The fang family

The fang family

Friday, May 18, 2012

Angel steps in Part 1

Summary: Lily is my character and she is the reincarnation of Liam  baby sister Kathy. And when Angelus discovered this he turned the child. Then she was dusted and Wolf Ram and Heart brings her back and when Angel discovers the dying child he can't bring himself to let her die again. Not when he could save her. Also Angel finds out that Spike has his soul and might try to kill himself so Angel goes to rescue Spike from himself. Where will the trio go? For Lily picture Debby Ryan from the Suite life on deck.


The blonde girl with the soft golden curls walked into the hotel that was said to handle strange cases and she asked for help. Cordelia took her to the officer where the notorious Angel was at.  When Angel saw her he stood from his desk a look of anger on his face but his guilt stopped him from grabbing a steak. He could have sworn that he had heard that she was dusted. Or Angelus had heard and had slaughtered a town in China because of it.  Then he smelled it. She was human! But that wasn't possible. He had turned her himself when he was Angelus in the year 1889. She had been made because William had pointed her out and said that he would love to have her as a present and so Angelus had went to get her for him.  She had been young. 15 years old. A mere child. But Angelus knew that it was sweet Kathy that was inside the girl. He hadn't been able to explain it. But he had sensed Kathy there. And then the girl had began to remember things from her previous life as Kathy. It was years later before she realized that it was her past life. Angelus had never told her. 
The girl saw him and recognized him from the flashbacks in her mind. 
She looked pleading at him. "You. I know you. What's happening to me Angelus?" She asked calling him by the name she had heard in the flashbacks of him.
Cordelia had left the room  and shut the door so no one heard that. 
Angel glared "I'm not Angelus. What do you mean what's happening to you?" Angel asked.
"I'm seeing things. Strange things. For a long time I felt like I was asleep and then when I woke up I was at Wolf Ram and Heart. Then I went home with a woman. Her name is Lilah. But I began to see things. Like memories or something. And I saw you in several of them. And me. And another girl too." Lily said.
Okay so Wolf Ram and Heart had brought her back as a human. But why? 
"What your seeing is memories. Memories of your life and your past life." Angel said.
"My past life? And how can it be memories from my life when the time in my memories seems impossible. In some of them it's like It's the 1800's or something." Lily said.
"That's because it is.  You came here for help and if you'll listen then I can tell you everything. But you have to trust me okay?" Angel asked feeling that the right thing to do would be to tell her the truth. 
"You said that before. You said to trust you and that you would take care of me and that deep down I knew that." Lily said.
"I did. First of all I am not Angelus. Well I am but I'm not. I was Angelus a long time ago. But I was cursed with a soul and after that I became Angel. I'm a vampire. When I was turned I became Angelus. The first thing I did after waking was kill my family. My mother. My father. My baby sister. It never occurred to me that I could have turned her. Until I met you. The first time I saw you I couldn't take my eyes off you. You were so beautiful. So sweet. And you smelled.......Like her.  My sister Kathy. I Learned that you were the reincarnation of Kathy. And after that I chose to turn you. I made you a vampire. You were 13 years old. The year I turned you was 1889. Then you began to remember you life as Kathy. But then you discovered that you were Kathy in your past life. You ran away saying that I killed you twice. By the time I had decided to go after you I had heard that you had been dusted. I was angry about that and a village in China felt my rage for a while. And now Wolf Ram and Heart brought you back. They probably think they can use you against me somehow. I don't know why they made you human. But I'm glad they did. This gives you another chance." Angel said.
After listening to him it made sense but she was puzzled "A chance to what?" She asked.
"A chance to live. Something that I took away from you twice." Angel said.
"Angel? I think you should know that in one of my memories a doctor told me I was sick. And I can remember my mother crying about some kind of fever. Pox or something like that. I don't remember what the doctor called it. But I think I still have it." Lily said.

Angel closed his eyes tormented at the thought of sweet Kathy sick or dying of fever. But he had to remind himself that she wasn't Kathy. Kathy was dead! But then he had never understood why Lily could remember things from when she was Kathy. Angelus used to get angry when Lily would start rambling about a memory of him and Kathy that she could see plain as day. 

