The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bailey 6.2

Her first time:

Once they were home Bailey watched as Pen knelt before Angelus and took his huge cock into his own mouth and began to lick and suckle on it like it was ice cream. "What does it taste like?" Bailey asked.

"Do you want to lick it and see?" Angelus asked. Bailey nodded and Pen moved aside while Bailey knelt and took the huge organ in her hands and then she licked the tiny slit at the end with her tongue and Angelus groaned and she looked up at him and he almost lost it right then. The sweet baby girl so shy and innocent knelt between his knees with her hands and tongue on his cock.

She made a face "It's strange." she said and then she tried to take it in her mouth and Angelus restrained himself from grabbing her hair. Her little mouth couldn't fit all of him inside which he already knew that.
She soon backed away again "Your too big." She complained and then Pen used his own mouth and suckled hard and fast expertly using his mouth in all the right ways. Angelus's hand had him by his hair now keeping him there sucking and bringing him closer and closer to the edge and Angelus began to thrust forward urgently coming closer. Pen stayed with him and continued to suckle. And soon Angelus came fast and hard and Pen took all of the cum swallowing it. When Angelus came down from his powerful orgasm he released his hold on Pen's hair and pulled the boy up for a hot kiss. Angelus moaned as he kissed the boy. "Daddy will have to get you a nice treat later. Now go play and stay gone late and keep and eye on William." Angelus said stroking the boys hair and then Pen left.

Angelus turned to Bailey "Did it hurt?" she asked.

He smirked "No. It may seem to you like I was in pain but I wasn't. I'll show you baby. You'll see. Now come here my precious girl." Angelus said tapping his knee.

She went over and sat on his knee and Angelus talked to her "Now then. You wanted a kiss right?" he said.

She nodded. "Alright I think the best way to handle this is to just have you strip naked. Just as if I wasn't here. You get naked and lay on the bed. And Daddy will come and give you a nice first kiss. And show you a good time." he said.

She did as he said even though she was nervous. She striped and Angelus admired her body as she climbed onto the bed and laid on her back. Angelus got up "Well aren't we daddy's good girl." he praised as he with only his pants on came to lay with her.

He pulled her trembling body into his arms. "Shh. Baby relax. Relax" Angelus said and she did relax. She put her trust and faith into the vampire father that cared deeply for her.

Angelus smirked "Alright now. I'm coming to kiss you." Angelus leaned to her and pressed his lips gently to hers in a kiss that only lasted a second. "Okay now open your mouth for me honey." he said and she obeyed as she opened her mouth he leaned down again and this time his tongue went into her mouth and she stiffened scared but he held her to him and gave her her first real kiss. Then his lips left hers.

She glared at him "I felt your tongue in my mouth." she said.

"Yes. You'll feel my tongue in other places too. I'm gonna use my tongue and my fingers to show you sex. This is how you will have sex. With me using my fingers or my tongue on your body. Here let me show you. Do me a favor precious. Spread your legs for me. Don't be scared. Daddy has you. Daddy will take good care of you baby." Angelus said and stoked her thighs until she parted them a little and Angelus moved them further apart. She was now spread wide open for him. "Good. Baby. That's so good honey stay just like that." Angelus praised and then he moved to lay over her and he was now on top over her.

"Now be a good girl and keep your hands where they are. And don't move." Angelus said and one hand trailed down to explore the young virgin sweetness and with the tip of his finger he touched her and she stiffened but then Angelus said "Ah ah ah. Relax. There we go baby." he said as he felt her relax under him.

With the tip of his finger he began to gently stroke her sensitive virgin clitoris and she felt as if electric shocks were going through her and Angelus began to stroke her all over. Soon a warm silky wetness covered her and Angelus leaned down as he continued to stroke her heating core. He licked her left nipple and she gasp and he chuckled and then he licked again. His free hand moved and began to play with her right nipple. Stroking and gently tweaking it. Suddenly Angelus covered her left nipple with his mouth and it was warm and wet and it felt exciting. Then he began to suck taking it slow at first and she gasped again as she felt the tugging of his lips on her nipple. Then he sucked forcefully so that Bailey could feel the fierce tugging between her legs and she whined not sure what it was she wanted or needed but Angelus knew.

His finger went back to her clitoris and he stroked firmly but gently coaxing the climax from her. He was gonna take it slow the first time.  And so he was patient and gentle and loving and he suckled her nipple deep into his mouth as his fingers stroked faster he could feel it coming. She was close.

She whined again. She felt like she would cry as the strange feelings went through her.

Angelus then switched to her right nipple sucking it firmly into his mouth and then he let it pop out.

He looked down at her "Let it come baby. Let it come. Come on. Come on baby. Baby. Baby." Angelus chanted as his fingers sliding faster, deeper, surer, he was now panting "Baby. Baby. Baby. Come on. come for daddy. Come on Baby." he coaxed his fingers sliding extremely fast now.

Bailey felt the heat rising even more "That's it baby. That's it. Almost there. Come on baby. Come on princess. Come for daddy." Angelus coached her. And his words somehow triggered her climax and made her come right then. And she came fast her climax was soft and sweet. And Angelus praised her "There it is. That's my girl. Good girl. baby that's good. That's so good. Sweet baby." Angelus stayed with her and when she finally slumped back against the bed only then did Angelus stop his fingers and he put them in his mouth sucking the remains of her sweet cum into his mouth. And it reminded him of honey. He moaned as he sucked it into his mouth and swallowed.

Bailey lay there panting she couldn't believe what had just happened. Angelus stayed where he was on top of her watching her face. "So how was it?" he asked.

"Wow." was all she could think to say. Angelus chuckled.

"Felt great didn't it?" Angelus asked and Bailey nodded.

"That my lovely was called an orgasm. And anytime you want one you just let daddy know and I'll take care of you. But for now it's time for blood. So come on." Angelus prompted slapping her bottom and she winced and let him lead her to his lap and he slashed his nipple and she sucked on the blood until she feel asleep. Angelus put her in a night gown and then laid her in the bed so that she could sleep.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Angelus returns for his boy part 2

This is an AU based on Buffy season two when Angel never gets his soul back and it leads into the Bailey series. 

Spike had made a deal with the slayer to betray Angelus. To help her get Angel's soul back because his Sire was unbearable to live with sometimes. And damn controlling too. 
What he didn't realize is how good Angelus was. Angelus could predict his boy very well. And so he had followed the boy and heard the conversation he had with the slayer. 
Betrayal? That was interesting Angelus thought. 

Angelus spent the next hour killing the red head friend of the slayer named Willow and then he took her book that had the spell to put his soul back so that they couldn't use it on him. Then While Buffy was bent over mourning her friend Angelus quickly had her by the throat and drained her. The slayer was now dead by Angelus's own hands. He smiled evilly when the dead body thumped to the floor. Next stop was to get his boy. 

