The fang family

The fang family

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The children of Angelus Part one

After a week of feeding from Angelus he was all healed and he vowed to never cross Angelus again.  

Then Two days after that Angelus got a telegram delivered to the hotel and after reading Angelus cursed and then dropped the letter.

"What's the matter Sire?" William asked curious.

Angelus glanced at William "Darla is sending Drusilla on the train. She'll be here tonight. We'll have to get her." Angelus said.

"I thought You said I wouldn't meet Darla and Drusilla until I was ready." William asked.

"I did say that. But you see Drusilla takes a careful hand. And Darla doesn't have the patience to handle her anymore so you'll meet your sister early." Angelus said.

"Sister?" William asked.

"Yes. I made Drusilla. Therefor she is your sister. You both were made by my blood. And you both belong to me. Forever." Angelus said.

"Tell me about her?" William begged.

Angelus thought about that "Alright. Come sit on daddies knee and I'll tell you all about Drusilla." Angelus said tapping his knee and waited until William had come over and Angelus pulled the boy onto his knee to sit. 

"Now then. Your sister Drusilla is crazy as a loon and I do mean literally. I was a bit over indulgent and I drove her completely mad before I turned her. So you'll have to learn to translate what she says so that it makes sense. half the time she just rambles on. And the other half of the time she's just fine.  She also has visions of the future in her head. We pay close attention to those. Sometimes you have to pay close attention to her cause she'd set herself on fire if left alone long enough. And other times you have to ignore her crazy talk because it's just nonsense.  She's my pretty little princess and you my new baby boy will adore her as much as she will adore you." Angelus explained and William just laid against Angelus's shoulder and listened quietly thinking about if Drusilla would really like him.

That Night Angelus took William to pick up Drusilla from the train and When William laid eyes on her sister or not he fell in love with the black beauty. 

Drusilla clung to Angelus for the longest time and then she noticed William. "Ooo. Pretty bird. Daddy can I keep him?" Drusilla begged as she looked at Angelus.

"No my girl he is mine. You may play with him if you like. But be gentle with him. He's new. Now were you a good girl for Darla?" Angelus asked in a stern fatherly tone.

"Oh I was daddy. Really I was a good girl for Grand mummy. But she got cross and then I got cross and I may have been slightly naughty." Drusilla said.

"I see. And what did you do to Darla that made her send you to me?" Angelus asked in the same tone. The letter hadn't said what Drusilla had done only that Darla was at her end and Angelus could play nurse maid to his own childe from now on.  And that she was being sent to him.

Drusilla pouted looking at Angelus with big pleading eyes but she admitted her crime "I was naughty. I bit grand mummy."  Drusilla said sounding all the world like a school girl.

William smirked. She had bit another vampire? 

Angelus gasped then grabbed her arm and she shrieked bloody murder Angelus smacked her backside through her dress. "Naughty! That wasn't just naughty! You very bad!! You just wait til I get you home little girl! Your lucky Darla didn't dust you!" Angelus yelled and then took in William look of shock. 

"Come on. Both of you." Angelus said taking each one by an arm and they went to the hotel room and changed rooms so that they were staying in a bigger room. 

Once everything was moved and Angelus had locked the door he turned snapping his fingers at William "William you sit in that chair and do not move. You can close your eyes or plug your ears but you do not move from that chair." Angelus snapped and William planted himself in the chair wondering what Angelus was going to do, 

Angelus then turned his full attention to Drusilla "Drusilla you come here!" Angelus commanded and Drusilla chose to run to a corner and Angelus's hands went to his hips as she rambled "The little white rabbit didn't mean to be bad daddy honest." she said.

William shook his head as if to clear it. What?! That made no sense at all. 

Angelus growled "Drusilla I said come here young lady! Do not make me come after you little girl!" he threatened and William was shocked. 

Drusilla whimpered but seemed to be sane enough to know not to make Angelus come and get her because she took baby steps forward as Angelus sat on the bed and she went to him with her head bowed low "I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to take grand mummies tarts." she rambled Angelus simply ignored that and reached up to yank her across his knee he tossed up her skirts baring her bottom and then he began to spank her and she shrieked after only the first smack but Angelus didn't stop until she was in tears and she had screamed at least three times. And even then he wasn't finished "You do not bite Darla! You Naughty naughty girl! NO! No! NO!" Angelus used a hair brush then and really began to spank her hard. 

William couldn't bare the sight of the pretty girl in tears and crying "Sire." William spoke up and the spanking paused for a moment as Angelus looked up eyes flashing in warning at his other childe "unless you wish to be next William be silent." Angelus said. 

