Bailey attacks Penn after he feeds on a teen boy who begs for his life.
They were hunting. Well Bailey was sitting in the car. The others were hunting. However the sound a boy screaming made her get out of the car. Her instincts from her time helping people easily came back. She rushed to help whoever was in trouble only to find Penn shoving the pleading boy against the wall and was about to bite him "Penn!!" she shouted and when Penn looked at her in surprise she tackled him and yelled at the boy "Get out of here." the boy ran after that.
Penn pushed her off him "Now look what you did! He ran off. "
She was too enraged to think and she hurled a punch with all her might at Penn who cried out in shock "OW! What the hell..." he caught her fist before she could deliver another and used his legs to flip her over onto her back and pinned her down "Okay, GET A GRIP! What is wrong with you!!"
he didn't get a reply because he cried out again in shock when she bashed her head into his own. He let her go and grabbed his aching head she slipped her legs up and used both of them to kick him he collided with the wall after that move his back cracked in several places and he was pretty sure something was broken.
Angelus had been watching and Spike starred as well neither had made a move yet because they were just so SHOCKED. How had she gotten that good? She was just a little girl she shouldn't have been able to beat Penn.
However the look of worry on Penn's face enraged Angelus. He went over and was shocked when she did a spinning kick to his face. It barely phased him though. Now She was the one that looked horrified. "You are gonna scream tonight." he promised but that brought the fight back into her. She didn't know what he had in mind and she didn't want to find out.
She hurled a punch but he caught her fist not letting it land she kicked hard between his legs he reacted as any man would and she took that chance to yank her arm free and as he fell to his knee's she kicked him in the face causing him to fall on his back. Then she turned and ran intent on leaving town.
Angelus was recovering now "William....take Penn home lay him in bed and check him over. I'll be there soon. " he stood taking a moment to get his thoughts in motion then took off after her.
William lifted Penn and took him home laying him in bed and trying to feel what might have broken. It appeared that it was a few ribs.
Angelus landed in front of Bailey long before she even reached the border then he hurled a punch that knocked her out. He picked her up and once he was home he changed her clothes and took her to the basement securing her to the chains that hung from the ceiling.
He then went upstairs to see Penn. The sight of his boy hurt enraged him but that fact that it was Bailey that did it gave him what he would need to carry out her punishment. He stoked the boys hair after binding his ribs "You'll be alright baby..." he assured the boy the shoved William onto the bed and chained the confused vampire up. "W...Angelus I didn't.."
"Exactly, But she did and your not going to interfere tonight. She has to learn that she can't ever attack me or another vampire again." Angelus said
"W what are you going to do to her?" Penn asked weakly
"Make her scream." Angelus said calmly and left the room.
He could hear the chains rattling behind him. William didn't want Angelus to hurt Bailey and Penn was too weak and so he wouldn't interfere. The chains in the basement rattled too signaling that she was awake. Now it was time for his baby to take her punishment.
He went down the stairs the sight of her in the chains aroused him that and that he had put her in a short skirt and a tank top that was rather sexy looking. He was going to play with her for a while and pleasure her. Because after an intense orgasm a spanking was always so much worse. Only her hands were chained but still she could not get free.
"Daddies here." he announced going over to her he could smell her fear. Good. She should be afraid after what she did. She crossed a line and she was never going to cross it again.
"Please...Angelus don't,.." he grabbed her jaw before she could finish "Hush, its time for the rules. This basement has a few rules you will abide by. Rule one you don't speak unless spoken to. Rule two the only thing allowed to come out of your mouth is the screams I'll draw from you. Rule three this is MY playhouse Princess. I'm in charge here not you. I tell you to do something and you obey instantly. Rule four: Pain and pleasure is my method down here. There will be pleasure and there will be pain. I wasn't just trying to scare you when I said you would scream. I meant it. And you will scream many times while down here. Pleasure is first. Then the pain. Then more pleasure then more pain until you fell like you are rung out. Then there will be more pleasure. Rule five you will call me daddy down here. Not Angelus. Do you understand me?" Angelus growled and she nodded murmuring "Yes daddy."
Angelus grinned "Good sweet girl. Now don't forget that daddy loves you. Lets get started." he said going over to her he grew hard at the beautiful sight. But he wouldn't get release the same way she would. He could wait. He took from his pocket a small vibrator. He looked her in the eyes "Ready for pleasure princess?" he mused his finger went between her legs where she wore no underwear he knelt before her and she closed her eyes "Ah ah none of that. Your to watch daddy." he told her and she opened her eyes again and bit her lip.
Angelus raised her leg and hooked it on his shoulder he then used his finger to touch her clit then rubbed it for a minute and stroked her until she was wet with arousal. Then he gently eased the small vibrator into her watching her features to make sure it caused no pain. She wasn't sure what to think of the small thing now lodged in her pussy. Angelus grinned this was going to be fun. He had a remote control in his hand and pressed it once activating the low setting. When it started to move in her she jerked a bit shocked and nervous but then realized it wasn't hurting her. Actually it felt good.
Angelus raised her shirt baring her breasts and captured one in his mouth sucking on the nipple gently then more forcefully until she was feeling the fierce tugging between her legs the vibrator seemed to make this need even more powerful. He reached over and pressed the button again causing it to go medium setting. Bailey gasped as the massage got more intense. Whatever that thing was it could probably make her come on its own. And now it was time for the real fun.
