The fang family

The fang family

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bailey part 5:


The next night they went out again. The club was just as packed but only Pen went in while Spike went off on his own and Angelus directed Bailey to follow him down the street. The was a church not far away and there was a bench by the church gates. Angelus stopped at the bench and then turned and picked Bailey up and sat her on the bench. 

"Now then Princess listen carefully alright? Inside that church is a preacher a man of god. He's in there by himself now what your going to do is sit here until you hear the church door open and then I want you to bend down put your face in your hands and pretend like your crying. That will make him come over to you and ask what's wrong. And you my pretty little liar will come up with an inventive story to keep him here until I return to drain him. Do you understand?" Angelus asked his tone gentle. 

"Yes." she said.

"Good now lets practice okay? Show your best sad face." Angelus said and she put on her pout look and gave him puppy dog eyes and Angelus smirked "Excellent. Now lean down just a bit then cover your face with your hands and pretend to cry." Angelus instructed. 

She did and Angelus chuckled "That my precious is just perfect. Now just do that when he comes out alright? I'm going over there to hide in the shadows and when you get tired of playing with him I want you to say oh there you are daddy and I'll come then. Alright?" Angelus asked.

"Yes but why are we doing this?" she asked.

"Because dear it's fun to play with them. And you could probably lure anyone in we could have anyone we wanted with you around. No human walked away from a child in need. Well most don't anyway. This is just to practice you story making skills on an unsuspecting victim. The more you do it the better you'll get and then you'll really start to have fun with it." Angelus said. 

"So your going to kill him?" she asked.

"Yes of course princess now you wait here and daddy will be right over there watching. And don't you dare scare him off on purpose. " Angelus warned and then walked away to watch in the bushes and then was joined by Pen. And Spike showed up too. 
"What are we doing here?" Spike asked. 
"We're watching your sister learn to play like a good little vampire." Angelus said then said "Now hush and watch. I wanna see this." Angelus said.

But before the church man could come out a group of young and old teens traveling in a truck stopped and the driver stepped out and ordered the others to keep an eyes out. 

Angelus saw what was in the back of the truck. "Shit. Vampire hunters." Angelus said and then put a hand out to stop Spike "Don't. You'll give her away. They won't know what she is. They probably think she's just a child lost. But if you go barreling over there they'll know." Angelus said which stopped Spike but they all kept a close eye ready to lunge if they needed to. 

She watched the black guy approach and then she recognized him "Gunn." she said. 

He sat beside her "Hey. I hear about what happened to your parents. I'm sorry. You know the police are looking for you. How did you get away from the guys that took you/" Gunn asked.

"It was so strange Gunn. It's not even possible they had me and then they were taking me into this creepy house and then the sun came up and they burned right there! It was so weird. I took the keys and drove back and ditched the car. I haven't been back long. I've been too scared to go back home or to tell the police." Bailey lied easily. 

"Did one of them bite you?" Gunn asked seriously. 

"Yeah. Why did he bite me?" she asked not realized that she probably shouldn't have said that. 

"Give me your hand." Gunn said and she did it. 
He checked for a pulse. Then sighed. "They turned you." he said and then stood up. 

Angelus waited to see what the young man would do next. 

"I heard someone say that I have a soul." She offered. 

"Well at least that's something. Look do you know what you are now?" he asked.

"Yes." she said.

"So you know your a vampire?" he asked.
"Yes. I've been feeding on deer." she lied. 

"Well I guess that's better then feeding on humans. You just keep feeding on those deer. And If you need friends.....we're still here for you. You can still hang with us. You have a soul and you don't drink human blood so that makes you good. We'll invite you in any time.  Just come over. You could stay with us too. We can have a space made just for you. I promise the sun won't get you. Your still my girl you know. Vampire or not. But I'm glad your good." Gunn said.

"What you doing out by a church anyways? What you just gonna sit here all by your lonesome until later?" Gunn asked with a smirk. 
"No. I was just thinking." then she stiffened pretending like she smelled something. 
"What?" Gunn asked.

"You should go. It's not safe here. Vampires are coming." Bailey said trying to warn him. 

