I still have it?” Spike sassed and Pen rolled his eyes. William....Always a smartass.

Bailey was getting bored in the corner. She kicked it hoping to remind Angelus that she was still there with her nose against the wall and that she wanted out some time soon. She always felt like a baby when Angelus sent her to the corner. Then again to Angelus she was his baby.

Angelus stopped arguing when he heard the kick he growled and turned to Bailey “Young lady....Do we need to have a discussion about appropriate behavior while in the corner?” Angelus asked.
“No. But I want out.” Bailey whined.
“You don't need to kick the wall childe. I am well aware that you are still there in the corner. And you'll get out when I say you can get out. Is that understood?” Angelus demanded.
“Yes.” Bailey said wanting to cry because she was bored and because she had had very little sleep and she knew things would upset her more now because of that.
“Yes what?” Angelus prompted.
“Yes. Sire.” Bailey said and then burst into tears in the corner.
Angelus shook his head knowing it was only her lack of sleep though he knew there was only so much of her crying that he could take before he caved. Because her tears affected him the same way Pen's tears did.
Spike got mad “Oh come on Angelus! What are you trying to do? Ruin my entire night?”
Angelus raised a brow at him “And how am I ruining your night William?” he asked.
“Your being your usual charming self of course. Do you have be such a dick all the time?” Spike asked knowing he was on dangerous ground but he didn't care.
Angelus glared “Watch yourself little boy.” he warned.
Spike snorted “Watch myself? And how am I suppose to do that? Kinda lost that ability the night you turned me. Didn't I.” Spike said sarcastically.
Angelus's mood was darkening. And Pen who could read him better then anyone knew the signs well.
The sound of Bailey's tears is the only thing that stopped Angelus from stalking over to Spike and slapping him for his insolence. Angelus decided that he would have to do it later. He turned to Bailey his tone became gentle “Alright Princess. Come here to me.” Angelus said kneeling of the floor on one knee and offering his hand out to her as she turned teary eyed and went over to him. She took his hand and he pulled her over to sit on his knee and he kissed her nose. And then kissed her cheek and then began to kiss her all over her face she cracked a smile and tried to get away but he just held onto her and stood up sweeping her off her feet one arm was clamped over her legs and the other had her firmly behind her back and he was bent slightly planting kisses all over her face and soon she was giggling like crazy her tears forgotten and around the room Pen. Spike. And Toby popped a smile at the sight of their Sire playing with Bailey. He wasn't usually playful like that. Unless of course he was trying to make one of them laugh or trying to make them forget that they were unhappy with him. Or something else like that. He had done it to Pen several times over the decades. And William too. This was the first time he did it to Bailey. And she looked all the world like a four year old being loved on by a parent. It was fun to watch.
Finally when Angelus thought that she had had enough he stopped and set her down on her feet a big smile on her face and her eyes sparkling with amusement. “There's my pretty girl.” he said he tapped her nose lightly and asked “Who's?”
With a smile on her face she said “Yours.” it felt silly to say that but she said it anyways knowing that's what he wanted to hear and she was now in a really good mood because she felt loved and wanted.

“William your with me tonight. Pen stay here with them until we return and then you can go hunting.”
Angelus said and he left with Spike following behind him. Once outside Angelus slapped him on his left cheek hard. Spike yelped but made no move to retaliate. If was anyone but Angelus then Spike would have knocked them on their ass. But Spike knew better then to raise his hand to his Sire. And he had had a reminder after being cursed with the soul. He had fought against Angelus beside the slayer and what Angelus had done to him for it wasn't a happy memory.
“You need to think before you open that mouth of your to me William. Next time.....I'll have your hide.” Angelus warned and then they went off to hunt. Angelus chose the jeweler at the jewelry store that was about to close. Only the owner was left there. Angelus ordered Spike to feed on the man. And something shiny caught Angelus's eye. He went over and saw some of the pretty jewelry. There were rings and bracelets and necklaces and ear rings. Angelus first broke the camera and the tapes that he could find. Which was all of them. Then he took 10 of the rings. 7 pairs of ear rings. 7 necklaces and all the sparkly bracelets. He put them all in a bag and turned to find Spike smirking at him “What?” Angelus demanded as they headed out. “Since when do you take jewelry?” Spike asked.
“Since I have a little girl at home who has a thing for the pretty things in life. Don't be jealous of your sister..I got something for you boys as well. It wasn't all girl jewels.” Angelus said which was true. There were 3 of the rings that weren't for Bailey. One was for Spike. One was for Pen and one was for Toby.
Spike rolled his eyes and knew they were all in trouble if Angelus was in the mood to give them gifts.
Angelus grabbed him around neck and snatched a kiss “You are MY children and I'll spoil all of you if I wish to. Hear me?” Angelus asked though his tone was gentle his mood could easily turn bad if Spike continued to have an attitude about every little thing his Sire was doing.
“Yes Sire.” Spike answered then shut up. Angelus had Spike hold the bag while he took several victims and dumped their bodies. Then Spike had another victim too. Angelus only fed so much because he needed to feed Bailey and Toby as well. So he needed at least two extra victims. One for each childe.