Angelus went back to the crypt taking the body of the slayer with him. He dropped it on the floor in front of Spike and Spike jumped and then stared in shock "Oh god you killed her." 
"No William. You killed her. I drained her and took her life. But if it hadn't been for you I would have played with her more. But now I need to put all my efforts into punishing you." Angelus said and Spike backed away "Punishing me? For what?" he asked.

Angelus chuckled "William. William. William. My sweet boy. Who stupid do you think I am? You think I can't sense when My chide is up to something? Or that my childe has left the crypt on his own? I sensed you leave boy. And I followed you. I found you making a deal with the slayer. Planning to betray daddy were you?" Angelus asked knowingly.

"Angelus it wasn't like that." Spike said.

"Wasn't it?" Angelus asked in a menacing tone and Spike knew he was sunk. 

"Okay fine I was gonna betray you!" Spike yelled annoyed. 

Angelus laughed and then shoved William against the wall and pinned him there with his body. 
"Oh I know that pretty William. I heard every word you said to the slayer. And now you've made daddy mad enough to take it out of your hide. You will learn obedience again William." Angelus said and raised Spike's right hand to his lips. He sucked on each finger making Spike squirm but he was trapped. 

"Your gonna scream for me baby." Angelus said with an evil smirk "And daddy's already getting hard thinking about it." Angelus added and then he backhanded William hard enough to knock him out. 

Angelus chopped up the body of the slayer and buried the parts in different places so that her friends would never find her. 

He returned to the crypt in time for William to begin waking up. Good. He thought. 

He sat in a chair and then his boy opened his eyes. He snapped his fingers at him "Come here William. Right now." Angelus commanded.

Spike got up and went over to Angelus. Angelus reached up grabbing Spike's hair and he yanked him down to his knees with one hand while the other hand undid his own trousers and his huge erection popped out and Spike cringed. 

"open your mouth nice and wide baby boy and take your soother. You make daddy come good and hard and maybe I'll show mercy later." Angelus said and at first Spike fought but the grip on his hair was too rough and Angelus forced his mouth down and he opened his mouth to take Angelus's cock into his hot mouth. 

Angelus lay back against the back of the chair with his legs spread and Spike's head bobbed up and down and he sucked and licked and sucked some more. Making Angelus even harder and his grip tightened and relaxed again and again in the boys hair as he watched the beautiful boy between his knees go at it with his talented mouth. 

Opening his mouth, Spike engulfed his Sire’s member, laving his tongue around the tip and lapping up the slightly sweet bland creaminess of Angelus’ pre-cum. He relaxed his jaw and deep-throated the dark haired vampire, suckling deeply and taking the thick length of Angelus’ cock completely. 

Angelus groaned deeply in his throat, and Spike could feel it reverberate through his Sire’s body. He moaned softly, and suckled harder, eyes closed. His Sire’s hands threaded through his hair, kneading it and softly pulling it into fistfuls, then relaxing, in tune to Spike’s suckling. 

"That's it baby boy. You love your soother don't you." Angelus moaned not expecting an answer. 
Spike suckled and swallowed reflexively as his Sire roughly fucked his mouth and throat. 

"Mm. Good boy. That's a good boy. You'll always be daddy's sweet, Naughty, spankable, fuckable baby boy." Angelus purred. 

Spike felt his Sire’s balls tighten. When Angelus’ cock pulsed and he came, hard and fast, Spike had no choice but to swallow or else choke and spit the creamy liquid up. Which he knew better then that. So, he swallowed. 
It took a while Angelus had released several jets of cum into his mouth. 

Once it was all down Spike waited to see what would happen next. Angelus lifted the boys head from his cock then stood up bringing the boy with him and then turned him to his side and slapped his ass hard "Get in bed!" Angelus said landing a second vicious slap to the ass so that now both Spike's butt cheeks were stinging hotly. 

Spike hurriedly rushed to the bed. 
"Ah. Ah. Ah naughty boy! Do we sleep in our clothes?" Angelus scolded and Spike just as quickly got back up and stripped his clothes off and then covered up with the blanket. Angelus didn't follow directly. He waited an hour or so so that Spike was asleep. 

It was early in the morning he would let them both sleep before he had his fun with him. But as soon as his boy woke up he was going to scream. He was gonna scream all day long. Angelus vowed. 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bailey part 6.1 Sex talk

The next night Bailey found herself at the club again. Angelus liked going to the club each night. Bailey had fed from Angelus that morning and then again before they left. Angelus had taken a victim before going to the club. 
Bailey was talking with Ryan again. 

"He did what?" Bailey asked appalled. 
"He made me kneel and suck him off." Ryan said.
"Ew." Bailey said.
 "No it really wasn't that bad. Sides how would you know you've never even kissed anyone before. But pleasing him pleased me in a strange way. It really isn't as bad as it seems. Not even when he came in my mouth and I swallowed his cum. It wasn't fun. But it wasn't torture either. I could learn to enjoy it." Ryan said.
"That's just wrong." Bailey said.
"Ever heard the phrase don't knock it til you tried it?" Ryan asked.
"Yes. Even heard the word perverted?" Bailey replied. 
Ryan smirked "yeah. All vampires are perverts. It was your sire that gave mine the idea." Ryan said.
"Have you ever done anything at all with a guy?" Ryan asked.
"No. I told you that already. I would like to kiss though. Maybe even get the sex over with so that when others ask me I can say that yes I've had sex." Bailey said.

"Well you'll have to talk to Angelus about that. He would never let anyone touch his fledgling besides for him." Ryan said.

"I think I will. So what do we talk about now?" Bailey asked.
"Your Sire is coming." Ryan informed. 

Angelus came over to the table while Spike and Pen headed out to the car 
"Come on childe. It's time to go. We'll come back another night." Angelus said and Bailey silently stood up Angelus stopped her "Don't be rude little one. Say goodnight to your new friend." Angelus scolded.
"Goodnight Ryan." she said then Angelus led her outside and she got in the backseat with Spike and Angelus got up front. 

When Angelus began to drive Bailey spoke up "Daddy?" 
"Yes Princess?" Angelus responded.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked.
The car swerved and then Angelus had it under control again. "What?" he asked confused.

"Can I kiss you? Like a real kiss?" Bailey asked. 

"And why may I ask are you bringing up a question like that?" Angelus asked.
"I never had a kiss before and I want to be kissed for real. And other things too." she said.
"Other things?" Angelus asked.
"Yes I wish to have sex too." she said and Spike slapped his forehead.

Angelus's hands tightened on the steering wheel. "Why the sudden interest in men? You were terrified of the idea before." Angelus said.

"I don't know I just want to get it over with so that I can say that I've done things before So that I don't sound like a complete child." Bailey said.

"I'm not sure your ready for that yet." Angelus said.

