The fang family

The fang family

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bailey part 4 : Return to the bar the next night


The next morning when she woke she looked at the clock first. It was 11: 30 

She was snuggled to Angelus again and she shook him to wake him up. He at first didn't respond so she went down closer to him and barely whispered "Angelus." Then she realized that would not wake him so instead she thought that biting him might work better. 

She picked his chest and leaned down to bit him that worked seeing as he flinched and his hand quickly connected with her backside hard and she yelped. "Ow." Then she sat up as Angelus growled at her "You don't bite me. Are you hungry?" Angelus asked.

"No I was trying to wake you quietly so as not to wake them." Bailey whined. 

"So you chose to bite me? Not a smart move. Don't bite me. Did you try shaking me or calling to me in my ear? I would have heard you." Angelus said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to be loud and wake them. Did I hurt you?" she asked. 

"Noise won't wake them as easily as it does you my girl. And No you only took me by surprise. You don't bite me unless I tell you to." Angelus said. Then added "Now why did you wake me?" 

"It's 11:30 can I get up now?" she asked.

"Did I say you could get up at 11:30?" Angelus asked knowingly. 

"No you said noon but what difference is 30 minutes going to make?" Bailey asked. 
"The difference is that I said noon and I meant noon." Angelus said.

"Your going to make a fuss about 30 minutes?" she asked in a tone that stated she thought that was dumb. 

"Not even time to get up yet and your already giving me lip. Just do as I say and there for another 30 minutes without another word out of your mouth until it's noon then you can ask again." Angelus said and she huffed but laid down as she was told. 

She could lay there patiently for 30 minutes. She waited and waited and then checked the clock every once and a while when finally it was noon she tapped him again and he opened his eyes "It's noon now. Can I get up?" she begged. 

Angelus gave her a patient look and then sighed "I suppose so." he said and she climbed off the bed by standing up and then jumping to the floor then Angelus said "I saw that. Good thing it was only the bed. Now go on. Stay in that room and stay away from the window I closed the curtain so keep it closed." Angelus said and then she went to the other bedroom and changed her clothes. 

She played her game and then got bored with that. She soon put on a CD after plugging in her CD player and played the metal band in the room. 

She listened to it while doodling in a notebook until she heard footsteps down the hall and Angelus opened the door with a grim look on his face "Sweet heart. Do daddy a favor and shut that shit off. Your giving me a headache." Angelus said nodding towards the music. 

"I thought you said you could sleep through noise." she said. 

"I can. But noise and that trash is two different things. You can't even hear the words. Change the disk or turn it off." Angelus said. 
"CD." Bailey corrected. 
"What?" Angelus asked. 
"It's called a CD not a disk." Bailey repeated. 

He gave her a look "Okay smart ass. Shut it off. Now." Angelus said.

Bailey turned off the CD "You said I could change it to a different CD." Bailey reminded him. 

"That was before you sassed a tired vampire." Angelus said.

"What if it's quiet and you can't hear it?" Bailey asked. 

"I said no. No more music. I need my sleep. You really don't want daddy cranky. Trust me." Angelus then left the room to go back to sleep Bailey waited two hours before she went downstairs and turned on the TV The windows in the living room had black curtains too she noticed as she turned on the TV and watched Disney Channel for the rest of the time. She wondered into the kitchen and found some chips and chose to eat them while watching TV they tasted the same but also different. They tasted slightly stale even though she had opened them. 

It got dark out side and she heard the other waking up and Angelus went to check the room and found her gone. "Bailey! Where are you?" he yelled. 

"I'm done here watching TV." she shouted back up. 

Angelus came down the stairs and saw her munching on chips he went over and shut the TV off by pressing the button on the TV. 
"What do you think your doing?" Angelus asked.
"I'm watching TV. And I was watching that." She whined she stuck another chip in her mouth and then turned the TV back on by using the remote.  

Angelus came over and snatched the remote away and shut the TV off again putting the remote on the TV "And who told you that you could come down stairs and watch TV? Was the sun still up when you came down?" Angelus asked.