They went home after that. Angelus took the jewels into his study and told William to keep quiet about them. Then Angelus went to find his other children.
Pen was in the living room with Bailey and Toby. Bailey and Toby were playing a game of cards “What game are you playing?” Angelus asked curiously.

“It's called I win.” Bailey said then added “We made it up when I was 6.” Bailey said.
Angelus raised a brow “I've never heard of that one.” Angelus said.
Just then Toby laid down his cards showing them and Bailey did the same. “I win.” Bailey said.
Angelus saw both sets of cards “I don't get it. Why do you win?” he asked not getting the game.
“Because..That's the point of the game. Its called I win. Because no matter what..I always win.” she said with a smile.
“Ah.” Angelus nodded his head in understanding “I see.” he said at the silliness of the childish game.
Angelus turned to Pen “Pen if your going you might want to go now. And take Bailey with you. She could use some time outside.” Angelus said then he went over and whispered in Pen's ear “While your out break into a tattoo and piercing parlor and steal me a piercing gun.” Angelus whispered.
Pen looked wearily up at his Sire at that request “Why?” he asked nerous.
“Don't worry sweet boy. It's not for you.” Angelus said then leaned over again to whisper “I'm pericing your sister's ears tonight. Don't say anything. And don't tell her what it is. In fact. Take William with you too. That way he can watch her while you go get the gun so that she won't see it. You can even take the car if you like.” Angelus said and then licked Pen's ear and Pen purred and then got up “Come on Bailey. SPIKE!!” Pen shouted at Spike.
Spike appeared “What!”
Pen smiled “Come on. We're going out with Bailey.” he said.
Spike looked at Angelus “But I already went out.” he pouted not wanting to leave.
Angelus went over and cupped his backside pulling him close “Do it for me boy. You don't have to feed again. You can sit in the car with your sister while your brother goes hunting. Remember to keep our little secret.” Angelus reminded and then he kissed him deeply. Then swatted his bottom and released him and Spike headed out with Bailey and Toby.

Angelus turned to Toby “Toby come into my study with me.” he beckoned to the boy and headed to his study and sat on the couch.

Toby followed him in “Shut the door.” Angelus ordered and Toby shut the door. Angelus sat back on the couch. “Come here little one.”
Toby was embarrassed because he had a hard on. Mainly because the sight of Angelus's bare skin and how he was showing it off was turning him on a little. But he went over to Angelus.
Angelus saw the boy hardening. That was a good sign. And a good place to start.

Angelus raised his hands and began to work the button on the boys jeans Toby stiffened when Angelus unbuttoned his jeans. “W...What are you doing?” he asked nervous.
“Shh. Baby it's okay. Your alright. I won't hurt you pretty boy. The less you fight me the easier it will be for you.” Angelus promised as he slipped the boys jeans down and Toby gulped but his hands went to Angelus's shoulders and he stepped out of the jeans. Angelus stood up and Toby only came up to his chest. “Raise your arms baby boy.” Angelus instructed. Toby was nervous but he did as he was told he raised his arms and Angelus took his shirt off. And then Sat back down to slip the boys boxers down and off so now Toby was naked standing before him.

Angelus was pleased at the sight. The boy was muscular like he was. He was built unlike most homeless boys. He was also only 16. hunting and fighting with vampires must have kept the boy strong. If it weren't for the boys physical age he very well could have made an amazing sire one day. But because he was 16 the boy could never be a Sire. Mainly because he had a soul.
Angelus took the boy by his waist and brought him down so that the naked boy was straddling his thighs sitting on him. His thighs were spread wide open in that position.

