The fang family

The fang family

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bailey part 8

Hint: Someone gets cursed with a soul but I'm not telling who it is.
Hint 2: It's not Angelus.

Bailey part 8

Two weeks after part 7

Angelus Pen and Bailey had gone out to hunt. Spike stayed home because he was going to go later. Suddenly people broke into the house Spike growled "You lot picked the wrong house to break into." he said snarling and then suddenly a man came forward and he began to chant in another language. Spike didn't know what they were doing or saying. Suddenly he was forced to his knees as a soul was thrown into him.
The gypsies left the house leaving the vampire curled up like a ball crying from the guilt of his soul.

Across town Angelus was finished hunting and Pen now went off hunting. Angelus fed Bailey from him and then when Pen got back Angelus drove them home. When they entered the garage Angelus got out of the car "He hasn't left yet. Why hasn't he left yet?" Angelus wondered and all three of them walked into the house and stopped dead at the sight of Spike curled up in a ball crying hard and holding onto his head as if he had a massive headache.

Angelus rushed over to him "William. William look at me." Angelus tried to get his attention but he was in his own little world and could hear nothing but the screams of his victims. He found the energy to scream loud.
Bailey was really scared now "Spike what's wrong?" she asked tears pricking her eyes. Pen wrapped her in his arms.

"William stop! William talk to me! What's wrong childe! I can't help if you don't say anything. WILLIAM STOP!" Angelus raised his voice and then he dragged Spike into his arms "Stop. Shh. Hush William. Hush. You must stop. You must tell what's wrong." Angelus said gently stroking the boys hair and then William screamed "Kill me! Please Kill me!"

Angelus was beyond confused now. "What? Are you mad? I will never kill you. What's all this nonsense about?" he asked and then he stiffened as he smelled it. He smelled the soul. Spike fought in his arms to get free. Angelus pinned him to the floor sitting on him and holding his arms down "My poor baby. Who did this to you?" Angelus asked.
"Please Angelus....Please kill me." Spike begged.
"I will not. Do not ask me that again! I will not kill you simply because you have a soul!" Angelus said.
"He has a soul? How did that happen. I have a soul." Bailey said.
"Yes but you have never killed or raped or tortured anyone. Your soul won't cause you guilt or pain because you have never killed anyone." Angelus explained.
"I'm a monster." Spike cried.
"Your a vampire William. Your suppose to be a monster. Now tell me boy what happened? Who did this?" Angelus asked.
Spike continued to cry and then began to bang him head back on the floor to cause himself pain.
Angelus grabbed his face "Stop it! You will not harm yourself! Now tell me who did this?" Angelus said keeping Spike still.

"Pen take Bailey upstairs and both of you go to bed." Angelus commanded.

Pen took Bailey upstairs and they both went to bed.

Angelus never got his answer out of Spike because Spike cried himself to sleep. Angelus carried the boy to bed and went to sleep himself.

Sometime before sunset Spike woke up and got out of bed. He changed clothes packed a bag and took one of the cars and drove off right after sundown before everyone would wake up. He drove for hours til he reached a place called sunnydale and he began to help people. Saving them and killing vampires. He soon met and fell in love with the slayer Buffy. It had been one year since he had run away. He was certain that Angelus wouldn't look for him or find him.

A year later Angelus was no less calm and they were still traveling everywhere trying to find Spike. One night Angelus overheard a conversation at another table.

"Yeah the sunnydale slayer sure is a pistol. And now she's got that vampire with a soul helping her out. God who would have ever though that a slayer and a vampire would form a relationship together? That is just sick. Then again a vampire with a soul is sick too. He gets money from killing his own kind and helping the slayer. And did you see his hair? What is that color? Radio active?" The vampire said.

Angelus turned to him "Where is this slayer located?" he asked.
The vampire looked at him surprised that Angelus would speak to him.

"Uh. Sunnydale california. Her name is Buffy. And the vampire with a soul that's helping her is called Spike. Stupid name if you ask me." The vampire said.
Angelus got up snapping his fingers at his children and then followed him out the door.
Angelus drove all night to california and rented the first hotel he got too. They fed from humans and Bailey fed from him. Then they slept. They woke early and drove until they reached the town they were looking for.

They found a crypt. Normally Angelus wouldn't stay in a crypt but it was good enough for now. He put a lock on the door and told Pen not to take his eyes off of Bailey and to keep an ear out. If anyone besides for him came through that door then he was to kill them.

Angelus then went out tracking the town. He came across other vampires who knew who he was and stayed clear of his path. He questioned a few about the vampire with a soul and they decided to set a trap for him. Angelus said that he wanted to be a part of it. And then told them why and what his plan was.

They set the trap the next night. The vampire slayer always went tracking and hunted with Spike at her side. With the two of them they didn't need much else. However when they got cornered by 12 vampires well that was just too much for them to win against. But the vampires didn't attack. They stood like a guard around the two until a vampire jumped down from the building above and look first at his stunned childe then the slayer.
"So...your the notorious vampire slayer huh? A skinny blonde vampire slayer. That sleeps with the vampire with a soul." Angelus turned to Spike "You better hope that I heard that wrong. Cause if your dumb enough to sleep with a slayer...then you deserve to be dusted." Angelus said glaring at the boy. He was still angry that he had been away from him for a year and that he had been searching with no luck and that Spike had been killing and hunting vampires with the vampire slayer and that he had been sleeping with her too. Oh Angelus's rage was boiling. It reached new levels when Spike pulled a steak and had it aimed fast and ready to strike and from the looks of it he actually thought he stood a chance at dusting his sire.

