The fang family

The fang family

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bailey's story part three : Bailey gets in trouble

       The next morning she heard the birds again and glared towards the window "Stupid birds." she mumbled. 

Then went still wondering is she had woken Angelus but there was no sounds. 
So she just lay there. Listening to the annoying birds she tried to go back to sleep but she had never been able to sleep through noise so she was stuck until the birds shut up. 

Which seemed to last forever as she waited for them to stop singing. 

But then there were other noises and she began to hate her super hearing as she heard the sound of guys in their cars. She felt like crying because she couldn't sleep which was ridiculous. 

The guys were messing around outside and they were racing with their cars and passing insults. 

She moved quickly knowing that it would probably wake Angelus but she was surprised when she found herself out of the bed and by the door and none of the others had moved. 

She went over to the window the mansion was shaded well so she could stick her head out the window and since Angelus hadn't woken up she decided that maybe she should just stay awake and go play her game. 

She went over to the bedroom door and opened it just as swiftly as she had gotten out of the bed. 

She went into the other room that she picked as hers where her items were kept. 

She could see them outside her window too and she chose to chance it she yelled at them from her window "Hey!" she yelled and that got their attention. 

"You guys woke me up! Keep it down!" she shouted and they all came closed to look up at her. 

"Sorry we didn't know anyone lived here. We'll take it somewhere else." One of them said and then they all left and she smiled triumphantly. 

Then she sat in the bed and played on her game with an eye on the time but she soon got lost in her game and before she knew it it was dark outside and there was the sound of Angelus yelling "Bailey! Where are you?" he shouted as she could hear him now in the hall and she had the strange urge to hide under the bed but instead she yelled back "I'm in here." 

Angelus was at the door in seconds and was looking her over "When did you get out of bed?" Angelus asked.

"Around 3 I think." Bailey answered. 

"Okay so that's four hours and I'm gonna guess that you've been playing that thing ever since you got out of bed. Now why did you get out of bed? And this had better be good." Angelus warned. 

"I can't sleep through noise. The birds woke me up and then there were these idiots outside that I yelled at and they finally shut up and left and I figured I might as well stay up since I was already out of bed." Bailey said.
"You went outside?" Angelus asked in a dangerous tone. 
"No I yelled out the window there." She pointed to her window. 
"Bailey birds don't sing in the afternoon they sing in the morning. So you've basically been up all damn day and have had no sleep. Just great. And for future reference you don't get out of bed without my permission. You need your sleep. As for the noise the only thing I can do about that to let you sleep with no noise is to have you go to sleep earlier like maybe around two or three in the morning and then you could wake up at noon and that  should be plenty of sleep but we can try that tonight and see how it works. But if we do that then when you wake up you have to wake me and ask me if you can get out of bed. If it's noon I'll say yes. If it isn't I'll say no and you can just lay there until noon if you can't go back to sleep but either way you have to wake me up. Do we have a deal?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." Bailey said.

"Right then. Now lets talk about you sticking your head out the window when the sun is up." Angelus said.

"But this whole house is shaded by trees the sun couldn't hurt me." Bailey protested. 

"You didn't have permission to leave the bed and wonder around the house. You also should know better then to hollow out the window of some guys that are making too much noise. What if they have hadn't left? What if they had yelled at you?" Angelus asked.

"I would have went down there and shouted some more." Bailey said.

"I see. You would have went outside and shouted at them is that what your saying?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." Bailey said. 

Angelus shook his head and then went over to her pulled her off the bed and smacked her bottom hard. "Ouch!" she shrieked reaching back to rub but Angelus caught her hand. 

"When I punish you you don't get to rub the pain away. You are a vampire you do not go outside during the day I don't care what the reason is! You also don't go near open windows during the day. You also don't stick your head out window or go climbing on roof tops or jumping from buildings at night unless I am with you. You are young and you are not ready to jump on your own. I catch you out of bed again without my permission and you will be spanked do you understand me?" Angelus said his tone harsh. 

Tears pricked Bailey's eyes . "yes. I'm sorry, I didn't know." she whined. 

"Well now you do." Angelus said. 