Angelus captured the boys chin “Come here my beauty.” he brought the boy over and kissed him.
Toby allowed this because he actually didn't mind kissing Angelus. He was a hot vampire and his touch seemed to be making Toby even more hot. He wanted...Actually he wasn't sure what he wanted. But he felt like he needed something. He wasn't sure what it was though. Sure the boy had jacked off a couple times by himself. But he had never had sex before and he had certainly never had feelings for another male before. He felt as if he could really fall in love with Angelus. But he knew that Angelus could never truly love him. Because Angelus didn't have a soul. But he also knew that Angelus did love them all in his own way. Well as much as any vampire without a soul could love someone. And if their were anyone that Angelus truly could love it would be Bailey.

When Angelus's hands settled on his butt Toby was a little nervous but it sent shivers of pleasure through him at the same time. Especially when Angelus squeezed his cheeks. Angelus deepened the kiss. His tongue entering the boys mouth and Toby slightly gasped but then copied what Angelus was doing with his own mouth. Angelus became hard as the boy was giving just as good as he got. He got up and stripped his clothing then went back to his boy.
He moved them so that the boy was now laid on his back with Angelus on top of him between him leg and Angelus placed a pillow below the boys butt to angle him more up. Then Angelus returned to kissing the boy. His lips moved down then. To the boys neck and he sucked so forcefully that he knew the boy would have a mark on him for a while. Toby cried out as Angelus sucked on the skin of his neck. It didn't hurt. Just the opposite. It felt amazing.

Then he moved lower laying feather light kissing on the boys chest until he got to his nipples then he attached his mouth to one and sucked hard making Toby squirm and moan and gasp in pleasure and wiggle beneath him then he bucked and his erection came into contact with his Sire’s own raging hard on and he gasped again as he realized Angelus was hot for him too. Angelus tongued the nipple hard while sucking and Toby moaned even more. Angelus chuckled as the boy was so easy to please. He went to the other nipple now and gave it the same amount of attention. First sucking and then tonguing and this time Angelus's took his free hand and moved it down the boys body. Til it was there between the boys spread thighs and with the boy angled the way he was Angelus had easy access to everything. He lightly touched the boy between his cheeks searching out for the entrance. Toby stiffened a little when he felt Angelus's finger but he trust that Angelus wouldn't hurt him. And he knew that Pen enjoyed his time in Angelus's study. So Angelus must be a good lover.
Angelus paused and raised his head he kissed the boys mouth again and whispered into it “I've got you boy. Your mine. You have no need to worry. Now listen carefully precious. This may hurt just a little.” Angelus warned and he could tell that that made Toby more afraid but Toby still wasn't fighting him.
And that made Angelus proud.
Angelus's finger entered him and went deep and Toby bit his lip hissing at the slight burning sensation and then Angelus touching something deep inside him that sent a wave of pleasure through him. His eye's widened as he felt that. Angelus gave him a sweet kiss as he gently played with the boy's love spot rubbing his prostate making him squirm in pleasure. Angelus found that he liked when the boy squirmed beneath him. He chuckled at the look of shock mixed with pleasure on the boys face.
“Do you like that? Feels good doesn't it baby?” Angelus murmured and then he added another finger to help stretch the boy and Toby grunted a little when Angelus added a second finger the burning was back but with Angelus still rubbing his prostate there was pleasure and heat burning and so the slight pain was barely noticed. Angelus was kissing him hotly now and Toby thought that he would burn alive from the heat he was feeling. And he was now painfully hard. Needing to come but Angelus had him pinned and Toby didn't want to move his hands anyways. He wanted Angelus to touch him.
When a third finger entered him it became more painful and he whimpered.
Angelus was trying to be gentle but he needed to stretch the boy to fit inside him. That way he didn't tear the boy with his size. “Shh. No baby don't tighten up. I know it hurts. That's natural the first couple times. Just relax baby.” Angelus said softly into the boys mouth.

