The fang family

The fang family

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Angelus claims Pen once again.

This is a stand alone story in the same AU that all my stories are in. The one where Angelus is the one that made William and also Angelus was never cursed with a soul.  later on he find Pen in a fight and claims the rights to keep his child with him to keep him safe. It leads into the Bailey series.

This is the encounter at the bar when Pen gets into the fight which I have mentioned in other stories but only briefly this is how it went down.

Angelus has short hair now.

Italy 1949

The demon bar was particularly exciting tonight. So much so that the ruckus attracted the attention of Angelus.
William was at home sleeping after having drank his sire's blood. Angelus had recently lost both Drusilla and Darla. Drusilla had bit Darla and Darla had dusted her. And once Angelus and William had returned William had moved so quickly that no one could have stopped the stake that was plunged into Darla. And so Darla was dusted too. Angelus had been angry and had broken each finger on William's right hand which is what he had used to dust Darla. Since then William had been healing and Angelus was feeding him Sire's blood.

So Angelus was alone on his hunt tonight. The bar was placing bets on who would win. There was a vampire against a Graxlar beast a huge demon that only a master vampire could defeat. Angelus enjoyed a slaughter anytime. He of course could defeat the beast himself but not many vampires could. It was a fight to the death. Both demon's agreed to that. No one had gotten a look at the vampire yet. Angelus was given another free drink. He owned the territory and so the bartenders always gave him free drinks. In exchange for letting them hunt in his area.

The bell rang and everyone's attention went to the ring. Angelus sipped his rich wine. Enjoying himself as the demon entered the ring and the name ' Collin" was said and then the vampire who had not given the name of his sire when asked nor would he give his own name which the bartender had told Angelus earlier. He was simply referred to as the vampire.

When the vampire entered the ring he was in his demon face and Angelus's glass stopped an inch from his lips. He raised his eye brows and then he finished his wine just as the first punch was landed. Angelus placed the glass down and slowly stood up. The vampire would lose. Angelus knew that. The demon grabbed the vampires arm and yanked and then kicked him behind his knee sending the vampire to the floor. Angelus winced and then sighed and made his way over to the ring briefly glancing around at everyone that sat watching and then they all eyed him wearily as he passed to the ring.

The demon spotted Angelus just as Angelus landed in the ring. Angelus growled at him "Let go." The demon released the vampires arm and the vampire who was now on the floor groaned as he held his arm.
Angelus held eye contact with the demon "Out of the ring." Angelus ordered and even though the demon was curious he stepped out of the ring. They all watched to see what Angelus would do.

Angelus turned to Pen and knelt grabbing the hurt arm and Pen nearly snarled at him when he touched him,
Angelus lightly slapped Pen in warning and then checked his arm. Then he flipped Pen to his stomach and Checked the back of his knee. No real damage done. Pen lunged from Angelus's grasp and put himself at the other side of the ring. Angelus understood the point for what it was. A challenge. And Angelus was about to make a point of his own.
 Pen was glaring at him angrily.
. There was a very clear statement he was about to make and no one would miss understand it.

Angelus stalked over to Pen and Pen bravely stood his ground.

Angelus grabbed Pen's face with both hands and Pen gasped and tried to get out of the grasp.

The demons all leered knowing that Angelus must have stopped the fight to kill the other vampire himself. This was Angelus's territory after all.

"This is my territory. Mine. All of it." Angelus stated and Pen just glared.

Angelus saw much blood on Pen's face.

"Change back." Angelus ordered.

When Pen didn't immediately obey Angelus growled "Now."

Pen changed back to his human face.

Angelus leaned down to Pen's bleeding left cheek. "Mine. Let me Show you little childe."

Angelus's tongue snaked out and lapped at the blood on Pen's right cheek. Pen jerked but his Sire was too strong to escape and that's when the demons realized Angelus was talking to them. Not the other vampire.
They had been about to dust a child that Angelus had made. All thoughts of harming the young vampire left every mind there.

Angelus licked the childe until his right cheek was clean of blood.

"Angelus!" Pen growled and tried to jerked out from Angelus's strong hands that held his face trapped there. but never once did Pen raise his hand to his Sire. He knew better. He would never dare raise his hand to Angelus. Angelus would break every finger on the hand to punish him.

"Hush." Angelus scolded and then moved to the left cheek and licked Pen several times there too until it was clean.

"Angelus! Stop!" Pen yelled enraged that Angelus would lick him. As if Pen was a hurt bear cup or something.

Angelus moved to the boys nose licking the small amount of blood from it.

Pen squirmed and tried again to escape Angelus's grasp.

