The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bailey part 14

Part 14 : Toby's first kiss

The next evening Angelus went into his study to draw. It was Wednesday so this time he drew William.
Bailey who was still upset about what Pen said to her went into the room was suppose to be hers.
Toby had come in and apologized explaining himself and Bailey understood and forgave him. He left the room. Bailey thought about Pen's words. Pen was still in bed. Angelus had given Pen permission to rest more because he had seriously worn him out. But that he wasn't to sleep the whole night away.

Bailey liked Toby and they had been friends for a while before she had met Angelus. But she still felt that Pen liked Toby better. Perhaps it was because Toby was a boy. Pen hadn't had a problem with her before Toby arrived. And so she was a little jealous still. Though because of Angelus she knew that Toby wouldn't take her place. It was still hard to have to share Angelus. And now Pen was distant to her and had been mean to her. She knew he had been punished but he hadn't apologized yet. Spike stuck his head in “Hey how's my favorite little girl?” Spike asked.
Bailey gave him a fake smile “Fine Spike. What are you doing?” she asked.
“Want to tag along with me and Toby while I go out and have some fun?” Spike asked.
“Nah. I'm good here.” Bailey said thinking that now even Spike was starting to like Toby better.
Spike shrugged then said “Suit yourself. But don't go getting into trouble alright? You have some fun. Watch TV or something.” Spike said he went over giving her a kiss on the forehead and then left with Toby.

About half way through Town Toby stopped at a Wal – Mart and Spike with a pained look on his face trailed him into the store. “What in the bleeding hell are you doing?” Spike asked as Toby went into the store and then went over to the toy department.
“Do you have money Spike?” Toby asked hopefully.

“Yeah. Why? You can't possibly want toys can you?” Spike asked not liking the idea of having to buy toys for the boy.

Toby spotted a pink stuffed bear and went over to it and saw several other pink stuffed animals. Then he spotted stuffed animal shaped like Stitched from the movie Lilo and Stitch and it was about the same size as the real Stitch would be. “Oh my god we have to get this!” Toby inisted grabbing the blue stuffed Stitch.
Spike raised his brow “Why?” He demanded.
“For Bailey! She loves Stitch. Don't you know anything about her?” Toby said the stitch doll still in his hands.
Spike grinned “I see....You want to make daddies girl happy. Alright. We can get the stupid toy for her. How much is it?” Spike asked.
Toby looked “$ 25 dollars.” Toby said then Spike rolled his eyes then he too suddenly wanted to pick out something to buy for the little girl. It would get a smile out of her and that in itself would make it worth it.
Drusilla used to like Dolls. But Bailey seemed to like stuffed animals. And the color pink.

So now it was Toby's turn to trail as Spike searched the toy department for something that Bailey might like. He found a stuffed pink Dog that was just as much as the stitch doll. So Spike ended up paying 50 dollars for the two toys. Then they left the store with each toy in a bag and Toby held the bag as Spike found a victim and then ordered Toby to close his eyes as he killed the two men.

Then they headed home.


Bailey wondered into the kitchen she wasn't sure what she was searching for. But she began to open drawers. She opened one and found knives. She pulled out one and experimentally cut herself. She watched as the light cut healed. And was satisfied at the slight pain that came with the cut. And when it was healed she cut deeper this time.

Pen made his way down the stairs. He walked stiffly because his bottom was still very tender.
He smelled blood then. That was strange. He thought. He followed the smell and paled as he saw Bailey cutting herself. She had three cut marks on her. That one that healed was still visible.

“NO!” Pen yelled and grabbed the knife away from her and putting himself between her and the drawer. After shutting it.

Bailey back away nervous now.

Angelus heard Pen shout and put his sketch aside to go investigate.

Bailey glared at him “Move.” she growled at him and then shoved him “Go away!” she shouted throwing his earlier words at him. Pen didn't dare allow himself to lose his temper. His backside was still blazing hot and even one smack would send him right back over the edge and make him cry. So he couldn't risk it. He just stood his ground. Staying where he was.

He tried to take her arm to check it but she slapped his hand away “Don't touch me!” she yelled backing away from him.

“What's going on here?” Angelus demanded loudly as he appeared in the door way and saw Pen with a knife in his hand and the cut marks on Bailey. Angelus had a dangerous look on his face and was looking directly at Pen.

