The fang family

The fang family

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bailey gets turned by Angelus

This is an alternate universe where Angelus was never cursed with a soul so he was never Angel. And In the early 1900's Darla dusted Drusilla and then William dusted Darla for dusting Drusilla. And in order to have a bigger family Angelus found Pen so now it's Angelus Pen and William. Now onto the story.

In 1998 Bailey was so depressed that she stopped eating. The girls at school would make fun of her weight even though she wasn't actually fat. But after a while she began to starve herself and sneaking out at night became a regular thing. Her parents didn't care anyways. She roamed the streets at night later and later each night. 

Then one night. Fate stepped in. Or maybe it was just the devil. 

The street was pretty deserted save for a few people Bailey went into her regular ally where she liked to sit and think. 

She heard steps coming near her and a man crouched down before her he had brown hair and the most evil eyes she had ever seen but she wasn't afraid. She had nothing to live for. If he wanted to hurt her why should she care? 
And as he gazed coldly at her he finally spoke "What's your name?" He asked. 

"Bailey." she said.
"Ah. Bailey. How old are you child?" he asked.
"I'm 14." she said honestly. 
He looked slightly surprised "And what might I ask is a child of your age doing out on the streets at this time of night? Don't you have a home?" The man asked.

"I have parents and I live in a house. But that doesn't make it my home." Bailey said.

"So they wouldn't miss you if you disappeared?" The man asked.
"Maybe. But then isn't that when everyone cares? When it's too late? A lot of good that does." Bailey said the last part sarcastically and the man seemed to think that over. 

"Your not afraid." the man said. 

"Why should I be? I don't care what happens to me. In order for me to be afraid I'd have to care." Bailey said.

"You don't care what happens to you? Why?" The man asked.

"I'm stupid. I'm ugly. I'm a whore. I'm fat. I'm worthless. Just like everyone says. Though the doctor calls it depression. If your gonna hurt me then just do it. But if not then just leave me alone." Bailey said. 

Then man seemed to like that even more then anything else she had said.. 

"On the contrary little one. I think your very pretty. The pretties thing I've seen in a long time. The things people say about you.....precious girl they're only words. And they will never amount to half as much as you will. You will have the kind of power that most only dream about. And I'm going to give it to you." The man said.

"What do you mean?" Bailey asked.

"I like you Bailey. Your a child that has suffered in the human world and I say you have had enough. You deserve a treat for being brave enough to come out here during the night. I know what your looking for child. It's death your inviting. And it's death that you'll have. Only I am going to give you a different death. A death where you will rise again and when you wake you will be a vampire. And revel in the beauty of the night. You are too young and beautiful to truly die. Would you like that? Would like to be a vampire?" The man asked.

Bailey laughed at him "Your crazy. Oh well I  guess I needed a good laugh. But I guess In a way your right. Maybe I am looking for death. Running around at night hoping something will happen to me." Bailey said then she was shocked as the man grabbed her legs and yanked her onto her back he put his full wieght on her hips holding her there and his hand went to her mouth her eyes were wide with shock but there was still no fear and she hadn't even tried to scream. She was serious. She really didn't care weather she lived or died. The man leaned down and whispered in her ear "My sweet girl. My name is Angelus And something special is about to happen to you. You are going to become my newest childe. I have never made one as young as you before. My others will be surprised. Don't fear pretty girl. I won't drain you. You shall be a vampire the next time you open your eyes." Then he bent to her neck and bit her and drank from her and she never made a sound. When he lifted his head he sliced his chest open and cradled her head to lift her so that she could suck the blood from his chest and then when she had drank the blood she went limp in his arms. 

Angelus picked up his new treasure and carried her lifeless body all the way to the mansion hidden in the dark trees that only housed two other vampires besides for him. Both were his children. The oldest was Pen who had gotten himself into some trouble after getting into a fight with a demon and Angelus who had been in town heard of the fights that took place and happen to be there when the demon said he wanted Pen's head and no one was more surprised then Pen when Angelus had jumped into the ring and took the demons head off laying down the challenge that if anyone else wanted the childe of Angelus they would have to stake Angelus first and anyone who tried would end up like the dead demon and everyone had backed away from the great Angelus allowing the world known deadly vampire to take his Childe and he had been forcing the boy to stay with him every since. 