"Angelus I said stop!" Pen yelled again and this time Angelus leaned away slightly then spotting Pen's cut lip he swooped down for a punishing kiss. Pen flinched and whined as Angelus bit and kissed his hurting lips. Angelus sucked his lower cut lip into his mouth and sucked the blood and then released the lip and then licked it again with his tongue and and Pen closed his eyes so that he didn't have to watch Angelus licking his lip. His lip hurt a little but it had hurt more before Angelus had licked it.

Pen groaned and tried to pull away and regain his dignity. The dignity where he was a lone vampire and didn't need his Sire to coddle him. He had not seen Angelus since the day Angelus had told Pen he was ready to be on his own and Pen had gone out to find himself. And now Angelus had found him.

Angelus licked his now bruised lip and growled low "Mine."

He then raised his head to look at the demons around him "I trust I have made my point?" Angelus asked them.

Every demon nodded. All but one. Pen.

Angelus looked down at his Childe. "Have I made my point Childe?" Angelus asked.

Pen knew that tone. "Yes. You've licked me clean. I think we all get that your my Sire you really didn't need to declare it at all let alone like that. Besides it was a fight. I don't think your allowed to interfere" Pen snapped.

The hands on his face tightened. Oh crap. "Aye. It was a fight. A fight to the death. Suicidal are you my boy? Cause I think everyone here knows you'd have never beaten him. And I'm your Sire. I can claim, protect. and control anything involving you without needing permission from others. It's my right boy. Your mine. Or didn't you get that earlier?" Angelus asked.

"Get your hands off me." Pen growled annoyed and his own hands went up to grab Angelus's wrists tightly to accompany that order.

Angelus's eyes narrowed "Have you forgotten your lessons so soon boy? Need to take your soother here in front of everyone?" Angelus asked a wicked smile on his face.

"You can't make me do that anymore!" Pen growled then added "Let go of me Angelus! You may be my Sire but I am my own vampire now. So get the fuck off me!" Pen growled and jerked with all his might as his hands yanked on Angelus's wrists and he was now free.

He flew backwards putting distance between them again and not a second later Angelus was again right before him and this time he slapped him hard enough for Pen to land on the floor.

"Fucking hell Angelus! What was that for?" Pen snarled embarrassed.

Angelus knelt by him and grabbed Pen's hair and Pen's right hand immediately came up but Angelus grabbed his right hand and held it and Pen froze at the gentle gaze and the wicked smile Angelus was giving him.

Oh fuck. And Pen didn't dare move only placed pleading eyes on Angelus.

"I don't know about all of you here....But I have had enough from my rebel childe. Pen why did you not give your name of mine when asked for the name of your sire and yourself?" Angelus asked even though he already knew.

Pen didn't answer and Angelus released his hair and landed another slap to the same cheek and Pen cried out and barely held back tears. "Answer me childe." Angelus warned.

Pen winced "N...No one would have fought with me." Pen said.

"And why is that?" Angelus asked gently stroking Pen's smarting cheek now.

"No one would have touched me because your my Sire." Pen said/.

Angelus nodded his face and eyes still gentle "Why?" Angelus asked again.
"I already told you why." Pen glared and Angelus slapped his cheek again and Pen cried out again and his cheek now was smarting hotly.

"Why?" Angelus asked again in the same soft tone.

"Because I'm yours." Pen finally chocked out.

Angelus nodded. "Nobody touches what's mine. Because no one wants to cross me. You kept my name secret because you wanted to fight and no one would have touched you if they had known you to be mine."

"I'm not yours anymore." Pen said and Angelus struck his cheek again. Pen cried out and this time tears pricked his eyes. His cheek really hurt now.

Angelus still had the gentle look but it was when Angelus was gentle and soft that he was the most dangerous to his children. He would never dust them. But he did take great joy and pleasure in punishing them when they crossed him.

"Care to repeat that?" Angelus asked.

"No." Pen groaned out his cheek hurt bad and didn't want to talk anymore.

"Have I proved my point then Pen?" Angelus asked.

Pen still found the courage to smart off though "Which point Angelus? That only you can get away with harming your childe? Yes you have proved that point."

Angelus smirked "You never stop pushing do you?"

Pen waited to be smacked again but it didn't come. That scared him. What would Angelus do now.

Angelus stood straight and then his hand landed fast and hard on Pen's same cheek and it landed so hard that it knocked him out. Pen slumped on the floor with his eyes closed and Angelus picked up the childe in his arms and jumped from the ring and then carried the boy out of the club and back into an ally.

He spotted a friend of his and talked for a moment the other vampire agreed to watch William until the next night and Angelus headed to a storage unit that was abandoned.

He sometimes used it for his more exciting punishments. He placed the boy in the bed and stripped his clothing and then tapped him on his bruised cheek which woke him up.

Pen opened his eyes seeing Angelus he felt the bruising on his cheek and he knew that Angelus had truly struck him and it was hard enough to bruise which meant Angelus had knocked him out. Pen was on a bed and Angelus stood next to it. Then he realized he was naked. Oh god no!