Bailey then began to cry and Angelus pulled her into his arms. "Shh. Hush little one. I was only hard on you because I love you and I don't wan to lose you. I don't want to see you hurt is all. It's only my worry. There there. Hush my little childe. Don't cry." Angelus soothed her softly while petting her hair and rocking her back and forth and soon her tears stopped. 

She held on ever after she cried "I'm such a baby." she whined. 

Angelus chuckled "Aye you are my baby. And this is why you need your sleep. Just like any baby you'll get fussy if you don't have your sleep. Now come on." Angelus said as he led her to the bedroom where Pen and Spike were up and had changed clothes. 

Angelus turned to her "Now go change your clothes. Where did you put your bag?" Angelus asked. 

"In that room. I'll change in there." she said and then went back to the room hearing the scoff from Angelus. 

"She acts like we've never seen the body of a little girl before. We've raped and killed girls younger then her thank you very much why is she so shy?" Pen said. 

Bailey after hearing that did change and then she ran as fast as she could she ran out of her room and down the stairs she only stopped at the door because of the threat that Angelus had made so instead of leaving she ran to the wall and began to pound on the wall harder and harder screaming in anger and frustration. 

When she ran down the stairs Angelus was quickly out the door he only stopped on the stairs because she stopped at the door. He waited to see what she would do and then she ran to the living room and he heard the sounds of angry pissed off vampire pounding the wall. 

Pen and Spike were behind him as Angelus quickly went down the stairs and went into the room she was huddled in the corner hitting the wall with her fist again and again. 

"You stop that right now!" Angelus yelled as he came over and grabbed her fist stopped her from hitting the wall again. 

"Let go of me! Let go!" She screamed at him. 

"You are working yourself into a fit for no reason! I have already told you that you will not be harmed. We will not touch you like that! Now stop this nonsense before you hurt yourself." Angelus warned. 

In a show of defiance she used her other fist and hit the wall near that fist with all her might and then glare angrily at Angelus "Let me go!" she screamed a serious look on her face. 

Angelus crouched before her and took her face in both hands forcing her to look at him he said in a gentle but firm tone "Stop. Your not in trouble yet. Keep throwing this tantrum and you will find yourself over my knee getting your bare bottom spanked. And you will cry I promise you that. Do you want that? Do you want me to blister your bare bottom?" Angelus asked seriously. 

She stopped struggling and shook her head no. 

"Yes or no Bailey I need to hear it." Angelus said.,

"No." Bailey said her voice shaky. 

"Very well then you can either stop this tantrum and we can have a nice time or you can continue throwing a fit and you won't have such a nice time as the rest of us. What will it be Princess?" Angelus asked in the same tone. 

"I'll behave." Bailey promised. 

Angelus smirked and bent to kiss her forehead and then he let her face go "You had better be. You have pushed as far as you can tonight without needing punishment and it's still early. You won't cross me a third time tonight and get away with it." Angelus warned. 

He stayed where he was for a moment and then said "We are going out to feed. You are to stay here and watch TV or find something else to do with your time until we return. When we return I will feed you and then you will go to sleep. You are not to leave this house you are not even to step out that front door you are to stay in this house like the good girl I know you can be. I will know if you were outside because I will smell you. Step outside for any reason and I'll show you what happens to bad little girls. Dare to run away and you'll just get it twice as bad. I saw you at the door a moment ago. I want you to know that I changed my mind about what I said the other night. I won't break your fingers. Ever. You are so young that it would drive you mad. I won't risk that. So you will only ever be spanked on your butt and on your hands. But you still had better not dare to try and run away. I will find you. And then you will scream I promise you that. So you had better not leave." Angelus said and then he stood up and he took Pen while Spike stayed a moment longer he knelt down before her and begged "Please bit. Please do us both a favor and  stay here. I don't want the whipping and you won't either. Don't run pet. Please." Spike said then they heard Angelus yell "William!" 

Spike got up and went to his Sire and they left to feed. 

Bailey paced back and forth there was nowhere she could go and she didn't really want to leave but she felt that she needed to be defiant this time. 

To prove that she was in control even if it was only for a couple hours. 

So she ran as fast as she could she had no idea how far she had run but she soon got to a town she figured it was the next town over. She went to the place where she heard music. It was a bar and she sensed that the man guarding the door was a vampire like  her and he gave her a strange look. But he didn't stop her from going in. 