"Please daddy. Please." Bailey begged and her begging was just too tempting to ignore Angelus chuckled "Alright. If that's what you want and your sure then I suppose. But we're going to take it extra slow. But once it starts you can't stop it. You can't change your mind once we're already ready to go. We'll go home now. William hop out and go hunting. Now." And Spike glared at his Sire and his sister and then jumped out and ran to hunt. 

Pen was about to do the same but Angelus stopped "Pen you'll stay where you are. How long has it been Pen since you've taken your soother?" Angelus asked.

Pen didn't like where this was going "Not Since I was a fledgling Angelus." Pen said.

"Then I think it's time to take it again. You can get daddy off real good and then go out hunting so that daddy can give Bailey all the pleasure she can handle without needing to be seen to myself. You'll give daddy a nice seeing to won't you Pen?" Angelus said.

Pen cringed "Yes Sire." 

That's my good boy." Angelus said. 

To be continued 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bailey part 5:


The next night they went out again. The club was just as packed but only Pen went in while Spike went off on his own and Angelus directed Bailey to follow him down the street. The was a church not far away and there was a bench by the church gates. Angelus stopped at the bench and then turned and picked Bailey up and sat her on the bench. 

"Now then Princess listen carefully alright? Inside that church is a preacher a man of god. He's in there by himself now what your going to do is sit here until you hear the church door open and then I want you to bend down put your face in your hands and pretend like your crying. That will make him come over to you and ask what's wrong. And you my pretty little liar will come up with an inventive story to keep him here until I return to drain him. Do you understand?" Angelus asked his tone gentle. 

"Yes." she said.

"Good now lets practice okay? Show your best sad face." Angelus said and she put on her pout look and gave him puppy dog eyes and Angelus smirked "Excellent. Now lean down just a bit then cover your face with your hands and pretend to cry." Angelus instructed. 

She did and Angelus chuckled "That my precious is just perfect. Now just do that when he comes out alright? I'm going over there to hide in the shadows and when you get tired of playing with him I want you to say oh there you are daddy and I'll come then. Alright?" Angelus asked.

"Yes but why are we doing this?" she asked.

"Because dear it's fun to play with them. And you could probably lure anyone in we could have anyone we wanted with you around. No human walked away from a child in need. Well most don't anyway. This is just to practice you story making skills on an unsuspecting victim. The more you do it the better you'll get and then you'll really start to have fun with it." Angelus said. 

"So your going to kill him?" she asked.

"Yes of course princess now you wait here and daddy will be right over there watching. And don't you dare scare him off on purpose. " Angelus warned and then walked away to watch in the bushes and then was joined by Pen. And Spike showed up too. 
"What are we doing here?" Spike asked. 
"We're watching your sister learn to play like a good little vampire." Angelus said then said "Now hush and watch. I wanna see this." Angelus said.

But before the church man could come out a group of young and old teens traveling in a truck stopped and the driver stepped out and ordered the others to keep an eyes out. 

Angelus saw what was in the back of the truck. "Shit. Vampire hunters." Angelus said and then put a hand out to stop Spike "Don't. You'll give her away. They won't know what she is. They probably think she's just a child lost. But if you go barreling over there they'll know." Angelus said which stopped Spike but they all kept a close eye ready to lunge if they needed to. 

She watched the black guy approach and then she recognized him "Gunn." she said. 

He sat beside her "Hey. I hear about what happened to your parents. I'm sorry. You know the police are looking for you. How did you get away from the guys that took you/" Gunn asked.

"It was so strange Gunn. It's not even possible they had me and then they were taking me into this creepy house and then the sun came up and they burned right there! It was so weird. I took the keys and drove back and ditched the car. I haven't been back long. I've been too scared to go back home or to tell the police." Bailey lied easily. 

"Did one of them bite you?" Gunn asked seriously. 

"Yeah. Why did he bite me?" she asked not realized that she probably shouldn't have said that. 

"Give me your hand." Gunn said and she did it. 
He checked for a pulse. Then sighed. "They turned you." he said and then stood up. 

Angelus waited to see what the young man would do next. 

"I heard someone say that I have a soul." She offered. 

"Well at least that's something. Look do you know what you are now?" he asked.

"Yes." she said.

"So you know your a vampire?" he asked.
"Yes. I've been feeding on deer." she lied. 

"Well I guess that's better then feeding on humans. You just keep feeding on those deer. And If you need friends.....we're still here for you. You can still hang with us. You have a soul and you don't drink human blood so that makes you good. We'll invite you in any time.  Just come over. You could stay with us too. We can have a space made just for you. I promise the sun won't get you. Your still my girl you know. Vampire or not. But I'm glad your good." Gunn said.

"What you doing out by a church anyways? What you just gonna sit here all by your lonesome until later?" Gunn asked with a smirk. 
"No. I was just thinking." then she stiffened pretending like she smelled something. 
"What?" Gunn asked.

"You should go. It's not safe here. Vampires are coming." Bailey said trying to warn him. 

Gunn nodded "Yeah. Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be on my way. You can come with us if you want there's plenty of room." Gunn said and she shook her head no. 
"Alright but You better keep in touch. And stop by the hang out at least once each night. I want a full report of your activities and maybe you can help us hunt some other vamps. Catch you later." Gunn said and then went back to his truck and drove off intent on going home and letting everyone know the news including Bailey's older brother Riley. 

Angelus wasn't pleased. He saw the preacher come out and then so did Bailey. 

"Hey mister!" she shouted and ran over to him. 

"Yes can I help you miss?" the preacher asked.

"I don't know. I'm lost. I can't find my daddy." she said sadly. 

"Well where did you last see him?" the preacher asked.

"He said he'd be right back and that was almost an hour ago. I'm scared. What if something happened to him? Can you help me look for him?" she begged. 

"Of course I'll help you. Do you know where he was heading?" the preacher asked. 

"He was suppose to get something to eat for us and then come back but he hasn't returned yet." Bailey said going around him like a vulture and then stopped when his back was to Angelus. 

Her face brightened "Oh there you are daddy." she said smiling and in a second Angelus was behind the man and the preacher turned "Oh hello MR?" The preacher asked.

"Angelus." Angelus supplied. 

"Ah. I was just about to help your child look for you." the preacher said.

Angelus smiled "That's kind of you to help my girl." Angelus said and then turned to Bailey "Honey why don't you go wait in the car and I'll thank this man properly." Angelus said and then Bailey nodded and then walked away towards the car as Spike and Pen were still behind the bushes watching Angelus she decided to run. 

She wanted to see her older brother. He wasn't her brother by blood but they were close enough that they were like siblings and the entire gang had sort of adopted her as the baby sister of the group. 

She ran fast expecting Angelus at any moment but he never showed. 

She went all the way to the bad part of town and found the hang out quickly the truck was there parked and she knocked on the door. 

Everyone who was eating at the moment heard the knocking. 

Gunn got up and looked out the peep hole seeing Bailey's scared face he opened the door "Come on it." he invited and she came in. 