Then other vampire was William or Spike as he often called himself. But Angelus still called him William. William just didn't want to leave and Angelus didn't want him to leave either. Not since Darla and Drusilla had been dusted. Darla had dusted Drusilla and William had dusted Darla for dusted Drusilla and when Angelus found out there was a lot of pain to go around and not just for William. Angelus had broken every finger on the hand that William had used to dust Darla and then he had gone out on his own and slaughtered many people. 

But since then Angelus had wanted family. His family and they needed a girl around too. This sweet child would be ever better then Drusilla. She was younger and she would be sane too. 
And Angelus would spoil her but not all the time. Only as much as he spoiled the other two. 

Any vampire worth keeping usually slept at least two days so Angelus was pleased when on the third night he heard Bailey begin to stir. 

When He had brought her home he had warned the boys to leave her in the room and to not go near the door. He had told them how old she was and why he had turned her and William had snarled that no one could replace Drusilla and Angelus slapped him and then explained calmly that he hadn't meant it like that. And Pen told Angelus that he had met a child vampire only once and the Sire said that he would always have to keep the boy because he could never feed on his own. When asked about it further Pen said that a child that is turned doesn't lose their soul and so they felt guilt when killing and only a patient Sire who planned to keep the child should be the one that turns a child. Angelus didn't like that but then the child having a soul wasn't really a problem he would teach her the same as the others. She would do as she was told. Or she would be punished until she did. And Angelus decided that even if the girl did have a soul she would feed. She needed blood to survive or she would go mad. Angelus would feed her himself every night forever if that's it took and he said as much to them both at which point William snickered "Oh she'll love that sitting on daddies knee feeding like a baby from a mother. Gonna make her take the soother too?" William asked.

"She is too young. Not ready for things like that. Touching and petting are okay but I will not rape her or have sex with her. Nor will she take the soother in her mouth. I'm too big for a true child's mouth. I can break tradition since she will be a special one." Angelus said.

"Oh hear that Pen? Daddy has a new favorite." William teased. 

"William are you looking for trouble?" Angelus asked.

William scoffed "No I never go looking for trouble. But your as excited as a father waiting for his child to be born." Then William realized that that's basically what Angelus was doing.

"I am no more excited then I was waiting for you or Pen to wake. Each Childe is special. The turning and the rising. She is special because she will not be treated the same. Because of her physical age there will be things I will not do with her that I did do with the two of you. And by the way William I don't play favorites." Angelus said then they all heard the sounds of slight movement. 

"Pen take William out. You boys go hunt and bring me something back when you return. Don't take too long." Angelus said and headed up the stairs to the room he had chosen for her. 

He came in and watched as she was moving her fingers and then she opened her eyes quickly and sat up looking around her eyes fell on him and she froze. 

He gave her a sweet smile as he came toward her and she pulled back in fear and he laughed "What happened to my brave girl that feared nothing especially me?" Angelus asked as he came and sat on the bed as she didn't take her eyes off him. 

"Do you remember anything?" Angelus asked as he always did. 

"Yes. How is this possible. I always dreamed that there were vampires but I never thought I would ever see one or..." she stopped.

"Be one?" Angelus finished for her then added "Well you are. I have given you the dark gift my sweet girl." Angelus said.

"Why?" Bailey asked.

He smirked "As I said before you were brave in the face of death and your a pretty little thing." Angelus said.

"That's it? Do you have any idea how many people out there are brave and pretty? And yet you picked me?" Bailey sounded confused.

"Aye child! I chose you. You my own brave pretty girl. I haven't had a princess is such a long time. Now I have one again. Your brothers will be back soon. There names are Pen and William." Angelus said. 

"Pen? What sort of name is Pen?" Bailey asked.

"A puritan name. Why do you not like it? It's better then the full version I can tell you that." Angelus said with good humor. 