"Yeah but the windows are covered. Why are they covered if we're not meant to come down here?" Bailey asked.

"The point Bailey is that I said to stay in the bed room. You didn't say you might want to come down stairs and watch TV." Angelus said.

"No the point is that you treat me like a baby and never let me do anything. What's wrong with me wanting to watch TV? I am 14 I am not a child I can walk across a street without needing you to hold my hand." Bailey said angry because she had been having a good time and he had come to ruin it. 

Angelus stood them with raised eye brows "Excuse me?" he said dangerously. 

"Well it's true." Bailey said not backing down as she looked him in the eyes with a pout on her face. 

Angelus put his hands on his hips "Oh really?" he asked.

"Yes." Bailey said.

He nodded his head "I see and are you sure you want to go there?" Angelus asked.

"Go where?" Bailey asked not understanding. 

"Where do you think?" Angelus quizzed. 

"Oh no. Not over your knee." Bailey said. 

"You got it. Now I'll ask again. Do you wanna go there?" Angelus asked.

"No! I didn't even do anything wrong." Bailey said.

"Oh so I'm sitting here arguing with myself?" Angelus snapped back. 

Bailey finally go the hint. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I need to tell that I wanted to watch TV i thought you would be okay with me doing that. I'm not used to asking permission to do things." Bailey said.
"Clearly." Angelus said blandly. 
Then Angelus saw the chips "Why are you eating chips?" he asked. 

"I found them in the kitchen they taste fine to me. And I was hungry." Bailey said and apparently it was the wrong thing to say. 

"Okay now you can go stand in the corner." Angelus said pointing to the corner. 

"For what?" Bailey nearly shrieked. 

"Don't raise your voice to me! And you know that if your hungry your to come wake me up. That's why." Angelus said snapping his fingers "Now go stand in the corner." 

She pouted. "that's not fair." she whined. 

"1." Angelus said in a warning tone. 

"Seriously? Your counting what am I three?" Bailey asked with a slight smirk. 

"2." Angelus said and she realized he was serious and rushed over to stand in the corner after a moment Angelus went up the stairs. 

"I feel ridiculous!" She shouted but she stayed where she was. 

"No talking in the corner." Angelus shouted back down the stairs as he got dressed and Pen and Spike just rolled their eyes at their sisters daring. 

Five minutes later and they heard her voice again "Angelus I've been standing here forever! When can I get out?" she yelled. 

"When I tell you that you can get out. And No talking in the corner. I won't warn you again." Angelus yelled. 

"So what's all the menu tonight?" Spike asked trying to distract them. 

"The demon bar first of all." Angelus said.

"Oh you were serious?" Spike said and seemed disappointed. 

"Yes I was now finish dressing." Angelus said then waited another five minutes before going down stairs. 

"Alright what are we going to do then next time we're hungry?" Angelus asked.

"Wake you up." Bailey said grumbling. 

"Do you need another minute or two? Cause I can come back if your not calm yet." Angelus said. 

"No that's okay. I'm fine." Bailey said. 

"Very well then you can leave the corner and change into something decent. Pants and a shirt and Bring that skirt to me when your done." Angelus said and Bailey went up the stairs. She put on low ride flare jeans and a tank top and also a sweater over that that was black and some shoes when she came back down the stairs sounding like a heard of elephants. 

Angelus addressed that first "Honey." he said in a soft tone looking at her "Would you like a spanking before we go out? Cause I can tell you your dangerously close." Angelus warned in the same tone. 

"No I would not like a spanking." Bailey said. 

"Then you best calm down. Where's the skirt?" Angelus asked.

"Your not tearing up my skirt or throwing it away." Bailey declared hotly. 

"And your not wearing it again. So unless you can keep from the temptation of putting it on then you better just give it to me." Angelus said.

"Why? It's not that short. Plus I'm a vampire with three male vampires always near me I don't anyone is gonna try to rape me." Bailey said.

