The fang family

The fang family

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bailey Part 9

Two months later:

Angelus had just locked the gypsy clan down in the cellar planning to kill them later when he woke up.
Spike was upset about this seeing as his Sire had promised that he wouldn't hurt the gypsies. He should have known it was just a lie though. He felt angry and stupid to have believed Angelus. He had however learned his place again after finding out that Angelus intended to severely punish him for even the slightest show of defiance. So Spike had to learn once again to just bite his tongue and do as he was told.
Bailey was tired of the hostility around the house. First and worst was Angelus. His temper seemed to have flowed high ever since Spike had come back. He was filled with rage but kept a lid on it most of the time. He was even more controlling then before. Especially with Spike. Insisting that because Spike had a soul for a year that he needed to re claim him and reinstate his dominance in the house.
Pen didn't dare to cross Angelus while his temper was high like this. He just did as he was told like a good little childe. Bailey of course rarely ever did anything to anger Angelus.
It was mostly Spike who was having trouble keeping a lid on his mouth. He had never been separated from Angelus before and so a year on his own had made him cocky. Angelus had knocked him down several pegs since then. And he could now go two weeks without doing or saying something that he knew he shouldn't.
But Bailey had had enough. Of all of it. She still had very little freedom and could go nowhere by herself. Angelus was one big bipolar bear. Happy and fun one minute but then he could turn annoyed and dominant the next. Nothing ever seemed to just stay good she had noticed.
Angelus had promised Spike and the gypsies that they would not be harmed as long as they removed the soul from Spike. And yet he had locked them up after removing his soul.
He had broken his word. And that for some reason pissed her off. She had never in her life been this angry before. She felt betrayed for some reason.
That morning Bailey waited until she was sure that Angelus and the others were in a deep sleep. Then she silently stood up on the bed and jumped from the bed over Pen and landed on the floor near the door.
She looked behind her and thought that maybe for once luck was on her side. They were still asleep. She rushed out the door and down the stairs and into the cellar.
There were ten of them.
Most were young adults. Only one was an elder.
He spoke to her “What are you doing in here young one? Where is your Sire?” he asked.
“He's sleeping. Where is the key?” Bailey asked.
The elder's eyes widened but the thought of what Angelus would do to the sweet well meaning child stopped him from telling her. “No. You mustn’t free us. He will hurt you.”
“I don't care. I'm going to free you with or without your help. But without your help it will take longer.” Bailey said.
“The key is there.” The elder said pointing to a desk.
Bailey went over and check the desk then check the drawers and found that one was locked.
But she had vampire strength. She didn't need a key to open the drawer.
She took hold of the drawer and yanked hard and she caught it as it landed in her hands.
She searched for the key and found it.
She then went over and unlocked the door “You must leave here. Run. Fast. He won't be able to follow you until tonight. And by then it won't matter to him. He won't waste time searching for you. He won't hurt me. He has a soft spot for me.” Bailey tried to assure them.
The gypsies ran but the elder stayed behind to speak with her “You have helped us and so I owe you a great debt. I posses power beyond your imagination. I will grant you one spell. I will cast this spell. And it can be anything you want. Anything at all.” The elder said.
Bailey thought about that. She really didn't want to be left here at Angelus's mercy and then a thought came to her.
“Can you give me back what Angelus took from me? Can you give me my mortality back? So that I won't be a vampire anymore?” Bailey asked.
The elder paled at that request. He could do it. But there was no question about it. Angelus WOULD come after them. He would hunt them down. He would butcher them mercilessly for taking his Childe's immortality away. Besides more then likely he would just turn her again. But he had promised her. And he owed her. So he would take the risk.
“Very well. If that is what you want. You need to be aware of the risks. You will have to leave here. Not just the house. But the town as well. He will follow your scent but perhaps it will be too weak for him to trail after you the whole way. Go somewhere where you would still have friends. People that knew you. People that would take care of you. You must know that if he ever finds you once he smells that your human he will be enraged. He will turn you again. And then he will hunt us down and slaughter us. So pray that he does not find you again.” The elder man said and he chanted the spell.
It was shocked to feel her heart jolt to life like that. And she felt a rush to her head as her blood began to flow again and her organs began to work. She was alive! And her smile was price enough for the old man. The man left and Bailey wrote a note to Angelus.