Gunn nodded "Yeah. Alright. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be on my way. You can come with us if you want there's plenty of room." Gunn said and she shook her head no. 
"Alright but You better keep in touch. And stop by the hang out at least once each night. I want a full report of your activities and maybe you can help us hunt some other vamps. Catch you later." Gunn said and then went back to his truck and drove off intent on going home and letting everyone know the news including Bailey's older brother Riley. 

Angelus wasn't pleased. He saw the preacher come out and then so did Bailey. 

"Hey mister!" she shouted and ran over to him. 

"Yes can I help you miss?" the preacher asked.

"I don't know. I'm lost. I can't find my daddy." she said sadly. 

"Well where did you last see him?" the preacher asked.

"He said he'd be right back and that was almost an hour ago. I'm scared. What if something happened to him? Can you help me look for him?" she begged. 

"Of course I'll help you. Do you know where he was heading?" the preacher asked. 

"He was suppose to get something to eat for us and then come back but he hasn't returned yet." Bailey said going around him like a vulture and then stopped when his back was to Angelus. 

Her face brightened "Oh there you are daddy." she said smiling and in a second Angelus was behind the man and the preacher turned "Oh hello MR?" The preacher asked.

"Angelus." Angelus supplied. 

"Ah. I was just about to help your child look for you." the preacher said.

Angelus smiled "That's kind of you to help my girl." Angelus said and then turned to Bailey "Honey why don't you go wait in the car and I'll thank this man properly." Angelus said and then Bailey nodded and then walked away towards the car as Spike and Pen were still behind the bushes watching Angelus she decided to run. 

She wanted to see her older brother. He wasn't her brother by blood but they were close enough that they were like siblings and the entire gang had sort of adopted her as the baby sister of the group. 

She ran fast expecting Angelus at any moment but he never showed. 

She went all the way to the bad part of town and found the hang out quickly the truck was there parked and she knocked on the door. 

Everyone who was eating at the moment heard the knocking. 

Gunn got up and looked out the peep hole seeing Bailey's scared face he opened the door "Come on it." he invited and she came in. 

He took her into the room and everyone stared at her even Riley Gunn turned her around "Now why do you look like the devil is gonna come after you?" Gunn asked.

"Gunn I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  I lied to you. The one who made me. He isn't dead. He was there while you were talking to me. That's why I wanted you to leave. I was sitting outside because he wanted me to lure the preacher from the church outside so that he could kill him. But I was honest about me having a soul. And I don't feed from humans. Angelus feeds on the humans and I feed from him." Bailey confessed feeling terrible about lying to them because they were the only human family she had left.

"Angelus! Bailey Angelus made you? Fuck!" Gunn cursed. 

"Gunn please don't hate me. I'm sorry I lied to you. But I had to get you away from him." Bailey said. 

Gunn sighed "Bailey I don't hate you. I get it okay. You were just doing as you were told. But you can stay here with us. You don't have to go back to him. Angelus is like the biggest baddest vampire in the country." Gunn said.

"I know he is. But Gunn I can't stay here. I just wanted to come see you. I won't put you in danger. I have to go now. Before he tracks me here. I have to go because if he finds me here he'll kill all of you." Bailey said and made her way towards the door. 

"Bailey don't go! We can take care of ourselves trust me. We been doing this for a long time. You don't have to go. Come on. Stay with us." Gunn said his tone pleading. 

"I can't. I'm sorry." she said "I'm come back another night if I can." then she ran out fast when she was back at the bar Angelus's car was gone and she went in the bar. 

She sat at the bar where the bartender saw her he came over to her "Kid I don't know where you'd been but Angelus is pissed. Tommy call Angelus and tell him she's here." the bartender shouted. 

And Tommy pulled out his cell and called Angelus. 

"What!" Angelus answered annoyed as he drove around trying to find Bailey. 

"Angelus it's Tommy. I'm at the bar. Bailey just walked in. She's here." Tommy said.

"Good. Keep her there. I'm on my way." Angelus said hung up the phone and then made a U turn. 

"You wan't a drink?" The bartender asked her. 

"NO. I'm hungry." she whined and her stomach rumbled painfully. Every vampire noticed the fledgling having hunger pains. Just great. 

"You want some blood? I got some in the back." the bartender said.

