The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Two Worlds Collide

Angelus and his fang family from the Bailey verse get's transported to another world where Angelus is Angel the vampire with a soul.

Two worlds  Collide
They had got caught in the crossfire and the demon they had been trying to destroy opened a portal to another world. Then he tossed the small vampire childe with a soul into the portal. Spike who was close ran into the portal and Penn and Angelus went in after both of them.
The world they found themselves in didn't just look different. It felt....WRONG.
There was something terribly wrong here.
Bailey felt a cold chill up her spine. "Where are we?" she asked
Angelus couldn't answer that because he really didn't know.
"Stay close. All of you. No one leaves my sight until we know more about this place." Angelus said then a paper drifted by carried by the wind. Angelus picked it up and smirked "Well look at that, Angel investigations exists in this world too. " he said thinking it was Bailey that was Angel since she had once taken up the name in their world.
She smiled "If me and the gang are here then maybe we have a way to help." she said knowing there were books that Wes had that might hold some answers on how to get back.
Angelus nodded "Very well, lets go kids."
They headed to the hotel and went in finding it almost empty. "Doyle." Bailey shouted out.
A moment later Cordelia who had shorter hair came from another room she gasped when she saw Penn and Spike then looked at Angelus thinking he was Angel "What the hell is going on Angel? What's Spike doing here? And you dusted Penn! How did he come back?" she asked
Bailey stared at Cordy "Wait...did you call HIM Angel?" she asked shocked 
Angelus was already sick of this world. "There's no way I dusted Penn." he said firmly.
Angel then came out of his office and stopped cold. "Oh my God." he exclaimed confused and not sure what was going on.
Angelus stared at Angel and Angel stared at Angelus.
Then Bailey gasped because she could smell it. "Holy shit! That guy..that other you. He has a soul!"
Angelus was appalled "So I see."
Angel at that point figured out that he was looking at Angelus.
"We're from another world." Bailey volunteered trying to explain.
Angel looked at the little girl he could sense she was a vampire.
Then looked at Penn "I assume your from the same world? All of you?" he asked
Bailey nodded "Yep."
Cordy had taken several steps away now that she knew that Angelus was in the room.
"So your the vampire with a soul in this world?" Spike asked finding that a little funny.
Angel glared at him "shut up Spike. And yes. I was cursed with a soul when we traveled to Romania with Darla and Drusilla."
Angelus raised a brow "Cursed with a soul?"
"Cursed by gypsies." Angel said.
"Your kidding." Bailey said surprised then smiled big "That's what happened to Spike too." she said then wondered why Angel was calling William Spike. Angelus never did that.
Spike had a small smirk "You called me Spike." he said amused.
"Well yeah. What else should I call you?" Angel rolled his eyes.
"You'll call him William. I won't have him getting mixed signals from his sire." Angelus said annoyed.
Angel raised a brow and scoffed "I'm not his sire.. Drusilla sired him."
Angelus growled then "What! You allowed that insane childe to turn William?"
"Did Drusilla not sire Spike in your world?" Angel asked not sure what to think now.
"No, because I'm his sire." Angelus said.
Angel almost smiled because that was a little funny. But it also made him feel sick.
"I'm guessing in your world you never went to Romania?" Angel asked
Angelus smirked "Oh I went. But it was after Darla and Drusilla were dust in the wind."
Right. Because if Darla had never brought him the gypsy girl they wouldn't have cursed him with a soul.
Bailey this time spoke "In our world I'm the vampire with a soul....why did Cordy say that you dusted Penn?" she asked thinking it was a bad joke.
Angel looked at the small girl. She was much too young and little to share the same fate as him.
"I have a soul. You have one too I guess. But in this world I hadn't seen Penn since I freed him. He showed up again after a long time and was killing people here. I had to stop him. I didn't put the stake in his heart. But I helped the person who did. And I was ready and willing to do it myself." Angel said.
Bailey looked like she was ready to cry and turned to Angelus "I don't like it here! I don't like this world. Make it go away."
Angelus had been enraged but now calmed himself "Hush. I will find a way back home. I like this world no better then you do, Trust me."
"Trust you? You killed Penn in this world!" Bailey glared
Angelus glared right back "I did NOT. I am not him! I could never dust any of you!"
Angel changed the subject "We need to work a way to get you back to your world. I don't know what could happen if you stay here."
Angelus was fine with that plan.
"Do you need help figuring it out? " Bailey asked.
Angel softened when he faced the little girl "No, You should all go find somewhere to stay. Come back tomorrow night and I'll let you know if we find anything.....oh and no killing anyone. This is my universe. Not yours. "
Angelus chuckled "If you think I'm going to let them starve you have another thing coming. You may care more about the mortals but I have a duty to care for my children and if you were in my place you do the same thing, so your world or not. I will be feeding them."
Angelus then walked out Penn and Spike followed him but Bailey lingered behind "Are you certain I can't help?" she asked
"I'm sure....did Angelus sire you?" Angel asked
She nodded sadly then cringed when Angelus hollered "Bailey! Don't make me come in there after you." he growled.
She sighed "Goodbye Angel. It's nice to meet you." she said politely and headed out.
Angelus found them a place by the river docks a old abandoned mansion.
Later that night something deep in his gut made him go out to search.
What was that nagging feeling?
He followed it all the way to the hospital. Going down the hallway following his instincts until he reached a room. On the side of the door was a name. Bailey Hansen.