Pen paled ever more when he followed Angelus's train of thought. “No. Angelus no. I didn't do that to her! She did it to herself! I just took the knife from her that's all. I swear.” Pen said in a pleading whiny voice praying for Angelus to believe him.

“Can I not leave the two of you alone for two hours without a fight starting between you?” Angelus asked.

“Pen's telling the truth. I used the knife. Because I was mad. The cuts made me feel better.” Bailey said.
Defending Pen.
Angelus first went over to grab her arm to check the cuts. There were three and one was healed but the mark was still there. The second cut was beginning to heal as well.
Angelus scowled at her and then bit his finger to draw blood then held the now dripping finger up to her. “Open.” he instructed and she opened her mouth and he placed his finger in saying firmly “Feed.” And Bailey began to fed sucking the blood out of his finger her small hands came up to clasp his big wrist as she closed her eyes and continued to fed.

Angelus watched the effect his blood had on her. The cuts began to heal faster until any sign of them were gone. He let her feed for another two minutes before stopping her. “That's enough. Stop.” Angelus commanded and she opened her eyes and then stopped and let go of his hand as he pulled it away and the finger healed fast.

He check her arm again just to be sure and then turned her around and swatted her bottom “Go to the bedroom and put your nose in the corner.” Angelus ordered giving one more good swat before releasing her arm and she pouted and then went up the stairs and placed her nose against the wall.

Angelus turned to Pen. “Put that away. I'll hide them later.” Angelus said and Pen put the knife back in the drawer. Angelus came over to him and pulled him close he leaned down to kiss the boy Pen squirmed until Angelus's hands splayed on his lower back he went still not wanting them to go any lower. Angelus teased the boys lips until they opened for him and then he sucked the boys lower lip into his mouth taking turns sucking and biting and kissing those sweet lips. One hand grabbed the boys left thigh and Angelus lifted the leg bringing the boy more fully against him grinding their crotches together. Pen was worried that Angelus wanted another go at him right there in the kitchen. So he was relieved when he realized that Angelus was not hard. However Pen wasn't so lucky. Angelus had made him hard and Angelus brought a hand over to grope Pen's erection. Angelus finally released his lips and he grinned wickedly down at Pen saying “ We'll finish this later lover.” he promised and gave one last hot kiss before slapping Pen's thigh and then backing off of him and then headed out the door leaving Pen there panting and now sexually frustrated.

Angelus headed up the stairs chuckling at the noises of frustration Pen was making. Then he went into the bedroom finding Bailey in the corner with her nose to the wall. He went over to the side table taking out the hairbrush and she let out a little whimper as she knew what he had just taken out.

Angelus sat on the bed setting the brush to the side and then he snapped his fingers “Come to daddy Princess.”

Not looking forward to this Bailey went over to him after gathering her courage.
Angelus took her jeans down as she stood still “Do you know why your going to be punished?” Angelus asked now hooking his fingers into her underwear to tow them down. “No.” she said.
“Your going to punished for harming yourself. I was displeased with you when you hit me. But when you harm yourself that's an even worse crime to me. You belong to me. You are mine. That means that everything else is mine as well. Your hair. Your skin. Your blood. Your body. It's all mine. And you are not allowed to mare your pretty skin nor are you allowed to harm yourself on purpose.” Angelus scolded as he slipped her underwear down.

He then brought her over and placed her across his lap.

First he used his hand to soundly slap her bare bottom. Giving her a sound hand spanking. Turning her bottom a bright red. And he could smell the tears in her eyes probably crying silent tears. He had given her about 50 slaps with his hand. Angelus paused to pick up the hairbrush. And Bailey tried to brace herself as the first smack landed but after a couple more her tears doubled and she cried harder.
Angelus gave her 50 with the brush making sure to set her whole bottom on fire all the way down to her sit spots. Her bottom got a darker shade of red with each set of 10 spanks.