Dear Angelus,
I am sorry but I freed the gypsies because I saw no reason for you to kill them. They are gone now and you will never find them. When you get this I will be miles away as well. And with any luck you will never find me again either. I thank you for what you have given me and what you have taught me. I will never forget you or Pen or Spike. And it is my hope that you will not forget about me either. You replaced Drusilla with me. I'm sure that you can find a replacement for me as well.

Always yours,
Bailey a childe of Angelus.

Leaving the note in plane site near the dungeon in the cellar Bailey then left. The first step into the sun light was magical. She walked for miles going into town she stayed there for only an hour before moving on. But now she was human again and had human limitations. But she kept moving on her own. Heading towards her old home in LA.

Angelus woke early he sensed that something was wrong. He had never had this feeling before. It was as if a part of him had just been stolen. He sat up and after noticed Bailey gone he rushed through the house checking all the rooms worry consumed him and then he went down to the cellar and found the gypsies gone and then he found the note. He read it twice over and then anger and rage boiled inside him. She had run away! She had freed them and run away! He paled as he realized the sun must have been up when she had left. She didn't know any of the tricks for hiding from the sun! Angelus rushed outside and was relieved when he didn't see dust right away. He went inside waking up Pen and Spike and told them that Bailey had run away and that they were going to head to LA.

“Why LA?” Spike asked.
“Because that's where she's originally from. She'll go there. Just like the first time Pen ran away from me three weeks after I turned him. He ran back to him old home. Besides she has those idiot vampire hunters that she knows there that would be willing to help her. It doesn't take much thinking to figure out where she would be headed. Therefore we are heading there. Now. So move it!” Angelus raised his voice not wiling to waste any time. They got in the car and Angelus drove all night only stopping a couple times so that they could feed. He worried about the hunger pains Bailey would feel. Hunger pains could get so bad that they crippled a vampire at times. He hoped that she had enough to last her for at least two nights but he had a sinking feeling that it wouldn't.
Bailey reached LA feeling hungry and tired. She went to the hang out explained what happened was hugged about a million times by the same people and then they gave her some food and some water along with a bed to sleep in. when she woke up they mentioned celebrating because she was human again. After napping she ended up staying up most of the night. Which is where Gunn found her around 2 in the morning.
“Still used to the night life I see.” he said.
She turned to him then looked back out the window “Yeah. It's hard. Readjusting. I have a human body again and now I have to try and sleep at night when I haven't done that in almost two years. It's not like I remember it. Being human. It feels different. I don't like it.” Bailey said.
Gunn understood. Powerful vampire child now human again. It had to be hard for her.

They talked for another hour before she tried to go to sleep again.

Two days later:

They were now in California they had stopped at Hotels to rest and sleep. Angelus hadn't been able to actually go to sleep. Not with the fear that his childe was hurt or hungry running through his head.

Angelus's phone rang before they were about to head for LA. “Hello.” Angelus answered he sounded annoyed and anxious.

“Angelus. It's Sean. Ryan's Sire. I thought I would inform you about what Ryan heard last night. And also I thought you should be fully informed about Bailey.” Sean said.
Angelus stiffened. This was it. He was going hear that something awful had happened to his baby.
“I'm listening.” Angelus said and Spike and Pen were listening too.

“Angelus Ryan came across an older man the other night and over heard the man say that he had cast the rehuminization spell. The spell that is cast on a vampire to make them human again. He was bragging because the spell had worked on the child that he had cast it on. I went to this man and found out that he was a gypsy elder. I managed to get the name of the child from him. Angelus he cast the spell on your childe Bailey. Bailey is human. You must understand that the spell can only work in the vampire wants it done or asks for it to be done. And from the sound of your voice I would assume that your childe is missing.” Sean said knowing the tone very well.

Angelus saw red. THEY WERE DEAD!! they were SO dead!
“Guess that means I'll have to turn her again. Least now I know she's not been turned to dust by the sun nor is she having hunger pains. Thanks you for informing me of what you heard. If your in LA I would appreciate it if you would try to find her for me and maybe keep a close eye on her until I get there later tonight.” Angelus said
“Certainly Angelus. I still owe you for sparing my childe.” Sean informed him.
“Do this and we're more then even. I'll be in your debt for this.” Angelus said and then the talking was over.

Angelus Pen and Spike were in the car as soon as the sun was down and Angelus drove the rest of the way to LA.

