The fang family

The fang family

Friday, May 18, 2012

Angelus returns for his boy

This is from Buffy season 2 when Angelus returns. Also for this were gonna pretend like Spike wasn't injured so he's not in a wheel chair he can walk. 

         Drusilla had run away so Spike was sitting around thinking of where she could be. The crazy girl had had a vision and then went nuts and took off leaving Spike with no clue where she was or why she had taken off. 
He found out quick though. 
The door to the crypt was shoved open and none other then Angel came through the door. 
Spike glared at the soul vamp that had once been his sire and Angel came right over to him Spike prepared for a fight. "Honey. I'm home." Angel said as he came over then he grabbed Spike's ass and pulled him in for a long kiss forcing his lips open and ground himself against his boy. 
Spike stiffened first because only Angelus kissed him like that and second because he could smell that there was no soul. Which meant that this was Angelus kissing him. 
He whined as Angelus continued to devour his lips and the hand continued to roam over and grope his ass. 
Spike tried his best at shoving Angelus off but he should have none it had never worked before and so it wouldn't work now. 
The only thing it did was annoy Angelus. 
Angelus squeezed his ass hard and Spike again tried to buck away from him but Angelus had his hands all over him and he couldn't get free. 
When the mouth finally left him Angelus had a sinister smile on his face and spoke with a humor that made Spike cringe. "Naughty boy. You know better then to fight with daddy!" 
"Yeah well daddy has been gone for a while. Get off me! please." Spike decided that it was best to add the begging so that maybe Angelus wouldn't hurt him for trying to defy him.
Angelus scoffed but he did let go of the boy after shoving him towards the bed. 
"Strip. now. I missed my boy." Angelus said as he began to circle Spike like a vulture. 
Spike scoffed and leaned against the bed frame "you got some nerve you know that? You gained a soul and then abandoned me with Dru! God after seeing what you did to her I found myself wondering why I wasn't insane too! You can't just leave and expect to be welcomed back with open arms Angelus. Not after Angel has spent so long tormenting us!" Spike snapped refusing to be Angelus' play boy again.
Angelus smiled. The look Angelus gave Spike made Spike want to run. 
He cursed himself because he really did know better then to talk like that to Angelus. 
"Aww. And here I was thinking that my boy would be happy to get a treat after all his hard ships. I was gonna go after the slayer. But I know them too well. They'll try to put my soul back and probably succeed. So I figured that in stead of going after her I'd come for my boy and make some memories to keep me company in the dark solitude of soul boys mind. 
I've dreamed of this moment for a long time William. The moment where I would be free again and then I could get my hands on your luscious ass. And now here we are. But daddy's boy doesn't seem to want to play. What's wrong with daddy's boy? Hmm? Perhaps in all these years on your own you've forgotten who I am. Is that it? Did you forget who your talking to here boy?" Angelus asked menacingly.
Spike stepped back "Wait Angelus. I didn't mean it like that. Of course I'm happy to see you. It's just all the trouble with Angel has cause some bitterness between us. He beat me up. He defended the slayer against me. Me and Dru were about ready to leave when Dru went batty and took off without a word. Then you show up. It wasn't something I was prepared for." Spike said.
Angelus smirked and took a step towards his boy and enjoyed the tremble of fear that he saw go through the boy.
"Your happy to see me?" Angelus quizzed.
"Yeah." Spike said. 
Angelus sat down in a chair and held his hand out " Come then. Come sit here on daddy's knee and show me how happy you are." Angelus commanded making Spike squirm. 
He REALLY didn't want to sit on anyone's lap. But it wasn't like he had a real choice;. 
He let out a long insufferable sigh as he had many times when Dru wanted to play silly games. 
He took the hand and was pulled to sit on The knee of Angelus. 
Angelus had one arm around his boys waist and the other lightly ran over his shirt. 
"I think my baby is hungry." Angelus said in a paternal tone.
"I'm not." Spike said but then his stomach growled. Oh. maybe he was. 
"There's no one that knows you better then me." Angelus said as he had many times. 
Angelus unbuttoned his own shirt and then Spike was shocked as Angelus took his head and began to guide him down to his right nipple.
Spike tried to resist if only because it had been a long time since Angelus had fed him like a baby and Spike was no baby! 
A fierce slap landed on his exposed backside and he yelped. He found his mouth pressed against the nipple and Angelus murmurer to him "Shh. No more fussing. Eat your dinner like a good boy and you'll get a nice treat. Defy me again in any way and you will pay the price. Think hard before you make your choice boy." Angelus said as his left hand settled on his boys backside. 
Spike realized that either way Angelus was going to get what he wanted as always. So he just gave in. It was less painful if you just did as you were told. If Spike had learned anything from Angelus it was that. 
So Spike opened his mouth and bit down on the nipple and began to suckle both nipple and the blood that came out. 
Angelus' big hand began to rhythmically pat his backside as if he were an infant. 
Spike heard Angelus growl with pleasure when he suckled harder. 
"Ah. There's my good boy." Angelus growled.
Spike hated this and even though he had bit down gently he really wanted to be rough. But he knew that if he annoyed Angelus any further he would suffer for it. 
So he was a good boy and suckled on the nipple lapping up the blood. 
Angelus groaned in pleasure then patting his bottom again Angelus said "That's enough William." Angelus said softly. 
At the sound of the name William Spike got annoyed and decided that he didn't care about the consequences anymore! He sucked harder drawing the blood out. 
Angelus grunted as the pressure increased "I said that's enough William. Stop." Angelus scolded. 
But Spike kept his mouth attached and Angelus didn't appreciate the defiance. 
He growled and then grabbed Spike by his hair causing the boy to yelp and Angelus angrily yanked him away and then began to drag him to the bed by his hair. 
"No. Let go of me! I'm not your bloody William! My name is Spike! And soul or not you will damn well call me Spike! I've earned it!" Spike yelled and then he kicked out at Angelus' leg Angelus stopped in his tracks and then shoved Spike on the floor. 
"Move one inch and there won't be enough skin left on your hide to heal from the blistering I'm about to give you!" Angelus warned then he walked to the bed angrily "We could have had such a nice time. But now You've ruined that. Well I'll still enjoy myself. But you boyo. You are going to be begging for mercy long before it's given." Angelus said as he found the chains and hung them on the bed where the draperies should be. 
There was room enough to where it could be adjusted but for now it would remain low. 
Angelus stalked over to the trembled ball of nerves that was his Childe and he once again grabbed him by the hair and dragged him over to the Victorian style chair by the bed as Angelus sat down he used one hand to undo his trousers and the other hand was clasped tightly to the boys hair. 
"When I walk in after being gone I expect a proper greeting. You have been a very naughty boy since daddy came home. Your getting a blistering spanking and a session in the bed with daddy. But first I'll give you one last chance to earn some pleasure. I feel teeth and you will be the sorriest vampire that ever rose from the grave! The nicer you treat daddy the easier it'll be on you when this is over. So if you be real good to daddy I might let you have some pleasure too. Come on Boy. daddy has your soother right here." Angelus said as he guided the boys mouth to his 8 inch pulsing erection. Spike swallowed hard and then opened his mouth and gently covered his Sire's erection with his mouth. He had a hard time taking it all. He always did. The bastard was so big! But Spike Knew that unless he wanted to spend the next couple hours in agony he had better give Angelus a nice seeing to. 