By the time Angelus put the brush down her bottom was a deep red and extremely hot and tender. Angelus set her on her feet and pulled her clothes back in place and then he stood up putting his hands under her arms he lifted her up into his arms and her legs instantly surrounded him as she cried on his shoulder and he rubbed her back and petted her hair while she cried. He walked around the room rocking the crying girl that clung to him a lot like a mother rocked a fussing child.
Bailey slowly began to calm down and she lifted her face and rubbed her eyes and tried to stop crying.
Angelus chuckled. “That's my brave little girl.” he praised her as she stopped crying and he would have set her down but her arms tightened around him and she buried her face in his shoulder when he made the moved to put her on her feet. He laughed and went back to comforting her “Alright. Alright. Daddy can hold you a bit longer. Don't fuss now.” Angelus crooned as he began to walk the length of the room with her clinging to him.

He knew that she tended to fall asleep after a good spanking. And so Angelus held her rocking her until she fell asleep in his arms. He kissed her long wavy brown hair and then placed her on the bed. He would wake her up later to feed her. He covered her up and then placed a loving kiss on her forehead chuckling as she curled up like a kitten on the bed. Then Angelus went out the door again after putting up the hairbrush.

Angelus found Pen again and seduced him into the study and continued where he had left off.

Spike and Toby got home then. Coming in with the toys they stopped near the study as they heard the noised. Toby blushed “Are they doing what I think their doing?” he asked.
Spike snorted “Yeah.” Spike confirmed then hollered into the study in a jealous tone “Hey! That's not fair! What about me!” though he wasn't really jealous. He could care less if Pen and Angelus wanted to romp around in the study. Not like they never did it before.

The snort he heard from Angelus said that Angelus was of the same mind.

Though at the moment he was buried so deep inside Pen that Pen wasn't sure they could get Angelus back out again. “Your welcome to come and join us baby.” Angelus panted as he pushed inside Pen again and again. Moving faster now. Coming closer and he was stroking Pen to the same rhythm.

Spike rolled his eyes “No thanks Sire. I'm busy at the moment. Gonna go hook me the Princess.” Spike said.

Pen winced at the harsh thrust as Angelus growled out at Spike “She's taking a nap you leave her alone til she wakes. Go play with Toby.” Angelus ordered and then he began to move slow and gentle again.
He leaned over Pen to say softly “Shh. Your okay. Daddy's sorry. Come on baby. Don't fight it.” Angelus moaned as his thrusts became long and hard. Pen was trying to hold himself back and not give Angelus the satisfaction but he was hopeless. On his back with his ass tilted up and Angelus thrusting into him anywhere between slow and demonically fast.
Angelus moved thrusting harder now. Going faster and deeper. Pen couldn't hold back anymore. Not with Angelus looking at him with those piercing eyes and stroking him trying to make him come. And just like on the night he had met Angelus those eyes were his undoing. He came hard. Crying out and Angelus just purred and then once the boy was done Angelus was moving again taking him fast driving deep again and again until finally he exploded as well and Angelus threw his head back and groaned loud as he came hard his orgasm going on a on until he was shaking with it. And then he collapsed on the boy making him wince slightly not only because of his Sire's weight but also because of his tender bottom pressed to the floor. Angelus rolled over taking Pen with him cuddling the boy on top of him feeling the boy as the vibrations continued going through his body.

Spike had gone up with Toby and put the bags in Baileys room with her things. They would give them to her when she woke up. Toby went down to get a book from Angelus's shelf to read While Spike turned the TV on to watch a soap opera on the Soap network channel which showed all soaps all day.
Toby couldn't find a logical reason for an entire channel dedicated to soap opera's. Boring!!

He sat to read the book then he realized he had grabbed one of Angelus's sketch journals that had all drawings in it. He looked at the pictures. He found the first picture of Pen that said the year on it.
“What year was Pen made?” Toby asked.
Spike raised a brow at him “Late 1700's. Think it was close somewhere around 1788 or something. Why?” Spike asked.
“Just curious.” Toby said as he read the date that Angelus put on the drawing. “Angelus stalks his victims doesn't he?” Toby asked.
“Yeah. Sometimes. Why?” Spike asked wondering where this was going.
“Did he stalk Pen?” Toby asked.
“How should I know. Why don't you ask him?” Spike commented because he had never thought to ask because frankly he wasn't sure that he cared about weather Angelus stalked Pen before turning him or not. Only knowing that Angelus had stalked William and turned him. Then again he was a curious fledge anymore and he hadn't known about Pen when he was one so by now he didn't care.

“Pen!” Toby shouted.