"Puritan as in like the 1600's?" Bailey asked, 

Angelus laughed "the late 1700's actually don't believe everything you hear in history books." Angelus advised. 

"And when did you make William?" Bailey asked.

"The mid 1800's my curious little girl and before you asked I myself was made In the early the mid 1700's. And before you ask about Vampire myths let me tell you the truth. Vampires drink blood and kill and torture. If you want to kill one you use a pointy wooden stake or you can set the on fire or you can throw them into the sun and watch them burn to ashes or you could chop their head off which will turn them to dust. Not that you'll be doing any of that. You have no reflection and you can no longer touch a cross without it turned your hand. Some vampires stay hidden and travel alone and move around a lot. The way Pen used to. And some travel in groups because there is power in numbers. And for future reference if you ever find your self alone in a fight or a demon is picking a fight with you then tell them you were made by Angelus. They wont hurt you. You are my fledgling or Childe. I am your Sire. Your father. your protector and your judge and jury. Make a mistake or break the rules and you will be punished. Deliberately disobey more then once and you will scream." Angelus said.

"Will you kill me?" she asked.

"I already killed you my childe. Will I dust you? No. William dusted my Sire and I didn't dust him. I am the kind to make someone and then stake them. It is a waste of time to make a childe unless you intend to keep them. I wouldn't dust my childe not any of you. As I said William dusted my sire and all I did was break his fingers. No real harm done. He healed fine." Angelus said.

"That's cruel." Bailey said.

"It was done to teach him to think before he acts. He can't just go around killing because he's angry. If Darla hadn't been so shocked it would be him that was dust and then I would have been the one dusted her out of rage. You see my Sire Darla she dusted this insane girl that I turned name Drusilla. She was crazy didn't understand half the things she said most of the time. I told Drusilla not to bite Darla again but she did and Darla got angry and dusted her then all nice when I came back with the boys and William went to find Drusilla. You see Drusilla was his mate. And all he saw was pile of dust and he screamed bloody murder I can tell you that I went in and saw the dust I heard Darla telling me that Drusilla had bit her again and then she wasn't a nurse maid and William moved fast. I had never seen him move that fast before. He had a stake and dusted her before she could even think to try and stop him. Cause that meant now my mate was dead too and so I was twice as angry. He did deserve to be punished because it wasn't his right. I was the one that should have dusted my Sire. But that's all in past now. I just wanted to explain why it happened." Angelus said.

Bailey wasn't impressed "Yeah well it's still mean." 

Angelus leaned forward and smelled her. Damn! She had kept her soul. Well I guess that means she'll have to feed like a baby forever. Angelus thought. 

"What?" Bailey asked seeing his look. 

"Oh nothing. You have a soul but don't worry. You can still feed. You just can't kill humans. That's easy enough though. You can just feed from me and there won't be any need to suffer." Angelus said.

"Feed from you? Why wouldn't be able to kill? You do it." Bailey said.

"yes but then I don't have a soul that would make me feel bad about killing. Your soul makes you more good then evil. Not that that's bad. You just can't be too good. You can't kill people like we do because it'll drive you crazy. The guilt will. But if you feed from me you won't feel guilty about it." Angelus said.

"Like when you cut your chest?" Bailey asked.

"yes. Exactly like that. That is how I feed my children if I need to feed them. And You will feed until you have your fill which means I'll have to kill twice as much. I want you to know I am going through twice the trouble with you then I did with the others. You soul will make things twice as hard but I won't give up. You can learn from me and be a proper vampire and no one but us needs to know that you have a soul and feed from me. Once William and Pen get back I'll feed out of your sight and then I'll come back and you can feed from me then." Angelus said.

"Can I go home?" Bailey asked.

"you are home. Remember what you told me on the street? That place was never your home." Angelus said.

"I didn't mean like that. I meant can I stop by my house and get some of my things. Like My clothes and my music and my DS so that I can keep busy." Bailey clarified and Angelus smiled. 

Soul or no soul there was one tradition Angelus would not shelf. The slaughtering of the fledglings old family. 