Angelus lifted both her legs for easier access One finger found her clit and he rubbed it feeling her writhe a little and moan sweetly. He chuckled. It was so easy. He removed his finger and reached over to press the button twice more. Skipping the high speed and going right to the super fast speed then he used his tongue and licked her pussy and clit stopping on her clit he tongued it stroking it with his tongue feeling her pussy jerk with the sensations. She had never been eaten out before nor had she ever had her clit tongued. The pleasure wracked her tiny body and she hadn't even come yet. His tongue stroking felt so good to her and the vibrator only made the pleasure and the need more intense. He paused using his finger on her clit again rubbing furiously "Its time baby....cum for daddy...cum on....there we go precious. So so close.....almost there...." he knew she was close and he moved fast he removed his finger replacing it with his mouth. He sucked her clit into his mouth tonguing hard and fast and sucking at the same time her pussy jerked and she screamed her hands tightened on the chains as her orgasm approached she moaned and trembled and Angelus kept her legs spread wide sucking and tonguing her clit he gripped her hips and pressed her more firmly against him he licked hard and sucked faster she screamed her pussy trembling and then she cam hard screaming again and again as the intense orgasm rolled through her and it just kept Cumming and Cumming Angelus drew out the orgasm for as long as possible causing her to ride out the power of it and making it last longer then it should have. She had cum more then once. Angelus raised his head his lips wet and gleaming and she was panting hard. He chuckled again then removed the vibrator shutting off and setting it aside. He then went behind her and unclasped the skirt taking it off her he could feel her body still singing from the pleasure. He liked that. he went over to the wall she couldn't see that was behind her. He took down a ridding crop, it was time for pain. "Six baby. On each cheek. Then more pleasure." he promised he struck her right butt cheek and she cried out this time from pain. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. She could feel it blazing hotly after only one swat. Then another came crashing down and she hollered again. Two more in quick succession made her want to scream. She held it in though. That is until another two quickly blazed across her right cheek. She cried out tears coming to her eyes "OW!!" she cried out. There was a short pause. He came up behind her and whispered in her ear "Starting to get the message yet princess? Just so we're clear the lesson your learning is to never attack your sire or another vampire ever again. Soul or no soul I won't have it." he commented and squeezed her right cheek causing her to grit her teeth then he released it and stroked her throat "pleasure before hand makes the pain so much worse." he said with humor. Then got back to his previous place and landed them two at a time to her left cheek now. She began to cry at two but didn't scream until five and six which landed n her sit spots. He placed the crop back on the wall and went around to her front again "That was for what you did to Penn. This next part is for what you did to daddy. You don't kick there unless I tell you to and you NEVER kick daddy there." he scolded gently this part would be the worst. He had thought a while on how to pleasure her and decided to use no mercy. He would eat her pussy til she was screaming with pleasure. He would make her cum so hard that she would be even more sensitive and then he would blister her raw. He placed his finger on her clit and stroked looking at her "You will never again attack me little girl." he said and stroked her clit until she was turned on again but he didn't stop there. He continued to stoke her clit until he felt her orgasm coming. He chuckled stroking faster now "That's it baby...that's it..cum on....scream for me baby...scream for daddy. Writhe all you want princess. You can't escape daddies'll cum for me weather you want to or not...shhh.....there there....don't fight it. Baby, sweet baby, let it cum. Almost there...almost there...Almost...Ah yes! There...yes baby...just like that..." he praised hotly as she came on his finger.
She cried out again and again as the shocks of pleasure went through her knowing that pain would come soon as well. As the orgasm slowed so did the stroking of his finger until finally both stopped.
Unfortunately for her he wasn't finished yet. "There there...that was so good baby..Now its time for something new. My only advise, don't fight it. The more you fight it the harder your gonna cum and pretty girl, your gonna cum plenty hard already. Look at your sweet pussy...your liked it when daddy used his tongue there. If you thought that made you cum hard just wait until I'm finished with your sweet pussy. I'll show you baby. I'll show you the greatest pleasure you've ever known. Do you know how to get the most powerful orgasm? Well this is exactly how you do it. Make them cum on your finger while rubbing their clit. Then eat them out. Just like this.." he said then raised both her legs and spread her pussy lips and stroked her core with his tongue and she reacted instantly a wave of pleasure went through her and she moaned in need already he paused and used his finger to toy with her clit "Shh. Not yet baby. we're just getting started." he told her then left her clit alone. He could feel just how sensitive it was. His tongue snaked out and stroked her hard her pussy jerked a little on his tongue. He could already tell that she was trying to get away from the intense pleasure. He paused again "If you think this is intense, just wait until you cum. Struggle all you want baby, You're still gonna cum for me harder then ever before. Don't fear pleasure princess. This is the part you'll enjoy. It's what comes after that you should fear." he told her then licked her again like sugar "Pleasure is what you get when your a good girl." he told her making sure that he legs were spread wide he went to work and firmly pressed her pussy against him he licked hard and kissed like he was French kissing her pussy. And sticking his tongue in deeply moving it around inside her and she squirmed and the chains rattled as her body jerked and then he stopped. This just wasn't the right position. He removed himself from between her legs and watched as she looked relived he chuckled "Well now your in for it." he told her and then he put his hand between her legs and found her clit he stroked her faster and faster "Daddy isn't finished yet princess. No need to look so hopeful. The more times you cum the more intense the pleasure gets with each new time. " he told her and she tried to fight it but she couldn't. She cam with him stroking her clit it didn't even take that long. He sucked on her neck as she came which made her cum even harder his finger continued to stroke her keeping her orgasm going until he thought she had had enough. Then he let her come down from it. And went over to the bed as she trembled where she was panting he got the key and unchained her. He took her to the bed tossing her on it he lay her on her back on the bed and placed her hips on the edge of the bed so that her legs were off the bed and from her sit spots down was off the bed. Angelus pinned her down "You are to stay like this and not move from this position. I'm very serious princess you'll be punished if you move. Now do exactly as I say...stay still.....and grip the sheets tightly." he instructed then moved her a little more onto the bed placing her feet so that her knee's went bent and he spread them until her legs were wide open for her. This was much easier access. His finger touched her clit and rubbed a little until he felt she was close to cumming. He stopped and smiled down at her "My sweet raven haired beauty. You be good and do as daddy says and you'll get a treat tonight." he told her. Then with her legs spread wide for him he knelt on his knee's and went down on her. He used just his tongue at first. Licking that sweet young pussy as she arched her back a little but didn't really move. His tongue on her licking, stroking slow and hard felt so good to her and jolts of pleasure rolled through her. Her grip on the sheets got tighter when she felt his entire mouth on her again. Not just his tongue licking but his mouth as if he were French kissing. He kissed and his tongue entered deeply stroking just to drive her higher. He licked once more then paused glancing at her and then spread her pussy open with his fingers and keeping her legs spread open with his elbows he really started to eat her out. His kisses became more aggressive as his tongue entered deeper and stroked harder and faster she moaned hotly and arched her back and gripped the sheet even tighter and panted tossing her head back and forth her thighs trembling and then his tongue went higher hitting her clit hard and fast until she cried out in pleasure and her hips were trying to raise up her orgasm would cum very soon. He backed off of her clit and then firmly pressed himself to her his tongue stroked harder and faster and she cried out again as her orgasm slowly approached. He stayed where he was this time not backing off even a little. She cried out as it came closer and closer he thumb found her clit and he rubbed furiously hearing her scream of pleasure as tiny shocks went through her and then she was Cumming harder and faster then ever. Her hips jerking and she threw her head back crying out at the power of it. She'd never felt anything so intense in her life! "nnnnnnnn daddy!!" she cried out afraid and Angelus stayed with her eating out her jerking pussy and rubbing her clit keeping her hot and wet and trembling as she continued to cum so hard that it was almost painful she screamed and cried out again and again as the orgasm just kept going and going like a never ending wave going higher and higher his mouth and thumb driving it the entire time it went on for a long time until he thought she had had enough and his thumb slowly slowed down still rubbing hard but slowing the pace and her orgasm finally started to wind down his mouth followed the pace of his thumb gently bringing her down his thumb stopped rubbing but his tongue remained where it was gently stroking her still jerking pussy until finally the tiny aftershocks were over and then he raised his head she was so hot and sweet looking the way she did. So pleased and beautiful. Her legs spread wide her clit swollen and pulsing her pussy wet and hot after having such a hot orgasm.
