The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bailey sequel Chapter two: Hero

Chapter Two: Hero
Bailey was with Doyle and Cordy and a pack of half human half demon people..Spike had left after hearing about how they were dealing with the scourge...Bailey figured he was going to talk to Angelus about it. But he hadn't returned yet. She was helping them onto a ship so that they could get away...she had manged to bribe the human that owned the boat and now the half breeds had a safe place to go now. The boat would take them away from harm. But suddenly things changed...apparently it was a trick. The scourge had set them up and were now lowering some kind of weapon into the ship..Bailey, Doyle and Cordy were standing on a railing above the demons and Bailey was shocked...she hadn't expected this. Nearly every time she had faced something bad Angelus had been a huge he wasn't there...Doyle explained what the weapon was and what it would do..Bailey looked down at the people...the innocent faces...she couldn't let them be destroyed by this weapon...she looked over at the weapon.."I have to disarm that thing..." she said..Doyle interfered then "You'll never'll take you with it..." he warned.
"I don't car! I'm not gonna let these people die." she said...
Doyle could see the little girl's thoughts...she had become a good friend of his...but she was so young and innocent that for her to have the destiny of the vampire with a soul was almost tragic. She was too young. Doyle grabbed her shoulder "The good fight yeah?" She nodded her head "you never know until you been tested.." he said then he lifted her up off her feet to stop her from lunging at the weapon she struggled in his arms and suddenly Penn was there...right next to them...he took Bailey from the Irish demon and kissed her cheek...then he whispered in her ear "It won't be you..." he kissed her again and then they both saw Angelus and Spike come in now...Penn lifted Bailey up and threw her off the railing..Angelus was able to catch her...he hadn't made it to the ladder yet...Penn looked down at them right at his sire..."I love you Angelus...I've always loved you..." he said then Angelus set Bailey down "NO!...PENN!" He ran for the ladder but he was too late...Penn had already jumped onto the weapon...Angelus climbed the ladder about to jump and rescue his childe...he didn't care about the demon half breeds...he only wanted his boy safe...Doyle stopped him "You can''s too you go'll only take you from her too." Doyle said honestly. Bailey screamed up at Penn..."!" she began to cry and Spike picked her up not knowing what else to do everyone shielded their eyes from the light but Angelus couldn't take his eyes off of Penn...he watched as Penn disarmed the weapon and then he disintegrated into dust and Angelus with his mouth slightly open in shock and pain he crumpled to his knees and gazed at where his childe had once been...he could feel it...the boy was gone...his Penn...his proud puritan was no more. His first childe was gone...and it shattered his unbeating heart.
Bailey cried against Spike and Spike had tears in his eyes too...his vampire brother was gone. Had saved a bunch of demons so that Bailey wouldn't have too. And he knew that was the ONLY reason Penn had done it. To spare Bailey from having to do it. He could barely look at Angelus right now. His Sire was crushed by the loss...Spike wasn't sure that he would recover from this. Angelus had lost Drusilla...but Drusilla was his least favorite childe...and though Bailey was his baby...Penn and Spike were his favorites...and now Penn was gone.
Spike walked out with Bailey in his arms...he didn't want to do this anymore...he didn't want her to be the vampire with a soul...not if it meant losing someone they cared about. Doyle was suddenly by their side and Cordy was there too...and though she hadn't ever known Penn there were tears in her eyes because of how Angelus had reacted to it...they knew that Angelus needed time to be alone now.
Once back at home Spike set Bailey on her bed to cry. He held her til she was asleep and then he sat in his chair and feel asleep on accident.
After losing Penn Angelus mourned his childe and then slowly made his way home...he told Toby who was saddened by the news but he hadn't had much time with Penn. Angelus spent hours in his study looking at drawings of Penn and then he couldn't look at them anymore...he put them away and vowed to never take them out again. His beautiful boy was gone. And now Angelus made a choice...this was over...he was done playing this game. It wouldn't continue.
Spike was still sleeping when Angelus came in.. Angelus went over and kicked his feet "William wake up." he growled and Spike jumped awake seeing his sire..Angelus went over to the bed and lifted Bailey up into his arms...she woke instantly grumbling "What...Angelus? What are you doing?" she asked and squirmed to get down but he set her firmly on his hip "We are leaving...your both coming home...and you..." he said to Bailey "Are finished being the vampire with a soul...I'm not playing this game any longer." he said.
She squirmed harder and then she moved fast and hard using the skills she'd learned from Spike...she punched Angelus hard and then propelled herself over his head ran grabbed a stack and spun around in time to see him turn to her...the stake poised in the air they both stood...glaring each daring the other to make a move. Spike's eyes widened at this..."Bailey...Pet...listen to me...just...put that down...I know what I taught you...and I can tell you that I'm no match for won't be don't stand a chance against him. Just put the stake down. There'll be no dusting here. I'M not ever that good. Come me you have a brain pet...put it down..." Spike tried to convince her..
Doyle heard the ruckus and came down and was now standing beside Bailey curious about what was going on. "Your outnumber." she dared to say to Angelus...he snorted "And your outmatched."
"Are you gonna help me Spike?" Bailey asked.
Spike was torn...but then he looked at his Sire and remember last time...he had done his best..used all his skills...and it had still done no good at all. There was point in trying again.
Bailey Realized that Spike wasn't going to help her. "If you think I'm not willing to do it then your wrong." she said to Angelus. Who smirked at that "Oh I know you'd do it Princess...only you are that brave little never know when to back down...not even when you know you'll lose." Angelus said amused.
"That's me...miss never give up." Bailey smirked back neither of them moved.
Doyle had a vision then...Bailey looked over at him when Doyle came out of it Angelus said "No...whatever is it...whatever you saw..keep it to yourself...she's out of the business now." Angelus growled.
"The hell I can't make the choice for me...otherwise you never would have let me do this in the first place...this is my destiny and you know you have no control over it." Bailey growled.
Spike winced "Uh...princess...word of advice? Shut it...before you land yourself in more trouble then you can won't win this." Spike informed trying to help.
"Watch me." she said simply ready to strike with the steak if either of them came near her..."One chance Angelus...take Spike and get out of here...or I'll dust you both...I have duty to these people...and you will not stop me." Bailey glared.
Doyle grabbed an Ax in case he needed to help. Angelus knew her skills weren't good enough but he didn't know about the other demon...and they didn't need anyone else coming to help. Angelus grabbed William and headed out. He shoved him down into the sewer and turned to warn her "This isn't over remember this moment...the moment where I walked away...because I'm not doing it for my sake...I'm doing it for yours...I don't need you trying to fight with me...if you want my help all you have to do is call. We'll see how things go for another week...and then if I still think you need to come home...then by all that's unholy little girl weather you like it or not you WILL come home. I need your brother tonight...he'll be back tomorrow. And then I'll deal with that attitude of yours...little girls who get too big for their britches get them taken down for a bare bottom spanking...keep that in mind...see you tomorrow honey..." Angelus said with a false grin and then left taking Spike home to the mansion.
He made love to Spike several times...a few tears were shed for the fallen Penn during the love making. Half the time it was gentle and the other half it was almost savage. They both needed it.
Meanwhile Wolfram and heart were working on resurrecting someone. Someone to help drive Bailey crazy. Someone that was once a vampire but would be brought back as a human. A dying human...just to make it more painful for Bailey.

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