The fang family

The fang family

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bailey part 2

                Bailey woke suddenly hearing birds and figured that she had only slept for a couple hours. She looked up from Angelus's chest where she was cuddled up to. The great big vampire was sleeping but he looked dead. She glanced over him seeing William and he looked the same. She next looked behind her at Pen and he too looked dead which of course they were all dead but it was strange. She felt the same urge that had come last night before she had fed. She guessed that meant that she was hungry. Could she eat human food still? Was there human food in the house? The black curtains were strange but she supposed that they kept the sun from shinning in. She was surprised that they weren't all covered because she usually got cold at night. 
She felt Angelus's hand around her waist he had her anchored where she was. 
Well she could at least go look for some human food and see if that helped. 
She gently tried to slip from under his arm but it was harder then it looked. He practically had her pinned. And she felt a strange urge to whimper. But she tried again this time she carefully laid her hand on his wrist removing it from around her and was pleased when she was free and she turned to crawl over Pen but the second she turned over her stomach made a strange noise that she didn't recognize. The sound was  one that Angelus recognized and it woke him knowing his new childe was hungry. 
He saw her sitting up and realized that she was about to crawl over Pen. Which would wake Pen. 

His arm went around her fast and she gasped as he turned her back over and she found herself laying down again and looking into the eyes of Angelus. 

"Shh." Angelus whispered softly then his finger came up to his chest and he made another gash and then guided her head to his chest "Shh." Angelus whispered again and Bailey bent down to lick the blood she looked up at him as he closed his eyes again but he opened them when she lifted her head "Angelus? I'm sorry if I woke you." she apologized. 

He snorted softly and slipped into his old accent "Twas your hunger that woke me. Now hush childe. And feed." Angelus said his hand went to her head again and Bailey gave in leaning down and closing her mouth over the scratch letting the blood flow into her mouth as it had last night. She snuggled up to him as she fed from him and waited for him to tell her when to stop and was slightly afraid that he would fall asleep before he told her to stop. 

His eyes closed again and he lay there with his arm around her back while the other was on her head petting her hair gently. 

Brown hair the same color as his own. And brown eyes again like his own. 

He waited until he felt that she had had all she needed. She didn't need a full feed. Not right now. She only needed until to stop the hunger pain so that she could sleep again. 

"That's enough." Angelus said quietly and Bailey lifted her head from him and watched as the mark healed itself. 

That she listened had pleased him he guided her to lay down saying "Good girl. Now sleep." he said. As he closed his eyes. 

"But I'm not tired." she whined. 

"Yes you are. You only woke cause you were hungry and now your not and you can sleep again." Angelus said.

"But Angelus the birds woke me. And then I felt hungry." Bailey told him. 

"The birds? Well that's just your hearing then and you were hungry you just hadn't noticed it yet. Close your eyes and lay here. Try to sleep." Angelus said and she did close her eyes and try though it felt strange to sleep during the day she supposed she was tired because she fell asleep once again cuddled up to his side. 

When he felt her asleep and perfectly still he too closed his eyes and went back to sleep. 

Bailey woke again a couple hours later looking at the clock she lifted her head to look at the clock it was 5 PM. Angelus who was a light sleeper felt her head leave his chest since she had been laying on his chest. Without opening his eyes his hand went up and he pulled her back into place hearing her whine "Shh. Princess it's not time to get up yet. Go back to sleep." Angelus whispered. 

"I don't want to go back to sleep. It's 5 in the evening why can't I get up? What time do we wake up?" Bailey asked in a whisper. 

She felt the growl from his chest where her head lay "You wake when I tell you to wake. It is too early to be awake. Now hush little one. Lay there and go to sleep again." Angelus said becoming slightly annoyed. 

"But I can't. I'm not tired." Bailey said.

"Try. Like before you will fall asleep but you must try." Angelus said.

"But I don't need any more sleep. I slept over 6 hours already. And I don't even know how many hours I was dead for." Bailey said.

"Three days. And 6 hours is what humans need. I know what you need better then you do. Now sleep." Angelus said his eyes still closed he heard not a sound from her and assumed that she was trying to sleep but then he heard her voice "Oh god. Three days? Mom's gonna be so worried. Daddy too. I have to see them. I have to talk to them. I have to let them know I'm okay." he heard the panic in her voice though she was trying to keep quiet he began to rub her back "Shh. Stop your worrying. You will see them tonight. For now you must sleep. No more talking." Angelus said keeping her at his side with one arm. 
Bailey lay on his chest worried but she thought that maybe she could just lay there and be still. Would he know that she wasn't sleeping. 

"Close your eyes and sleep I said." Angelus said in a new tone that held warning in it. 
She immediately closed her eyes and did try to sleep. He was scary. 

She did manage to fall asleep again and couldn't imaging how or why. 