She lay panting hard trying to catch her breath and come to her senses again.
Once she was breathing normally again she stopped breathing altogether remembering that she didn't need to breath anymore. She barely looked at him when he grabbed her by the arm and hoisted her up, he sat down and put her facedown across his knee but he didn't spank her yet. He spread her legs finding her clit and rubbed with his middle finger slow at first and then faster until she was cumming again after she cam down this time he started to spank her landing sharp hot swats the held an intense sting and he spanked her until she was crying hard then he waited her hot bottom was blazing red but it wasn't raw yet. His finger found her sensitive clit again and rubbed until once again she was coming hard crying now with sexual hysteria. Once she came down from it this time he took the ruler from off the desk and blistered her little red butt until she was screaming and sobbing hard. Her bottom was deep red and Angelus was satisfied that she had learned her lesson.
However just because the pain was over didn't mean the pleasure was. He let her calm down from the spanking holding her gently in his lap she was straddling his hips and when she started to calm down his finger went between her legs rubbing her clit again and she shook her head "nnn no more...please." she begged.
"That's right baby. No more pain. Your punishment is over princess. Now let daddy give you a little more pleasure and then you can dress and go to sleep after feeding from me. Ah ah ah...stop fighting...spread those legs a little for me baby....a little more...that's just perfect. Now kiss me." he told her rubbing slowly and she leaned down to kiss him blinking back tears and he moved again this time laying her on the bed fully instructing her to wrap her legs around his waste and she obeyed his finger stroked her clit slow at first. He deepened his kiss and then his finger stroked faster until he felt her cumming close he moved his finger now stroking her pussy rubbing her silky wetness going faster and faster and she stiffened and moaned as her orgasm approached his mouth went to her ear "Shh...its alright baby...cum sweet baby, So close, cum on love. that's it...almost there...almost there....there we go, YES yes baby that's right. Good good....sweet baby.." he praised as her explosive orgasm finally hit. She screamed his words only making her cum that much harder.
Once she came down that time he kissed her again and fed her from his blood and she drifted off to sleep exhausted.
This Blog is filled with stories where Angel or Angelus is in Sire mode and most are of Bailey. It's AU where Angelus is the one that made William. Not Drusilla. So just for this blog lets pretend that Angelus made William. Which will be the first story on here. My version of how Angelus turned William. Also other stories where Angelus is in Sire mode and Angel too. Pairings: Spangel and Spangelus Blog Warnings: Violence. Sexual Content and Spanking.
The fang family

Sunday, May 19, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Two Worlds Collide
Angelus and his fang family from the Bailey verse get's transported to another world where Angelus is Angel the vampire with a soul.
Two worlds Collide
They had got caught in the crossfire and the demon they had been trying to destroy opened a portal to another world. Then he tossed the small vampire childe with a soul into the portal. Spike who was close ran into the portal and Penn and Angelus went in after both of them.
The world they found themselves in didn't just look different. It felt....WRONG.
There was something terribly wrong here.
Bailey felt a cold chill up her spine. "Where are we?" she asked
Angelus couldn't answer that because he really didn't know.
"Stay close. All of you. No one leaves my sight until we know more about this place." Angelus said then a paper drifted by carried by the wind. Angelus picked it up and smirked "Well look at that, Angel investigations exists in this world too. " he said thinking it was Bailey that was Angel since she had once taken up the name in their world.
She smiled "If me and the gang are here then maybe we have a way to help." she said knowing there were books that Wes had that might hold some answers on how to get back.
Angelus nodded "Very well, lets go kids."
They headed to the hotel and went in finding it almost empty. "Doyle." Bailey shouted out.
A moment later Cordelia who had shorter hair came from another room she gasped when she saw Penn and Spike then looked at Angelus thinking he was Angel "What the hell is going on Angel? What's Spike doing here? And you dusted Penn! How did he come back?" she asked
Bailey stared at Cordy "Wait...did you call HIM Angel?" she asked shocked
Angelus was already sick of this world. "There's no way I dusted Penn." he said firmly.
Angel then came out of his office and stopped cold. "Oh my God." he exclaimed confused and not sure what was going on.
Angelus stared at Angel and Angel stared at Angelus.
Then Bailey gasped because she could smell it. "Holy shit! That guy..that other you. He has a soul!"
Angelus was appalled "So I see."
Angel at that point figured out that he was looking at Angelus.
"We're from another world." Bailey volunteered trying to explain.
Angel looked at the little girl he could sense she was a vampire.
Then looked at Penn "I assume your from the same world? All of you?" he asked
Bailey nodded "Yep."
Cordy had taken several steps away now that she knew that Angelus was in the room.
"So your the vampire with a soul in this world?" Spike asked finding that a little funny.
Angel glared at him "shut up Spike. And yes. I was cursed with a soul when we traveled to Romania with Darla and Drusilla."
Angelus raised a brow "Cursed with a soul?"
"Cursed by gypsies." Angel said.
"Your kidding." Bailey said surprised then smiled big "That's what happened to Spike too." she said then wondered why Angel was calling William Spike. Angelus never did that.
Spike had a small smirk "You called me Spike." he said amused.
"Well yeah. What else should I call you?" Angel rolled his eyes.
"You'll call him William. I won't have him getting mixed signals from his sire." Angelus said annoyed.
Angel raised a brow and scoffed "I'm not his sire.. Drusilla sired him."
Angelus growled then "What! You allowed that insane childe to turn William?"
"Did Drusilla not sire Spike in your world?" Angel asked not sure what to think now.
"No, because I'm his sire." Angelus said.
Angel almost smiled because that was a little funny. But it also made him feel sick.
"I'm guessing in your world you never went to Romania?" Angel asked
Angelus smirked "Oh I went. But it was after Darla and Drusilla were dust in the wind."
Right. Because if Darla had never brought him the gypsy girl they wouldn't have cursed him with a soul.
Bailey this time spoke "In our world I'm the vampire with a soul....why did Cordy say that you dusted Penn?" she asked thinking it was a bad joke.
Angel looked at the small girl. She was much too young and little to share the same fate as him.
"I have a soul. You have one too I guess. But in this world I hadn't seen Penn since I freed him. He showed up again after a long time and was killing people here. I had to stop him. I didn't put the stake in his heart. But I helped the person who did. And I was ready and willing to do it myself." Angel said.
Bailey looked like she was ready to cry and turned to Angelus "I don't like it here! I don't like this world. Make it go away."
Angelus had been enraged but now calmed himself "Hush. I will find a way back home. I like this world no better then you do, Trust me."