Angelus smiled "Oh course my dear. What did you think I would just have sit around and do nothing? If I did that then you would get into trouble sooner or later and You'll need something to do with your time. we can go to your house tomorrow night all of us and you can get as many of your things as you like and then we can come back home and you can forget all about your old life." Angelus said and Bailey heard the door down stairs. 

Angelus smiled "Feeding time little one. Wait here." he said and left the room. He was only fone for about 10 minutes and then he came back looking like a man well past full. 

He sat in the chair that was facing the bed and patted his knee "Come childe. Come here to me." Angelus said and she got up and slowly stepped towards him and he pulled her onto his right knee to sit and he took his finger nail and made a cut along his peck and then look at her encouragingly "Come now you'll feel better after this I promise. I know your hungry. Come. Suckle and trust me." Angelus said as he guided her head to the line of blood and she let her mouth cover it and she licked with her tongue wondering if it had hurt him to cut himself but he had told her to suck so she sucked and found that the blood flowed into her mouth in great gushes and she drank as if she had never had a drink in her life and it did feel good. So good and it tasted unlike anything but it wasn't bad. It tasted good and she was surprised at that. 

She moaned in pleasure which she had never done before and Angelus chuckled deep in his throat as he petted her long hair and rubbed her back with one hand while his other hand rested on her knee. 

He let her drink from him until he felt most of the blood from that last victim gone and he patted her knee saying gently "That's enough Childe." but she didn't want to stop. 
Angelus rolled his wondering why this seemed to happen every time he feed his children from him for the first time. None of them ever wanted to stop when asked. 

"I said stop little one. Don't make me say it again." Angelus said and she lifted her head feeling bad. 

"Did it hurt?" she asked.

"What? You feeding from me? No not really." Angelus said. 

"No I meant when you used your nail to cut yourself." Bailey asked.

"Only a little. Why?" Angelus asked.

"Well why cause yourself pain?" she asked.

"To feed you of course." Angelus said as if she were silly but she didn't understand. 

"But why did you feed me?" she asked. 

"Because your young and you need to feed. Every vampire feeds at least once if not more times every night. You would have had hunger pains had I not feed you soon." Angelus said.

"But why cut yourself just to ease my pain?" Bailey asked.

Finally Angelus understood. "Because you are my childe I'll not have any childe of mine going hungry when I am perfectly capable of feeding them. One small cut doesn't hurt near as much as seeing my childe curled up with  hunger pains. Your pain would hurt me worse then that cut did. I barely felt it child. Don't you dare feel guilty because of something I willingly did to myself to help you. It is the way you must feed. Because of your soul. Now stop asking questions morning will come soon and it'll be time for bed." Angelus said.

"But I just woke up." Bailey whined. 

"And you are still young and have fed for the first time tonight trust me you will sleep weather you are tired of not because you are full and happy. As you should be. Now come with me." Angelus said and she followed him to a room down at the end of the hall when they walked in she saw the two blonde men. 

Angelus pointed to the younger looking of the two "Pen this is Bailey your new baby sister. Bailey that is Pen and for god sake Don't ask him for his full name. That other one is William. William this is your sister Bailey." Angelus introduced. 

Bailey waved shyly. 

William smiled and Pen snorted "And I thought I was young when you turned me." Pen said.

"you were. Now get in bed the both of you." Angelus said and both boys got in the bed which Bailey found strange "Uh are they like a couple?" she asked.
Angelus snorted at the word like. 

"Not even close my dear. vampires can have sex with males or females and that bed is big enough for all four of us." Angelus said and she stiffened "All four of us?" Bailey asked nervous.
"Yes my dear. My children sleep with me. You will not be harmed now will you will raped or any other such things. We are in my bed to sleep. Nothing more." Angelus said as he led her over to the bed and lay down everyone had kept their clothes on and Angelus held out his arm for her as he had gotten in the middle of both boys and they had made room for her she hesitated and then she yawned feeling tired and she finally took Angelus's hand and he pulled her into the bed by him while Pen was at her back and William was at Angelus's side curled up against him and Bailey found herself curling agianst Angelus as well and he held her as she fell asleep her head laying on his chest and once all the children were asleep Angelus let himself fall asleep too. 


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