She walked in and there were people sitting and some dancing and none of them were human. 

She went to sit at the bar and the bartender also a vampire gave her a strange look "Who made you?" he asked curious. 

"Who made you?" She asked back. 

"Dawson. And you?" He asked.

"An." She didn't get to finish because a vampire shoved her aside "Move over babe go home to your sire. I can smell how new you are! Not even old enough to be out alone without him." the vampire said and they all laughed and she scowled "When I want your opinion I'll ask for it." she snapped then turned away but he swung her back around and slapped her hard enough to where she landed on the floor. 

She screamed and lunged at the other vampire she landed several punches using her rage and hardly any of them could believe that a fledgling that young would be able to fight so well and the other vampire was furious that he was being shown up by a mere baby. 

He kicked her off of him and she landed hard on her back. But jumped back up facing him snarling. 

"I'll send your dust to your maker girl. Who is he?" the vampire asked and Bailey could smell the blood running from her mouth and the small amount that ran from her nose. 

Everyone shut up quick as the great Angelus came up behind the girl they thought he would dust her but instead he turned her around to face him cupping her face gently with his hands. 
There was a growl from Angelus as he saw the blood on her. 
When Angelus bent down and licked the blood coming from her nose the vampire that had been fighting the girl suddenly paled. Only Sire's licked their children like that. 

His thumb touched her lip and she winced at the small gash he was touching. He bent again and licked the side of her lip this time and she got angry she tried to jerk away "Don't do that! That's gross." She whined and Angelus merely said "I am making a point. Now be a good girl for daddy and be still so I can clean you." he said and held her head still as he licked until all the blood was gone from her and all that was left was her soar lip. 

Angelus then moved to the line trailing from her nose and licked that away too while she groaned again "Angelus!" 

Once the blood there was gone he kissed her forehead and then turned her around to face the other vampire and spoke to him. 

"You have one chance to tell me why you touched my childe." Angelus said. 

"That is simple Angelus. None here knew her to be your childe. We were not aware that you had made a new childe. She is young we didn't know who made her. I asked her but she turned my question back at me and before she could tell me her Sire she manged to mouth off to Ryan. And naturally he chose to do what any vampire would do." The bartender was quick to explain not wanting any trouble with Angelus. 

"Was that the way of it?" Angelus asked the other vampire. 

"Yes sir." Ryan answered. 

"Very well then. I'm not unreasonable. Me and mine will be back tomorrow night and if your going to be here I suggest you bring your sire with you. Because that is the only way I will not dust you the next time I see you." Angelus said pleasantly. 

"Thank you Angelus." Ryan said and bowed his head then added "I am sorry." 

"Let's go princess. It's time for your dinner." Angelus and then escorted her out of the bar and lifted her up and tossed her in the back seat. 
Spike was giving her a look of annoyance and Pen seemed annoyed too While Angelus just looked pissed off as he began to drive home. 

Spike noticed her lip and turned her face to him and she jerked out of his grip "Don't you dare lick me!" she yelled. 

"I wasn't gonna lick you I was just looking. What happen to you?" Spike asked. 

"You should see the other idiot. No you should have seen when all went quiet as Angelus appeared behind me and then he licked me! Has he ever licked you during a fight?" Bailey asked. 

"No cause I my dear have never been out of his sight long enough to get into real trouble." Spike said. 

Angelus ignore them as he continued to drive. 

Pen spoke up "He's done it to me before. After I left to be on my own I was gone maybe ten years and then I pissed of a groxlar beast a whole clan actually and I was facing off with just one of them and he managed to scratch my cheek pretty good and nobody even knew Angelus was in town so when he jumped between us and broke the beasts arm I was shocked. Then he turned to me saw the blood and licked me like a freaking bear cub or something it was humiliating but it's some kind of claiming thing. Letting them know that I was his and you better believe they all backed up pretty quick saying sorry." Pen said remembering. 

Angelus growled "Some kind of claiming thing? Do you ever pay attention to anything I say?" Angelus demanded. 

"Yes of course." Pen said. 

"If you are angry with me then snap at me not at them." Bailey said. 