He took her into the room and everyone stared at her even Riley Gunn turned her around "Now why do you look like the devil is gonna come after you?" Gunn asked.

"Gunn I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  I lied to you. The one who made me. He isn't dead. He was there while you were talking to me. That's why I wanted you to leave. I was sitting outside because he wanted me to lure the preacher from the church outside so that he could kill him. But I was honest about me having a soul. And I don't feed from humans. Angelus feeds on the humans and I feed from him." Bailey confessed feeling terrible about lying to them because they were the only human family she had left.

"Angelus! Bailey Angelus made you? Fuck!" Gunn cursed. 

"Gunn please don't hate me. I'm sorry I lied to you. But I had to get you away from him." Bailey said. 

Gunn sighed "Bailey I don't hate you. I get it okay. You were just doing as you were told. But you can stay here with us. You don't have to go back to him. Angelus is like the biggest baddest vampire in the country." Gunn said.

"I know he is. But Gunn I can't stay here. I just wanted to come see you. I won't put you in danger. I have to go now. Before he tracks me here. I have to go because if he finds me here he'll kill all of you." Bailey said and made her way towards the door. 

"Bailey don't go! We can take care of ourselves trust me. We been doing this for a long time. You don't have to go. Come on. Stay with us." Gunn said his tone pleading. 

"I can't. I'm sorry." she said "I'm come back another night if I can." then she ran out fast when she was back at the bar Angelus's car was gone and she went in the bar. 

She sat at the bar where the bartender saw her he came over to her "Kid I don't know where you'd been but Angelus is pissed. Tommy call Angelus and tell him she's here." the bartender shouted. 

And Tommy pulled out his cell and called Angelus. 

"What!" Angelus answered annoyed as he drove around trying to find Bailey. 

"Angelus it's Tommy. I'm at the bar. Bailey just walked in. She's here." Tommy said.

"Good. Keep her there. I'm on my way." Angelus said hung up the phone and then made a U turn. 

"You wan't a drink?" The bartender asked her. 

"NO. I'm hungry." she whined and her stomach rumbled painfully. Every vampire noticed the fledgling having hunger pains. Just great. 

"You want some blood? I got some in the back." the bartender said.

"No. That's okay. Ow." she yelped at that pain and tears filled her eyes 
"It hurts." she whined and then she was out of her chair and curling up on the floor but that didn't help either. 

"No honey don't do that." the bartender tried to say. 

The pain was so bad that she suddenly was biting her hand with her teeth trying to feel a different pain. 

Angelus parked the car and heard mostly silence and vampires saying "stop. don't do that." 

And he walked in and stopped in his tracks seeing her curled up tight crying and her hand was bleeding. Angelus went over to her and took her bleeding hand to look it over. 

"Did you do this?" he asked. 

"It hurts!" she cried. 

"Well of course it hurts you bit yourself." Angelus said. 

Then her stomach growled and she whined again "Make it stop!" she cried pitifully. 

Angelus picked her up into his arms like a small child placing her legs around him and saying "Thanks." to the bartender he made his way out to the car with the crying childe. 

He tossed the keys to Pen. "Drive." he said and Pen gave him a strange look but got in the drivers seat. Spike got in the front While Angelus got in the back keeping her in the same position and now she was straddling him in the back seat. 

"Find an ally and park the car." he said and it didn't take long for Pen to find an ally. 

Angelus ripped his shirt open and then slashed his chest and Bailey bend over to suck the blood from him as she drank he rocked her and rubbed her back while she whimpered while feeding. "Shh. Your okay. Your gonna be okay. Shh. daddy will take care of you. Shh. Gently sweat heart. No. No stop. Don't do that. I said stop." Angelus scolded as she couldn't help but draw the blood out hard and fast because she was so hungry. 

"Slow down honey. Honey listen to daddy. Slow down." Angelus warned and then he swatted her bottom hard and she yelped and lifted her head from his chest to look at him. 

"Back down. And this time take it slow. Come on." Angelus said guiding her back down and she began to suck gently. "There we go." he said and the sound of her noisy suckling filled the car. 

Pen smirked "Sounds like you when ever he feeds you like that." Pen said.

"Oh yeah? Well when was the last time he fed you like that?" Spike asked.

Pen had to think about that. 

Angelus snorted "Has it been so long then Pen that you can't remember? I remember. Twas 30 months ago." Angelus informed him .

"Yeah I remember." Pen said.

"Wow. Daddy sure is neglecting you." Spike said teasingly. 

"I am not." Angelus said annoyed. 

"Then why wait so long to give him Sire's blood?" Spike asked.

"Because I'm not a big baby I don't need sire's blood all the time." Pen snapped.

Angelus rolled his eyes "Aye Pen. You are a baby. Your my baby. All of you are. Now hush. Your sister is starting to fall asleep." Angelus said.

They quieted down as the sucking sounds continued and Bailey was lulled to sleep by the constant blood flowing gently into her mouth. Angelus waited until he was sure she was asleep. Then saw the clock. It was about two in the morning. 

He laid her gently in the backseat. Where she could sleep "Shh. Sleep my baby girl." Angelus said and kissed her softly and then got out of the car. 

"Don't leave her by herself. If you need to hunt more then go one at a time. I'll be back soon. Don't move the car." Angelus said and then he left after buttoning his shirt. 

He was now feeling very hungry. She had nearly drained him. Which meant that she needed to eat more. Angelus took three victims. Two for himself and one more for later so that she could feed again. Then he took a fourth victim before finally going back to the car. 

He got in the back and woke her up "Princess wake up. Come on honey get up. There we go." Angelus said as he pulled her up to sit in the backseat and she opened her tired eyes and rubbed them moaning sleepily. 

"Pen switch places with me." Angelus said and Pen got in the back as Angelus got up front.

Angelus didn't drive home. Instead he followed Bailey's scent all the way to the hang out. 

Bailey panicked "What are we doing here?" she asked.

"I think the question is what were you doing here?" Angelus corrected and then saw the truck. "So you came to see your friends? Did they invite you in?" Angelus asked.

"Yes. Why?" she asked.

"Good. I feel like watching you play some more. Lure them out." Angelus said.

"No!" Bailey said and determined not to back down on this. 

"Do as I say." Angelus said.

"I won't! And you can't make me!" she yelled and folded her arms in defiance. 

"Come on. I'm giving you a chance here. Your in for a pretty blistering spanking when we get home. But if your a good girl and do this then I can forgive you for running away and you won't get in trouble." Angelus said. 

"Get spanked or lose my friends? What kind of choice is that!" she demanded. 

"It's the choice I'm giving you little girl. And you had better pick one fast." Angelus said becoming annoyed. 

"No." Bailey said.

Angelus turned to her "No what? What are you saying no to? Your gonna have to be more specific then just no." Angelus said.

She glared at him "No. I am not gonna sit here and play your games. Your the only one having fun here." Bailey said.