"I'm not worried about you getting hurt. I'm worried about all the horny boys that are gonna be staring at your ass." Angelus said.

"I never even wear it outside. So there's no need to take it. Can we just go?" She asked. 

"Fine come on." Angelus said and then all got in the car and drove the the bar when Angelus parked and then turned back to Bailey "You are coming in and you are to apologize for the trouble you caused last night. Your gonna stay by me or stay where I can see you do you understand?" Angelus asked. 

"yes." she said.

"Alright then. Lets go kids." Angelus said smirked and got out of the car as they all rolled their eyes and got out to go in the guard bowed to Angelus and his children. 

Angelus sat at his table which was the biggest and best table there and almost immediately saw Ryan standing across the room he was dancing with a vampire girl and Angelus wondered if that was his sire and then another vampire entered the club and this one did not look happy to be there he glared and headed over to Ryan and shoved the vampire girl away from him "Be gone whore!" The older vampire said then to his childe he asked "What pray tell have you done this time?" he asked sternly and Angelus then knew that that was the Sire and he chose to drink from the whine that the bartender had brought him. 
"And what for the little one Angelus?" he asked.

"How about some milk." Angelus said and Bailey objected "But I hate milk." 
Angelus looked at her "How can you hate milk?" he asked curious. 

"I always hated it. I never drank it. Unless it was chocolate milk." she said.

Angelus snorted "Fine maybe you can find some chocolate milk for her." 

"I should have some soon Angelus." he said and then walked away. 

The other Sire came over with his Childe to talk with Angelus.

"Angelus. I am Sean." Sean introduced himself and slightly bowed then straightened. 

"I am Angelus. As you well know. What can I do for you Sean?" Angelus asked.

"It appears that the children had a tiff the other night.  My childe sent word to me that you wanted him dead. I came here to find out why and to take him home with me. The messenger was apparently wrong but it is close enough to the truth. I hear from my boy that it was you that requested my presents here?" Sean said.
"Yes. I was hoping you would keep your childe out of my hair. I come here often and he seems to not like my new childe. She was out of line the other night but then so was he. She was corrected for her error but I did not wish there to be another fight if she came again and he was here. I let him live after drawing her blood. I don't do it often. And if he draws it again I won't spare him. I thought I'd give you a chance to draw a line so that he can see how dangerous is it to just go around threatening the children of other vampires." Angelus said.

Sean nodded "Indeed. I agree. And I shall be correcting him once we leave. He will not bother your childe nor will  he cross you again. You have my word." Sean said.

"I appreciate it." Angelus said and then Sean turned to stand in another area like a watch dog watching over his childe. Angelus understood and let it go. He would do the same if it were him. 

"Angelus I want to dance!" Bailey said.

"By yourself?" Angelus asked.

"Yes of course." she said then added "Please." 

He gave a sigh and then gave in "Alright but stay in my sight or at least stay around so that I can smell you over there somewhere." Angelus said,

She hopped up and went to dance. When a vampire girl came over "Hi." she greeted. 
"hi." Bailey said back. 
"your a pretty little thing. Is your master here?" she asked.
"My what?" Bailey asked.
"Your master the one that made you?" the woman asked.

"I don't have a master. Angelus is my Sire." Bailey said.

"Oh you are not a minion. Pity. You are pretty though." then the woman left to spread the word that the child was of Angelus and she was not a minion. 

Ryan came over carefully and she stopped dancing. 

"Hi." she said politely. 
"You broke my nose." he said but he didn't sound angry. 
"I'm sorry." she said.
"I apologize for last night. I was in a bad mood and I suppose I took it out on you. You are very pretty." Ryan said. 

Bailey blushed and smiled "Thank you. Your pretty too. I mean handsome." she said. 

"So Angelus made you. Where's your mark?" Ryan asked curious. 
"Huh?" she asked confused. 

"Your mark? You know. where he bit you. Your new so that mark will still be there." Ryan said. 

"Really? I hadn't even thought to look." She said and then took off her sweater and tied it around her waste and then pulled her hair back "Is it there?" she asked.