"Trust you? You killed Penn in this world!" Bailey glared
Angelus glared right back "I did NOT. I am not him! I could never dust any of you!"
Angel changed the subject "We need to work a way to get you back to your world. I don't know what could happen if you stay here."
Angelus was fine with that plan.
"Do you need help figuring it out? " Bailey asked.
Angel softened when he faced the little girl "No, You should all go find somewhere to stay. Come back tomorrow night and I'll let you know if we find anything.....oh and no killing anyone. This is my universe. Not yours. "
Angelus chuckled "If you think I'm going to let them starve you have another thing coming. You may care more about the mortals but I have a duty to care for my children and if you were in my place you do the same thing, so your world or not. I will be feeding them."
Angelus then walked out Penn and Spike followed him but Bailey lingered behind "Are you certain I can't help?" she asked
"I'm sure....did Angelus sire you?" Angel asked
She nodded sadly then cringed when Angelus hollered "Bailey! Don't make me come in there after you." he growled.
She sighed "Goodbye Angel. It's nice to meet you." she said politely and headed out.
Angelus found them a place by the river docks a old abandoned mansion.
Later that night something deep in his gut made him go out to search.
What was that nagging feeling?
He followed it all the way to the hospital. Going down the hallway following his instincts until he reached a room. On the side of the door was a name. Bailey Hansen.
he went in and instantly stopped cold.
There on the bed lay his childe. Older. About 22. And something was wrong with her. There were wires attached everywhere.
A nurse came and Angelus hid in the shadows "Its so sad. In a coma since she was 13 years old. She was kidnapped by someone and she was nearly dead when they found her. She had lost a lot of blood. She slipped into a coma." one nurse was informing the other.
"Will she ever wake up?"
"The Dr said there was no chance of that." The nurse said then they both left the room again.
Angelus came out and went to stand by the bed.
His princess. His sweet Angel lay there dying. Practically dead and there was nothing he could do to save her. But, he could end her suffering.
He stroked her hair "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you in this world the way that I saved you in mine. My sweet girl." he knelt now "how can he care so much for them? And yet not even notice you? " he wondered out loud his undead heart breaking at what he now had to do.
He couldn't let her suffer. he wouldn't! He would rather her be truly dead then to be unable to affect the world around her. She had so much grace and heart. He couldn't allow her body to just waste away in a hospital bed.
"Penn underestimated me." Angelus turned to see Angel at the door.
"I found her that night that Penn was dusted. I think he tried to turn her. He nearly drained her but he was cocky and anxious to kill Kate and so he left her. He was planning to go back later and finish her off and turn her. But like I said we dusted him. When I found her she was practically dead. I brought her here and she slipped into a coma. Funny. In this world it wasn't you that sired Spike or Bailey. It was Dru that sired Spike and Penn that attempted to sire Bailey." Angel had meant to come here to make sure Angelus didn't cause any trouble but the look on Angelus's face made Angel want to leave. The soulless vampire was taking it hard. Harder then he should have. He was evil. But he also seemed to truly love those that he sired.
"Why is she so special to you?" Angel asked
"I don't know! she just is. She's like this light that consumes the shadows of my darkness. Why didn't you protect her? Why weren't you there to save her? Your suppose to help the helpless. And you couldn't even help the one who deserves it the most. You were too busy betraying and dusting your own childe! What made your guilt worse? The fact that you turned him? Or all the dirty things you've done to him and still wish to do to him?" Angelus growled.
Angel paled. Angelus didn't have to gain a soul to know that with or without a soul he would still crave Penn's body.
Angel instead of answering left.
Angelus focused on Bailey again. This wasn't fair. This world SUCKED as far as Angelus was concerned. The him with a soul had helped dust his first beloved childe and seemed to hate Spike with a passion and now his precious Bailey was inches from death's door. Why did this world have to be like this? Why did something as simple as who sired who create so many huge changes?
Angelus unhooked Bailey from the monitors and carried her out with no one seeing him.
He carried her all the way back to the mansion.
Spike and Penn were shocked. So was Bailey. It wasn't that the girl looked like Bailey. But they could smell her. And knew that it was Bailey.
Spike and Penn followed close behind as Angelus lay Bailey on the bed.
The younger Vampire Bailey came in then. "What's wrong with her? I mean me?" she asked
Angelus tried not to lose his temper "An inexperienced vampire drained you and left you meaning to come back and turn you but it didn't work out that way. He was foolish and because of him the you in this world is in a coma. You will die soon. I couldn't bare the thought of you dying in that place all alone. " Angelus turned his sad gaze to her.
"Who did this? Who would be dumb enough to leave before finishing with the turning?" Penn asked
Angelus glared " are. Just as Dru turned William in this world you were going to turn Bailey. Had it not been for Angel and that Kate girl you probably wouldn't have been so foolish."
Penn looked broken "Okay, I agree with Spike I hate this world. I really hate this world! I don't want to know that because of the me in this world THAT happened to the Bailey in this world." he shed some tears then picked up Bailey who snuggled against her brother "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." he was trying hard not to cry and Bailey cuddled into him "Shh...its not all your fault. It wasn't you. It was the you that had been away from his sire for a long time. "
Angelus with a grim look on is face "Go to the living room. Leave me with her."
Spike wanted to stay with Angelus but he wasn't that strong. He couldn't watch their little one slip into the world of the dead. So he left and Penn still holding Bailey also left carrying her down with him.
Angelus stayed he climbed into the bed with Bailey and pulled her into his chest murmuring words of love and comfort to her wanting her to know she was now alone anymore.
The last thing he said to her was "I love you sweetling. I can not bare this any longer. Forgive me my sweet Dark princess. I do not have the strength to wait for you to meet your end. " he leaned down and forced himself to yank her face to the left hearing her neck snap and then he shed a tear. She was dead now. She was at peace. Angelus had guided her there.
He then buried her in the back of the yard placing a stone there. Engraved on it was the words
here lies Bailey Hansen. The forgotten Dark Princess and daughter of Angelus.
here lies Bailey Hansen. The forgotten Dark Princess and daughter of Angelus.
He stayed there for a while and then he let it go. he wouldn't keep carrying this around. He loved her. But it wasn't Angelus that Bailey had been stolen from. It was Angel. Angel had lost Bailey. But Angelus hadn't. That alone gave him the will to keep going.
They did a spell and were sent back to their own world and once there Angelus cast another spell. This one was done to erase their memory of the other world. Angelus would always remember. But the important thing was that his children didn't have to carry that knowledge.
Bailey sequel chapter four: A family again.
Chapter 4: A family again.
Penn woke sooner then expected. He was only dead for two days when he woke again.
Bailey had been angry when she had woken with Angelus but he had quickly corrected his girl when she thought to fight him the net morning.