"Angelus please." Pen begged.

Angelus tapped his sore cheek and tears pricked his eyes again "Ah ah ah childe. My fledgling calls me daddy or Sire while being punished." Angelus chuckled and Pen squirmed.

"I'm not your fledgling. I am vampire that has been freed from my Sire long ago." Pen said.

"You will call me Sire or daddy do you understand Childe?." Angelus said again.
"Yes." Pen groaned.

"Yes what?" Angelus asked.

"Yes....Sire." Pen said.

Angelus chucked "Now you see that? You can be a good boy when you have the right motivation. Can't you my boy. Now lets see if we can't bring you down a peg or two shall we? You know how punishment works. And you did not only defy me tonight but you did it continuously and in public. You also offered yourself up to be killed and did not even try to stop him when he went for you twice. I stepped in to save you. You are correct Pen. No one hurts my childe and lives to tell the tale. But when I hurt you it is my right. And done for punishment. You have earned yourself quite a session tonight." Angelus said summing things up.

"Now stand up." Angelus ordered.

Pen carefully stood from the bed. And Angelus saw there in a second gently stroking his aching cheek "Tell me why I punished you in the club." Angelus said stroking the cheek with his thumb gently but even the gently touch hurt Pen.

Pen thought for a moment "Because I was being disobedient?" Pen guessed.

"Ah. And disobedient children must be punished. Correct?" Angelus quizzed.

"Yes Sire." Pen agreed.

"It was for the public defiance. The rest is to be a lesson about why you don't challenge your Sire and think to get away with it. Now repeat the lesson to be learned here." Angelus ordered.

Pen was nervous but he said it "The lesson is about why I don't challenge my Sire and then think I'll get away with it."

Angelus seemed pleased and he stroked Pen's cheek once more then sat down on the bed.

"Knell before me." Angelus instructed.

Pen cringed but did as he was told hoping that he was wrong.

"Good boy. Now come give me a kiss." Angelus said gently cupping Pen's face and bringing him over for a plucking kiss while one of his hands went down to unbutton his own pants and allow his raging hard on to come out of his pants.

When Angelus released Pen he was ready and hard.

Pen saw the bulging erection and cringed when Angelus's hand went to gently clutch his hair and Pen began to cry in humiliation and Angelus came down again to kiss him. And whispered to the boy "Shh. Shush now little one. Be a good boy for daddy and do exactly as I say. You know what to do here Pen. Shush now baby. Stop that crying now. I haven't given you reason to cry yet and already your in tears. Why are you crying boy? Don't you want to please daddy?" Angelus asked.

"Yes. But I hate doing that. You know I hate it." Pen said tears streaming down his face.

"Oh I know you hate it Pen. That's why it's called punishment. Your not suppose to like it. Lucky for you that you never gained a taste for this. It means that I can use it as a way to punish you. With the others they all learned to love it and so it can't be a punishment for them. Humiliation is a powerful lesson of it's own. Any pain will fade but humiliation is remembered. Remember this the next time your tempted to defy me in public. Now dry your tears. Daddy loves his boy. You know that don't you childe? That I love you. Come now." Angelus's hand tightened in Pen's hair and he gently but firmly guided Pen down Angelus leaned back and spread his legs keeping a hold on Pen's hair Angelus settled down to listen and Pen took Angelus's cock in his mouth he tried doing the same as always and do it quickly but the hand in his hair tightened painfully and a sharp slap landed on his ass "Slowly baby. We're taking this nice and slow." Angelus said and Pen expertly used his mouth on his Sire just as his Sire had taught him and then forced him to do several times.

Pen was mostly just using his tongue to lick and after a while Angelus again tightened the grip on his hair "Enough boy. Do it properly. Or I'll just haul you up turn you across me knee and blister you ass purple and then you get down again and do it right." Angelus threatened and Pen took the cock full in his mouth then deep throating Angelus's cock sucking eagerly as if he wanted it and he did want Angelus to come but only because then it would be over. Pen made eager panting sounds because it turned Angelus on.

Angelus settled more down and enjoyed the feeling of his oldest nuzzled there between his thighs trying urgently to make him come. Angelus was controlled and could hold himself from coming it only made him come that much harder when he did. So Angelus sat there with Pen's mouth sucking on his cock and ignored the pitiful desperate whining that his childe was making. Angelus waited a sufficient amount of time before talking dirty which was one of the things that got him off the best.

"That's it baby. That's it. That's my hot baby boy. Daddy's hot baby boy. Look at you. Looking so sweet buried between my thighs. You have daddy's cock in your mouth don't you boy. You being a good baby and taking your soother. Come on baby. Make daddy come hard and he'll give you a nice treat." Angelus's words half annoyed Pen and half slightly turned him on too.