Angelus knew once his childe was asleep again and he then went back to sleep to the next she woke it should be about time to get up. He didn't understand why she had woken up a second time. That almost never happened. 

Angelus woke an hour and a half later he still felt sleepy but it was time to get up. He was only sleepy because Bailey had woke twice. 

Angelus move out of her embrace and watched as she curled up like a kitten to the warm spot he had left on the bed and he smirked and chuckled while he went to change his clothing. 

Once dressed he waited another hour by which time the sun was gone enough to where by the time they were all dressed it would be gone completely. 

Angelus went into the bedroom over to Pen's side and shook "Pen wake up." Pen opened his eyes and then got out of bed as Angelus went to the other side where William was. 

"William. Wake up and get dressed." William opened his eyes and groaned but he got up too and then looked back at Bailey curled up like a kitten and now the only one left in the bed. 

He smirked "You certainly now how to pick them Angelus. I think I could learn to love her." William said.

"You had better learn to love her." Angelus said swatting him playfully. 

Once both the boys were dressed Angelus with a regretful sigh went over to the bed and petting her hair firmly he woke her "Bailey. Precious it's time to get up. Come on. Open those pretty eyes. There we go." Angelus said as Bailey groaned and then opened her eyes and then she sat up seeing everyone awake she looked at the clock it was just about 8:24 

"So we sleep until 8? But we went to sleep at 5 in the morning. Angelus why must we sleep so long?" Bailey asked curious.

"Every vampire is different and so is every Sire. I like to have lots of sleep the more sleep we have the more energy we will have when we wake. Now come on let's go to your house. But mind you child you'll have to be invited in. You will also have to get us invited in too." Angelus explained as they went to the garage that had the cars. 

Bailey stopped "Whoa! What are you guys rich?" She asked stunned. 

Angelus as always picked his black mustang "Come on childe. In the car." Angelus said as he got in the drivers seat and Pen got in the front seat and William got in the back so Bailey went over and hopping in next to William. 

"Hello again." Bailey said with a smile.

William snorted "Hello yourself my you are a tiny thing aren't you? I think I'll call you bit." 

"Um. Okay." Bailey said with her brows raised. 

Angelus started the car and pulled out of the garage into the night. 

"Now sweetling tell us where you live." Angelus said.

"Sweetling?" Bailey asked.

Angelus smirked "An Irish form of the word sweat heart." Angelus explained. 

"Oh. Wait so does that mean your Irish?" Bailey asked.

"Yes. I lived in Galeway Ireland  when I was turned. So when I want to I have an Irish accent. But I try to blend in a bit more so I also picked up an american accent." Angelus said the first part with his Irish accent and the second part with the american one. 

"Why don't you try to blend in William?" Bailey asked William who sounded English to her.

"Cause I don't need to. Sides I can talk with other accents if I need to. But until then I talk the way I want and that is with my English accent. I was in England when Angelus turned me. And the name is Spike." William said. 

"It is not Spike! Because I said no. We are not changing your name from William to Spike. It's a stupid name. And be nice to your sister. She only a curious girl." Angelus scolded then spoke to her again "Now then you house is where again sweat heart?" Angelus asked.

"132 Baker street. the blue house on the end of the road." Bailey answered and then thought of a question for Pen "Pen?" Bailey Called excited now and it made William jump and then roll his eyes at her energy. 

She was smiling when he turned to her "Yes baby sister?" He asked.

"What is your full name?" She asked. 

Pen opened his mouth and Angelus gave him a glare " Pen if you Say you full name I swear I will pull this car over turn you over my knee I am not even close to kidding!" Angelus snapped and Pen shut his mouth. 

Then Angelus turned to her "Honey I told you last night not to ask for his full name. Trust me you really don't want to know. It would make no sense to you anyways. Ask something else if you wish but not that." Angelus said turning back to the road. 

"Okay How old were you Pen? When he turned you?" Bailey asked.

"I was 19 years old." Pen answered and Bailey smirked then turned to William "Spike how old were you?" she asked using the nickname. 

William was surprised that she had called him Spike. "Don't call him that!" Angelus growled. 

"26." William answered. 

Bailey then turned to Angelus "Why can't we call him Spike? I see nothing wrong with a nickname. Lots of people have nicknames. I had this name named Alison and we call her Ali. And another girl named Patricia that we called P.J. This is the 20th century there's lots of nicknames for William too. There Will. And Billy. And Bill. At least Spike is an original nickname. Please Angelus. Please can we call him Spike. Oh please." Bailey begged and begged and each male vampire tried there hardest to not laugh they really did but it didn't work they all burst out laughing even Angelus "Alright alright! But I am not calling him Spike! If Pen or you want to call him Spike go right ahead." Angelus gave in and William could hardly believe that he had given in and then he couldn't figure out why he hadn't thought about begging. Bailey squealed "Yay!" she cheered. 

Then quieted down as they pulled to her street. 