"Come on pet just.." Spike was interrupted by Angelus "William be silent!" he snapped. 

Spike shut up. 

Angelus turned to her. "Are you telling me that you won't make a choice?" Angelus asked. 

"That's right." she said.

"Fine then. I get to make the choice for you then. And I chose both." Angelus said. 

"No!" Bailey yelled at him and jumped out the car she suddenly found herself half way away from the car and facing off and Angelus stared stunned as his baby was hissing at him her rage surprised him. 

Angelus slowly got out of the car and then stopped as Spike was suddenly out of the car too "For god sake Angelus just let it go and leave the girl alone!" he said and then shoved Angelus back and glaring up at him. 

Angelus's eyes almost turned black with his anger but Spike stood his ground. So did Angelus "Get back in the car. Now." Angelus snapped his fingers at the word now. 

Spike didn't move an inch. "You first." he said. 

Angelus opened his car door and then moved quickly hurling Spike into the car so fast that Spike couldn't stop him and found himself in his seat. 

Angelus then snapped his fingers at Bailey "Get back in the car." Angelus growled low. 

"You will not touch them!" Bailey declared in a dangerous tone. 

"I won't." Angelus agreed. Then snapped his fingers again "Now get in the fucking car." 

She felt the rage leave her and she went in to get in the car. 

She sat by Pen and Angelus slammed his door and drove home. 

The car was jerked to a stop and Angelus got out of the car and Snapped his fingers at Spike. "William go stand in the living room corner. No TV." Angelus said and he glared but went on his way. 

Bailey got out of the car as Angelus then glared at Pen "You....Find something to do with yourself. And stay out of my way." He warned. 

Pen thought about that "Can I drive around?" he asked. 

"No. Your not to leave the  property. " Angelus answered. 

Then turned to Bailey and Snapped his fingers at her "You get your little ass upstairs and wait for me." Angelus growled and she ran to the bedroom. 

She got angry and kicked the table which then fell over and the glass vase holding the ugly flowers shattered. Then she sat in the big black Victorian style chair that Angelus loved. She crossed her arms and tried to look unrepentant.

She lasted until she heard his feet on the stairs she looked up and rushed over to lock the deadbolt on the door and the feet stopped just short of the door. 

"You did not just lock the door." Angelus said in disbelief. 

"Go away!" Bailey shouted. 

"Oh sure that's what I'll do." Angelus said sarcastically. 

"Good." Bailey said even though she knew he wasn't serious. 

"Open the door." Angelus said losing patience fast. 

"No." she rebelled. 

"If I have to break that door down you are going to be a very sorry little girl! Now open the damn door!" Angelus yelled. 

There was no sound. 

"1." Angelus started counting. 

Bailey tried to think of something. Anything. She looked over at the window she silently went over and opened it. 
"2." Angelus said his tone becoming more dangerous. 

Bailey climbed out onto the room not sure where she thought she was going but she wasn't going to jump off again. She walked over to climb onto the next level as Angelus shouted "3. Okay that's it!" the door was shattered just as she climbed up to the next level of the house. 

Angelus was now climbing out the window as he yelled at her "Get back here! What did i tell you about Roof's?" He said now on the roof himself. 

She continued to walk and shouted back at him "you said I couldn't jump you never said I couldn't be on one." she said. 

Angelus was tired of this. 

He Jumped up and propelled threw the air and landed in front of her and she screamed shocked and jumped about an inch away for the same reason and then she slipped. 

She screamed but somehow she had managed to grab the edge with one hand. 

She looked down and saw Pen now right below her ready to catch her if she slipped. 

She was holding on just by that one hand and it was hard to hold on. 

She closed her eyes and Angelus grabbed her wrist using his strength he pulled her up tossing her into the hair to give her a good scare and then caught her in his arms and began to carry her back he jumped down to the second level and was then propelling her throw the window and once she was inside Angelus went in and shut the window drawing the curtains and then he turned to her. 

She was staring at the door which wasn't broken. "What you think I don't have a key?" Angelus asked and he went over to lock the door himself and then went over to the bedside drawer and took out a oval plastic hair brush. 

She gasped "What's that for/" she asked nervous. 

"This is for you honey. This is what's gonna teach you to stop pushing daddy." Angelus said he came for her then. 

She bravely stood her ground as he took her arm and then he sat on the bed and lay the brush aside and took down her jeans and her underwear then he put her across his lap getting her positioned right then asked "Comfortable?" he asked.

Was he kidding? She wondered. "Um. Yes?" she said thinking it was the right answer and it was because he said "Good. Cause your gonna be there for a while." he said then the arm holding her down now had a firm grip around her to keep her there.

"This is for running away." Angelus said and Slapped her bottom 20 times with his hand. 

She didn't quite yelp yet. Angelus paused "This is for being disobedient." Another 20 slaps and she had tears in her eyes. He was hitting all over her bare bottom and it hurt like hell. 

Angelus paused again "This is for not waking me up when you got hungry. You could have saved yourself a lot of pain if you had woken me up when you got hungry. I don't like walking in and seeing my childe so hungry that there in pain. From now on your feeding three times a night. Once before we go out. Once while we're out. And once when we get home." Angelus lectured as he slapped her bottom ten times. It was coloring up nicely it was pretty red now. And she was crying. 

Angelus paused again to pick up the brush this time "You don't tell me no. You don't challenge me when I tell you to do something. You do as your told. Or you pay the price. You don't defy me. And the next time you think about telling me no you had better think about this first." Angelus said and then brought the brush down on her bottom and she screamed and tried to get away but he held her still and continued to spank her with the brush turning her bottom a darker red with each set of ten spanks. He gave her 5 sets of ten. Making an even 50 with the brush. And she was screaming and crying continuously when he was done. 

Her bottom was a deep deep deep red. And Angelus was sure that after this she would think twice before she pushed him again. 

He tossed the brush onto the side table and then flipped her over to sit on his knee which made her cry harder as she tried to bury her face in his shoulder but he stopped her first and made her look at him "Now then are we sorry yet?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." she cried barely able to form the word and Angelus nodded and then replaced her jeans and the laid back pulling her with him and he let her cry on him while rubbing her back and murmuring words of love "Shh. Daddy's here. Daddy's got you. Hush my baby. My precious baby. Your alright. Your okay." Angelus said in a loving tone. Kissing her every once and a while. 

He waited a while for her to stop crying. It did take some time but when she did stop her bottom was still blazing hot. 

Angelus made a cut in his chest with his nail and she went to suck on the blood. 

she fed from him until she fell asleep. 

When she was completely asleep the sucking stopped and she was still. Angelus placed her on her side and kissed her forehead ever the doting father. Then he picked up the hair brush and went to deal with the other brat that had defied him tonight. 

Pen ignored the cried that Bailey made and he ignored the cries Spike made too. Shaking his head and hoping that Bailey would learn faster then Spike. Because Spike was still learning. He knew better then to challenge Angelus and yet that never seemed to stop him. 