"But Sire she's a lady." William begged. Angelus looked back at him "She is a vampire and she is my childe and she was a VERY naughty childe! I will decided when she has had enough. You must trust me. I know what I am doing." Angelus said and then began to spank Drusilla again and William shut up and just watched after that. As Drusilla's bottom became darker and darker and then suddenly it was a deep red and Angelus was finished and tossed the brush aside and flipped her over to sit on his knee and hold the tearful girl as she clung to him and cried and William watched as Angelus shushed her the same way he had shushed William. 
And soon Drusilla was asleep and Angelus laid her on the bed and kissed her forehead like a doting father the same as he always did with William. 

When Angelus turned to William William cringed "Am I in trouble?" he asked

Angelus smirked "No boy. You'd know if you were in trouble." Then Angelus stiffened then told William "I need to go out. You are to lay with Drusilla and if she wakes then play with her. I'll return soon." Angelus said and after William lay down Angelus left the room the feeling in his gut was familiar and so he went looking around town for whatever was causing that feeling. 

Angelus went out glancing through the town when a ruckus at the bar got his attention and he went to investigate. It wasn't a normal bar it was a demon bar and a Groxlar beast was in a fight and he could hear his oldest childe taunting the great beast.  Pen! That was what the feeling was. His childe was in town. Then after listening he glared towards the bar entrance. Was he trying to get himself killed? He had no idea how dangerous that beast was. The beast went to punch the young vampire but Angelus wasn't about to allow that he stepped between the two grabbing the beasts arm and broke it Pen was shocked "Angelus?" what did the lad think they would never cross paths again? Angelus wondered and then landed a kick to the beast and another beast stepped forward grabbing the first and shoving him into the arms of another as that one came forward "Angelus please forgive us. May I ask why you are defending the insolent young vampire?" The beast asked.
Angelus growled long and low which made everyone tremble in fear even Pen. He turned to Pen and everyone watched as Angelus cupped the boys face with his hand examining it and spotting a small gash. The demon must have scratched the boy. Angelus growled again at the sight of his childe harmed. Angelus leaned down and licked the blood from the boys cheek and many eyes widened. Pen was too shocked to think straight. The Angelus turned back to the demons watching and answered 

"Aye. He is mine. Who scratched my childe?" Angelus asked and watched as everyone took a step back and the beast paled "Angelus forgive us. We did not know he was your childe. He didn't say who had made him." the beast said and then Pen shoved Angelus from behind and Angelus whirled around on him "Come off it Angelus. There's no need for this display. It was only a scratch." Pen said arrogantly. Apparently the boy had been left alone for too long because he was getting a big head. He knew better then to speak that way to his Sire. 

"Only a scratch?" Angelus said then came forward again grasping his childe's chin he ran a gentle finger over the still bleeding gash his finger came away blood stained "Who's blood is this?" Angelus asked. 
"Mine." Pen said not understanding.
"And who's are you boy?" Angelus asked licking the blood from his finger. 
"Yours." Pen said wanting to say something else but instead said what would please Angelus. 
"When your blood is shed boy it doesn't matter how much of it is spilled. My blood was used to make you. You are mine. Your blood is mine. Everything you are is mine. Now let's try this again. Who's blood is this?" Angelus quizzed his grip tightened on Pen's chin. 
"Yours." Pen guessed. 
Angelus smirked "Aye. Mine boy. My blood being shed because you can't remember your manners and tell everyone who your Sire is. Had you told them they would not have touched you." Angelus said then Angelus bent down again and licked up some more blood. Pen groaned in annoyance and tried to wiggle free stamping his foot when Angelus refused to let him go. 
"Angelus let go! I don't need you to coddle me! I am not a fledgling!" Pen said using all his strength to shove his sire but Angelus caught himself only after two inches and then he was truly angry with his childe. Angelus grabbed him by his neck fast. 

The demons leered as the brat was finally getting what he deserved and it was Angelus that had the right to do it. 

Pen fought to get away from him "Angelus stop!" he struggled but Angelus easily pulled him into his grip and then before Pen realized what was happening Angelus bit him and he cried out in shock. 
Angelus had not bitten him in so long and he never thought he would do it again. Biting was a way to show dominance and when Angelus lifted his head with the blood on his lips and changed back to his human face licking the blood from his lips and said in a sinister tone "Care to repeat that?" Angelus asked softly but Pen knew that tone. 
No. No in fact he did not care to repeat it at all! Angelus was really in a mode tonight and Pen was so in trouble. 