On the floor in the study Pen was once again on his back with Angelus laying on him about to enter him a second time for round two when they heard Toby's voice call to Pen.

“What?” Pen answered back.

“Did Angelus stalk you before he turned you?” Toby yelled back.

Pen stiffened at the mention of his turning. Then his brows creased. He looked up at Angelus who grinned wickedly “You know...” Pen said thoughtfully “I have no idea. I never thought to ask. Did you stalk me?” Pen asked wondering why it had never occurred to him to ask. Yes Angelus had turned him but had he spied on him and followed him as well?

Angelus leaned down for a kiss and gently slowly eased himself into the boy. When there lips parted Angelus answered him. “I stalked you baby.” He murmured. “For three nights.”

Three nights?! “But you never stalk a victim that long.” Pen said confused now.

Angelus made the first thrust “The first night I saw you I knew that you were meant to be mine. I had to have you. Forever. I wasn't stalking you for supper.” Angelus said and Pen gasped “You planned it! From the moment you saw me? You already planned to turn me?” Pen asked.
A deep thrust made Pen grunt and Angelus leaned down to nibble on his ear. “Yes.”

“Pen!” Toby reminded them that he was waiting for an answer.

“Yes!” Angelus shouted as an answer and continued the movement.

Now that he had his answer Toby looked at the portrait again. It was life drawing of Pen at night petting a horse. Only the horses face was in the drawing but Pen's whole body was there. Dressed in the clothing of those days. Toby got up taking the drawing book with him and knocked n the study door.

“What?” Angelus was becoming slightly annoyed at being interrupted while trying to get them both off again.

“Pen?” It was Toby again.

Angelus let out a long sigh and then ignored him seeing as he was talking to Pen. He began to thrust again.

Pen didn't appreciate the distraction either. “What?” he asked and then gritted his teeth at the harsh thrust Angelus gave him.

“Did you ride a horse the night Angelus turned you?” Toby asked.

Angelus stilled at that question and quirked his brow at the door.

“What? No. why?” Pen asked.

“What was the date when you were turned?” Toby asked.

“What?” Pen asked more annoyed now. Mainly because he didn't have an accurate answer for that.
He knew the month and the year. But he didn't know the date that he had been turned. He looked curiously at Angelus. Angelus snorted “Don't look at me. I didn't exactly mark it on the calendar boy.” Angelus said thrusting again now.

“You don't know when you were made?” Toby asked.

“No!” Pen said irritated and then he bit his lip and winced when Angelus gave him a sharp punishing thrust and growled low “Watch it.” Pen took a breath and tried to calm himself.

“So you didn't ride a horse the night you were turned?” Toby asked.

“No. I didn't even own a horse. I stole one from a neighbors barn about a week before I was turned and rode it once or twice that night. But then I took it back and didn't touch it again. And again that was probably a week before I was turned. Angelus says he stalked me for three days. Is there a point to this?” Pen asked.

“Angelus drew you.” Toby said.

Pen snorted at that “Yeah. Angelus does that a lot.” Pen informed.
“No I mean he drew you back then. With the horse.” Toby said looking at the picture again. He was the sure the guy in the picture was Pen. It looked just like him. Well except he had longer hair then.

Angelus chuckled at Pen's confused look and then Pen threw a glare at him “You lied! You said you stalked me for three days.” Pen whined.

Angelus thrust deep hitting Pen's prostate “Three days. Or three weeks. It doesn't matter now. I have you.” Angelus said Pen squirmed.

“Three weeks? There's no way you stalked me for three weeks. You would have no reason to stalk me for that long! No vampire stalks someone for three weeks.” Pen snapped.