"So is it just your parents then dear?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." Bailey said then pointed to the house "That's it." and Angelus pulled over onto the street. 

They went up to the door and Angelus knocked a woman answered the door "Oh thank god! Bailey I thought you had been kidnapped. Honey I was so scared!" The woman said.

"I'm sorry mama." Bailey apologized with a sad face and just stood there. 

"Who are these men?" her mother asked.

"Oh mama I got lost and they found me and brought me home. There were really nice to me." Bailey said trying to make them look good. 

Her mother smiled warmly at them "Thank you so much for bringing her home. Well come on in Bailey. You guys can come in too if you like I can get you a drink if your thirsty. My husband isn't home yet but he will be soon." She said inviting all of them in with that one speech. 

They all came in as Angelus said "Thank you dear a drink would be wonderful." Angelus said as the mother hugged Bailey and then she left the room to get some Lemonade for them. 

Angelus turned to Bailey "Go on up to your room and get as many of your things as you like. Pack a bag and keep it quiet. When your done stick your head out your door as ask me if you can come down yet. I'll let you know when you can come back down. You just let me know when your all done. Now run along princess." Angelus said and with a brief glance she then went up the stairs. In her room she grabbed her dufful bag and packed all her favorite pants and shirts then she picked her DS game system and the games that she owned for it and the charger too. 

She heard what sounded like glass breaking but she assumed her mother had only dropped a cup or something. She heard her father's call pull into the drive. It's a good thing they had parked on the street. Her parents would not be happy and she wondered how she was suppose to sneak out of the house. Should she sneak out back? Or maybe jump out her window? In vampire movies vampires did that sometimes and they landed on their feet. 

She didn't want to risk her parents seeing her with her bag and so she chose the window. 

She heard her father downstairs and he was shouting but she didn't pay attention to what he said. Bailey climbed out onto the roof and dropped her bag to the ground below and then she took an unnecessary breath and jumped. 

When she landed her ankle twisted and she cried out in pain and went down on the ground. 

The parents were dead now and before Angelus could call to his Childe they all heard what sounded like a body hitting the ground outside and then heard the girl cry out. 

Angelus ran out the door and around the house and they stood at the sight of her Angelus looked up seeing the open window and realized she had jumped from the roof which she was nowhere near ready to do. 

Bailey looked up "Ow!" she whined then seeing Angelus she said "I'm sorry. I think I twisted my ankle. Vampires always land on there feet in movies when they jump from anything." Bailey said which did not help her case.

Angelus didn't say a word he went over to her and picked her up and carried her to the car "Wait. My bag." she whined. Then saw Pen grab her bag and carry it to the car. 

Her ankle hurt but not as much as it should have and she knew that. 

William got in the back seat as Angelus carefully sat her on William's lap "Hold your sister." Angelus growled then opened the trunk and Pen put the bag in the trunk and Angelus shut it. 
Pen got in the front and Angelus got in the drivers seat and then Bailey remembered that she forgot something very important. 

Bailey lunged for William's lap so fast he couldn't stop her and she was soon running for the door and she called to them "Wait I forgot something." and she heard Angelus "You get back here right this second!" but she was already inside and she Rushed up the stairs grabbing her stuffed puppy and then went down the stairs and stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her parents dead on the floor. 

They had killed her parents while she was upstairs packing. Angelus was at the door by the time she saw them and tears filled her eyes as she looked at him "You killed them! You killed them! Why? Why?" She shouted but all he did was come over to her turn her around and swatted her backside then picked her up while she struggled in his grasp "No. Let me go!" she demanded but he easily hauled her out the door and then tossed her in the backseat "William hold her!" Angelus growled again and this time William was ready and he pulled her into his lap and kept his arms around her while she glared at Angelus "You hit me! And you killed my parents!" Bailey was getting louder and Angelus began to drive he glared back at her "Lower you voice!"Angelus snapped. 

William tried to comfort her "Don't worry pet. If it makes you feel any better he killed my parents too. And made me help him." William said and saw the look on her face as he had said that and realized he had just made it worse. 

"Why did you let him?" Bailey asked.

"Let him? What makes you think I had a choice pet? Plus I don't have a soul. When Angelus turned me he became everything. Mother. Father. Lover. Trust me. You don't need them anymore. You've got Angelus to take care of you. And us too. Your part of our family now." William said.

"I see no reason for why your family should have to die just because you are a vampire. You can stay with Angelus without your family having to die." Bailey snapped at him.

"I kill the family so that there is nothing to hold my children to their human lives. Every family member must die. The mothers the fathers and the siblings." Angelus said. 

Oh god it hit her then. Her little brother. 

Had she not jumped out the window when she did and got hurt they might have found her little brother. And a small sense of pride filled her as she realized her brother was alive and that Angelus hadn't killed all her family. One would live. 

But the police would have to be called first. 