His grasp on Pen's hair tightened and he thrust further into the boys mouth making him gag but he kept suckling as Angelus thrust forcefully into his mouth and getting closer and closer. And then one harsh thrust later and Angelus stiffened and came hard and fast into Pen's mouth spewing jets that Pen was forced to swallow.

Once Pen had taken it all Angelus pulled his up to lay on his chest and praised him "Shh. Good boy. Sweet boy. Daddy's sweet boy. You took your soother well. Daddy came hard for you didn't he. Shh. What is it with you and all this crying? Is it because you missed your daddy? Or because you were a naughty boy and know we're not finished?" Angelus asked.

Pen didn't answer.

"You've earned some pleasure too baby. Your punishment is that you'll spend most of tonight on your knees before me making me come. But I've decided that you need some loving attention too." Angelus spoke and Pen didn't notice that Angelus had grabbed a chain but Angelus moved fast and Pen found himself chained and unable to move his hands and Angelus left the bed and went to the drawer.

"Close your eyes." Angelus ordered and Pen closed his eyes.

Angelus grabbed what he was looking for. An viciously thick vibrating butt plug that had three speeds. Low. Medium and high.

He went over to the boy and stripped his own pants down so he was now naked too.

"Keep them closed." Angelus warned and grasped on of Pen's thighs and parted it some distance from the other leg and did the same with the other leg so that Pen was spread wide. Angelus settled between the spread thighs and took a pillow and placed it under Pen's hips lifting his hips and angling him up in perfect position.

With the way Pen's legs were spread his butt cheeks were slightly parted Angelus leaned over the boy hovering  "Do you love daddy baby?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." Pen said and was honest.

"Then tell me sweet boy. From your own lips. Tell daddy that you love him." Angelus said.

"I love you......daddy." Pen forced out of his mouth knowing it would please Angelus.

Angelus smirked "Now that's my good boy; Just beautiful baby. Just beautiful." Angelus crooned and then said "Keep your eyes closed baby."

Angelus sat back up and put one finger in his mouth wetting it effectively well and then he watched as he gently inserted his finger into the boys ass hole. His finger went deep and touched his prostate and Pen slightly jerked but then stayed still and Angelus moved his finger out and then wetting another finger he put in first the first finger then the second finger and he scissored his fingers stretching and then another finger went in and Pen tried to relax but he slightly trembled. "Shh. Your alright. daddy has you. Daddy'll take real good care of his baby." Angelus said.

He slowly worked the three fingers around and then he grabbed the butt plug having already covered it in lubrication. He took his fingers out saying "Now hold still baby. This is going to be bigger then my fingers. Keep your eyes closed." Angelus said carefully moving the plug to the stretched whole and he lined up the tip of it and pushed it in slowly and enjoying the long low moan that mixed pain with pleasure and then as Angelus moved the plug in further and it got thicker and thicker the moans became only pain and fear and then Angelus stopped as the thickest part remained he leaned over the boy. "Daddy love you baby. I promise the pain is worth the pleasure." Angelus said then he captured the boys mouth and his hand went down touching the plug and then he forced it in the rest of the way tearing Pen with that last painful thrust and Angelus swallowed the boy's screamed and heard the chains rattling as the boy's whole body now trembled as he tried to adjust to the brutally thick plug. Pen was in tears again and Angelus's gentle hands roamed Pen's body. "Open your eyes precious." Angelus said and Pen opened his tear glazed eyes "I want to see you while I do this." Angelus said and then his hand went down to the thick plug "Relax baby." Angelus said and Pen unclenched his body and Angelus flipped the switch setting the plug on low and Pen felt the low buzzing on his prostate and almost came on the spot when Angelus lightly tapped the end of the plug making it press further into the prostate. A wave of pleasure went through Pen along with a shiver of pain.
Angelus smiled gently "That's good baby." Angelus slipped the switch again and the medium setting was now on and with one hand he kept the plug firmly pressed against Pen's prostate and Pen closed his eyes and then trembled again when Angelus touched his cock and began to stroke him up and down. He was already hard and now it was complete. Angelus stroking him was delicious agony.

"Come on baby. Come on. Come for daddy. Come on baby." Angelus crooned in a soft tone and it drove Pen crazy.

Angelus smirked and then flipped the last switch activating the high speed and Pen cried out more like screamed when he now had a full speed vibrator on his prostate. "How's that baby? That's better isn't it. Come on baby. Come for daddy. Almost there. Almost there. Come on. Yes. Right there. That's it baby. That's it." Angelus crooned and then right before the boy exploded Angelus covered his cock with his mouth and sucked which really made the boy come hard and Angelus swallowed the several jets of come and chuckled deep in his throat and knew that only he could make the boy come that hard.

Now Angelus was hard again. They could go several rounds like this and by the end of the night Pen would have no doubt that yes he still belonged to Angelus.


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