"But Angelus." Pen started and then Angelus snapped his fingers and Pen cringed. Oh no. That was never good. He really WAS in trouble.  "You will apologize for provoking these demons and then promise to not come back to this bar." Angelus commanded and Pen knew better then to disobey an order. Angelus was not above whipping him in public for all to see. So Pen did as he was told "I apologize for causing trouble." he said which wasn't a proper apology but Angelus had only said to apologize. 

Angelus made his choice then. He would have all three of his brats to deal with for a while as Pen had just earned himself a ticket home by his show of defiance. Then again his proud puritan had never known when to stop pushing. 

Angelus delivered his own apology "I apologize for my Chide's unwise actions. And whatever trouble he may have caused. But I want the head of the one that touched my childe." Angelus turned to the demon that had been ready to swing at his Childe. "Was it you?" he asked. 
The demon nodded bravely then the demon told Angelus that Pen said something in their own tongue and what it was that he said. 
Angelus's eyes widened "I Assure my childe will be punished." Angelus said using the demons own tongue to say that which pleased many of them.  He would let this go because it was his foolish childe that was at fault there. He hadn't even bothered to tell any of them that he was the childe of Angelus. "You are forgiven then. You are not the one in the wrong here. But if I see you near my Childe a second time there won't be enough left of you to bury." Angelus threatened. The demon nodded in understanding. 

Angelus then escorted Pen out of the bar at which point Pen jerked his arm free "Alright Angelus I'm fine. I'm safe you can leave me now." Pen shouted. 

Angelus slapped him smarty across the cheek which shocked Pen. First biting then snapping and now slapping? Angelus was in a mode tonight. And not a good one. 
"You do not raise your voice to me Boyo you know better!" Angelus growled then grabbed Pen's arm and made his way down an ally and slammed the boy against the wall Pen yelped at the harsh treatment. 

"What I am about to say is not optional so don't you dare try to argue with me my mind is made up! You are coming home with me! After that display in there I am quite certain a couple weeks with your Sire will do you some good boy. You've forgotten who I am. Dare to argue with me on this Pen and so help me I will break every finger on your left hand!" Angelus threatened and the boy trembled in fear and then began to cry he fell to his knees begging "Please Angelus Please no. Don't make me come home to you. I like being on my own. You said I could be on my own." Pen begged as he wrapped his arms around Angelus and Angelus rolled his eyes but put a hand on the boys head gently clasping his hair then the grip tightened stopping the fake tears immediately. 
Angelus crouched down keeping his hold on Pen's hair "Are you arguing with me boy?" Angelus asked in a dangerous tone and Pen paled "No." Pen said.

Angelus's grip tightened "No What?" Angelus asked.

Pen flinched "No Sire." Pen corrected his earlier answer. 

Angelus smirked "Good cause we both know you would scream for hours if I had to break your pretty fingers again." Angelus said knowingly. Then he grasped Pens right hand and kissed each finger lovingly and then released the hand. While Pen remember the first time Angelus had truly hurt him. 

A year after Pen had been made Darla had yelled at him and Pen had slapped her without thinking. Darla had simply walked out and then Angelus had come in knocking him out and the next four hours were so very painful as Angelus had pinned him and crushed each of his fingers on his right hand the one he had used to slap Darla. He had screamed and cried all through it and for a long time after it too. Angelus had babied him and had also nursed him until his fingers were healed again. Pen had never forgotten that nightmare. 

And neither had Angelus. 

"yes Sire." Pen said. 

"Then come. We've wasted enough time here." Angelus said and escorted the boy by his arm all the way home. 

Once in the hotel Angelus decided they would need an actual house if he was going to house and care for all three of his brats. 

Angelus shoved Pen inside and then shut and locked the door. 

Angelus snapped his fingers at Pen and pointed to the wall "Go put your nose in the corner." he said and Pen did as he was told knowing it was more of a statement then a punishment. 

William had fallen asleep next to the girl and ten minutes later Angelus called to him "Pen come here."  

Pen went to him and Angelus gave him a look and then nodded towards the two on the bed "That dark haired girl is Drusilla. She is your sister. The second vampire I made. She was made a while after you left. The blonde boy is William. He is my newest. Barely a few weeks now.  and now that that's out of the way who pray tell have you been around that has you thinking that you can just smart off to anyone that crosses paths with you?" Angelus demanded changing the subject.

Pen chose to sit down sighing "I didn't mean to piss them off that bad Angelus honest. I'm sorry you had to come save me." Pen said. 