he went in and instantly stopped cold.
There on the bed lay his childe. Older. About 22. And something was wrong with her. There were wires attached everywhere.
A nurse came and Angelus hid in the shadows "Its so sad. In a coma since she was 13 years old. She was kidnapped by someone and she was nearly dead when they found her. She had lost a lot of blood. She slipped into a coma." one nurse was informing the other.
"Will she ever wake up?"
"The Dr said there was no chance of that." The nurse said then they both left the room again.
Angelus came out and went to stand by the bed.
His princess. His sweet Angel lay there dying. Practically dead and there was nothing he could do to save her. But, he could end her suffering.
He stroked her hair "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you in this world the way that I saved you in mine. My sweet girl." he knelt now "how can he care so much for them? And yet not even notice you? " he wondered out loud his undead heart breaking at what he now had to do.
He couldn't let her suffer. he wouldn't! He would rather her be truly dead then to be unable to affect the world around her. She had so much grace and heart. He couldn't allow her body to just waste away in a hospital bed.
"Penn underestimated me." Angelus turned to see Angel at the door.
"I found her that night that Penn was dusted. I think he tried to turn her. He nearly drained her but he was cocky and anxious to kill Kate and so he left her. He was planning to go back later and finish her off and turn her. But like I said we dusted him. When I found her she was practically dead. I brought her here and she slipped into a coma. Funny. In this world it wasn't you that sired Spike or Bailey. It was Dru that sired Spike and Penn that attempted to sire Bailey." Angel had meant to come here to make sure Angelus didn't cause any trouble but the look on Angelus's face made Angel want to leave. The soulless vampire was taking it hard. Harder then he should have. He was evil. But he also seemed to truly love those that he sired.
"Why is she so special to you?" Angel asked
"I don't know! she just is. She's like this light that consumes the shadows of my darkness. Why didn't you protect her? Why weren't you there to save her? Your suppose to help the helpless. And you couldn't even help the one who deserves it the most. You were too busy betraying and dusting your own childe! What made your guilt worse? The fact that you turned him? Or all the dirty things you've done to him and still wish to do to him?" Angelus growled.
Angel paled. Angelus didn't have to gain a soul to know that with or without a soul he would still crave Penn's body.
Angel instead of answering left.
Angelus focused on Bailey again. This wasn't fair. This world SUCKED as far as Angelus was concerned. The him with a soul had helped dust his first beloved childe and seemed to hate Spike with a passion and now his precious Bailey was inches from death's door. Why did this world have to be like this? Why did something as simple as who sired who create so many huge changes?
Angelus unhooked Bailey from the monitors and carried her out with no one seeing him.
He carried her all the way back to the mansion.
Spike and Penn were shocked. So was Bailey. It wasn't that the girl looked like Bailey. But they could smell her. And knew that it was Bailey.
Spike and Penn followed close behind as Angelus lay Bailey on the bed.
The younger Vampire Bailey came in then. "What's wrong with her? I mean me?" she asked
Angelus tried not to lose his temper "An inexperienced vampire drained you and left you meaning to come back and turn you but it didn't work out that way. He was foolish and because of him the you in this world is in a coma. You will die soon. I couldn't bare the thought of you dying in that place all alone. " Angelus turned his sad gaze to her.
"Who did this? Who would be dumb enough to leave before finishing with the turning?" Penn asked
Angelus glared " are. Just as Dru turned William in this world you were going to turn Bailey. Had it not been for Angel and that Kate girl you probably wouldn't have been so foolish."
Penn looked broken "Okay, I agree with Spike I hate this world. I really hate this world! I don't want to know that because of the me in this world THAT happened to the Bailey in this world." he shed some tears then picked up Bailey who snuggled against her brother "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." he was trying hard not to cry and Bailey cuddled into him "Shh...its not all your fault. It wasn't you. It was the you that had been away from his sire for a long time. "
Angelus with a grim look on is face "Go to the living room. Leave me with her."
Spike wanted to stay with Angelus but he wasn't that strong. He couldn't watch their little one slip into the world of the dead. So he left and Penn still holding Bailey also left carrying her down with him.
Angelus stayed he climbed into the bed with Bailey and pulled her into his chest murmuring words of love and comfort to her wanting her to know she was now alone anymore.
The last thing he said to her was "I love you sweetling. I can not bare this any longer. Forgive me my sweet Dark princess. I do not have the strength to wait for you to meet your end. " he leaned down and forced himself to yank her face to the left hearing her neck snap and then he shed a tear. She was dead now. She was at peace. Angelus had guided her there.
He then buried her in the back of the yard placing a stone there. Engraved on it was the words
here lies Bailey Hansen. The forgotten Dark Princess and daughter of Angelus.
He stayed there for a while and then he let it go. he wouldn't keep carrying this around. He loved her. But it wasn't Angelus that Bailey had been stolen from. It was Angel. Angel had lost Bailey. But Angelus hadn't. That alone gave him the will to keep going.
They did a spell and were sent back to their own world and once there Angelus cast another spell. This one was done to erase their memory of the other world. Angelus would always remember. But the important thing was that his children didn't have to carry that knowledge.

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