So His head bobbing up and down he suckled as if it were a bottle. Going up and down again and again and then settling once he was all the way down and sucked and licked while Angelus went from running his fingers gently through his hair to having such a tight grip that it was painful. Angelus purred at the talented mouth. He had taught the boy well. 
Spike finally settled for just sucking and Angelus settled on a gentle grip on the boys hair. 
His fingers tightened when he felt himself coming close. Angelus pushed the boy further down and then thrust into his mouth rapidly until he came hard. He groaned out loud at the power of his climax. And chuckled as the boy had trouble swallowing all of his cum. 
He patted the boys head as he wiped his mouth and looked with pleading eyes up at Angelus. 

Then Angelus slapped his face. Spike yelped and then Angelus moved so fast that Spike suddenly found himself shackled to the bed. He was not too afraid to beg. He knew what being Shackled to the bed of Angelus meant. "NO. Please Angelus. Please." He begged feeling shame as his Sire had him trapped on his stomach. 

"I'd hate to have to gag you William. I'd be such a pity to not hear your full screams. You know better then to beg now. It's too late for a reprieve. But since you were such a good boy and took your soother it won't all be punishment. You'll get some pleasure too. Not a lot. You've been such a bad boy. But a small pleasure is better then none isn't it?" Angelus asked.
"Yes." Spike answered nervously.
"Aw. my baby boy is scared of being in daddy's bed." Angelus said in false sympathy. 
"Maybe you should have though of that before you went and got too big for your britches there boy." Angelus said and then he tore Williams clothing off him making William yelp in shock. 
He was suddenly reminded of when he was turned. 

Angelus left him for a moment and began going through the box at the end of the bed which spelled trouble for Spike because that's where all the toys were kept. 

Angelus came back with two things. 
1 was a hairbrush which he had gotten off the table. It was Drusilla's brush and she had left it here. And unfortunately Spike knew what that was for. God this was gonna really hurt. 
2 was a vibrating butt plug which had three speeds. Low. Medium and high but it was brutally thick and Spike never could get it all the way in. He had a feeling Angelus was going to rip him open with it. 