Angelus laughed "Save you? You think I'm annoyed because I had to save you? Your mine Pen. And you were in danger. It was your fight until I saw you. Then it was my fight. No one messes with a childe of Angelus and lives to tell the tale. Fortunately for them they were smart enough to realize there mistake. Had you told them you were mine in the first place they would have ignored anything you said to them and it wouldn't have happened in the first place. Why did you not tell them you were mine?" Angelus asked.

Pen sighed again "I don't go around bragging to everyone I come across that I am your childe. And why should I?" Pen asked annoyed but he kept his tone calm and soft. 
Angelus crouched before him and tipped his chin touching the scratch. "That is why my boy. Right here. No one would dare cross me. You tell them you are mine if you find trouble because I guarantee they will not touch you and you can simply leave unharmed." Angelus said.

"I will not use your name like that! I am my own vampire now. I don't Angelus to protect me." Pen declared.

Angelus gave a nasty smirk "You've escaped trouble once tonight Pen. Care to try your fate a second time this night? I care not how independent you think you are Pen. You will do as I say or never leave my sight again. Is that clear?" Angelus's tone was stern. 

Pen cringed "You can't do that!" Pen shouted.

Angelus turned to the younger too then back at Pen "Lower your voice. Now. If they wake up you will find yourself in serious trouble. Think I won't drain you to sleep then you best think again. Defy me once more Pen. And I'll drink til your asleep and you know what that means." Angelus warned. 

Pen's eyes widened. yes he knew what that meant. That meant that come morning Angelus would treat him as a fledgling.  Making him nurse directly from Angelus instead of getting his own kills and Angelus would force him to his knees to take his 'soother' and Pen really didn't want that cause that meant he would be forced to stay with Angelus and he knew deep down that Angelus could force him to do anything and there nothing Pen could do to stop him. 

Pen glanced down and Angelus chuckled "That's my smart boy. Now why don't you go lay down with your siblings. There's enough room there for all four of us." Angelus said and led Pen over to the bed when he lay down and then pulled Pen next to him. They both fell asleep. 

A scream woke all three of them. Angelus looked up to see Drusilla trying to get out of the door he lunged up and grabbed her around the waist lifting her up when she began to wriggle around and yelled "The wolf can't get me! The wolf can't get me! The tarts are mine!" she yelled. 

Angelus rolled his eyes "Drusilla!" he shouted shaking her. "Shut up damn you before you draw the attention of the staff!" 

"But they are my tarts! Mine! Bad wolf!" Drusilla scolded and slapped Angelus in the face which shocked the two boys in the bed. "God lord is she mad?" Pen asked.

"I'm afraid so." Angelus said as he lifted her off her feet "Drusilla were going back to bed. Come on now there a good girl." Angelus said as he hauled her back  to the bed kicking and whinning but she had stopped screaming and Angelus pinned her to the bed with one arm and swung into bed behind her holding her there "Now you stay there! It's day light out your not to go outside in day light remember? Get up again before I tell you to and I'll put you across my knee again! And for god's sake stop that nonsense or I'll knock you out!" Angelus scowled at her rambling and she shut up but she said one thing more "Oh. The wolf can't have my tarts anymore." 
"God Angelus what in the bleeding hell did you do to her?" Pen asked. 

Angelus kissed Drusilla passionately then looked right at her and said "The wolf took your tarts long ago as you well know there's no more tarts left. Now hush my dear girl." Angelus said and that seemed to comfort her and she lay down and went back to sleep. 

"When you said she was insane you meant that she was completely batty. she's as mad as a hatter." William said earning him a glare from Angelus "Go back to sleep William. You too Pen." Angelus ordered. 

Pen saw the insecure look on Williams face and said "Hi I'm Pen. I won't hurt you." Pen said.

"Pen that is not how you introduce yourself to someone. You are the first childe sired by Angelus do you hear me?" Angelus demanded. 

"yes Angelus." Pen said then lay back down and Will understood that Pen was like a brother. He had always wanted a brother. Though Pen looked younger then William. 

William woke early in the evening and climbed over Pen. It seemed strange that he could sleep next to a vampire he barely knew but it felt safe enough. 

He wondered out into the dinning area of the room and he turned to see Pen standing behind him. 

"Hello again." William said.
Pen smiled "Hello. What are you doing up so early?" Pen asked knowing that if Angelus woke and found them in here they were both in trouble. 

"I was hungry. I want to go out but he hasn't given me permission to hurt on my own. Oh how about you? Can you hunt on your own?" William asked.

Pen smirked "Of course. He gave me permission a long time ago even before I left."  Pen said.