Toby tried to relax his body and after that it wasn't as painful. And the more the fingers moved inside him the less pain there was. There lips parted he could feel that the boy was ready. And he was ready too. He purred then spoke softly “Time to make you mine my sweet boy. Remember what I said. Don't tighten up. Just relax. It's going to hurt at first. I'll make it as simple as I can for you baby. You just relax.” Angelus then removed his three fingers from the boys lower entrance. He knew it would hurt the boy. It always hurt a virgin the first couple times that you take them. And so he did the same thing he had done with Pen the first time he had taken after turning him. Angelus kissed Toby and quickly buried himself in the boy he swallowed the boys scream and then he stayed still letting the boy adjust to his massive size and length. Gently kissing him and he licked away the few tears from the boys eyes.
He felt the boy clenched tight around him. He raised the boys legs to place them around his back for easier access. He gave the boy a light but firm swat “Don't clench! Relax. It hurts less if you just relax.” Angelus tried to help him relax by stroking his body and his hand went down to the boys hardness. He began to stroke him gently bringing him closer until the boy relaxed and began to raise his hips to meet Angelus's hand. Toby came hard and fast crying out in pleasure he had never had anyone touch him like this before. And once he was done Angelus began to move gently thrusting taking it slow at first. He was touching the boys hot spot with each thrust and soon Toby was hard again and Angelus smirked at how easy it was to turn the boy on. He didn't touch the boy this time. He just kept thrusting gently tutoring the boy on how to move his hips to meet each thrust and soon Toby was eagerly moving with Angelus and that's when Angelus sped up the pace. Moving faster but still taking it easy. Angelus had had about all he could take of the gentleness and so he kissed the boy passionately and began to thurst hard and fast which took Toby by surprise and it hurt just a little but he moved with Angelus as Angelus had just taught him to do. Finally Toby exploded again and Angelus then moved with demonic speed. Thrusting deep. Fast and hard. Until he obtained his own extremely powerful orgasm. When he came he came like a damn bursting inside the boy. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through Angelus as he just kept coming so hard that he thought he would pass out. Finally it was over and he collapsed on the boy. Angelus praised the boy “Such a good boy aren't you baby? You came hard for daddy didn't you my sweet boy. Well now you are truly mine. And I'll have you as often as I please.” Angelus promised then he exited the boy and Toby felt that just a little. Angelus got up to get dressed and he looked as if he had never taken then off.

He came over to kiss Toby on the lips again “Stay like that sweetheart.” Angelus ordered and Toby stayed where he was and then he blushed hotly when Angelus picked up his sketch pad and began to draw him naked. But he didn't move until an hour later when Angelus placed his pad down putting it away and then Angelus took one of the rings out of the bag. A ring with a black onyx diamond in it “Come here baby.” Angelus called him over. Toby got up and though he saw his clothes and wanted to put them on Angelus hadn't told him to get dressed and so he just went over to Angelus.

Angelus found that he could read the boy very well and was proud when he didn't try to put his clothes on. Angelus pulled him over and sat him on the desk. He stood up and took the boys left hand and the ring fit perfectly on the boys ring finger. Toby was surprised with the ring “There now. There's the proof that your mine. My sweet baby.” Angelus crooned and then kissed the boy again. He stepped closer pulling the boy up and then when the kiss ended he slapped the boys rump firmly “Now get dressed.” Angelus ordered knowing the boy wanted to get dressed. Toby with the ring on his finger went over to put his clothes back on. He was slightly sore when he walked but it wasn't too bad of a feeling.

By this time the others were home and had been ignoring the noises in the study.