"I'm NOT staying here with you!" she screamed storming to the door.
"The hell your not! You get your ass back here little girl!" he growled in warning.
She didn't waste time looking behind her she opened the door and a second later he lifted her off her feet she began to kick right away and he slammed the door shut and carried the struggling girl to the living room but she was struggling so wildly that he didn't bother going the rest of the way to the study.
Spike was in the living room watching a soap opera but it was during the commercials so he had muted it. Angelus set Bailey on her feet then trapped her at his side and began to swat her little bottom fast and hard. The force of the swats had her yelping instantly and Spike watched a bit annoyed.
After 15 of those swats at vampire strength Bailey had tears in her eyes.
"Angelus do you really need to do that in here?" Spike said with a brow raised at his sire who instantly stopped at the tone and he gave Spike a look that made him want to tremble. "What was that William?" he demanded as he held her tight against his side not letting her go.
Spike gulped and looked away now "Uh...I said...I was going to another room.." he said standing up now.
"SIT back down now." Angelus ordered and Spike automatically obeyed. "Oh Come on Angelus I don't wanna watch this."
"I don't care! You can stay right where you are. It won't kill you to see a spanking." he said then turned his attention back to the little girl in big trouble and began to spank her again with rapid fire swats using vampire strength.
"You just don't know when to quit do you you little brat! Someone needs a reminder of what happens when you push your sire too far." he said and tightened his hold on her and took a seat on a the table placing her firmly over his lap yanking up the knee length skirt she had on and began to lay blistering spanks on her bottom. She began to cry out yelping and jumping hard and began to cry soon even though he was only spanking her over her underwear. Vampire swats were always the worst.
He paused for a second resting his hand on her hot red bottom as she whimpered in tears.
Angelus looked up and growled in annoyance because William had left the room.
For now he put his concentration back on Bailey. He would deal with Spike later.
Angelus looked down at Bailey "Now then...are we ready to remember our place princess?" he asked gently. She nodded feeling so stupid for having challenged him again.
He grinned wickedly "And remind me princess. What happens to naughty childer sired by my hand?" he asked
She whimpered and groaned "They get punished." she pouted.
"Yes...Indeed they do...and what are we never going to do again?" he asked his voice more stern now.
"challenge you..." she answered
He nodded petting her bottom a little "Good lets make sure the lesson sticks this time." he slipped her underwear down now and then began to slap her bottom sharply once again. He continued for several rounds until he reached 50 she was crying loudly when he finally stopped and pulled up her panties and lowered her skirt he lifted her into his arms now petting her hair and she cried on his shoulder " baby...your alright. Daddy may have to ware you out sometimes but he still loves you til dust do us part my sweet. " he vowed.
She cuddled with him until she fell asleep and Angelus held her for a while and then took her up the stairs placing her in the bed and she remained asleep.
Angelus gazed at her for a moment then went searching for Spike.
He punished Spike by making him bend over and take the strap then sent him to bed.
With all of them now in the bed and sleeping Angelus climbed in as well he kissed Bailey then kissed William. Then kissed Penn and then kissed Toby.
Bailey sequel Chapter three: For love
Chapter three: For love.
The next morning Bailey was curled up in her bed sleeping with the covers mostly over her. Angelus came in through the sewer as if he owned the place...well he did own her. So it was about the same thing. He sat on the chair waiting for her to wake up. He set the hairbrush on the table. The one he had brought from his bedroom along with the strap from the office. He got up from the chair not wanting to wait forever..he went over to Bailey and shook her "Princess...wake up honey.." he said in a kind tone.
Bailey whimpered but woke up slowly and then saw him and wondering what he was doing there. She sat up in the bed "Ah..ah ah running baby..." Angelus murmured then captured her jaw and kissed her lightly on the lips. She looked up at him when the kiss ended and he grinned at her "Time for punishment little one.." he said then picked her up not giving her a change to run or object..she squirmed in his grasp but he held tight and took her over to the chair. He had her pants and underwear down and placed her over his lap. One arm hooked around her waist while the other grabbed the hairbrush "30 with this for the attitude...and then 30 with the strap for being a brat to your brother. Your brother is in charge around here when I am not around...cross him too many times and I will move in here with you to keep you in line myself. Is that clear?" he asked.
Bailey trembled slightly "Yes..."
Angelus brought the brush down hard 30 times on her bare bottom turning it a light shade of red. Then he set it aside. Bailey had tears pricking her eyes and then he picked up the strap and her tears doubled he got a tighter grip on her "I love you baby...but you have to learn to listen to William and stop acting like your so big and bad...cause baby? Your NOT." he said in mild annoyance. Decided that she would get an extra ten licks for daring to challenge him like she did.
He brought the strap down in sharp snaps all over her bottom turning it a darker shade of red with each set of ten. Her bottom blazed and the tears ran down her cheeks and by 30 she was kicking and crying hard but Angelus wasn't done with her yet..."And you also don't challenge daddy young lady!" he scolded and brought the strap down ten more times using vampire strength and she screamed bloody murder through the entire ten. Angelus tossed the strap aside and lifted her off his lap pulled her pajama pants up easily and then she fell into his arms and he pulled her into his lap kissing her head and rocking her as she cried " baby...your alright...daddy hates hurting you childe...but you must learn to listen and obey the rules..." Angelus said kissing her again. The rocking soon had her falling asleep again and he sat in the chair with his sleeping baby in his arms...he had missed her.
Two weeks later:
Bailey had been following the rules and Spike was starting to talk more with Cordy and Wesley who was a rough demon hunter but was actually a watcher that had been fired and Bailey had invited him to stay but she at least had the thought to tell Spike before Wes showed up and began work. So far everything went well.
Then one night Bailey was out alone and had a run in with wolfram and heart...they were resurrecting something. She had gone to find out what it was. She made it just in time too. Spike showed up just as she began to fight with Lindsay he didn't look pleased that she had left without saying a word but he was quick to finish off most of the evil lawyers and then by complete accident Bailey twirled her sword and cut Lindsay hand off. She gasped in shock when he fell back holding his hand in pain..her own eyes filled with tears because to her it was akin to torture. It was wrong.
Spike was picking her up then placing her on his hip and he carried her out and back to the hotel. But he didn't spank her for leaving. He thought that he should let it slide because she was devastated about cutting lawyer boys hand off.
A week later they found out what was brought back in that box. They had been dealing with a demon and Spike had talked Angelus into helping them with this one. Toby came along with him. Angelus hadn't wanted to leave the boy alone. Angelus at the moment was searching for something in a book that would help them. Toby was sitting awkwardly waiting. Spike was leaning on the counter trying not to ogle his Sire. And Bailey was in the office that she had claimed for herself and had just hung up the phone. She came out and then the door opened and everyone turned to glance and every jaw dropped as Penn came through the hotel door with Lilah beside him. Lilah left after that.