"Then you can take me. The sun is almost completely down by the time we get down there it'll be gone enough to where it won't hurt us." William said and headed out the door and Pen panicked he followed William out the door stopping him in the hall "William please we must go back Angelus will hide us both if he catches us out of bed. And if he catches us out of the room we'll really catch it!" Pen begged but William wasn't listening. 

"If he says you have permission to hunt on your own then that means you can go out and hunt when you want and that means I can tag along with you and feed too." William said heading down the stairs. 

Oh Angelus was going to strip them both and flay them bloody for this. But he couldn't let William leave on his own. So he stayed with him by his side while they both ate someone and hide the body. 

Drusilla woke before Angelus and when she looked around the room and saw no one there she listened and heard nothing. There was no one around and she lunged out of bed which woke Angelus and Angelus did not like to be woken suddenly "Drusilla! Get back here! What did I say about you leaving bed!" Angelus snapped and then was out of the bed and had slapped her backside and she shrieked "But daddy the ponies are gone! it's not my fault! The ponies were bad and they ran away!" Drusilla said prancing around trying to avoid Angelus's hand but his slaps landed right where they were aimed. On her pert backside but then he realized what she had said and stopped and looked around the room. Pen and William were not in sight and stormed around the entire apartment and found nothing he glared down at Drusilla "Where are they!" he demanded.
Drusilla's eyes widened "But daddy I don't know where your ponies went." she said honestly. 
He cursed seeing that she was telling the truth. 

"Alright Drusilla stop that wailing! Daddy isn't cross with you." Angelus said as he came over and kissed her nose and she blinked at him "your not?" she asked.

"No I'm not. You didn't run away." Angelus said then slapped her bottom again "But I did say to stay in bed until I said other wise did I not?" Angelus demanded.
Drusilla nodded. And Angelus smirked and kissed her nose again "Darling guess what We're going on a trip to the farm. You can play upstairs while daddy gives William and Pen a little lesson in obedience." Angelus said.

"Oh can I watch please daddy please?" She begged 

"No. This is private my dear. Now come. We must fetch a carriage at once." Angelus said they both dressed up and got a carriage Angelus lifted Drusilla into the seat and said sternly "Don't you move an inch my girl. Not one inch. I already have two brats needing punishment. I hope you don't need any too." Angelus said and Drusilla shook her head "I'll be ever so good daddy." she said and Angelus smirked "you'd better be. Be here when I get back and I'll give you a treat. Be gone when I get back and when I find you my girl You won't sit for a month." Angelus said and left her with that threat to go find the boys. 

A demon ran to him pulling him into a corner so as not to be seen by any passing humans. Not that there was many out at night. 

"Angelus please come quick. Your offspring is causing trouble and they must be stopped before they draw any attention. Now that everyone knows the blonde vampire is your childe he is pummeling all my best demons and none dare to lay a finger on him. He will kill them!" the demon begged and Angelus growled "Take me there." Angelus demanded. 

Pen hadn't started the fight but he wasn't going to let William get hurt so he had hurled the first punch and then no one had dared to touch him as he continued to fight with all of them. Landing kicks and punches. 

He heard William squeak behind him and swung around hurling a punch and Angelus caught the fist in mid air and then twisted it painfully behind Pen's back "Ow! Sire please I didn't start it I swear. They were mean to William they wouldn't talk to him and he got angry he was hissing and spitting and I had to fight them so that he wouldn't!" Pen begged all it gained him was Angelus's arm around his neck and his arm had not been released. 

"I think you have caused enough trouble around here. Far too much in fact! You have foolish and cocky and damn you brat I will not see you dusted because of your foolishness! 100 lashes Pen. care to double it?" Angelus asked.

Pen paled "But Sire!" He protested. "Two hundred. And a session with my hand!" Angelus said all could hear what he was saying. 

Pen would have burst into tears but there were too many people and he had too much pride to cry in public. 

"Care to add any more?" Angelus asked dangerously.
Pen kept quiet. 

"Very well then. Let's go!" Angelus said releasing his arm and grabbed his ear and Williams and felt ridiculous as he hauled them both by their ears back to the carriage. 
Angelus shoved William in and he sat By Drusilla sulking. 

Angelus propelled Pen inside with a smack to his backside and Pen yelped and hurried in to sit down. 

Angelus entered next ordered the demon driver to go to the farm house. 

That's when Pen began to cry. 

Angelus ignored it. 

William was quiet. 