Pen never challenged Angelus anymore. Or at least he hadn't in a long time. 

Spike felt protective of Bailey. To the point where he was doing things he knew he shouldn't. Maybe Spike would stop pushing Angelus when Bailey did. 

The last part with Spike was particularly nasty and Pen knew that was because he had shoved Angelus. But then it was over and then the sun was on it's way up and they went to bed. 

Angelus listened for the birds in the morning and when he heard them he woke up Bailey. 

She moaned but woke up and looked to him sleepily. Angelus pulled her closed to him and cut his chest open and she looked at him confused "Shh. Come. Feed." Angelus said and she reluctantly began to suck his blood. It was about five minutes later when Angelus stopped her and then she curled up to him and went to sleep. 

He went back to sleep too. 


Bailey part 4 : Return to the bar the next night


The next morning when she woke she looked at the clock first. It was 11: 30 

She was snuggled to Angelus again and she shook him to wake him up. He at first didn't respond so she went down closer to him and barely whispered "Angelus." Then she realized that would not wake him so instead she thought that biting him might work better. 

She picked his chest and leaned down to bit him that worked seeing as he flinched and his hand quickly connected with her backside hard and she yelped. "Ow." Then she sat up as Angelus growled at her "You don't bite me. Are you hungry?" Angelus asked.

"No I was trying to wake you quietly so as not to wake them." Bailey whined. 

"So you chose to bite me? Not a smart move. Don't bite me. Did you try shaking me or calling to me in my ear? I would have heard you." Angelus said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to be loud and wake them. Did I hurt you?" she asked. 

"Noise won't wake them as easily as it does you my girl. And No you only took me by surprise. You don't bite me unless I tell you to." Angelus said. Then added "Now why did you wake me?" 

"It's 11:30 can I get up now?" she asked.

"Did I say you could get up at 11:30?" Angelus asked knowingly. 

"No you said noon but what difference is 30 minutes going to make?" Bailey asked. 
"The difference is that I said noon and I meant noon." Angelus said.

"Your going to make a fuss about 30 minutes?" she asked in a tone that stated she thought that was dumb. 

"Not even time to get up yet and your already giving me lip. Just do as I say and there for another 30 minutes without another word out of your mouth until it's noon then you can ask again." Angelus said and she huffed but laid down as she was told. 

She could lay there patiently for 30 minutes. She waited and waited and then checked the clock every once and a while when finally it was noon she tapped him again and he opened his eyes "It's noon now. Can I get up?" she begged. 

Angelus gave her a patient look and then sighed "I suppose so." he said and she climbed off the bed by standing up and then jumping to the floor then Angelus said "I saw that. Good thing it was only the bed. Now go on. Stay in that room and stay away from the window I closed the curtain so keep it closed." Angelus said and then she went to the other bedroom and changed her clothes. 

She played her game and then got bored with that. She soon put on a CD after plugging in her CD player and played the metal band in the room. 

She listened to it while doodling in a notebook until she heard footsteps down the hall and Angelus opened the door with a grim look on his face "Sweet heart. Do daddy a favor and shut that shit off. Your giving me a headache." Angelus said nodding towards the music. 

"I thought you said you could sleep through noise." she said. 

"I can. But noise and that trash is two different things. You can't even hear the words. Change the disk or turn it off." Angelus said. 
"CD." Bailey corrected. 
"What?" Angelus asked. 
"It's called a CD not a disk." Bailey repeated. 

He gave her a look "Okay smart ass. Shut it off. Now." Angelus said.

Bailey turned off the CD "You said I could change it to a different CD." Bailey reminded him. 

"That was before you sassed a tired vampire." Angelus said.

"What if it's quiet and you can't hear it?" Bailey asked. 

"I said no. No more music. I need my sleep. You really don't want daddy cranky. Trust me." Angelus then left the room to go back to sleep Bailey waited two hours before she went downstairs and turned on the TV The windows in the living room had black curtains too she noticed as she turned on the TV and watched Disney Channel for the rest of the time. She wondered into the kitchen and found some chips and chose to eat them while watching TV they tasted the same but also different. They tasted slightly stale even though she had opened them. 

It got dark out side and she heard the other waking up and Angelus went to check the room and found her gone. "Bailey! Where are you?" he yelled. 

"I'm done here watching TV." she shouted back up. 

Angelus came down the stairs and saw her munching on chips he went over and shut the TV off by pressing the button on the TV. 
"What do you think your doing?" Angelus asked.
"I'm watching TV. And I was watching that." She whined she stuck another chip in her mouth and then turned the TV back on by using the remote.  

Angelus came over and snatched the remote away and shut the TV off again putting the remote on the TV "And who told you that you could come down stairs and watch TV? Was the sun still up when you came down?" Angelus asked.

"Yeah but the windows are covered. Why are they covered if we're not meant to come down here?" Bailey asked.

"The point Bailey is that I said to stay in the bed room. You didn't say you might want to come down stairs and watch TV." Angelus said.

"No the point is that you treat me like a baby and never let me do anything. What's wrong with me wanting to watch TV? I am 14 I am not a child I can walk across a street without needing you to hold my hand." Bailey said angry because she had been having a good time and he had come to ruin it. 

Angelus stood them with raised eye brows "Excuse me?" he said dangerously. 

"Well it's true." Bailey said not backing down as she looked him in the eyes with a pout on her face. 

Angelus put his hands on his hips "Oh really?" he asked.

"Yes." Bailey said.

He nodded his head "I see and are you sure you want to go there?" Angelus asked.

"Go where?" Bailey asked not understanding. 

"Where do you think?" Angelus quizzed. 

"Oh no. Not over your knee." Bailey said. 

"You got it. Now I'll ask again. Do you wanna go there?" Angelus asked.

"No! I didn't even do anything wrong." Bailey said.

"Oh so I'm sitting here arguing with myself?" Angelus snapped back. 

Bailey finally go the hint. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I need to tell that I wanted to watch TV i thought you would be okay with me doing that. I'm not used to asking permission to do things." Bailey said.
"Clearly." Angelus said blandly. 
Then Angelus saw the chips "Why are you eating chips?" he asked. 

"I found them in the kitchen they taste fine to me. And I was hungry." Bailey said and apparently it was the wrong thing to say. 

"Okay now you can go stand in the corner." Angelus said pointing to the corner. 

"For what?" Bailey nearly shrieked. 

"Don't raise your voice to me! And you know that if your hungry your to come wake me up. That's why." Angelus said snapping his fingers "Now go stand in the corner." 

She pouted. "that's not fair." she whined. 

"1." Angelus said in a warning tone. 

"Seriously? Your counting what am I three?" Bailey asked with a slight smirk. 

"2." Angelus said and she realized he was serious and rushed over to stand in the corner after a moment Angelus went up the stairs. 

