The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bailey sequel Chapter three: For love

Chapter three: For love.
The next morning Bailey was curled up in her bed sleeping with the covers mostly over her. Angelus came in through the sewer as if he owned the place...well he did own her. So it was about the same thing. He sat on the chair waiting for her to wake up. He set the hairbrush on the table. The one he had brought from his bedroom along with the strap from the office. He got up from the chair not wanting to wait forever..he went over to Bailey and shook her "Princess...wake up honey.." he said in a kind tone.
Bailey whimpered but woke up slowly and then saw him and wondering what he was doing there. She sat up in the bed "Ah..ah ah running baby..." Angelus murmured then captured her jaw and kissed her lightly on the lips. She looked up at him when the kiss ended and he grinned at her "Time for punishment little one.." he said then picked her up not giving her a change to run or object..she squirmed in his grasp but he held tight and took her over to the chair. He had her pants and underwear down and placed her over his lap. One arm hooked around her waist while the other grabbed the hairbrush "30 with this for the attitude...and then 30 with the strap for being a brat to your brother. Your brother is in charge around here when I am not around...cross him too many times and I will move in here with you to keep you in line myself. Is that clear?" he asked.
Bailey trembled slightly "Yes..."
Angelus brought the brush down hard 30 times on her bare bottom turning it a light shade of red. Then he set it aside. Bailey had tears pricking her eyes and then he picked up the strap and her tears doubled he got a tighter grip on her "I love you baby...but you have to learn to listen to William and stop acting like your so big and bad...cause baby? Your NOT." he said in mild annoyance. Decided that she would get an extra ten licks for daring to challenge him like she did.
He brought the strap down in sharp snaps all over her bottom turning it a darker shade of red with each set of ten. Her bottom blazed and the tears ran down her cheeks and by 30 she was kicking and crying hard but Angelus wasn't done with her yet..."And you also don't challenge daddy young lady!" he scolded and brought the strap down ten more times using vampire strength and she screamed bloody murder through the entire ten. Angelus tossed the strap aside and lifted her off his lap pulled her pajama pants up easily and then she fell into his arms and he pulled her into his lap kissing her head and rocking her as she cried " baby...your alright...daddy hates hurting you childe...but you must learn to listen and obey the rules..." Angelus said kissing her again. The rocking soon had her falling asleep again and he sat in the chair with his sleeping baby in his arms...he had missed her.
Two weeks later:
Bailey had been following the rules and Spike was starting to talk more with Cordy and Wesley who was a rough demon hunter but was actually a watcher that had been fired and Bailey had invited him to stay but she at least had the thought to tell Spike before Wes showed up and began work. So far everything went well.
Then one night Bailey was out alone and had a run in with wolfram and heart...they were resurrecting something. She had gone to find out what it was. She made it just in time too. Spike showed up just as she began to fight with Lindsay he didn't look pleased that she had left without saying a word but he was quick to finish off most of the evil lawyers and then by complete accident Bailey twirled her sword and cut Lindsay hand off. She gasped in shock when he fell back holding his hand in pain..her own eyes filled with tears because to her it was akin to torture. It was wrong.
Spike was picking her up then placing her on his hip and he carried her out and back to the hotel. But he didn't spank her for leaving. He thought that he should let it slide because she was devastated about cutting lawyer boys hand off.
A week later they found out what was brought back in that box. They had been dealing with a demon and Spike had talked Angelus into helping them with this one. Toby came along with him. Angelus hadn't wanted to leave the boy alone. Angelus at the moment was searching for something in a book that would help them. Toby was sitting awkwardly waiting. Spike was leaning on the counter trying not to ogle his Sire. And Bailey was in the office that she had claimed for herself and had just hung up the phone. She came out and then the door opened and everyone turned to glance and every jaw dropped as Penn came through the hotel door with Lilah beside him. Lilah left after that.
Penn looked right at his Sire who stood up not sure if he was real or not.
"Penn?" Bailey said shocked.
He turned to her and smirked "Bailey...nice to see you again..did you miss me?" he asked.
"Of course...we all missed you." Bailey said.
"" Angelus asked.
Penn turned to look at his sire..."Wolfram and heart brought me back."
"Your what they brought back in that box? Wait...why would they do that?" Cordy asked then glanced at Angelus thinking that maybe he had something to do with it.
Angelus went over to Penn and then stopped an inch from him and took a step back as the scent of Penn as a human again filled him ..
"What's wrong?" Spike asked.
"Those damn lawyers! They brought him back as a human.." Angelus growled.
Penn smirked "Oh come on can't tell me that you weren't attracted to me as a human."
"That's NOT what I meant boy! I just don't get WHY they made you human." Angelus said looking him over.
"What? No kiss for your lost lover?" Penn asked.
Angelus sighed heavily "Of course baby.." he came over and kissed him fiercely and stiffened and nearly roared as he threw Penn onto the floor his hand was at the boys throat in seconds and Penn iddn't dare move. Angelus was filled with rage.
Bailey came forwards but Spike was there to stop her. "What's wrong?" she asked Spike. Spike could smell it too "He's sick.." Spike said.
"He's not sick...he's dying..." Angelus said angrily and Penn just smirked looking up at Angelus "You didn't know did you? No of course you didn't know. I was sick when I was mortal. A week before you turned me I found out that I was going to die...guess fate stepped in." Penn said
"Or the devil." Bailey muttered and Spike grinned but Swatted her playfully.
Angelus growled "And I will step in again...I will not lose you to mortal illness."
"No!" Penn yelled and ran for the door not wanting to be turned again...but then he hadn't had a choice the first time either. Angelus caught him around the waist and slammed him onto the ground pinned him there with his body. He leaned down moved Penn's face so that he could get to his neck "No..": he whined. "You don't get a say...remember? I'm not gonna let you die...I can' have to do this...for love...for us...I won't stand around and watch you die...I love you too much." Angelus said full of passion and wanting his boy to know that he loved him he then leaned down.
Bailey picked up a tiny statue and threw it. It hit Angelus in his head he winced barely then turned his angry face to her "Princess...daddies busy...don't do that again..." he warned then threw a glare at Spike too then turned back to Penn. He leaned down again and changed face.
"No!" Bailey screamed and leaped towards Angelus but Spike grabbed her and lifted her off her feet her feet kicking in the air..Angelus bit Penn and drank from him then bit into his wrist and put it in Penn's mouth and all done too fast for any of the others to think of anything to do. Penn died again. But he would wake again. Angelus picked up Penn and tossed him over his shoulder happy to have his childe back then called to Toby "Come on Toby..we're going home.." then he turned to Bailey and Spike "I'll be back for you later." Angelus said with a grin and walked out with Toby following him.
He was tired of playing this game. He was tired of not being with them. And he was tired of HIS children being good and helping people. The powers could chose another vampire. Bailey had already done enough and she was too young to do it anyway!
Spike was afraid that he knew what that meant. Looked like it was time to move along.
Angelus came back later that night after Bailey fell asleep. There was a slight argument which ended with William being spanked though it wasn't that was more of a warning and Spike took it. Shutting his mouth and then packed his and Bailey's things as Angelus picked up Bailey who stayed asleep the entire time. Angelus placed her in the car and they drove for a while ending at one of his many mansions and Angelus placed Bailey in the bed and Toby got in too along with Spike and Angelus put Penn who still hadn't woke up on the couch then went to the bed and for the first time in a long time he slept with Bailey and Spike in the bed..and it felt right...if only Penn would wake up...then Angelus could put him in the bed too and everything would be perfect again. Perhaps tomorrow...Angelus thought as he drifted off to sleep.

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