"Is there a phone at the house?" Bailey asked curious. 

"Yes. But we're not going home yet. We have a while to go before we go home. We are going hunting while you are going to stay in this car and not move. When we get home you can feed from me." Angelus parked the car and got out as did Pen and William set her aside and got out too. Angelus gave her a stern look "If I catch you out of this car then you will be spanked when we get home." Angelus threatened and her mouth dropped open "You would spank me when I am already injured?" She asked.

"By the time we get back it will be healed vampires heal quickly and small things take small amounts of time. Stay in the car and you won't have to worry about it." Angelus said. 

"What if someone comes and tries to hurt me? Kids in cars alone at night don't always end up well." Bailey said.

"No one will notice you here and if they do you are a vampire. Okay fine. If someone comes I give you permission to run. But when you run you call for me do you hear? I will hear you and I will come to you. But other wise you stay in the car." Angelus said and then they left. 

Bailey didn't want her brother to wake up in the morning and be traumatized by finding their dead parents. She needed to find someone who had a phone so that she could call and make it sound like she was there at the house and that the police needed to come now. 

A man came up to the car to ask her for directions she gave him directions and then asked if he had a phone he said yes and she asked if she could use it and again he said yes and handed her his phone and then she promised to bring it back to him and ran about a mile away. 

She made the call "Hello yeah my name is Bailey and I like at 132 Baker street there's a man in my mouth and I think he killed my parents. Me and my brother are upstairs. I'm going down right now to see if there still here. Oh god." then she screamed and made it sound like she being kidnapped and then she hung up the phone and broke it. 

There that should make the police come running so that poor Jack wouldn't find their parents. 

She went back to the car where the guy was waiting and then looked sad "I'm sorry there was this guy and he ran into me and it knocked your phone over and it's broke. I'm really sorry." she apologized. 

"That's okay honey. It's just a phone. How old are you kid?" he asked.

"14." She said.

"Your a bit young to be out on your own aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes but my father had to go somewhere for a moment. He shouldn't be much longer." She said and then she saw William coming. 
"Oh there's my brother now." Bailey pointed behind the man and he turned to see a man then looked at the girl "That man is your brother.  How old is your father then?" He asked with a curious smile. 

"quite old." She answered him.

"Ah well since your brothers here I'll leave you now. I'm sure he'll take care of you." the man said. 

Bailey went over to William hugging him as if she had missed him but she was actually giving the other man time to leave because she was scared that William would kill him. 

The man left in his own car and William tapped Bailey lightly on the head "What was that all about?" William asked.

"He just wanted directions and I was bored so I talked to him after giving him directions." Bailey said.

"And you had to get out of the car to give him directions?" William asked.

"Oh well my foot felt funny and I thought I would try to use it." Bailey lied. 

William laughed "Well aren't we the pretty little liar. Don't worry pet. Lying come natural to vampires and its good that it comes easy to you. Just don't lie to daddy." William said as he climbed into the car. 

"Daddy?" Bailey asked.

"Uh yeah. Angelus. Big tip for if you ever get in trouble. call him daddy. It butters him up and he's not as hard on you." William said and Bailey stored that away in her head. 

Bailey climbed to sit beside him and he put an arm around her shoulder in a brotherly fashion. 

"Hows the ankle then?" William asked.

"It's fine now. Can't even tell that anything was wrong with it. This fast healing thing is cool. Do you heal this fast?" Bailey asked.

William snorted "You healed that fast because you drink only Sire's blood. For the rest of vampires it would take a couple hours and that's only after we feed." William said.

"Are you jealous Spike?" She asked worried. 

William gave her a look as if to say that was a silly question "Not hardly. Why?" he asked.

"Well I don't want you to feel like I'm replacing you or anything. And If me being around makes you uncomfortable then I...I just don't want you to feel bad." Bailey said not sure how to explain it.

"Don't be ridiculous you being around is going to be entertaining. I always wanted a baby sister. And now I have one. I used to have a lot of sisters when I was alive. Only one survived that night that Angelus and I came to my parents. And that's only because she was married and lived elsewhere. I didn't tell Angelus until years later and he was angry but he got over it after a while." William said.

"Spike can I tell you something? I mean will you promise not to tell Angelus?" Bailey asked.

William raised his brow "A secret? I don't know about that. See if it's something he should know and he finds out he'll just be that much madder when he does find out. And then If I knew before he did and didn't tell him I'll get in trouble too. Oh I can see that it's eating at you just tell me. I promise not to tell Angelus." William said at Which point Pen hopped in the front seat. 

"Those 6 words are never good William. You should never make a promise like that. He's still hunting he went on his own to take another two so whatever she's gonna say make it quick I don't know how long he's gonna take." Pen said.

Bailey looked at him "Do you promise not to tell Angelus/" she asked.