" You don't talk to me like that. You are in enough trouble to last you a week do not push me any further." Angelus growled as they were just now reaching the mansion and he parked. 

Angelus got out and immediately picked her up out of the car like a child and carried her in the house while shouting over his shoulder at the other two "She's getting spanked. You two go find something to do and don't you dare interfere William!" Angelus warned as he went to the bedroom and then set her down as he locked the door. 

Angelus went to the bed and snapped his fingers at her "Come here." 
She went over to him and he grabbed her face again to look at her lip. "Does that hurt?" Angelus asked. 

"Not much." she said honestly. 

"I imagine that you broke his nose from the looks of him. How exactly did you manage that?" Angelus asked. 

Bailey put up her palm showing him and Angelus understood that. 

"I see. And did you use that hand?" Angelus asked. 

"Yes." she answered. 

He nodded and grabbed her hand with one of his and then slapped it ten times with the other and she first only flinched then she shrieked and then she whined when it was done. 
"Ow! That hurt." She said pitifully. 

"You don't touch or pick a fight with any vampire and I told you once already that your to tell people that I am your Sire cause they won't touch you they will leave you alone. You mainly got your hand smacked for that." Angelus said.
"He slapped me first. Am I not allowed to defend myself?" she asked. 

"No you are not. Had you done what you were told to do he wouldn't have dared to touch you. What did you say to him that made him slap you?" Angelus asked. 

"I told him that when I wanted his opinion I would ask for it because he called me a baby and everyone laughed at me." Bailey said. 

"Well I'm certain when he explains to his Sire that he pissed me off he'll be in trouble too. You don't just go around picking fights and pissing off other vampires by dusting their children. Now then. Lets get the biggest part of the crime tonight. You were told to stay home and you deliberately disobeyed me and you were well warned about what would happen if you left. So now you have to learn that I will keep my word to you no matter what it's about. You will not ever get away with disobeying me. And you could have been killed tonight had he really dusted you. This is my territory and so no vampire or demon wants to cross me. But you my girl have been a very bad girl tonight. Haven't you?" Angelus said. 

"Yes." she said shyly. 

"Yes what?" Angelus asked. 

"Yes daddy." she said. 

Angelus barely blinked at that finally she was learning that he wasn't just anyone. 

"Come then." Angelus said as he brought her closer to him and his hands went to her jeans to unbutton them and unzip them and she bit her lip and then winced as he pulled them down. 
Angelus caught her face again "Don't bit your lip precious. It'll cause some pain if you do. So don't." Angelus said then let her face go and then tugged her underwear down to her knees and he could smell her fear. 

Angelus pulled her down across his lap placing one arm around her middle to hold her there  firmly then he said "Remember what I said. Don't bit your lip. And the next time I give you an order and you think about disobeying me little girl.......You'd better think about first." Angelus said and then he began to spank her and she held her composure as long as possible which wasn't long because it stung and it hurt and she could barely stand it. 

She began to cry but he kept spanking her until her bottom was deep red and she was crying hard then he quickly picked her up replaced her clothing and then set her in his lap and held the crying childe that was now clinging to him desperately. 

He laid back in the bed bringing her with him as she cried "Shh. Your alright daddy's got you. There there." Angelus coos and with his free hand he pulled his shirt aside and then sliced his chest guiding her over to the blood "Shh. My baby girl. feed. Come on precious stop crying  so that you can feed. Come on honey. There we go. Good girl. Shh." Angelus praised as she began to suck on the blood and her crying ceased mostly as she concentrated on drinking the blood down. 

Angelus lay there with her letting her drink and before he knew it she was falling asleep while drinking. He looked over at the clock well it was about 3 so it would be okay and he let her drink until she fell asleep and then he placed her on her side and she snuggled up to him and he stayed where he was until he was certain she was in a deep sleep. Then he left her on the bed and went to find his other children. 

By 5 in the morning Angelus had Pen and William in the bed and was in himself too and Bailey had snuggled up to Spike when he climbed in which surprised him but he let her do it. 

Angelus didn't mind either. Though it wasn't much time later when he felt her turn around and snuggle up to him. And she stayed there while he fell asleep. 


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