Angelus scoffed "Now I know your not insane enough to actually think you stand a chance at dusting me. I'm your Sire. I think we both know your not that good." Angelus said of the boys fighting skills.

"I learned some new tricks while I was away So I wouldn't be too sure of that you bastard." Spike growled.

Angelus smirked pulled out a tazzer and moved so fast the slayer never saw it coming. He tazzered her until she passed out and then Spike kicked him and then bashed Angelus in his nose hard which shocked Angelus. And Angelus actually laughed and then wiped his nose "Guess you were right. You did learn some new tricks. Well come on then. Show me what else you got. Or is that all? I sure hope it isn't." Angelus said and Spike lunged at him kicking him in his gut hard and then did a spinning kick to his face but Angelus caught his foot and spun him by his foot and threw him and his back collided with a wall. He quickly recovered and attacked again. He threw several punches and kicks moving fast and hard and Angelus was getting angry. Seriously angry. Spike got hard core and kicked Angelus in the neck and Angelus went down shocked and regained his composure just in time and lunged up catching the fist and stilling the stake several inches from his heart. Angelus growled dangerously "How dare you. Your gonna pay for that." he snarled and then bent Spike's hand back painfully causing him to drop the steak. Then he hurled a punch powerful enough to knock him out.
Angelus glared at the knocked out boy and then the knocked out slayer. He then looked at a vampire "you carry the slayer and follow me." Angelus said picking up William and carried him all the way back to the crypt.

Once inside he lay Spike on the couch and quickly chained the slayer up and sent the other vampire away.
Bailey and Pen came in "you found him." Bailey said happily.

Angelus grabbed another set of chins and chained him up to the pillar across from the slayer.

"What are you doing?" Pen asked. There was a coldness Pen noticed in his Sire that he wasn't sure that he liked.

Spike woke first. After finding himself chained he snarled and glared at Angelus.
Angelus instantly came over and slapped him hard. Which made Bailey gasp. Then he grabbed him by the throat. "I should dust you boy." Angelus snarled.
That made Pen gasp "Angelus."

Spike growled.
"Did you really think you could do it boy? Do you really believe that your so big and bad now that you can dust your Sire? Have you any idea how long I've been around? It would take someone far more skilled then me to dust me. And you....You little brat. That you even tried it is an insult to my skills. I can hardly believe that you had to nerve to get all hard core on me. Fighting me. Punching and kicking me like I'm just some demon attacking you. Getting me down and then trying to dust me. Who do you think you are boy? I made you. I will ALWAYS be more powerful. You will NEVER have what it takes to dust me. You were extremely stupid to even try it!" Angelus said in angry tones that spoke volumes about just how angry he was.

Then Spike noticed the slayer "Buffy." he said worried.
Angelus slapped him hard "She's dead boy! Or at least she might as well be. I'll make sure of it." Angelus vowed.
"NO!" Spike snarled and lunged but the chains held him back.
Angelus slapped him hard on the same cheek as before. "You don't tell me no. Am I gonna have to teach you all your lessons again? For your sake I really hope now. I think you better start remembering who your talking to here William." Angelus said his tone had not changed.

Pen was shocked after hearing that Spike had tried to fight with Angelus and then dust him. He should have known he would never be able to pull it off. Pen was actually scared that Angelus might dust Spike.

Bailey had tears in her eyes "Daddy don't dust him. Please." she begged.

Angelus barely spared her a glance and snorted "I'm not gonna dust him. If I'm going to waste my time making a vampire then I am not gonna waste that time by dusting them later. I won't dust you William. But your going to wish that I had boy. You dared to pull a stake on me. I'm going to have to come up with something really creative to punish you for that. In the meantime part of your punishment and watching me kill the slayer." Angelus said.
"No. Please Angelus. Don't! She has nothing to do with us! Your mad at me. Not her. Leave her out of this." Spike begged.

Angelus slapped him again "She touched you. You slept with her. She will die. But now your gonna tell me what happened that night. The night you got a soul. What happened?" Angelus asked,

Spike cringed. "I didn't find out until later. It was a curse. I apparently killed a little girl that was the daughter of a gypsy and the gypsy people broke into our house that night and cursed me with a soul as punishment. To make me suffer for all the bad things I did and pay for my crimes. I chose to use my soul to do good and began to fight demons and dust vampires along with the slayer. Angelus Please don't kill her. I love her." Spike said desperately.
Angelus laughed wickedly. "You love the slayer? Well that's just a recipe for disaster." he joked then thought about what else was said "Cursed by gypsies. I guess I need to go capture me some gypsies then. They can remove your soul and then you won't be plagued with all your guilt anymore. As for the slayer. Like I said. She's dead. Sorry baby." Angelus said slapping his cheek lightly this time.

"Your a cruel heartless bastard Angelus." Spike snarled.

"Well yeah. Hello? Vampire!" Angelus stated the obvious.

"I swear Angelus if you so much as touch her I'll.." but he was interrupted by another slap.

"I'd be VERY careful about what you say right now little boy. You are already on very dangerous ground. I would keep my mouth shut if I were you." Angelus warned and then turned and sat down waiting for the slayer to wake up and Angelus picked up a baseball bat as he sat down. Spike kept his mouth shut trying to think of a way out of this ordeal and some part of him hoped that maybe it was all just a bad dream and that Angelus wasn't really there. But his smarting cheek kept throbbing to tell him otherwise.

Part of Spike hoped that Buffy wouldn't wake up because he didn't really want to know or see what Angelus had in mind for her.


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