"I feel ridiculous!" She shouted but she stayed where she was. 

"No talking in the corner." Angelus shouted back down the stairs as he got dressed and Pen and Spike just rolled their eyes at their sisters daring. 

Five minutes later and they heard her voice again "Angelus I've been standing here forever! When can I get out?" she yelled. 

"When I tell you that you can get out. And No talking in the corner. I won't warn you again." Angelus yelled. 

"So what's all the menu tonight?" Spike asked trying to distract them. 

"The demon bar first of all." Angelus said.

"Oh you were serious?" Spike said and seemed disappointed. 

"Yes I was now finish dressing." Angelus said then waited another five minutes before going down stairs. 

"Alright what are we going to do then next time we're hungry?" Angelus asked.

"Wake you up." Bailey said grumbling. 

"Do you need another minute or two? Cause I can come back if your not calm yet." Angelus said. 

"No that's okay. I'm fine." Bailey said. 

"Very well then you can leave the corner and change into something decent. Pants and a shirt and Bring that skirt to me when your done." Angelus said and Bailey went up the stairs. She put on low ride flare jeans and a tank top and also a sweater over that that was black and some shoes when she came back down the stairs sounding like a heard of elephants. 

Angelus addressed that first "Honey." he said in a soft tone looking at her "Would you like a spanking before we go out? Cause I can tell you your dangerously close." Angelus warned in the same tone. 

"No I would not like a spanking." Bailey said. 

"Then you best calm down. Where's the skirt?" Angelus asked.

"Your not tearing up my skirt or throwing it away." Bailey declared hotly. 

"And your not wearing it again. So unless you can keep from the temptation of putting it on then you better just give it to me." Angelus said.

"Why? It's not that short. Plus I'm a vampire with three male vampires always near me I don't anyone is gonna try to rape me." Bailey said.

"I'm not worried about you getting hurt. I'm worried about all the horny boys that are gonna be staring at your ass." Angelus said.

"I never even wear it outside. So there's no need to take it. Can we just go?" She asked. 

"Fine come on." Angelus said and then all got in the car and drove the the bar when Angelus parked and then turned back to Bailey "You are coming in and you are to apologize for the trouble you caused last night. Your gonna stay by me or stay where I can see you do you understand?" Angelus asked. 

"yes." she said.

"Alright then. Lets go kids." Angelus said smirked and got out of the car as they all rolled their eyes and got out to go in the guard bowed to Angelus and his children. 

Angelus sat at his table which was the biggest and best table there and almost immediately saw Ryan standing across the room he was dancing with a vampire girl and Angelus wondered if that was his sire and then another vampire entered the club and this one did not look happy to be there he glared and headed over to Ryan and shoved the vampire girl away from him "Be gone whore!" The older vampire said then to his childe he asked "What pray tell have you done this time?" he asked sternly and Angelus then knew that that was the Sire and he chose to drink from the whine that the bartender had brought him. 
"And what for the little one Angelus?" he asked.

"How about some milk." Angelus said and Bailey objected "But I hate milk." 
Angelus looked at her "How can you hate milk?" he asked curious. 

"I always hated it. I never drank it. Unless it was chocolate milk." she said.

Angelus snorted "Fine maybe you can find some chocolate milk for her." 

"I should have some soon Angelus." he said and then walked away. 

The other Sire came over with his Childe to talk with Angelus.

"Angelus. I am Sean." Sean introduced himself and slightly bowed then straightened. 

"I am Angelus. As you well know. What can I do for you Sean?" Angelus asked.

"It appears that the children had a tiff the other night.  My childe sent word to me that you wanted him dead. I came here to find out why and to take him home with me. The messenger was apparently wrong but it is close enough to the truth. I hear from my boy that it was you that requested my presents here?" Sean said.
"Yes. I was hoping you would keep your childe out of my hair. I come here often and he seems to not like my new childe. She was out of line the other night but then so was he. She was corrected for her error but I did not wish there to be another fight if she came again and he was here. I let him live after drawing her blood. I don't do it often. And if he draws it again I won't spare him. I thought I'd give you a chance to draw a line so that he can see how dangerous is it to just go around threatening the children of other vampires." Angelus said.

Sean nodded "Indeed. I agree. And I shall be correcting him once we leave. He will not bother your childe nor will  he cross you again. You have my word." Sean said.

"I appreciate it." Angelus said and then Sean turned to stand in another area like a watch dog watching over his childe. Angelus understood and let it go. He would do the same if it were him. 

"Angelus I want to dance!" Bailey said.

"By yourself?" Angelus asked.

"Yes of course." she said then added "Please." 

He gave a sigh and then gave in "Alright but stay in my sight or at least stay around so that I can smell you over there somewhere." Angelus said,

She hopped up and went to dance. When a vampire girl came over "Hi." she greeted. 
"hi." Bailey said back. 
"your a pretty little thing. Is your master here?" she asked.
"My what?" Bailey asked.
"Your master the one that made you?" the woman asked.

"I don't have a master. Angelus is my Sire." Bailey said.

"Oh you are not a minion. Pity. You are pretty though." then the woman left to spread the word that the child was of Angelus and she was not a minion. 

Ryan came over carefully and she stopped dancing. 

"Hi." she said politely. 
"You broke my nose." he said but he didn't sound angry. 
"I'm sorry." she said.
"I apologize for last night. I was in a bad mood and I suppose I took it out on you. You are very pretty." Ryan said. 

Bailey blushed and smiled "Thank you. Your pretty too. I mean handsome." she said. 

"So Angelus made you. Where's your mark?" Ryan asked curious. 
"Huh?" she asked confused. 

"Your mark? You know. where he bit you. Your new so that mark will still be there." Ryan said. 

"Really? I hadn't even thought to look." She said and then took off her sweater and tied it around her waste and then pulled her hair back "Is it there?" she asked.

Ryan smiled "Yeah it's clear you really are new. I like that shirt. It's sexy.  Makes you look more grown up." Ryan said and she giggled. 

Spike had another shot and Angelus put his hand firmly over his hand. "I think You've about had enough. Two more then I think you can stop." Angelus said.

Spike frowned but didn't push it then he looked to the dance floor seeing the bit dancing with a boy. "Uh oh. Oh daddy." Spike said in a teasing tone. 

"What." Angelus answered irritated by the boys tone.

"Don't look now but uh I think daddy's princess might have herself a boyfriend." Spike teased. 

"The hell she does." Angelus said then turned to see that she was dancing with the very boy that had fought with her. Angelus shook his head then turned back around "Just like me and Darla. Fighting one minute and cuddling the next. That's the same boy she was fighting with last night." Angelus informed Spike. 
Spike slammed his drink and stood up Angelus stood up and shoved him back down and then leaned over "You stay put or there will be trouble. I already told his Sire I wouldn't touch him. And that means you can't either." Angelus said.
"Oh but he can touch her? If he grabs her ass I don't care what promises you made. He is dust." Spike said.