Pen snorted "I my girl am not that stupid. No I do not promise to not tell Angelus. Say it or don't but I won't lie to Angelus. I know better." Pen said.

"Well if your gonna tell him then there's no point in me saying it." Bailey said.

"I didn't say I would tell him. I said that I won't promise to not tell him." Pen said.

Bailey thought a moment and said "Well it would be too late for him to do anything anyways. I have a younger brother. He was asleep already and that man I was talking to I used his phone to call the police. At the end I made it sound like I was being kidnapped so that they wouldn't look for me. I didn't want my brother traumatized by finding out parents dead so I called the police. They'll take my brother and make sure that he's put with a good family." Bailey said.

Pen slapped his forehead and groaned then slapped his forehead several more times chanting "Stupid stupid stupid" 

Spike's reaction wasn't much better. "Great just great pet. Did you ever stop to think that they will report your kidnapping and have your picture everywhere and if that man that talked to you tonight sees that picture he can report that he saw you and then he can also describe me as your kidnapper. Well I'm not taking that chance. Pen stay with her I'm gonna get that man." Spike said as he hopped out of the car "No Spike don't kill him please." Bailey begged. 

But Spike was gone now and Pen shook his head "Killing that man is the only way for us to stay here. If that man reports Spike his picture will be out there too and then we'd have to leave and then Angelus would really have your hide." Pen said.

"He'd really do it. He'd really Spank me? But I'm 14! And I've never been spanked before." Bailey said.

"Yeah well I'm technically over 200 and if I cross Angelus he'd put me over his knee too so age isn't relevant. Spanking is one of the ways he punishes. Most things earn a spanking. And you might wanna tell Angelus......" Pen was interrupted 

"Might want to tell Angelus what?" Angelus asked as he got in the car then gave them both a look "Where is William?" 

"He decided to get one more kill just in case he got hungry later." Pen lied easily. 

Bailey rolled her eyes So much for Pens declaration that he knew better then to lie to Angelus. 

"I see. So now we must wait for him to get back. Now what is it that we might want to be telling Angelus?" Angelus asked again. 

"I was just telling Pen that I have never been spanked before. And he was saying that I should tell you that." Bailey at least assumed that it had been the spanking that Pen was talking about. 

Angelus didn't seem to surprised "Kid today have it to easy. Well you'll not get out of a spanking just because you have never had one before. Why do I smell a man around somewhere? Did someone approach the car?" Angelus asked her. 

"Yes a man was just asking for directions. He didn't bother me. I gave him directions and then he left." Bailey said.

"Did you get out of the car?" Angelus asked. 

"Um. Yes but only because he asked what street this was and I couldn't see what the sign said. I got out to look and then told him which way to go." Bailey said only fibbing a little. 

"Very good Bailey. I'm glad you were honest with me. I can smell that you were out of car because your scent is by my door. Which means you were standing by my door." Angelus said.

wow it was a good thing she hadn't lied. 

After waiting an hour Angelus was getting angry and Bailey's stomach was making noises again and she tried to hold in her whines but some escaped. The sound of Bailey's hungry grated on Angelus's nerves. He would not let her suffer any longer. 
He started the car and began to drive home gripping the wheel tight. 

"Wait what about Spike?" Bailey asked.

"William knows the way home. And he best not take too long getting back. You need to feed so we are going home." Angelus said as he drove. 

He pulled into the garage and they went in the mansion. 

Bailey noticed that it was about 1 AM. 

Angelus tossed the keys angrily on the table and went into the living room to sit in his reclining chair. "Bailey come here." he called.

Bailey went followed his voices and saw him sitting back in a reclining chair with his feet up. 

He held out his hand "Come on. Climb up. This chair will hold us both." Angelus said holding a hand out to her after he had took his shirt off. 

She hesitated only because he looked upset. 

Angelus sighed and then softened his features "Come now my precious girl. I'm not upset with you." Angelus said. 

She slowly walked over and let him practically pull her on top of him as if she were only 4 years old and her weight didn't bother at all. 

He slashes his nipple open and she flinches knowing that must have caused him some pain but he didn't even flinch or make any sign that it had hurt. 

"Come on drink the blood til I tell you to stop. You should know what to do by now." Angelus said.

"I do. But I don't want to drink from your....." she stopped as he chuckled "I decide what's best for you childe. It wont hurt you to drink from there. And it wont hurt me either. There's no need to be shy around here. Now come on. Just pretend like its one of those water bottles that has a cap that you can pull up to drink out of. Don't let the fact that it's my nipple bother you." Angelus said and her stomach rumbled again and he took her head and firmly guided her to his nipple and she opened her mouth over it and let the blood come into her mouth sucking as if it was from a water bottle. Angelus stiffened at the pleasure that ran through him. He hadn't expected her to actually suck hard like that. It was better that she did though. Bailey didn't care about the fact that she should be embarrassed. She only wanted the hunger to go away. 