Penn looked right at his Sire who stood up not sure if he was real or not.
"Penn?" Bailey said shocked.
He turned to her and smirked "Bailey...nice to see you again..did you miss me?" he asked.
"Of course...we all missed you." Bailey said.
"" Angelus asked.
Penn turned to look at his sire..."Wolfram and heart brought me back."
"Your what they brought back in that box? Wait...why would they do that?" Cordy asked then glanced at Angelus thinking that maybe he had something to do with it.
Angelus went over to Penn and then stopped an inch from him and took a step back as the scent of Penn as a human again filled him ..
"What's wrong?" Spike asked.
"Those damn lawyers! They brought him back as a human.." Angelus growled.
Penn smirked "Oh come on can't tell me that you weren't attracted to me as a human."
"That's NOT what I meant boy! I just don't get WHY they made you human." Angelus said looking him over.
"What? No kiss for your lost lover?" Penn asked.
Angelus sighed heavily "Of course baby.." he came over and kissed him fiercely and stiffened and nearly roared as he threw Penn onto the floor his hand was at the boys throat in seconds and Penn iddn't dare move. Angelus was filled with rage.
Bailey came forwards but Spike was there to stop her. "What's wrong?" she asked Spike. Spike could smell it too "He's sick.." Spike said.
"He's not sick...he's dying..." Angelus said angrily and Penn just smirked looking up at Angelus "You didn't know did you? No of course you didn't know. I was sick when I was mortal. A week before you turned me I found out that I was going to die...guess fate stepped in." Penn said
"Or the devil." Bailey muttered and Spike grinned but Swatted her playfully.
Angelus growled "And I will step in again...I will not lose you to mortal illness."
"No!" Penn yelled and ran for the door not wanting to be turned again...but then he hadn't had a choice the first time either. Angelus caught him around the waist and slammed him onto the ground pinned him there with his body. He leaned down moved Penn's face so that he could get to his neck "No..": he whined. "You don't get a say...remember? I'm not gonna let you die...I can' have to do this...for love...for us...I won't stand around and watch you die...I love you too much." Angelus said full of passion and wanting his boy to know that he loved him he then leaned down.
Bailey picked up a tiny statue and threw it. It hit Angelus in his head he winced barely then turned his angry face to her "Princess...daddies busy...don't do that again..." he warned then threw a glare at Spike too then turned back to Penn. He leaned down again and changed face.
"No!" Bailey screamed and leaped towards Angelus but Spike grabbed her and lifted her off her feet her feet kicking in the air..Angelus bit Penn and drank from him then bit into his wrist and put it in Penn's mouth and all done too fast for any of the others to think of anything to do. Penn died again. But he would wake again. Angelus picked up Penn and tossed him over his shoulder happy to have his childe back then called to Toby "Come on Toby..we're going home.." then he turned to Bailey and Spike "I'll be back for you later." Angelus said with a grin and walked out with Toby following him.
He was tired of playing this game. He was tired of not being with them. And he was tired of HIS children being good and helping people. The powers could chose another vampire. Bailey had already done enough and she was too young to do it anyway!
Spike was afraid that he knew what that meant. Looked like it was time to move along.
Angelus came back later that night after Bailey fell asleep. There was a slight argument which ended with William being spanked though it wasn't that was more of a warning and Spike took it. Shutting his mouth and then packed his and Bailey's things as Angelus picked up Bailey who stayed asleep the entire time. Angelus placed her in the car and they drove for a while ending at one of his many mansions and Angelus placed Bailey in the bed and Toby got in too along with Spike and Angelus put Penn who still hadn't woke up on the couch then went to the bed and for the first time in a long time he slept with Bailey and Spike in the bed..and it felt right...if only Penn would wake up...then Angelus could put him in the bed too and everything would be perfect again. Perhaps tomorrow...Angelus thought as he drifted off to sleep.
Bailey sequel Chapter two: Hero
Chapter Two: Hero
Bailey was with Doyle and Cordy and a pack of half human half demon people..Spike had left after hearing about how they were dealing with the scourge...Bailey figured he was going to talk to Angelus about it. But he hadn't returned yet. She was helping them onto a ship so that they could get away...she had manged to bribe the human that owned the boat and now the half breeds had a safe place to go now. The boat would take them away from harm. But suddenly things changed...apparently it was a trick. The scourge had set them up and were now lowering some kind of weapon into the ship..Bailey, Doyle and Cordy were standing on a railing above the demons and Bailey was shocked...she hadn't expected this. Nearly every time she had faced something bad Angelus had been a huge he wasn't there...Doyle explained what the weapon was and what it would do..Bailey looked down at the people...the innocent faces...she couldn't let them be destroyed by this weapon...she looked over at the weapon.."I have to disarm that thing..." she said..Doyle interfered then "You'll never'll take you with it..." he warned.
"I don't car! I'm not gonna let these people die." she said...
Doyle could see the little girl's thoughts...she had become a good friend of his...but she was so young and innocent that for her to have the destiny of the vampire with a soul was almost tragic. She was too young. Doyle grabbed her shoulder "The good fight yeah?" She nodded her head "you never know until you been tested.." he said then he lifted her up off her feet to stop her from lunging at the weapon she struggled in his arms and suddenly Penn was there...right next to them...he took Bailey from the Irish demon and kissed her cheek...then he whispered in her ear "It won't be you..." he kissed her again and then they both saw Angelus and Spike come in now...Penn lifted Bailey up and threw her off the railing..Angelus was able to catch her...he hadn't made it to the ladder yet...Penn looked down at them right at his sire..."I love you Angelus...I've always loved you..." he said then Angelus set Bailey down "NO!...PENN!" He ran for the ladder but he was too late...Penn had already jumped onto the weapon...Angelus climbed the ladder about to jump and rescue his childe...he didn't care about the demon half breeds...he only wanted his boy safe...Doyle stopped him "You can''s too you go'll only take you from her too." Doyle said honestly. Bailey screamed up at Penn..."!" she began to cry and Spike picked her up not knowing what else to do everyone shielded their eyes from the light but Angelus couldn't take his eyes off of Penn...he watched as Penn disarmed the weapon and then he disintegrated into dust and Angelus with his mouth slightly open in shock and pain he crumpled to his knees and gazed at where his childe had once been...he could feel it...the boy was gone...his Penn...his proud puritan was no more. His first childe was gone...and it shattered his unbeating heart.
Bailey cried against Spike and Spike had tears in his eyes too...his vampire brother was gone. Had saved a bunch of demons so that Bailey wouldn't have too. And he knew that was the ONLY reason Penn had done it. To spare Bailey from having to do it. He could barely look at Angelus right now. His Sire was crushed by the loss...Spike wasn't sure that he would recover from this. Angelus had lost Drusilla...but Drusilla was his least favorite childe...and though Bailey was his baby...Penn and Spike were his favorites...and now Penn was gone.