"No. That's okay. Ow." she yelped at that pain and tears filled her eyes 
"It hurts." she whined and then she was out of her chair and curling up on the floor but that didn't help either. 

"No honey don't do that." the bartender tried to say. 

The pain was so bad that she suddenly was biting her hand with her teeth trying to feel a different pain. 

Angelus parked the car and heard mostly silence and vampires saying "stop. don't do that." 

And he walked in and stopped in his tracks seeing her curled up tight crying and her hand was bleeding. Angelus went over to her and took her bleeding hand to look it over. 

"Did you do this?" he asked. 

"It hurts!" she cried. 

"Well of course it hurts you bit yourself." Angelus said. 

Then her stomach growled and she whined again "Make it stop!" she cried pitifully. 

Angelus picked her up into his arms like a small child placing her legs around him and saying "Thanks." to the bartender he made his way out to the car with the crying childe. 

He tossed the keys to Pen. "Drive." he said and Pen gave him a strange look but got in the drivers seat. Spike got in the front While Angelus got in the back keeping her in the same position and now she was straddling him in the back seat. 

"Find an ally and park the car." he said and it didn't take long for Pen to find an ally. 

Angelus ripped his shirt open and then slashed his chest and Bailey bend over to suck the blood from him as she drank he rocked her and rubbed her back while she whimpered while feeding. "Shh. Your okay. Your gonna be okay. Shh. daddy will take care of you. Shh. Gently sweat heart. No. No stop. Don't do that. I said stop." Angelus scolded as she couldn't help but draw the blood out hard and fast because she was so hungry. 

"Slow down honey. Honey listen to daddy. Slow down." Angelus warned and then he swatted her bottom hard and she yelped and lifted her head from his chest to look at him. 

"Back down. And this time take it slow. Come on." Angelus said guiding her back down and she began to suck gently. "There we go." he said and the sound of her noisy suckling filled the car. 

Pen smirked "Sounds like you when ever he feeds you like that." Pen said.

"Oh yeah? Well when was the last time he fed you like that?" Spike asked.

Pen had to think about that. 

Angelus snorted "Has it been so long then Pen that you can't remember? I remember. Twas 30 months ago." Angelus informed him .

"Yeah I remember." Pen said.

"Wow. Daddy sure is neglecting you." Spike said teasingly. 

"I am not." Angelus said annoyed. 

"Then why wait so long to give him Sire's blood?" Spike asked.

"Because I'm not a big baby I don't need sire's blood all the time." Pen snapped.

Angelus rolled his eyes "Aye Pen. You are a baby. Your my baby. All of you are. Now hush. Your sister is starting to fall asleep." Angelus said.

They quieted down as the sucking sounds continued and Bailey was lulled to sleep by the constant blood flowing gently into her mouth. Angelus waited until he was sure she was asleep. Then saw the clock. It was about two in the morning. 

He laid her gently in the backseat. Where she could sleep "Shh. Sleep my baby girl." Angelus said and kissed her softly and then got out of the car. 

"Don't leave her by herself. If you need to hunt more then go one at a time. I'll be back soon. Don't move the car." Angelus said and then he left after buttoning his shirt. 

He was now feeling very hungry. She had nearly drained him. Which meant that she needed to eat more. Angelus took three victims. Two for himself and one more for later so that she could feed again. Then he took a fourth victim before finally going back to the car. 

He got in the back and woke her up "Princess wake up. Come on honey get up. There we go." Angelus said as he pulled her up to sit in the backseat and she opened her tired eyes and rubbed them moaning sleepily. 

"Pen switch places with me." Angelus said and Pen got in the back as Angelus got up front.

Angelus didn't drive home. Instead he followed Bailey's scent all the way to the hang out. 

Bailey panicked "What are we doing here?" she asked.

"I think the question is what were you doing here?" Angelus corrected and then saw the truck. "So you came to see your friends? Did they invite you in?" Angelus asked.

"Yes. Why?" she asked.

"Good. I feel like watching you play some more. Lure them out." Angelus said.

"No!" Bailey said and determined not to back down on this. 

"Do as I say." Angelus said.

"I won't! And you can't make me!" she yelled and folded her arms in defiance. 