Ryan smiled "Yeah it's clear you really are new. I like that shirt. It's sexy.  Makes you look more grown up." Ryan said and she giggled. 

Spike had another shot and Angelus put his hand firmly over his hand. "I think You've about had enough. Two more then I think you can stop." Angelus said.

Spike frowned but didn't push it then he looked to the dance floor seeing the bit dancing with a boy. "Uh oh. Oh daddy." Spike said in a teasing tone. 

"What." Angelus answered irritated by the boys tone.

"Don't look now but uh I think daddy's princess might have herself a boyfriend." Spike teased. 

"The hell she does." Angelus said then turned to see that she was dancing with the very boy that had fought with her. Angelus shook his head then turned back around "Just like me and Darla. Fighting one minute and cuddling the next. That's the same boy she was fighting with last night." Angelus informed Spike. 
Spike slammed his drink and stood up Angelus stood up and shoved him back down and then leaned over "You stay put or there will be trouble. I already told his Sire I wouldn't touch him. And that means you can't either." Angelus said.
"Oh but he can touch her? If he grabs her ass I don't care what promises you made. He is dust." Spike said.

"As I said you will not touch him. You will do exactly as I say cause you know what happens if you don't. And you will get your head out of your ass and look at that boy and see his true age. The reason I didn't dust is because he was probably 16 when he died. He is young. You have no idea how hard it is for teen vampires. To always be seen as a child even after two hundred years would get pretty damn annoying. Let the kids dance. He's not hurting her and she had no problem with it. So you will leave the children alone." Angelus said then sat down. 

"well aren't we one big lope hole after another." Spike said.

Angelus ignored him this time. 

Then he turned back around "Hang on didn't she have a sweater on?" Angelus asked noticing her tank top. 

"Looks like she took it off for lover boy. She's got a shirt on though." Pen said.

"That is not a shirt." Angelus said.
"Oh so you'll step in when she takes her shirt off but not when he grabs her ass?" Spike asked annoyed. 

Angelus glared at him "Did he grab her ass?" Angelus asked.
Spike shook his head no "Then shut up about it! And I'm not stepping in I am just pointing out that she had a sweater on when we left. I highly doubt she took it off just for him." Angelus said.

Sean had seen Ryan dancing with the girl that he had fought with and Shook his head. The young were so fickle he noticed Angelus and it looked like Angelus was of the same mind. 

Angelus raised his glass in Sean's direction as if making a toast and Sean bowed his head and then smirked and turned back to watch the boy. 

They were no longer in sight and he really hoped that they hadn't run off to make out. 

Bailey and Ryan were still dancing when his hands began to roam and finally settled on her butt which Bailey pulled back from him a little. 
"What?" he asked seeing her face. 

"You shouldn't do that." She said and moved his hands back to her waste. 
"Oh come on. How old were you anyways?" Ryan asked.
"14." she said.
"God have you ever even kissed a boy?" Ryan asked.
"No." she said.
"Well when Angelus turned you didn't he rape you?" Ryan asked.
"No. He never touched me. He said he wouldn't." she said.
"That's not like Angelus. I laughed when I heard about the Soother he makes all of his fledglings take." Ryan said.
"The soother?" she asked.
"Yeah. Basically if he's hard or turned on and he gets an erection then he makes the fledgling get down between his legs and suck him off. He's never done that to you?" Ryan asked.
"No. You mean it's his private area? Like sexual? Sounds like a blow job. What? I did go to junior high I do know some things." she said at his look. 

"Yes it's basically a blow job but he acts like it's all good for you or something. Like it's normal. He really is breaking tradition with you. Did he at least kill your family?" Ryan asked.
"Yes thank you very much for reminding me!" she snapped.
"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just wondered if he did that stuff to you. So your a virgin?" Ryan asked.

"Yes." she said then added "Excuse me I'll be back in a moment I'm thirsty." she said and walked away from him. 
She sat next to Spike and took a drink of her milk. 
"Get tired of dancing with lover boy?" Spike said taking a long drink of his water and then chocked on it when she replied "Get tired of taking Angelus's soother?" 