Spike walked out with Bailey in his arms...he didn't want to do this anymore...he didn't want her to be the vampire with a soul...not if it meant losing someone they cared about. Doyle was suddenly by their side and Cordy was there too...and though she hadn't ever known Penn there were tears in her eyes because of how Angelus had reacted to it...they knew that Angelus needed time to be alone now.
Once back at home Spike set Bailey on her bed to cry. He held her til she was asleep and then he sat in his chair and feel asleep on accident.
After losing Penn Angelus mourned his childe and then slowly made his way home...he told Toby who was saddened by the news but he hadn't had much time with Penn. Angelus spent hours in his study looking at drawings of Penn and then he couldn't look at them anymore...he put them away and vowed to never take them out again. His beautiful boy was gone. And now Angelus made a choice...this was over...he was done playing this game. It wouldn't continue.
Spike was still sleeping when Angelus came in.. Angelus went over and kicked his feet "William wake up." he growled and Spike jumped awake seeing his sire..Angelus went over to the bed and lifted Bailey up into his arms...she woke instantly grumbling "What...Angelus? What are you doing?" she asked and squirmed to get down but he set her firmly on his hip "We are leaving...your both coming home...and you..." he said to Bailey "Are finished being the vampire with a soul...I'm not playing this game any longer." he said.
She squirmed harder and then she moved fast and hard using the skills she'd learned from Spike...she punched Angelus hard and then propelled herself over his head ran grabbed a stack and spun around in time to see him turn to her...the stake poised in the air they both stood...glaring each daring the other to make a move. Spike's eyes widened at this..."Bailey...Pet...listen to me...just...put that down...I know what I taught you...and I can tell you that I'm no match for won't be don't stand a chance against him. Just put the stake down. There'll be no dusting here. I'M not ever that good. Come me you have a brain pet...put it down..." Spike tried to convince her..
Doyle heard the ruckus and came down and was now standing beside Bailey curious about what was going on. "Your outnumber." she dared to say to Angelus...he snorted "And your outmatched."
"Are you gonna help me Spike?" Bailey asked.
Spike was torn...but then he looked at his Sire and remember last time...he had done his best..used all his skills...and it had still done no good at all. There was point in trying again.
Bailey Realized that Spike wasn't going to help her. "If you think I'm not willing to do it then your wrong." she said to Angelus. Who smirked at that "Oh I know you'd do it Princess...only you are that brave little never know when to back down...not even when you know you'll lose." Angelus said amused.
"That's me...miss never give up." Bailey smirked back neither of them moved.
Doyle had a vision then...Bailey looked over at him when Doyle came out of it Angelus said "No...whatever is it...whatever you saw..keep it to yourself...she's out of the business now." Angelus growled.
"The hell I can't make the choice for me...otherwise you never would have let me do this in the first place...this is my destiny and you know you have no control over it." Bailey growled.
Spike winced "Uh...princess...word of advice? Shut it...before you land yourself in more trouble then you can won't win this." Spike informed trying to help.
"Watch me." she said simply ready to strike with the steak if either of them came near her..."One chance Angelus...take Spike and get out of here...or I'll dust you both...I have duty to these people...and you will not stop me." Bailey glared.
Doyle grabbed an Ax in case he needed to help. Angelus knew her skills weren't good enough but he didn't know about the other demon...and they didn't need anyone else coming to help. Angelus grabbed William and headed out. He shoved him down into the sewer and turned to warn her "This isn't over remember this moment...the moment where I walked away...because I'm not doing it for my sake...I'm doing it for yours...I don't need you trying to fight with me...if you want my help all you have to do is call. We'll see how things go for another week...and then if I still think you need to come home...then by all that's unholy little girl weather you like it or not you WILL come home. I need your brother tonight...he'll be back tomorrow. And then I'll deal with that attitude of yours...little girls who get too big for their britches get them taken down for a bare bottom spanking...keep that in mind...see you tomorrow honey..." Angelus said with a false grin and then left taking Spike home to the mansion.
He made love to Spike several times...a few tears were shed for the fallen Penn during the love making. Half the time it was gentle and the other half it was almost savage. They both needed it.
Meanwhile Wolfram and heart were working on resurrecting someone. Someone to help drive Bailey crazy. Someone that was once a vampire but would be brought back as a human. A dying human...just to make it more painful for Bailey.
Bailey sequel: Chapter one.
Summary : Bailey changes her name to Angel and starts her own business with the help of Doyle and a few others too. How different will season 1 – 5 be when it's Bailey instead of Angel? Read and find out.
Note: Angelus is still going to pop in at random times. So will Penn and Toby.
Warnings: Spanking in later chapters.
Chapter one: The city of Angel's.
Two weeks after the end of the last story:
Bailey was reading..When wasn't she reading! She was always reading to learn new things. Information on demons and regular things too. Then one night she randomly looked up her Sire's name on the internet and found out that Angelus in English was Angel. She liked that. And so she decided that she would call herself Angel. It wasn't to mock her Sire. It was kinda a way for her to keep him with her always. Because their name was the same. Angelus and Angel. They now shared something together.
When she told Spike he laughed his ass off saying that Angelus was gonna have a bloody fit.
Angelus stopped by every once and a while. Unannounced of course. He liked to surprise them. Appearing out of nowhere was a nasty talent of his.
The newly named Angel went out to a bar with Doyle that night. They mingled while handing out business cards. There was a girl there that Angel liked. They started talking and Angel learned that the girls name was Cordelia. Cordy told Angel all about herself and her troubles. Angel told her that she was starting a business and that if she needed something to do then she could come work for her. Cordy agreed that she would stop by sometime.
And Angel went on her way with Doyle by her side now.
She had killed several vampires and Demons withing the last month. She was very proud of herself.
Doyle went home to his place and Angel went home too.
After rambling for a while to Spike he made a growling noise "You know pet..I think your getting a big head here. Tone it down a bit." Spike said of her new attitude.
Angel glared at him "Your not the boss of me Spike. I'm not even doing anything." she said annoyed.
Spike raised a brow at her in warning "Watch it you little brat. Wouldn't want me to tan that pretty little hide of yours now would you?" he asked.
"You can't do that!" she glared.
"Keep pushing me." was Spike's only answer to that.
Angel decided to go to her room and NOT push it. She didn't really care to find out if Spike would really do it.
Spike pulled out his cell and pressed 1 on his speed dial.
The phone rings and Angelus picks up on the other end "Yes?" he sounded a bit annoyed.
"This a bad time?" Spike asked there was silence for a second then a sigh.