Toby came out and sat down wincing slightly and Spike and Pen winced sympathetically remembering their first time too. Gentle but there was also pain.
Pen went into the study to give Angelus the piercing gun which he took and then kissed Pen passionately asking “Who's?” he asked
Pen answered “Yours.” Angelus chuckled saying “That's right. Mine.” then he placed a ring on Pen's ring finger too and Pen was just as shocked at the gift. Pen's ring had a forest green color to the diamond and it looked lovely on Pen's finger. Angelus kissed him again then swatted him saying “Now go find something to do.” and so Pen left the study fascinated by the ring as he sat down.
“William!” Angelus called and Spike with a curious look at Pen who was staring at his hand he got up and went to the study. Angelus pulled him close and planted a hot kiss on his mouth. Spike squirmed until Angelus's hands grabbed his ass to clutch him closer. And then landed a swat and asked passionately “Who's?” he asked and Spike knew what the answer to that was. “Yours.” Angelus smirked “That's right. Your mine. And I have something for you my precious boy.” Angelus pulled out the ring that he had taken that was Williams size and he placed it on Williams ring finger and Spike looked at the ring with the blue diamond that was a deep blue color and he found that he liked the pretty ring. Angelus swatted him playfully this time and said “Go play.” Angelus instructed after giving him one last kiss. Spike headed out the door puzzled but also pleased.
“Bailey! Princess. Come in here.” Angelus called out to her he had the piercing gun on the desk ready with a pair of diamond studs. Bailey went into the study now her curiosity was peaked. Angelus was sitting on the couch when she came in. there was something at his side but she didn't know what it was.
“Come here precious girl. I have some presents for you.” Angelus beckoned her over to him.
Bailey went over and he pulled her into his lap she winced as her bottom still stung a little and so sitting on his lap reminded her of what she had done earlier.
Angelus took her left hand a put a ring on her ring finger. She gasped when she saw the ring with 7 diamonds on it. It had 3 small diamonds on each side and in the middle was a bigger pink diamond.
Angelus laughed at her reaction seeing as this was only one of the rings that was hers. This was the one he had chosen to mark her as his because of the pink diamond in the middle and because it sparkled.
“Oh my gosh. It's so pretty. Thank you daddy.” Bailey said then hugged him and he hugged her back.
“Look what else I have for you my sweet.” Angelus said showing her the diamond stud earrings.
“Pretty.” she gasped again. He chuckled. “How about we put them in.” Angelus suggested.
She frowned “But I don't have pierced ears.” she whined.
Angelus smirked “That's not a problem here. I have something to fix that right here. Do you trust me Princess?” Angelus asked.
“Of course.” Bailey said as if that were a silly question.
“Well alright then.” Angelus chuckled and set up the gun with one of the earrings and then placed one leg over hers and put an arm over her to hold her still he said “Close your eyes sweetheart.” Angelus whispered in her ear. “Will it hurt?” she asked.
“Only a tiny bit. You'll feel it. But it won't hurt so bad that you'll cry. No worries precious. Now close your eyes.” Angelus said and Bailey closed her eyes.
She felt the gun against her ear lobe “Only a tiny prick Princess.” he said and then she felt it and it was only a tiny pain. Compared to the spankings she got from him that was nothing.
He did the same to her other ear and now both her ears had the earrings in. Angelus kissed her cheek and put the gun down “There we go. Now you really sparkle my pretty girl. And tomorrow I'll let you wear some of the pretty bracelets if you want to. And then you and I will go shopping for some new clothes for you and Toby. You both need a new wardrobe then I think we'll move more east.” Angelus said then he patted her bottom “Now go watch some TV or something until I call you to me to feed.” Angelus said and Bailey left the study wearing the ring and the earrings.

Later Angelus called Toby for to feed and then when he was finished he called Bailey to feed and by then it was nearing time to sleep. Everyone got into bed and Angelus pulled Bailey closed and swatted her bottom firmly reigniting the stinging in her backside “Remember now Princess. Stay in bed and sleep.” Angelus warned then added “You get out of bed without permission again and I'll take the strap to you.” he kissed her nose after that and she laid down to sleep. Toby and Pen switched places which put Pen at Angelus's side and Angelus merely raised a brow but then pulled him close to his side which Pen objected to “Angelus.” Angelus swatted him “You want to lay in his spot your going to snuggle up to me properly.” Angelus said firmly.
Toby and Pen had talked earlier and agreed that they would trade spots on the bed because Toby didn't like snuggling up to the big vampire because it made him hot and stuffy. But Pen had agreed to trade places in bed. Pen growled deep in his throat annoyed and then he yelped when Angelus swatted him hard “Don't you growl at me little boy.” Angelus warned low pulling him close so that Pen was forced to snuggle up. He took a breath calming himself and then he went to sleep. Not like he had never slept snuggled up to Angelus before. At one time he had been forced to get used to it. And he actually found it comforting. And for the first time in a long time he slept peacefully with no nightmares. Funny how every night he would be haunting by the night of his turning and then when he was snuggled against the very monster that had turned him he slept peacefully.


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