Drusilla thought she'd brighten the mood "Oh don't be cross daddy. The pretty ponies didn't mean to be naughty. They were trying to be good for the wolf but sometimes the wolf isn't fun and doesn't like to play and he's an evil devil that stole my tarts." Drusilla said at which point Angelus finally realized something he glared at her "Why you little minx! Come here!" Angelus leaned over and she squealed as he tossed her over his knee and began to spank her hard. 

"Had I known I've been the wolf all along I would have done hours ago! If your cross with me then you tell me in plain english not in crazy talk that takes me hours to sort through! I stole your tarts aye? I imagine you mean your virginity as your tarts. You damn well better believe I stole them  And I stole them a long time ago and it's about time you dropped it! I don't now how many times I've heard you shouting that the wolf stole your tarts and It takes me til now to understand! I should have known. As for evil well of course I'm evil! And so are you! We're vampires and your not to talk about the wolf or the tarts again do you hear me Drusilla?!" Angelus lecuted as he continued to spank and she continued to whine and then shout "yes daddy please I'll be ever so good. Please Stop spanking the rabbit! It promises to behave." Drusilla said and Angelus sat her down and she winced and he pointed a finger at her face "I mean it little girl. No more nonsense about when I turned you!" Angelus warned and she nodded and he turned to the tearful Pen and pointed his finger at him next "And you stop that blubbering Or I'll give you something to blubber about! We'll be at the farm in an hour and you are getting 100 lashes with the strap and not one lash less and then I am putting you across my knee and then we'll see if your temper improves or not." Angelus said and sat back and looked at William "So you took offense to them no talking to you? Why did they need to talk to you Will? Do you understand that Pen thought you were going to attack them?" Angelus asked.

"But I wouldn't have. I've never been in a fight in my life." William said and Pen glared at him 
"You could have told me that! Besides Angelus it wasn't my idea to leave. He ran out the door and I followed him because he doesn't know the demons around there!" Pen said angry now. 

Angelus gave Pen a look that he cringed at "Careful." Angelus said in a dangerous tone. 

"Yes sire." Pen said respectfully. 

They soon arrived and Angelus took Drusilla and locked her in a room with no window he knocked her out and then made sure there was nothing she could harm herself with when she woke up. He placed a doll near her hoping she would play with it and vowing that if she scratched herself with her claws he would let her have it next. 

Angelus ordered Pen to stay in the barn while he took William back to the house and into the basement he sat him down and towered over the boy. 

"Did Pen tell you not to leave?" Angelus asked.

"yes but I was hungry and he said he had permission to hunt cause I asked him if he did and so I said we should go out cause I was hungry." William said.
"William you could have woken me if you were hungry. But instead you ran out forcing Pen to follow you and then Pen got into a fight because he thought you might lose control and attack them. Not that that's any better mind you. But at least he was trying to keep you from trouble. Did if even occur to you to wake me up?" Angelus asked exasperated. 

"NO Sire. I didn't want to bother you." William said so lovingly that Angelus bent down to kiss him. 

"I am your sire boy. If your hungry you need to tell me so that I can take you hunting or feed you myself. Pen may not have stopped you but he is not innocent here either. He should have woken me when you left the room I would had you back in the room in no time and explained everything to you. Just because Pen has permission to hunt on his own doesn't mean that he's allowed to when he's with me. I brought him home last night for a reason. He's staying with us for a while. But the point to this is that you should have woken me up. I won't punish you for something you were not aware of. Pen however knew that he should have woken me. I've told him before when he was a week old and he was hungry that all he had to do was tell me and if I was asleep when he was hungry he was to wake me. So now I tell you the same thing. You aren't in trouble but you can spend the next couple hours standing in that corner your not to leave it until you hear Drusilla waking up. The key to the room is here. When she wakes you may leave the corner and go to her. Play with her and distract her until I return." Angelus said,

"yes Sire. Sire? What will you do to Pen?" William asked.

"Exactly what I said I would do. If you were listening in the carriage then you already know." Angelus said and then left for the barn after grabbing the strap. 

Pen was already naked which pleased Angelus "Well at least you can remember some of your lessons boy. Bend over the bed. Do I need to tie your hands?" Angelus asked.

"No sire." Pen said and he bent over the bed and he held on tight to the mattress."The next time you think your the big bad vampire and want to start a fight....You think about this first boy." Angelus said and then Pen screamed and then Cried as Angelus brought the strap down across his backside 100 times. Then while he was crying Angelus dropped the strap and sat down and positioned the sobbing boy over his knee and then began to steadily spank him and the longer he spanked the louder the crying got and the darker the backside got. When Angelus was satisfied that Pen had learned his lesson 

He flipped the boy over and held him cuddling him just as he had done with William days before. 