Angelus closed his eyes feeling the pleasure vibrate through him. He stroked her hair softly with one hand while the other went down to her bottom he heard her whine and he began to gently at her bottom "Shh. Hush little one. Your alright. I'm not hurting you dear girl." he murmured to her. 

She tried to ignore his hand on her butt though it was making her a little nervous. 

The longer he patted her jeans the less it began to bother her. It began to be comforting and she settled down soon. 

Angelus let her feed til all the blood from his last victim had been taken and then he patted her bottom twice a bit more firmly "Alright that's enough now." Angelus said and she lifted her head and sat up now more on his lap. 

He smirked at her "What?" she asked.

His finger came up to the corner of her mouth and wiped a lone drop of blood from her then put his finger up to her mouth "You missed." he said and she took his finger and licked the blood drop from it then looked at him expectantly.  

"Good girl. Now would you like to watch some TV?" Angelus asked as he picked up the remote from the table at his side and turned it on to a channel he thought she would like. 

Seeing Disney Channel perked her up and she turned more and was sitting more on his knee now as she began to watch the channel. 

Angelus closed his eyes to rest ignoring the sound of the childe's channel. 

But slightly smirking each time she laughed or giggled. 

She then cuddled up against him laying on him as she watched the Channel and he shook her when he felt her falling asleep "No princess you mustn't fall asleep or you wont sleep later when your suppose to. Is the TV making you tired?" Angelus asked. 

"I guess. I usually go to sleep around this time." she said.

"Ignore what your body is used to. You aren't tired and if you sleep now you will ruin your entire schedule and we're just starting you on it. If you need to then go find a room to play in but you must stay awake." Angelus said and Bailey got up from his lap and went to find her bag and took her handheld game system out of there and picked a room to play it after finding a plug in for the charger. 

she played the game for a while and then she heard Angelus his voice loud and she put her game down and went downstairs to investigate he found Angelus holding a switch pacing back and forth and Pen sitting in a chair trying to ignore the rant "Where is he! He should have been back by now!" Angelus said with a raised voice. 

"I'm sure I don't know Angelus maybe he's just wondering around. He'll be back soon." Pen said trying to calm his Sire then noticed Bailey. 

"Hi Bailey." Pen said thinking that maybe Angelus would calm down because the little girl was in the room. 

Angelus glanced at her and Bailey was staring at the switch "Are you going to use that on Spike?" she asked. 

"I most certainly am. He deserves it for the worry he's caused me. He should be back by now. He knows better then to just take off." Angelus said sternly. 

"I thought he was 27. You can't spank a 27 year old." Bailey said not in defiance but in confusion. 
Angelus smirked "His human age was 27 when I turned him. He is over 150 years old in actual years and I most certainly am going to spank him!" Angelus said snapping the switch down in his free hand which made a loud snapping sound. 

She flinched at the noise. "Don't worry princess. Your not the one in trouble." Angelus said in a calm tone after seeing her flinch. 

Pen was getting nervous too. He looked at Bailey and said sadly "We should tell him." Pen said.

Angelus turned to his oldest with a curious look. 

"No." Bailey whined and Angelus turned back to her. 

"Bailey come on. He won't come back until he finds him and kills him and that could take days." Pen said at Which point Angelus leaned against a desk and placed his glare at Pen. 

"Pen. Care to explain or are you just going to keep lying to me as apparently you have been doing all night." Angelus said in a dangerous tone. 

Pen paled knowing they were busted. 

"Angelus it really is more our fault then hers." Pen said. 

Angelus laid the switch on the table and put his hands on his hips "What was?" he asked.

"I have a little brother. He was sleeping. I forgot until you went hunting and then when the guy asked for directions I used his phone to call the police so that my brother wouldn't find our parents dead." Bailey said bravely and Angelus voice filled with hard edge said "You what? What did you say to the police?" Angelus demanded. 

"The man didn't hear what I said. I made it sound like there was people in the house and then I said I was going to check and see if they were still there. The police said I shouldn't do that and then I made it sound like I was grabbed and I screamed and hung up the phone. I didn't realized that they would report it as a kidnapping and since I talked to that guy he would report that he saw me. And Spike showed up while the guy was talking to me and Spike thought it was best to go after him since he would report Spike as the kidnapper." Bailey said. 

Angelus didn't move or speak for a minute. He turned to Pen and Pen stiffened at the glare that Angelus was pinning him with "You lied to me. You sat there and lied directly to my face!" Angelus yelled but Pen bravely stood his ground "I did it for her!" he defended himself. 

"Well that's great. Now you get your ass over here and take a whipping for her too!" Angelus said as he picked up the switch and advanced on Pen. 

"No Angelus don't whip him. Please!" Bailey begged. 

Angelus pinned her with the same look "You don't tell me no little girl! When I want your opinion I'll ask for it." Angelus growled. 