"How long do you have?" Angel asked.
"Lilah says I have two weeks." Lily said sadly. "I'm going to die. It's hard to accept. I just wanted to know why I was seeing all these weird things. So I came here. I'm glad you were honest with me and told me the truth. Even if it is really strange. I couldn't explain why all these things were going through my head and why it seemed so right. So real when I saw myself in pretty dresses from the 1800's. Thank you Angel. And I'm sorry that I'm dying. I know it must be hard. Me having some part of Kathy in me and all. But whatever happens. It's for the best." Lily said. 
Angel looking shattered said "I know it is." he seemed angry too. 

"Well I should go." Lily said.

Angel stayed where he was but snapped at her "You'll stay right there and not move an inch." he said and she stayed where she was wondering why that tone had her freezing where she stood. 

Angel had to channel his inner Angelus for this one. 

Angel looked at the clock it was dark out now. He grabbed her arm and escorted her outside and to his car not saying a word to anyone as he drove off with her.

After buckling her seat belt she found the courage to ask "Where are we going?" 

"You'll see." He said and drove for a couple hours. 
They arrived at a cabin he jerked the car to a stop and shut the engine off and hauled her out of the car. 
"Stop! Let go of me! Why are you doing this? What are we doing here?" she demanded.

Once they were inside he slammed the door and rounded on her. 

"Stay completely still! I'll explain everything. When You were Kathy I took your life for no reason at all. When I turned you it was for selfish reasons and because I knew that some part of you was Kathy. But this is differant. This is me saving your life because your life means something to me and there is no other way for you to survive this." Angel said. 

"Your gonna take my life again aren't you? But you said you weren't him!" Lily objected.

"I'm not! But I can still turn you just like I did before. It's just that now I'm doing it for you. Not for me. Well not just for me." Angel said honestly.

"So your gonna do it all again?" Lily asked nervous knowing full well what Angelus did to her. 
Angel cringed "No! I won't touch you like that ever again. Angelus might if he gets free again but I won't! And even Angelus only did it that once. He wasn't attracted to you. It was more of a tradition. When you turn someone you normal touch them. That's the only reason Angelus touched you. I won't do that. Just close your eyes for me and stay still and I promise I'll make this as quick as possible." Angel said his tone now soothing just as he used to talk to Kathy when she was upset and crying.
The tone did it's magic and Lily obeyed and closed her eyes. 

She felt him near her and then he jerked her forward and then bit her neck. It was a sharp pain that she felt and then it happened fast. He drank and drank and then she was the one drinking from his chest like an infant fed from a mother. And then she knew nothing. 

It had all happened so fast and Angel was fighting with himself after it was done. He had turned her for the right reasons. He had saved her life and he had done the right thing and he wouldn't change it for anything. He wouldn't watch her die. Not again. Not with Kathy inside of her. His sister had been more his child then his parents. They had been old when she was born and thier father had wanted a boy and so Liam was the one that cherished the baby and took care of her most of the time. And he had even spanked her a couple times. One time Lily even remember one of the times. She had climbed in bed with Angelus crying and saying she would be good and she would never go back to the bridge again if he just please didn't spank her anymore. Which had been about the way it went. He had caught Kathy on a old bridge and had given her a good spanking for putting herself in danger. And when Lily had come to Angelus he had wrapped his arms around her and held her til she fell asleep. She was often so confused when she remembered something. She wasn't always sure that she was Lily. Sometimes she thought she was still Kathy. 

Angel called the gang and explain everything then offered his position to Wesley because he would need time alone with Lily and she couldn't be around humans. Not if Angel was gonna teach her to be a good vampire. He would have no problem controlling her but he didn't feel like taking her to the hotel where he would be forced to spank her every time she lunged at one of his friends. He had been a strict Sire as Angelus. 

His phone rang and he answered it after seeing that it was Buffy. 

"Hey Buffy what's up?" He asked.

"Angel uh. I was wondering how close is the whole Sire Childe thing? I mean you have to care about the vampires you made right?" Buffy asked.
"I have a responsibility yes. Oh god what did Spike do this time?" Angel asked.

"Uh. He tried to fry himself on a cross and I'm only calling because I'm afraid that one of these days he's gonna take a morning stroll and then burn to ashes. His soul is really gutting him. Angel as his Sire can you please do something? I don't wanna watch him kill himself." Buffy said.

Angel was gripping the phone so tight that it should have cracked "When did he get his soul?" Angel asked.
"He won his soul in the demon trials about a week ago." Buffy said.
"And when did he try to fry himself on a cross?" Angel asked his tone tight with anger.