"Come on. I'm giving you a chance here. Your in for a pretty blistering spanking when we get home. But if your a good girl and do this then I can forgive you for running away and you won't get in trouble." Angelus said. 

"Get spanked or lose my friends? What kind of choice is that!" she demanded. 

"It's the choice I'm giving you little girl. And you had better pick one fast." Angelus said becoming annoyed. 

"No." Bailey said.

Angelus turned to her "No what? What are you saying no to? Your gonna have to be more specific then just no." Angelus said.

She glared at him "No. I am not gonna sit here and play your games. Your the only one having fun here." Bailey said.

"Come on pet just.." Spike was interrupted by Angelus "William be silent!" he snapped. 

Spike shut up. 

Angelus turned to her. "Are you telling me that you won't make a choice?" Angelus asked. 

"That's right." she said.

"Fine then. I get to make the choice for you then. And I chose both." Angelus said. 

"No!" Bailey yelled at him and jumped out the car she suddenly found herself half way away from the car and facing off and Angelus stared stunned as his baby was hissing at him her rage surprised him. 

Angelus slowly got out of the car and then stopped as Spike was suddenly out of the car too "For god sake Angelus just let it go and leave the girl alone!" he said and then shoved Angelus back and glaring up at him. 

Angelus's eyes almost turned black with his anger but Spike stood his ground. So did Angelus "Get back in the car. Now." Angelus snapped his fingers at the word now. 

Spike didn't move an inch. "You first." he said. 

Angelus opened his car door and then moved quickly hurling Spike into the car so fast that Spike couldn't stop him and found himself in his seat. 

Angelus then snapped his fingers at Bailey "Get back in the car." Angelus growled low. 

"You will not touch them!" Bailey declared in a dangerous tone. 

"I won't." Angelus agreed. Then snapped his fingers again "Now get in the fucking car." 

She felt the rage leave her and she went in to get in the car. 

She sat by Pen and Angelus slammed his door and drove home. 

The car was jerked to a stop and Angelus got out of the car and Snapped his fingers at Spike. "William go stand in the living room corner. No TV." Angelus said and he glared but went on his way. 

Bailey got out of the car as Angelus then glared at Pen "You....Find something to do with yourself. And stay out of my way." He warned. 

Pen thought about that "Can I drive around?" he asked. 

"No. Your not to leave the  property. " Angelus answered. 

Then turned to Bailey and Snapped his fingers at her "You get your little ass upstairs and wait for me." Angelus growled and she ran to the bedroom. 

She got angry and kicked the table which then fell over and the glass vase holding the ugly flowers shattered. Then she sat in the big black Victorian style chair that Angelus loved. She crossed her arms and tried to look unrepentant.

She lasted until she heard his feet on the stairs she looked up and rushed over to lock the deadbolt on the door and the feet stopped just short of the door. 

"You did not just lock the door." Angelus said in disbelief. 

"Go away!" Bailey shouted. 

"Oh sure that's what I'll do." Angelus said sarcastically. 

"Good." Bailey said even though she knew he wasn't serious. 

"Open the door." Angelus said losing patience fast. 

"No." she rebelled. 

"If I have to break that door down you are going to be a very sorry little girl! Now open the damn door!" Angelus yelled. 

There was no sound. 

"1." Angelus started counting. 

Bailey tried to think of something. Anything. She looked over at the window she silently went over and opened it. 
"2." Angelus said his tone becoming more dangerous. 

Bailey climbed out onto the room not sure where she thought she was going but she wasn't going to jump off again. She walked over to climb onto the next level as Angelus shouted "3. Okay that's it!" the door was shattered just as she climbed up to the next level of the house. 

Angelus was now climbing out the window as he yelled at her "Get back here! What did i tell you about Roof's?" He said now on the roof himself. 

She continued to walk and shouted back at him "you said I couldn't jump you never said I couldn't be on one." she said. 

Angelus was tired of this. 

He Jumped up and propelled threw the air and landed in front of her and she screamed shocked and jumped about an inch away for the same reason and then she slipped. 

She screamed but somehow she had managed to grab the edge with one hand. 

She looked down and saw Pen now right below her ready to catch her if she slipped. 