Spike coughed and then glared at her "What?" he demanded. 

Angelus was now looking at her he leaned in to look at her while she glared at him "How do you know about that?" Angelus asked.
"Oh it's apparently the talk of the world. the way you raise your children. Everyone knows your traditions which apparently you are breaking with me. Did you make Drusilla suck you off too? How about Pen?" Bailey asked.

"Yes. I did it with all of them. Many Sire's do it." Angelus said.
"Then why not with me?" she asked.
"You were 14 when I made you. But if you want it little girl I can make it happen. You won't like one second of it though." Angelus said.
"I didn't say I wanted it. It's gross! I can't believe you made them do that! Why did you let him do that?" she asked Spike.

He scoffed "Not like I had a choice. But I learned to like it. It wasn't all bad. I started to like it. But he's right. Your a little girl. You wouldn't like it. He's too big to go in your mouth anyways." Spike said.

"So that's real reason you don't sexual hurt me? Because I'm too small." She asked but her tone still grated on Angelus's nerves. 
"If I wanted you in my bed like that then I could rape and use you every night. I could force you to your knees and make you suck me but you know what. I don't want you like that! Now drop it. Don't bring it up again." Angelus said his tone one they all knew by now.
She huffed and then stood up.  "Sit down." Angelus said. 
"What?" she asked. 
Angelus glared at her "I said to sit your ass down. Now." Angelus said and she sat down.
"I was just going to go back and dance some more." she said.
"No. You finish your drink and then we're going hunting and you are going home to wait until we get back. I will feed you and then you will go to bed." Angelus said.

Then Angelus spoke again "Yes or no Did Ryan tell you about that?" Angelus asked.
"Yes." she said then Angelus got up and went over to Sean. 

He leaned on the wall next to him. 
"Problem?" Sean asked curious because of the look. 
"Merely curious." Angelus said.
"About what?" Sean asked. 
"Do you know about how I train my fledglings when I turn them?" Angelus asked.
"I'm not sure what you mean." Sean said.
"Are you aware of what I do with them?" Angelus asked.
"No. Why? What do you do?" Sean asked. 
Angelus could tell that he was telling the truth. 

"I only ask because I don't know who your boy has been talking to but they know of how I use to train my children. He told Bailey and now she's scared of me. I was just wondering who had told him." Angelus said.
"Of course I have heard the stories and have many others. I never told him what I heard. There true then? I tried it once with one of mine. They hated it and I though of it with Ryan but I knew he would hate it too." Sean said.

"I don't really give the the option when I do it. But I won't do it with her because she's a little girl. I'm not the kind of man that gets off on forcing a baby to go down on me." Angelus said and Sean nodded "Yes I can see that. Would you like me to speak with him about that?" Sean asked.
"Since I won't let her leave the table again you might want to. I don't want him to get offended because she doesn't return. And maybe you should do it to him. It teaches discipline in a way that nothing else does. And most can learn to like it. Just as mine did. Here. Take my number. I can explain in more detail over the phone with you another time if you wish. But for now I need to get me and mine fed. I'm feeding for two now after all and that takes more time. Does he have a soul?" Angelus asked.
"Yes. Every now and then he runs away and I don't see him again until he is dragged home by one of my minions with no energy and suffering from hunger so badly that he sees things that aren't that. He starves himself while he is gone. He's early this time. But I guess even he knows when enough is enough." Sean said. 
Angelus chuckled "You know if he slept in your bed running wouldn't be a problem." he said.
Sean laughed "Well now tell me why I never thought about that! Simple things are always the hardest to remember. Now I feel like an idiot." Sean said rolling his eyes. 
Angelus winked and then went back to his own table gathering his children and then dropped Bailey off and then they went hunting. 

Bailey fed from Angelus when they came home and she fell asleep again and then hours later the other climbed in bed too Angelus went to sleep after wondering what Sean had done and decided that he would check up and call tomorrow night. 


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