"Bloody hell that's enough of that Angelus!" William shouted as he came into the room and glares daggers at Angelus and everyone in the room stood stunned. 

Gone was the golden blonde hair now it was a platinum blonde so blonde that it was almost white. 

Angelus stared eyes wide as his Childe's new hair. 

"I found the men and there no more threat but your not taking your black temper out on bit like that. I won't let you!" Spike said daringly. 

That snapped Angelus out of his shock. He set the switch down and stormed over to his insolent childe "Are you telling me that you have been gone all this time doing THAT to your hair! Did I tell you that you could do that to your hair! No I did not! You don't make choices like that without my permission." Angelus yelled and he grabbed William by his hair William went down on his knees but Angelus didn't lose his grip he only crouched next to the boy. 

His grip on the hair got tighter "I have been worried sick all this time and you come home looking like this?!" Angelus yelled making Spike cringe. But it had worked. Angelus was angry at him now and not her so he took some pride in that. 

"Ow! Bloody hell Angelus let go of my hair." Spike demanded. 

"Excuse me? Who's hair?" Angelus said in a deadly tone. 

"Your hair! But let go." Spike said. 

"That's right. MY hair little boy! Mine. That's why you don't go around making choices like that without at least warning me! Which you very well know and your just trying to distract me with this aren't you. You did this to piss me off so that I would be more angry at you! Well it worked Dammit I hope your happy and I hope it was worth it!" Angelus said letting go of the boys hair then picked up the switch. 

He turned to Pen "You go upstairs and take Bailey with you. Turn on some music to drown it out. I don't want her to hear this." Angelus said and then went over to William snapped his fingers at him "Give me your hand." he demanded. 

Pen went over turning Bailey around and hurried up stairs but when they got to the room they heard the first snap but there was no scream as Bailey had thought there would be. 

"What is he doing to him?" Bailey asked worried. 

"Using the switch on his hands for doing that to his hair. Then he'll Use it on his backside for leaving without a word. Vampires have a high pain tolerance and Angelus likes to make every punishment miserable so that you won't want to repeat the offence." Pen said. 

"I don't hear music!" Angelus hollered up the stairs and Pen went over and turned on the radio turning it up high enough so that even is William cried or screamed they wouldn't hear it. 

Pen sat in the chair. 

"Why do you stay with him?" Bailey asked.

"He's my Sire. Not like I have a choice." Pen said.

"You could leave. You don't have to stay here with him. You could run away." Bailey said and Pen laughed "Uh no I really couldn't. even if I did run he would come after me and no matter where I went he would find me. And then he would just break my legs and carry me back." Pen said knowingly. 

"Break your legs? He would break your legs? Is there anything he won't break?" Bailey asked. 

"Calm down. It's not permanent and doesn't last nearly as long as it would it we were human. Angelus is strict but we are vampires. We have a high pain tolerance. Yeah it's agony when he does break our fingers or our legs but he doesn't do it often. He only does it if he gets really angry. What he's doing to Spike that's nothing. I said it before most of the time it will be punishments like that. He doesn't break bones unless we really piss him off. You don't have to be scared. It's not likely that you'll make him that angry. And you certainly have yourself a bodyguard now. Spike will hurl himself at Angelus and take the punishment for you before he lets Angelus break your limbs." Pen said. 

That put Bailey at ease but only a little. 

God Angelus was a monster. 

An hour later Angelus came upstairs with a teary eyes William and shoved him in the room "Bed right now!" Angelus snapped at him and he went to lay in the bed. 

"Pen! Your turn." Angelus said which surprised them. 

Pen went out the room with Angelus and though the music was going there were several snaps that were heard. 

Bailey went over to Spike "Are you okay?" she asked.
He smirked at her "Yeah pet. It was worth it.  He was ready to light into you with that switch." Spike said as if it was no big deal. 

She saw his red hands "Does that hurt?" she asked.

"It did when it was happening. But now it only smarts a bit." Spike said,

"Did he use that switch on your...." Bailey said not wanting to say the word. 

"Did he smack me bum with it? yeah he did and that certainly hurt worse then the hands. And its still blazing. Pen's getting it across his bum too. He lied. Bet he'll say it was worth it too." Spike said then the door opened again and Pen who hadn't gotten that many but still had tears in his eyes went to lay on the bed without having to be told to. 

Angelus didn't have the switch in his hands anymore. 

He shut the door and locked it ten he sat in a chair looking at Bailey he said "Come here Bailey." 

Her eyes widened in fear "Why?" she asked.

"Because you had a part in this to and your not getting off Scott free little girl. Come on. It's only fair." Angelus said using her soul against her. 
Before she could take a step her wrist was grabbed by Spike and he was out of the bed having flung her behind him and was growling dangerously at Angelus for the first time in his life and he was willing to fling himself at his Sire to prove his point. 
"You will not touch her!" Spike growled and Pen's mouth opened in shock. 
Angelus raised his brows and stood up "I'll warn you once. Attack me and I won't leave enough skin of your ass for it to heal! You will not challenge me William. You have already pushed your luck tonight. DON"T push it any further boy." Angelus warned. 