"As I said you will not touch him. You will do exactly as I say cause you know what happens if you don't. And you will get your head out of your ass and look at that boy and see his true age. The reason I didn't dust is because he was probably 16 when he died. He is young. You have no idea how hard it is for teen vampires. To always be seen as a child even after two hundred years would get pretty damn annoying. Let the kids dance. He's not hurting her and she had no problem with it. So you will leave the children alone." Angelus said then sat down. 

"well aren't we one big lope hole after another." Spike said.

Angelus ignored him this time. 

Then he turned back around "Hang on didn't she have a sweater on?" Angelus asked noticing her tank top. 

"Looks like she took it off for lover boy. She's got a shirt on though." Pen said.

"That is not a shirt." Angelus said.
"Oh so you'll step in when she takes her shirt off but not when he grabs her ass?" Spike asked annoyed. 

Angelus glared at him "Did he grab her ass?" Angelus asked.
Spike shook his head no "Then shut up about it! And I'm not stepping in I am just pointing out that she had a sweater on when we left. I highly doubt she took it off just for him." Angelus said.

Sean had seen Ryan dancing with the girl that he had fought with and Shook his head. The young were so fickle he noticed Angelus and it looked like Angelus was of the same mind. 

Angelus raised his glass in Sean's direction as if making a toast and Sean bowed his head and then smirked and turned back to watch the boy. 

They were no longer in sight and he really hoped that they hadn't run off to make out. 

Bailey and Ryan were still dancing when his hands began to roam and finally settled on her butt which Bailey pulled back from him a little. 
"What?" he asked seeing her face. 

"You shouldn't do that." She said and moved his hands back to her waste. 
"Oh come on. How old were you anyways?" Ryan asked.
"14." she said.
"God have you ever even kissed a boy?" Ryan asked.
"No." she said.
"Well when Angelus turned you didn't he rape you?" Ryan asked.
"No. He never touched me. He said he wouldn't." she said.
"That's not like Angelus. I laughed when I heard about the Soother he makes all of his fledglings take." Ryan said.
"The soother?" she asked.
"Yeah. Basically if he's hard or turned on and he gets an erection then he makes the fledgling get down between his legs and suck him off. He's never done that to you?" Ryan asked.
"No. You mean it's his private area? Like sexual? Sounds like a blow job. What? I did go to junior high I do know some things." she said at his look. 

"Yes it's basically a blow job but he acts like it's all good for you or something. Like it's normal. He really is breaking tradition with you. Did he at least kill your family?" Ryan asked.
"Yes thank you very much for reminding me!" she snapped.
"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just wondered if he did that stuff to you. So your a virgin?" Ryan asked.

"Yes." she said then added "Excuse me I'll be back in a moment I'm thirsty." she said and walked away from him. 
She sat next to Spike and took a drink of her milk. 
"Get tired of dancing with lover boy?" Spike said taking a long drink of his water and then chocked on it when she replied "Get tired of taking Angelus's soother?" 

Spike coughed and then glared at her "What?" he demanded. 

Angelus was now looking at her he leaned in to look at her while she glared at him "How do you know about that?" Angelus asked.
"Oh it's apparently the talk of the world. the way you raise your children. Everyone knows your traditions which apparently you are breaking with me. Did you make Drusilla suck you off too? How about Pen?" Bailey asked.

"Yes. I did it with all of them. Many Sire's do it." Angelus said.
"Then why not with me?" she asked.
"You were 14 when I made you. But if you want it little girl I can make it happen. You won't like one second of it though." Angelus said.
"I didn't say I wanted it. It's gross! I can't believe you made them do that! Why did you let him do that?" she asked Spike.

He scoffed "Not like I had a choice. But I learned to like it. It wasn't all bad. I started to like it. But he's right. Your a little girl. You wouldn't like it. He's too big to go in your mouth anyways." Spike said.

"So that's real reason you don't sexual hurt me? Because I'm too small." She asked but her tone still grated on Angelus's nerves. 
"If I wanted you in my bed like that then I could rape and use you every night. I could force you to your knees and make you suck me but you know what. I don't want you like that! Now drop it. Don't bring it up again." Angelus said his tone one they all knew by now.
She huffed and then stood up.  "Sit down." Angelus said. 
"What?" she asked. 
Angelus glared at her "I said to sit your ass down. Now." Angelus said and she sat down.
"I was just going to go back and dance some more." she said.
"No. You finish your drink and then we're going hunting and you are going home to wait until we get back. I will feed you and then you will go to bed." Angelus said.

Then Angelus spoke again "Yes or no Did Ryan tell you about that?" Angelus asked.
"Yes." she said then Angelus got up and went over to Sean. 

He leaned on the wall next to him. 
"Problem?" Sean asked curious because of the look. 
"Merely curious." Angelus said.
"About what?" Sean asked. 
"Do you know about how I train my fledglings when I turn them?" Angelus asked.
"I'm not sure what you mean." Sean said.
"Are you aware of what I do with them?" Angelus asked.
"No. Why? What do you do?" Sean asked. 
Angelus could tell that he was telling the truth. 

"I only ask because I don't know who your boy has been talking to but they know of how I use to train my children. He told Bailey and now she's scared of me. I was just wondering who had told him." Angelus said.
"Of course I have heard the stories and have many others. I never told him what I heard. There true then? I tried it once with one of mine. They hated it and I though of it with Ryan but I knew he would hate it too." Sean said.

"I don't really give the the option when I do it. But I won't do it with her because she's a little girl. I'm not the kind of man that gets off on forcing a baby to go down on me." Angelus said and Sean nodded "Yes I can see that. Would you like me to speak with him about that?" Sean asked.
"Since I won't let her leave the table again you might want to. I don't want him to get offended because she doesn't return. And maybe you should do it to him. It teaches discipline in a way that nothing else does. And most can learn to like it. Just as mine did. Here. Take my number. I can explain in more detail over the phone with you another time if you wish. But for now I need to get me and mine fed. I'm feeding for two now after all and that takes more time. Does he have a soul?" Angelus asked.
"Yes. Every now and then he runs away and I don't see him again until he is dragged home by one of my minions with no energy and suffering from hunger so badly that he sees things that aren't that. He starves himself while he is gone. He's early this time. But I guess even he knows when enough is enough." Sean said. 
Angelus chuckled "You know if he slept in your bed running wouldn't be a problem." he said.
Sean laughed "Well now tell me why I never thought about that! Simple things are always the hardest to remember. Now I feel like an idiot." Sean said rolling his eyes. 
Angelus winked and then went back to his own table gathering his children and then dropped Bailey off and then they went hunting. 

Bailey fed from Angelus when they came home and she fell asleep again and then hours later the other climbed in bed too Angelus went to sleep after wondering what Sean had done and decided that he would check up and call tomorrow night.