"No William...I was just busy drawing and your brother won't sit still...did you need something precious?" Angelus asked and Spike cringed as Angelus called him that.
"Well...Bits developed a slight attitude problem...and she changed her name." Spike said he felt as if he were tattling but he didn't know what else to do. He didn't have permission to punish her.
"She changed her name? What did she change it to?" Angelus asked curious.
Spike snickered "Oh you'll love this one daddy...she looked up your name and found that it's the french word for Angel so now she'll bloody well calling herself Angel." Spike said.
Angelus raised a brow at that not sure if he approved or objected. Then addressed the other comment he had made when asked what was wrong.
"So she's developed an attitude problem has she? How big of an attitude problem?" he asked.
"Just a bit of one..not that bad yet. That night I told you about Doyle I left out the part where she shoved me and ordered me to be nice." Spike said.
Angelus seemed amused at that "So she's getting bossy is she?" he asked.
" could say that." Spike said.
"And you've done nothing about it I assume." Angelus said.
Spike snorted "What pray tell was I suppose to do? Not like I can put her over my knee." Spike said.
Angelus was quiet for a moment then said "Alright William...I asked you to protect her...but now I see that me not being around is going to cause some...undesired effect on her. So here's what going to happen. The next time we meet I will give you a list of rules for her. And if she breaks them there will be instructions for you. For certain rules broken you will spank her. And for others broken it will be I that comes over to punish her. And when I say your going to spank her I mean that you will bare her little bottom put her over your knee and blister her little butt. And it needs to hurt. Otherwise it will do no good. A spanking is suppose to hurt. And I expect you to carry out her spankings the same as I would. I don't care what you use on her. You can use your hand or another implement if you wish. She needs to understand that though she is the vampire with a soul she is still a child and she needs to show respect. Now do you understand what I just said?" he asked.
"Yeah." Spike said he should have known that was gonna happen.
"Was there anything else?" Angelus asked.
"No sire." Spike said.
"Right then.. I have to go now I love you baby. Give my love to Bailey." Angelus said.
"I will. Love you too Sire." Spike said feeling stupid for saying it but then hung up the phone.
Cordy showed up a couple days later and Angel with a big smile on her face introduced her. At which point Cordy said she knew all about monsters and stuff because she had fought them too during high School. She was friends with Buffy and that's when Spike remembered meeting her back when he had a soul. He rolled his eyes remembering the spoiled little bitch. Then her grace announced that Cordy would now be working with them and Spike stared at her..Just like that? She wasn't going to talk about it first or maybe ASK if that was okay with anyone else? Spike was really starting to lose his patience now.
He was eager three nights later as he left to meet with Angelus.
Now in the ally he waited he knew when Angelus arrived. Mainly because no one else was brave enough to grab his ass from behind. Spike jumped turning around and Angelus pinned him against the wall giving him a passionate kiss in greeting. His hand gently cupped Spike's ass.
When Angelus broke the kiss about a century later Spike took the paper handed out to him.
He looked over the rules.
"The first three are things that you will punish her for if she brakes them. The last three are things that I will punish her for so you'll be calling me if she brakes them." Angelus informed.
Rule one: was No disrespect or backtalk.
Rule Two: No disobedience.
Rule three: was that she wasn't to leave without informing Spike where she was going.
Rule four: Was that she wasn't EVER to fight on her own. She had to have at least one person with her helping.
Rule five: She was never to lie to Spike. Or deceive him in any way.
Rule Six: Was that she was to obey Spike.
And Spike had a rule too..
"Your to call me and tell me every time that you have to punish her. I want to when and why. And if I think she needs another round from me then she will get one." Angelus informed then added "If I need to enter I will do it from the sewer entrance." Angelus said he leaned in for another kiss then.
Once Angelus released his lips this time he asked "Tell me everything."
"New girl started this week. Bit didn't even tell me before the stupid cow showed up ready to work. Would have liked at least a little warning." Spike said.
Angelus nodded "She needs to inform you if she's going to make a decision like that. Her choices affect more then just her. Your in change here. Not her. And you need to show her that. You are too soft with her William." he said then took the paper back took out a pen and added another rule then handed it back to him. " You will punish her if she breaks rule 7. And then you will call me and I will punish her as well. She needs to respect your authority." Angelus said.
Spike looked at rule 7: Ask Spike for permission before making any decisions.
Spike looked up at Angelus "You really think that she's going to go along with all this?"
Angelus smirked "I expect you to let her know that it's not up for debate. This isn't optional. That's the first thing you need to tell her. If she protests then your not to repeat yourself. Your to call me. Do you understand?" Angelus asked.
Spike nodded obediently.
Angelus gave a sweet smile then he leaned in for more kisses. They made out there in the ally.
Once back at the apartment Spike gave the list to Bailey who screamed at him that it wasn't fair. At which point he told her that it wasn't up for debate and then threatened her "Don't make me call Angelus!" which was the worst thing he could do.
Her eyes widened and she shut up agreeing to follow the rules. Then he sent her to the corner for raising her voice to him. She raised a brow at that but then Spike turned her and swatted her bottom three times and put her in the corner himself "Now I said to put your nose in the corner. You can stand there until I tell you to get out." he said sternly then went to sit down and watch the clock. It was strange but he felt that he would get used to the role of temporary guardian.
He could see that she was getting close to the humans. Cordelia and Doyle. Their latest adventure had been Cordelia's haunted house. Spike was happy that Bailey had friends other then him. But she was also starting to act like Cordelia. Who had pretty much become a close friend to her. She was such a little girl now. Well she was always a little girl. But now she was more girly then before. She had even wanted to paint her walls pink. Spike of course had said no to that. It was his room too!
He trained with her daily. She was still learning and she was getting better. She was even starting to have fun with it. That made Spike smile. He himself still wasn't all that close to the others. Doyle was alright. Half demon half human. But he seemed to have a past that he didn't want to talk about. Seemed more interested in helping Bailey...and the annoying bit had gotten with Cordy and made blasted cards naming the business Angel investigations and then in small print above the number they had come up with a slogan that made Spike cringe...' we help the helpless'. Angelus had laughed his bloody ass off when Spike had told him that. Spike had hung up on him after that.
Done reminising he noticed that ten minutes had passed and called to the pouting fledge in the corner "Come here pet." She turned around and went over to him and he pulled her into his lap "Listen to me...things ARE going to change around here. Weather you like it or not. So you'd best just follow the rules alright? I don't wanna have to spank you." Spike said.
Angel nodded "Okay..I'm sorry Spike." she apologized because it had been mean of her to scream at him.
He hugged her "It's alright pet..just get those rules in your head and don't break me." Spike said.
Angel nodded and then said "Wake me up if we get any calls." she said then went to take a nap.
Spike stayed seated on the chair to watch her sleep.
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