Bailey got in front of Spike and looked up at him "Spike don't. Please. Please don't make him punish you again. He's right. It was mostly my fault. And both you and Pen got in trouble. So I should too." 

Spike looked like he would still rather right then let her get hurt. 

"William lay down and do as your told. You need to trust me. Just as she does." Angelus said proud of the girl. 

Spike sat down on the bed. 

This time Angelus growled "I said to lay down William and I will not be repeating myself again tonight!" Angelus raised his voice and his tone had Spike laying down but he continued to glare  but he was not glaring at the floor since he didn't quite dare to glare at Angelus anymore. 

"Now my brave girl. Come here." Angelus said softly. 

Bailey took a deep breath and let it out then went over to Angelus. 

"6 my girl. All for being dishonest." Angelus said his eyes went to William who he could see very clearly "Pen I expect you to keep him in that bed." Angelus commented and at that Pen's arm went around Spike and he put his full weight on that one arm to keep Spike where he was. 

Angelus gently took Bailey's right hand looking her in the eyes he kept eye contact as he landed two sharp smacks on her right hand and she flinched at the sting. 

Angelus released her right hand and took her left again catching her eye and smacked her left hand twice just as sharply. She whined at those. 

Angelus stood from the chair again now towering over her his arm went out and snaked around her waist and he pulled her in against his side and bent her over slightly then last two swats landed on her bottom and they were harsher then the first four and she wailed as each on landed partly from fear but also partly because they stung and burned like hell. 

He let her got and then for some reason she hugged him and he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed placing her there "There now. That wasn't so bad was it?" Angelus asked her. 

"It did hurt." Bailey informed him. 
Angelus smirked "yes I know it hurt. It was meant to hurt. I never go overboard on the first punishment." Angelus said and then Spike slapped his own forehead with his hand just as Pen had earlier that night. 

"I am so bloody stupid!" Spike groaned and Angelus chuckled "Yes. Yes you are. William what did I do for your fist punishment?" Angelus asked knowingly. 

"You smacked my hands red thank you very much." Spike said petulantly. 
"Your welcome. And what pray tell did you think I was going to do to her that would require your protection? I don't maim my children and you don't get to decide how I punish them. You get to trust that I know what I'm doing and not land yourself in trouble trying to help a child that doesn't need your help. The worst thing I will ever do to her is perhaps break her fingers but I have already decided that anything more then that would probably drive her insane. She's a little girl after all." Angelus said. 

"Drusilla was your little girl too and you still did all the nasty tortures to her." Spike said.
"Yes. But then Drusilla wasn't 14 years old was she? Bailey is truly a little girl. With Drusilla it was an expression. With Bailey it is the truth. She is a  little girl. I have never made one that young. And I will not punish with the same intensity that I use with the two of you. Let me make it clear. She would have to run away before I would break her fingers and she's a smart girl she won't run away." Angelus said which put Spike's mind a ease and Baileys too because now she knew that he wouldn't do her real harm and that she would have to run away before he broke her fingers which meant that she could never run away or at least if she did then she would have to make sure Angelus never found her. 

"Now princess do daddy a favor and turn that blasted music off will you?" Angelus said sweetly to her. 

Bailey went over and turned off the radio. 

"So now what do we do? It's 3 in the morning." Bailey asked.

"Now you can go back to doing what you were doing before you heard me shouting. Your free to do as you please just keep an eye on the time and come back at 5. And if you get hungry tell me." Angelus said. 

Bailey nodded and went back to the room to play her game she heard noises that kind of sounded like sex but she really hoped that it wasn't. 

She kept an eyes on the time and the sting in her hands and her bottom were gone soon. 

Once it was close to 5 she turned her game off and then went to the bedroom and knocked on the door not sure if they were dressed or not. 

"Oh for Pete's sake please tell me she did not just knock on the door!" Angelus said annoyed. 

"Okay. She didn't just knock on the door." Pen sassed playfully and got swatted for it. 

"In case your wondering you don't got to be invited in pet." Spike shouted. 

"Uh. You guys are dressed right?" Bailey asked. 

All three men laughed at that. 

"Don't laugh at me! It's a real question!" Bailey whined. 

There was sound of two light swats and then Angelus saying "Pants." 

They all got out of the bed and pulled pants on and then Angelus came to open the door. 

"Well come on then." Angelus said motioning with head for her to enter. 

She came in and he swatted her but it wasn't very hard. "Bed for miss trouble." Angelus said lifting her off her feet and tossing her in the bed which made her giggle and then Spike and Pen got in the bed and Angelus took up the same place he had before and they fell asleep. 


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