Bailey was walking with Tommy one of the guys that ran around with Gunn's crew. He was teaching her how to track vampires. At the moment they were actually unaware that they were being led right to a trap. They thought they were following a vampire. Truth was...They were being led to him while another followed silently behind. Ryan trailed them from above as they tracked Sean to the lair.
They were about to call for backup when Ryan jumped from the roof landing on Tommy the force broke Tommy's arm and Bailey was unsure what to do. Mainly because she knew Ryan. Had met him when she was still new. She had liked him. They had danced together. Ryan turned to her since Tommy was unable to use his right arm which meant he couldn't fight. Sean appeared out of nowhere and drained Tommy killing him and then threw the body carelessly to the side.

“Hey Bailey. How's it going?” Ryan asked coming closer to her.
She wasn't afraid. She had already died once. “If your gonna kill me can you at least make sure it lasts this time. Last time it really didn't stick and I woke up a vampire.” Bailey sassed.

Ryan snorted “Funny. Same thing happened to me. It's called being turned. But I'm sure you already know that. And you must also know that Angelus will eventually find you and turn you again. It's only a matter of time.” Ryan took a step back as his Sire nodded and then Ryan ran fast disappearing from view.

“Where's he going?” Bailey asked Sean.
“Don't worry dear. Everything's going to be alright. We aren't going to hurt you.” which was true. They weren't going to hurt her. That pleasure belonged to Angelus. Speaking of Angelus he should be arriving anytime now. Sean thought. All he had to do was wait and keep her there.

Bailey had her back against the wall a little afraid about what was going to happen now. Was he just going to stand there? And where had Ryan run off too?

At that moment Angelus was now on the roof. Above them.
Ryan was now back in the ally. And nodded back at Sean. “Don't you just love it when history repeats itself?” Ryan asked. That in itself was a dead giveaway but for some reason Bailey couldn't find he nerves to think straight and didn't get the meaning of that.

That it until Angelus dropped down in front of her in the ally easily landing on his feet.

She gasped finally allowing herself to feel some fear. It was impossible to not feel fear at the sight of Angelus.
“I see you were able to keep her here.” Angelus stated to Sean.
Sean Scoffed “Oh please about an actual challenge next time. This was effortless I assure you.” Sean grinned.
Angelus grinned back then turned towards Bailey and his features hardened.

Angelus stalked towards her and pinned her against the wall then he got in her personal space and spoke to her keeping eye contact and speaking in deadly tones “If I had wanted you human....I would have left you as one. Or I would have drained you that night. Do you have ANY idea how much trouble your in? Any clue at all?” Angelus asked.

Bailey stayed silent. And tried to get out of his grip but he had her pinned to the wall.
Angelus wasn't gentle this time. He changed face and bit her she cried out as he began to drink her blood again. Angelus nearly drained her as was required when you turn someone. She fell into his chest when he lifted his head. His fingers went to her hair and he pulled her head back enough to slash a cut in his chest. Then he put her mouth over it. She was too weak to even think about resisting. She drank the blood just as she had the first time and then she died again. As she had the first time. Angelus caught the dead girl and swept her dead body into his arms.
He turned then “I'll be leaving now. Again I with to thank you for your help. You have earned yourself an eternal Allie tonight. If you ever need help you need only to call.” Angelus said then left heading west where the car was parked and the two vampires were now back from their hunt and Spike was surprised and happy when he saw Bailey then he realized they would probably have to wait three days again for her to wake up just like last time. Pen wasn't too shocked that Angelus had found and turned Bailey right where he had found her.

Angelus laid her in the back seat and drove to their winter home which was the LA mansion that was owned by Angelus. He parked the car and carried Bailey to the bed room and laid her there to wait for her to wake up. He bent down after laying here there “I hope you enjoyed your freedom little girl. And I sure as hell hope it was worth it. Cause when you wake up my precious girl. You'll feed from me and then I'm going to introduce you to the strap. And I promise you my pretty girl....You WILL be sorry you ever dared to run away. And that's not even counting the whole getting a gypsy to turn you human again thing. You might as well have slapped me in the face. I would have preferred that rather then finding you human again.” Angelus mused honestly. Now all he could do was wait for her to wake up.


Next time: Bailey wakes up and is punished for running away while Pen goes out again to hunt and finds himself in a bit of trouble surrounded and outnumbered.

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