Pen held on and let himself be comforted by those strong arms that was always the source of his pain and his pleasure. Angelus rocked the boy until he was asleep and then carried the naked boy into the farm house just before the very early hours of the morning William was in with Drusilla and he was crying in the corner curled up in a ball hiding his face in his hands. 
Angelus laid Pen in a bed across in another room and then went to the room and saw Drusilla rocking in the other corner. She seemed fine so Angelus went to William. 

"William come to me boy. Come here. Why are you hiding?" Angelus asked as he tried to coax the boy out of the corner but the boy wouldn't even look at him. 

Angelus "William let me see you." Angelus said beginning to worry. Why was his child hiding? 

"William now!" Angelus snapped his fingers and William's terror filled eyes looked at Angelus. It wasn't the terror that angered Angelus. No what angered Angelus was the scratch on Williams face and the visible bite mark on his neck. 

Angelus growled long and low and William trembled. "Sire I'm sorry I didn't mean to make her mad. I barely said anything to her when she lunged at me! Then she threw herself across the room after she bit me and has been there rocking ever since." William said.

Angelus glared over at the girl then looked back at William "That my sweet boy is because she knows she has done something terrible and will pay a heavy price for it." Angelus vowed. 

"Why?" William asked.

"Did I not just hide her the other day for biting Darla?" Angelus asked.

William nodded "And now she bit you. The only person ever allowed to drink from my children is me. Drusilla is well aware of that and she knows she will suffer now for taking what's mine." Angelus said.

"I wish you wouldn't Sire. She's so child like. She's crazy. It's not her fault. It's more your really." William said and Angelus laughed because the boy was right. 

"Believe it or not boy she does know how to control herself. She just chooses not to. I'd dust her but there's no fun in that. But If I punish her properly it can be very satifying. Evil wolf indeed." Angelus said and then kissed William "Go lay with Pen in the other room. The sun will be up shortly and it's time for bed. You shall all feed from me in the morning." Angelus said and pulled William up licking the bite mark and kissed the boys cheek. "You'll be alright." Angelus said.

William hesitated "What will you do to her? Please Sire. I want to know." William asked. 

Angelus smirked "Trust me on this boy. You don't want to know. Hurry to bed and if you hear screams hold on to Pen if your scared. But it'll only be Drusilla." Angelus said. 

William looked fearfully at Angelus and finally Angelus understood and nodded "Childe. My sweet boy. Do not worry for her. I will punish her. You know how painful that can be. But she is a vampire the same as you and she will heal no matter what I do to her. She is safe with me. You all are. Now go on to bed." Angelus said and William went to lay with Pen scared for Drusilla. 

He was almost asleep when he heard Muffled screams and the voice of Angelus stern but gentle saying "You mustn't touch daddy's possessions Princess. See what happens when you do?" more screams he must have gagged her but William could hear something being broken and had a sick feeling that Angelus was breaking the girls fingers. But William turned over trying to not hear it and he bumped noses with Pen which woke the other vampire up. 
"Oh. William. What's wrong?" Pen asked seeing the younger vampries face and William began to cry and Pen pulled him into his chest and then he heard it too. 

He knew that sound. He had made that sound. Once. only once. And he had never made it again because it took a lot to make Angelus that made. 

"What did she do?" Pen asked fear in his voice. William turned his head and showed Pen the bite mark "She bit me." William said. then added "And scratched me." 

Pen began to cry too but it was more from the memory of the pain he had went through the one time Angelus had tortured him. The one time Angelus had been truly cruel to him to teach him a lesson. 

They heard more muffled screams and Angelus's voice soft now almost cooing to him "Almost over princess. Almost over. Just a bit more. There we go." The scream this time was shrill and William cringed "God what is he doing to that poor girl." 

Pen decided to show William he held up his hands in front of him "He's doing to her what he did to me. First he crushes each finger on each hand. Then he uses a set of pliers to remove a tooth from the mouth which I can tell you is utter agony. Which I gather he hasn't done yet. And then he rapes you roughly three times and drains you til your asleep." Pen said. 

They heard Angelus again this time his voice was honey soft "Now little one. Change face. Do it my girl. Good. Good girl. Now then. Who do you belong to?" Angelus asked and then was a muffled reply that sounded like the evil wolf. 

"yes. Now who does pretty William belong to?" Angelus asked.

There was similar sound. "Then why may I ask did you bite him when you know very well that he belongs to daddy? That's wasn't very nice now was it? Your frightened him dear girl and I can't have that. You must place nice with your little brother or daddy has to punish you. Now you remember Pen the other blonde one? Now who does he belong to?" Angelus asked. 