“It was three weeks boy. I remember. I was very patient. I wanted you. But the moment had to be perfect. The day I found you I convinced your maid to let me in and that first week I would sneak into your room and night and watch you sleep. You were so pretty Pen. I spent at least two hours of every night in your room watching you. You use to whimper in your sleep. Then the second week I spent less time at night in your room. I was getting impatient. One night you woke up and saw me. You closed your eyes again thinking it was a dream and then I was out the window before you could open your eyes again. And you did think it was a dream. On the first night of the third week I whispered my name into your ear while you slept. You called my name in your sleep. The sound of my name on your lips...was so tempting. I wasn't ready to turn you yet. So I waited. Then came that night. And I knew that you were ready. You snuck from your bed to get a drink at the tavern. I followed you there and watched you drinking. You only had a few when you left. I knew the time had come. I had waited three weeks for you. I couldn't wait any longer. I went to the alley and you saw me and stopped. You turned to look at me and I beckoned you to me.” Angelus said continuing to thrust.
Toby had wondered back into the living to look at more of the drawings after that.
Pen whimpered then. Not because of the sex but because of the memory of that night. If there was one night he could erase from his memory it would that one. The night he had fallen like a love sick puppy into Angelus's trap. Those eyes had done him in. he had seen those dark piercing eyes on him and the dark man calling him over in that Irish accent and Pen had melted like butter going weak at the knees that the big Irish devil with the pretty face and the piercing eyes wanted him. And he had gone over. Had been seduced by the gentle kisses and light caresses. After a while with the loving touches though things made an ugly turn. Angelus got rough more insistent with his touching and when Pen tried to fight him off he had just laughed at the attempts and then knocked Pen out. When Pen had come to again he was in a room tied to a bed and Angelus had come over and had taken him several times. Raping him roughly his thrusts harsh and deep. Angelus had used Pen again and again that night. Each time Angelus pulled out of him Pen began even more sore. Angelus then sucked and bit his nipple drinking blood from him and Pen had screamed in pain and fear and Angelus had chuckled darkly. Then Angelus raped him again and then again. Then at the very end of the night Angelus had finally finished playing with his body. And finally bit Pen between his shoulder and his neck and nearly drained him. Then he had slashed his wrist and feed the boy from him.

Pen tried to forget again but it was hard. There was a lot of sexual torture the night he was turned.

“And of course you know what happened after that. I always enjoyed your screams the best.” Angelus confessed and he swooped down for a gentle kiss. It was an exact match of that first kiss they had shared all that time ago. And Pen bucked trying to get away from him. His mood had been ruined by the memory and he was no longer hard.
Angelus knew this and his hand went to Pen's limp member and then he chuckled. And nibbled on Pen's ear again “Not a happy memory for you is it boy? Pity........I certainly enjoyed myself that night.” Angelus laughed he continued to thrust in going deep. Pen squirmed “Get off.” Pen whined.

Angelus pinned Pen's arms at his sides and then began to thrust hard and fast. He slowed his pace again “Who's?” Angelus asked knowing it would irritate the boy and wanting to hear it.
Pen growled in annoyance. But after another thrust he relented “Yours!” he whined.

Angelus grinned darkly “Aye. Mine. All mine boy. And I'll have you as often as I please. Won't I?” Angelus demanded thrusting in driving deep to make his point.

Pen began to grow hard again at Angelus's dominant words. Angelus worked fast grabbing him and stroking him until he came again and cried out in pleasure.

Angelus then took his own pleasure driving fast and hard into the boy until he came again and just as hard as the first time.

Finally Angelus smirked and then slapped the boys still red backside firmly “Ow! What was that for?” Pen whined.

Angelus got up and pulled his leather pants on and pulling on his shirt he bent over to kiss Pen's pouting lips “That was for having suck a hot little ass.” Angelus said wickedly making Pen gasp and then blush at his words “Not get dressed.” Angelus added before leaving.

Pen's last thought was that that was completely not fair!! It wasn't his fault that Angelus couldn't keep his hands to himself!

Angelus went into the living room went over to Spike who was watching the TV then he took the remote from him. “Hey.” Spike whined.

Then Angelus leaned down capturing his chin and kissed him.

Toby groaned “Ah man! Get a room!” he whined.

Angelus ignored that. The boy was next anyways. He released Spike's lips and tapped him on the nose lightly saying jokingly “What did I tell you about sitting around here and looking all hot and tempting?”
Spike snorted “What did I tell YOU about it not being my fault that YOU can't keep your hands to yourself!” Spike sassed and got kissed again for it.

Then Angelus lightly tapped his cheek playfully “Watch it baby.” he warned then went over to Toby now.