Angelus held up the plug knowing the fear coming off Spike was from seeing the overly large plug. 
"William shame on you. Talking to daddy like that. Raising your voice and using that tone with me. Let's get the worst out of the way shall we?" Angelus asked as he came over with the plug in one hand and then straddled the back of the boys knees and set the plug to the side using both hands to spread the butt cheeks wide open. Spike moaned in embarrassment. He knew this was the pleasure that he had earned. 
He silently prayed that Angelus wouldn't set the plug on high. The pressure really was too much. It always made him come hard. But it was painful too. The over sized plug vibrating on high pressed against his prostate he always hated that. So he never used the high setting. 
Angelus slid a finger into the tight hole. 
He shook his head and chuckled "Now I see why the plug was at the bottom on the box. You never use it do you? Hold still baby boy. This is gonna be a tight fit. Actually it'll rip you open.  But then you already know that. This thing is thicker then I am." Angelus said cheerfully and then he tested the plug turning it on low. Then on medium. Then on high to gauge the speed he should use. 
When he felt how fast the high speed was he chuckled again. He now knew why his boy never used it. The high setting probably drove him nuts as it buzzed against his prostate. 
He turned the plug off again and then began to work it into the hole. 
Spike clenched up but then Angelus slapped him right on his hole. That burned. 
"Don't clench! Not yet." Angelus said.
Then began to push it into the boy and forced it in all the way causing Spike to scream and tremble with the pain and agony of being ripped open and the thick invader now settled inside him. Angelus could smell his fear. 
Angelus laid against his boys back. His hands running up the sides he felt the trembling as the boy couldn't really adjust to the thick plug and it was brutal but he couldn't escape it. 
Angelus kissed the boys neck. 
"Shh. Settle down. We have a long way to go. But for now. Let's pump it up a notch." Angelus said and he reached down to the brutally thick plug and turned it on low. Feeling his boy cringe under him. He enjoyed the sensations as the boy went through the torture of having his hole brutally stretched and the low buzzing against his prostate as a reminder that there could be pleasure with pain. 

Angelus got off to watch the boy squirm and whimper as he tried to somehow deal with the thick plug. Angelus then cruelly grabbed the chains and hauled them up reajusting the boy to where he was now dangling suspended from the bed. And it brought new painful sensations to the boy and he cried out and then bit his lip. 
Angelus moved behind the boy smiled wickedly. He would enjoy this. 

Spike felt Angelus' hand graze over the plug and then his eyes widened and he moaned painfully as Angelus set the plug to medium. Angelus didn't give him time to get used to the medium setting. His arm circled the boy while his other stayed where it was against the plug. 
"You've been a very naughty boy William. And now it's time to pay the price." Angelus said and then he set the plug on high and Spike screamed loud as the plug buzzed at an unbearable pace and Angelus held him still so that he couldn't get any relief from trying to move around. 

There was tears in the boys eyes now. Angelus cruelly pressed the plug against the boys prostate making him feel the full buzz on the plug. Spike continued to scream and cry as Angelus tortured him and his pore hole. 
Angelus just smiled in pleasure as he watched and felt the painful vibrations going through the boy. 

His hand traveled down his belly and to the boys crotch. He began to stroke the boy until he was hard. Despite the pain he would still be able to come. And that's what Angelus wanted. For the boy to come but for the pain to over power the climax in the end. Even when he did come his climax would be nothing compared to the pain he was feeling.

He stroked the boy until he came hard. But once his climax was over Angelus took the plug from the boy. 

Spike cried then in relief but knowing it wasn't over yet. He begged "Please. Please Angelus no more! I'm sorry. Please no more." But his pleading fell on deaf ears as promised.  Angelus undid the chains he fell into his arms and was taken over to the bed. 

"Now comes the last part of your punishment. I've never spanked you after you came before. I think now would be a good time for me to show you why. It makes that ass of your ten times more sensitive." Angelus smirked and he had the boy across his knee in seconds and held him there while he got the brush from the table and then he laid into the bare backside with the brush and Spike screamed bloody murder and then was crying almost right away. But Angelus continued the session intent on teacher his boy a lesson he would never forget. When he was done Spike was too exhausted to even scream anymore he had entered the stage where he was just moaning in agony because he had no energy left but he was still in so much pain that he could barely tolerate it. 
His backside from the top of his bottom to the middle of his thighs were a deep dark puce and from his bottom to his sit spots there were several blisters. It was the worst punishment Angelus had ever given him. 
And once it was over Angelus played the loving sire and soothed the boy holding him in his lap and rocking him back and forth cooing to him. "Shh. That's a good boy. You've paid for your errors and you'll remember this the next time you start to think your too old to be your daddy's boy. You'll always be daddy's boy." Angelus said softly as he held the boy against him letting him cry out his pain until finally an hour later he was finally calm enough to not need his Sire's loving touch. But he stayed on the lap anyway. Thinking that if he had just done that in the first place none of it would have happened. 

He had no one to blame for this but himself. He knew better then to play the master vampire around Angelus. Angelus would never see him as anything but his baby boy. He may be the big bad. But he was nowhere near as bad as Angelus could be. 

Next time he would remember that and bloody well keep his mouth shut and do as he was told! 


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