Pen couldn't help himself he really couldn't "Leave me out of it Angelus!" he yelled then he shut up realized what he had done but there was no sounds except for Angelus asking again "Who does Pen belong to princess?" Angelus asked.

"You daddy." Drusilla said tearfully. 

He must have taken the gag off. 

"Very good. Now do you understand why your not to touch what's daddies?" Angelus asked. 

"Yes." she answered. 

"Good girl. My precious girl. You don't ever put a violent hand on anything that's mine. That includes yourself. Now then. Maybe this will help you to think next time you are tempted to lung at one of my children." Angelus said and then was there was a sickening snap and then the poor girl screamed and screamed and screamed and Pen Held William while he cried because he was taught that you never hurt a lady. 

"He removed her tooth. It'll grow back like mine did.  But the pain is unbearable. Take my advise William never make him that angry. I know it's horrible but he is rarely ever this cruel. And even when he's his most cruel he's still loving and attentive and always cuddling and comforting before after and in between. Angelus how are we to sleep with her making that racket!" Pen shouted that last part hoping to earn that girl a moments peace while Angelus would come and scold him and maybe even smack him. But Angelus didn't come. 

There was sobbing now as Angelus was now holding her. 

"Oh for the love of all that's holy." Pen groaned. Then yelled just as loud as before "Well if your gonna do this all damn day I am gonna take my chances on making it out to the barn and if I do make it I'll at least be able to sleep in there!" Pen said and got out of the bed looking for a spare blanket to use to cover himself from the sun. 

"Are you mad? It's like you want him to come in here and clobber you." William said.

"I do." Pen whispered so low that he knew Angelus wouldn't be able to hear him. 
Then was the sound of a heavy punch and then a thud and then Angelus was coming and now Pen wasn't so sure he wanted him to come after all. 

Angelus nearly ripped the door off opening it and with a grim look on his face he went over slowly with Pen backed up until he was against the wall and Angelus soon was right in front of him gazing down at his daring boy. 

"My proud little puritan will you never learn? You do not dare to threaten me little boy. I was in the middle of teaching your sister a lesson about not touching things that are mine. Pain is a good way to make a point as you well know and she will remember the pain the next time she snaps. The voices in her head are all me and now they'll be telling her that being mean to things that belong to daddy is a NO. And If I ever catch you taking the risk of going in the sun light weather you are covered or not I will drag you back kicking and screaming and then I will tan you hide til the blood runs from it. And then I will break both of your legs. I would have no problem carrying you until you healed Pen. And You now I mean every word I say. Threaten me like that again And I might just think I need to break your legs just to keep from doing it. Do I need to do that Pen? Do I need to break your legs? Or will you do as your told and stay inside?" Angelus asked.

"I will do as I'm told Sire." Pen said then added "But Angelus she woke me up and I hate being woken up suddenly like that. It upsets me to wake up to screaming. I get scared. And Will Woke up too and has been crying and crying and I know what you are doing to that poor girl. You did it to me too. I made those screams once." Pen said. 

"I am sorry it startled you. I did gag her for most of it. And yes I did it to you once. And You deserved it then just as she deserves it now. But because of you it was cut short. If you do now wish to hear her taking the punishment then it will be you that takes the rest of it. There's the rape left. So boy do I wake her or do I take the rest of my anger out on you?" Angelus asked and Pen raised his chin "Not like I'll get any sleep either way! At least if you do it to me I can keep quiet enough so as not to disturb the whole house." Pen snapped back. 

And Angelus was truly baffled it never ceased to amaze him that no matter what Pen always found some courage buried deep in him and then it would come out when Angelus least expected it. 

"Alright my boy. I do see your point. You've your choice. And So have I. William stay in bed and go back to sleep. And stop looking like a scared Rabbit you are the only one of my children that has done nothing wrong tonight you should be pleased. Now lye down and go to sleep. Come on Pen." Angelus led the other boy out and to another room on another floor of the big farm house all the windows had been covered with black curtains and boards that blocked the sun. 

Once In the room Pen Stripped and so did Angelus and the first time he took him it gentle. The second time which was in that same hour was a bit rough. The third time was brutal and it was only Angelus's mouth that kept Pen's screams from floating up the stairs to be heard. 

Once it was over Angelus held the trembling Pen until the boy feel asleep and Angelus turned the boy over and curled up against his back cradling him with one arm anchored at Pen's waist to hold him there against Angelus as they both slept through the day. 


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