"About the same time." Buffy said.

Angel snapped "And why the hell am I just now getting your call!! I may not be Angelus but I am not gonna sit around and let my Childe hurt himself because he has a soul! You should have called me when you found out." Angel yelled.
Buffy flinched Angel barely ever got mad at her "Wait your mad because I didn't call? I'm sorry okay I wasn't sure that you would care I thought you hated Spike." Buffy said.

"I'll be there by morning and Don't tell him that!! I mean it not one word. And I'm coming for him so it's probably better if you and I don't do any catching up this time." Angel said then hung up the phone. 
He lifted the dead Lily and put her in the backseat putting up the top of the car and drove at break neck speeds all the way to Sunnydale and to the crypt when he knew Spike would be. 

He left Lily in the car not planning on staying in town for long. 

He went into the Crypt and found Spike sitting on the couch looking blankly at the television then he snapped as he smelled Angel he stood up as if he were expecting this. 
"Well go on then! Dust me." Spike said holding his arms wide open. 

"Get your ass in my car now before I strip the pants from you and blister you ass crimson!" Angel raised his voice.

Spike took a step back "Hey wait a minute only Angelus threatens like that!" Spike said.

"Spike I am not Angelus but if you don't get your ass in that car by the time I count to three I swear you'll beg for mercy. 1 ! ...........2! William now!" Angel yelled his voice filled with rage and when Angel called him William Spike cringed. Damn he had sounded just like Angelus and it had Spike running out to the car. He slammed the door as he got in then saw who was in the back seat. Just great! 

Angel got in the car and Spike snapped "You could have told me that you brought the baby! What's she doing here anyway! I thought she was dusted way back when and you told us we had to go to China and seek vengeance." Spike said.

Angel drove and said "She was Resurrection by Wolf Ram and Heart and she came to me when she started remembering things. I told her the truth and then she told me that she was dying and I couldn't just let her die." Angel said. 

"Oh you could have. You just didn't want to. Great now You've killed her three times. Your on a roll Angelus." Spike said and then flinched when a slap landed on his leg. "Ow!" he tried to rub his leg but it didn't help much. 

"I'm not Angelus! You'd know if I was Angelus cause I'd have your head between my thighs taking your 'soother'" Angel said knowingly and he hated making Spike remember the old times just as much as he hated to remember them. 

Spike snapped "You certainly sounded like Angelus back there! And I wouldn't blow you or Angelus ever again. Not for any amount of money in the world." Spike declared. 
"What makes you think Angelus would give you a choice?" Angel countered back and Spike shut up because he knew Angel was right. 

They rode in silence til they reached the cabin and Angel carried Lily in while Spike walked through the door and then sat on a chair. 

Angel put Lily on the bed then left to wait for her to wake up. 

He went to talk to Spike while they waited.

Angel had his hands on his hips as he glared at Spike "You've got some nerve Spike! Sitting there acting like you've done nothing wrong. You deliberately hurt yourself." Angel's tone sent chills down Spike's spine. 

"I felt bad!" Spike couldn't think of anything else to say. 

"Getting your soul isn't a reason to hurt yourself! You should have called me and told me what was going on and how it was making you feel. I would have understood and helped you cope with it in a better way." Angel said.

"Oh like you don't hate me anyways! There was no point in calling you if I had called you you would have hung up on me." Spike said.

"Oh and how do you know that seeing as you've never called before?" Angel asked knowingly.
"Well why give you the chance to hang up on me?" Spike asked back.
"Did you ever think of the possibility that I wouldn't have hung up on you? Did you ever stop to think that I am your Sire and that I can't hate you! It's my job to take care of you Spike! I made you. I would have at least talked to you." Angel said at which point Spike felt dumb. 

"Fine I should have called. I'm sorry." Spike said.

"yeah you should have. Now I have to think of a punishment before we start going over how to help you deal with having a soul." Angel said annoyed.

"What do you mean by punishment? Sides your not Angelus you've never punished me before." Spike said.

"Soul or no soul I am still your Sire and I am not about to let you get away with harming yourself." Angel said sternly.

"Great. Gonna get all alpha male daddy on us are you?" Spike asked annoyed.

"Yeah. Keep it up and I'll just give in to my urges and toss you over my knee." Angel threatened.

Spike kept his mouth shut so that Angel wouldn't get pissed off enough to carry out any of his threats. 


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