He took the boy from his hands and his eyes widened “Ah.. now I see what all the curiosity was about. So you like this picture do you?” Angelus asked then he went over to place the book back on the shelf.
“I like horses. Your good at drawing.” Toby said honestly.
“You like horses? It wasn't the horse I was trying to get. I don't even know why I added the horses head. Pen's hand was on it's head so I imagine that's why.” Angelus said going back over to Toby “Let me see your hands.” Angelus instructed.
Toby held up both his hands Angelus turned them over so that his palms were facing down. Angelus slapped both of his hands once. Toby inhaled with shock. Then Angelus released his hands “You don't touch my property. That includes my books. You want to read then you inform me and I'll pick a book for you. No one gets to see my drawings.” Angelus scolded.

Toby pouted “But there good Angelus. You should show them off.”

“They are private. Pen has never even seen that picture and it's a drawing of him. No one see's my drawings. Not even the children that I'm drawing.” Angelus said.

Then he leaned forward Toby looked at him leery. “How about a kiss pretty boy?” Angelus asked wanting to taste those lips.

Toby's eyes widened. “I've never kissed another guy before.” Toby said knowing that he couldn't stop Angelus from kissing him and so No wasn't an option.

Angelus smirked “I'll teach you sweet boy.” Angelus said capturing the boys chin in his grasp and then leaned forward and gave the boy a soft plucking first kiss Angelus moaned in pleasure when there lips parted “Well now..No wonder Pen wanted you so badly. I wonder if he knows that you taste exactly like him?.....absolutely delicious.” Angelus said then added “We'll go into the study some night soon and play around some. You'll enjoy it.” Angelus promised then released Toby's chin and walked away. He could smell that boys fear but that wasn't going to stop him from fully having the boy.

Angelus went up to wake up Bailey and he fed her from him and then told her to stay awake.

After being kissed by Angelus Toby had mixed feelings. He was kinda ashamed by it but also curious because some part of him had actually liked it and had wanted more.
A couple hours later it was time for bed as the sun was going up. Pen was already out like a light.
Toby was laying down as was Spike Angelus and Bailey and then Toby remembered about Bailey's gifts.
He sat back. Angelus growled “Back down. Its time for sleep.”
“Wait. Please? I have something for Bailey.” Toby said jumping out of bed before Angelus could try and snatch him back down. “Get back here!” Angelus growled. Spike sat up too “Oh. I completely forgot. Be right back.” Spike said then he was gone as well.
“William!” Angelus yelled. Bailey sat up “What's going on?” she asked.
“Shh. Don't worry sweetheart.” Angelus said petting her hair “Lay back down and sleep precious.”
she didn't lay back down.
Both boys came back first Spike came in with a pink stuffed dog handing it to Bailey as he got back into bed. “Here Princess. That's for you.” Spike said kissing her cheek and her eyes lite up and the she hugged him. Then Toby came in with the life sized stuffed stitch and Bailey squealed “Oh my gosh. Stitch! That is so cool Toby!” She said as Toby handed her the stitch and then climbed back into bed climbing over Angelus who swatted his body soundly making him yelp “Ow!” he whined as he settled back down “You don't leave the bed without my permission. That could have waited until later tonight.” Angelus informed. Then turned to Bailey “Precious go put those toys in your room.”
Bailey pouted “I can't sleep with them?” she asked.
Angelus rolled his eyes “You can sleep with ONE. The other needs to be put away.” Angelus said.
Bailey got out of bed and then spotted the couch “Angelus can I sleep on the couch?” she asked.
Angelus growled “NO!”
“Well then can I put Polly on the couch?” Bailey asked and showed Angelus the pink dog whom she decided to call Polly. Angelus groaned “Fine. Put it on the couch.” he said giving in.

Bailey sat Polly on the couch.

While Bailey's back was turned Angelus reached over to haul Spike across his lap and slapped his pajama covered bottom three times sharply saying “And you have no excuse whatsoever! You know not to leave the bed.” he scolded then let Spike go and Spike got back under the covers pouting mumbling something about cranky Sire's that needed to get more sleep and then dozed off.
Bailey came back over with the stitch doll not concerned about the swats because there was only three. So Spike was fine. She climbed back into bed and Angelus grabbed her pulled her over and helped her get there faster. He laid her on her side and she curled up with the Stitch doll. She then turned with it still in her grasp to snuggle up to Angelus's side. Angelus ignored the toy between him and Bailey and then went to sleep once he was certain that Toby and Bailey were asleep. Because a Smart Sire doesn't leave sleep until his children are sleep.


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