She was holding on just by that one hand and it was hard to hold on. 

She closed her eyes and Angelus grabbed her wrist using his strength he pulled her up tossing her into the hair to give her a good scare and then caught her in his arms and began to carry her back he jumped down to the second level and was then propelling her throw the window and once she was inside Angelus went in and shut the window drawing the curtains and then he turned to her. 

She was staring at the door which wasn't broken. "What you think I don't have a key?" Angelus asked and he went over to lock the door himself and then went over to the bedside drawer and took out a oval plastic hair brush. 

She gasped "What's that for/" she asked nervous. 

"This is for you honey. This is what's gonna teach you to stop pushing daddy." Angelus said he came for her then. 

She bravely stood her ground as he took her arm and then he sat on the bed and lay the brush aside and took down her jeans and her underwear then he put her across his lap getting her positioned right then asked "Comfortable?" he asked.

Was he kidding? She wondered. "Um. Yes?" she said thinking it was the right answer and it was because he said "Good. Cause your gonna be there for a while." he said then the arm holding her down now had a firm grip around her to keep her there.

"This is for running away." Angelus said and Slapped her bottom 20 times with his hand. 

She didn't quite yelp yet. Angelus paused "This is for being disobedient." Another 20 slaps and she had tears in her eyes. He was hitting all over her bare bottom and it hurt like hell. 

Angelus paused again "This is for not waking me up when you got hungry. You could have saved yourself a lot of pain if you had woken me up when you got hungry. I don't like walking in and seeing my childe so hungry that there in pain. From now on your feeding three times a night. Once before we go out. Once while we're out. And once when we get home." Angelus lectured as he slapped her bottom ten times. It was coloring up nicely it was pretty red now. And she was crying. 

Angelus paused again to pick up the brush this time "You don't tell me no. You don't challenge me when I tell you to do something. You do as your told. Or you pay the price. You don't defy me. And the next time you think about telling me no you had better think about this first." Angelus said and then brought the brush down on her bottom and she screamed and tried to get away but he held her still and continued to spank her with the brush turning her bottom a darker red with each set of ten spanks. He gave her 5 sets of ten. Making an even 50 with the brush. And she was screaming and crying continuously when he was done. 

Her bottom was a deep deep deep red. And Angelus was sure that after this she would think twice before she pushed him again. 

He tossed the brush onto the side table and then flipped her over to sit on his knee which made her cry harder as she tried to bury her face in his shoulder but he stopped her first and made her look at him "Now then are we sorry yet?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." she cried barely able to form the word and Angelus nodded and then replaced her jeans and the laid back pulling her with him and he let her cry on him while rubbing her back and murmuring words of love "Shh. Daddy's here. Daddy's got you. Hush my baby. My precious baby. Your alright. Your okay." Angelus said in a loving tone. Kissing her every once and a while. 

He waited a while for her to stop crying. It did take some time but when she did stop her bottom was still blazing hot. 

Angelus made a cut in his chest with his nail and she went to suck on the blood. 

she fed from him until she fell asleep. 

When she was completely asleep the sucking stopped and she was still. Angelus placed her on her side and kissed her forehead ever the doting father. Then he picked up the hair brush and went to deal with the other brat that had defied him tonight. 

Pen ignored the cried that Bailey made and he ignored the cries Spike made too. Shaking his head and hoping that Bailey would learn faster then Spike. Because Spike was still learning. He knew better then to challenge Angelus and yet that never seemed to stop him. 

Pen never challenged Angelus anymore. Or at least he hadn't in a long time. 

Spike felt protective of Bailey. To the point where he was doing things he knew he shouldn't. Maybe Spike would stop pushing Angelus when Bailey did. 

The last part with Spike was particularly nasty and Pen knew that was because he had shoved Angelus. But then it was over and then the sun was on it's way up and they went to bed. 

Angelus listened for the birds in the morning and when he heard them he woke up Bailey. 

She moaned but woke up and looked to him sleepily. Angelus pulled her closed to him and cut his chest open and she looked at him confused "Shh. Come. Feed." Angelus said and she reluctantly began to suck his blood. It was about five minutes later when Angelus stopped her and then she curled up to him and went to sleep. 

He went back to sleep too. 


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