The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bailey part 13

part 13  Pen in trouble.

During the day Toby woke once needing to feed and Angelus fed him. After that Toby went back to sleep. An hour later Bailey whined in her sleep. It was actually more like crying. Angelus turned more fully towards her trying to comfort her. Then he woke her up. He cut his chest and pulled her over to feed from him. Bailey suckled hungrily drawing the blood out until Angelus patted her bottom telling her to stop. She did. Then she snuggled up and went back to sleep. Angelus was surprised when two hours later she was whining again. She wasn't hungry. He would feel it if she was. Angelus pulled her closer and he took his arm from Toby and placed both arms around Bailey holding her to him and petting her hair and patting her back while shushing her rocking her slightly “Shh. Princess it's alright. Daddy's got you sweetheart. No one and nothing can hurt you.”Angelus crooned to her.

She moaned and then began to calm down and slept peacefully after that. Soon it was time to wake up and Angelus fed the two fledgelings and then went to his study as Spike went out to hunt. Pen stayed in the living room with Toby watching TV.

Bailey got bored upstairs playing her game so she went downstairs to watch some TV. The was a scary movie on TV when Bailey sat down. She cringed “Toby turn it. I'll have nightmares if I watch this.” she said.

Toby scoffed “You'll have nightmares? Come on it's not that scary. It's just really gory. And your a vampire. You can't be afraid of seeing a little blood.” Toby said.

“Turn it or I'm telling!” Bailey whined.

“Telling? Telling who? Pen's right over there and he has no problem with it.” Toby said though Pen had earphones on and was listening to music.
Bailey went over to Pen and snatched his music away.
“Hey.” Pen whined then saw her angry look “What?” he asked.
“Pen make him turn the channel. He's watching a scary movie and I have nightmares from watching scary movies.” Bailey whined.
Pen raised his brow.
“I had the remote first. Pen said I could watch what I wanted. It's not my fault your 13.” Toby said.
“Bailey he's right. Why don't you find something else to do. You don't have to watch the movie if you don't want to.” Pen said.
“I want to watch TV! I don't want to watch a scary movie that will give me nightmares. I want to watch Disney channel. He's had the TV for three hours. Make him share.” Bailey whined.

“Bailey Disney channel is for kids. Nobody but you is gonna wanna watch it. Which means Toby would have to find something else to do. And that's not being fair to him. You have a game boy and you have your music to listen to. Toby doesn't have anything. Just find something else to do until his movie is over and then you can have the TV.” Pen said.
Bailey pouted “Your being mean!” she whined.
“No I'm not. I'm just saying to let him finish his movie is all.” Pen said.
“But he's had the TV for three hours he's already gotten to watch it. By the time I get to it the baby shows will be on. They only play the good stuff until 4 in the morning. I won't get to watch anything.” Bailey whined.
Pen sighed “IS that a TV movie?” Pen asked Toby.
“Yes it's on TV. I've wanted to see this for a long time. I just started Pen.” Toby said apologetically looking at Bailey. He wanted to see if Pen would make him do the right thing or if Pen would play favorites and be unfair to Bailey. Toby was testing him.

“See! it''ll take two more hours at least for that to be over. I want to watch TV now!” Bailey insisted.
Pen was tired of being patient “I said to wait.”
Bailey “Uh. Why does he get his way?!” Bailey whined wanting to cry.
“This has nothing to do with him. It has to do with you being selfish.” Pen said angry.
“I'm being selfish?! I am not being selfish! Your being mean!” Bailey said to him.
Pen rolled his eyes at her whining “Bailey go away and go bother someone else.” Pen begged.

Bailey's mouth dropped open in hurt. Then she shut it again angry. Too angry to think. She lashed out and slapped him hard leaving a scratch on his right cheek. That shocked him. He was even more shocked when he slapped her back so hard that she landed on the floor. He was instantly sorry and not just because she began to wail hysterically. Toby was on his feet and attacked Pen. “You don't hit her!” Toby raged tackling Pen to the ground and punching him in the face again and again.

“What in the bleeding hell!!!” Spike was shocked at what he saw. First thing he did was go over and pluck Angelus junior off of Pen.
Angelus came in as he saw Toby struggling in Spike's arms he saw Pen's shocked scratched face and Bailey crying on the floor.

“Get the fuck off me!” Toby yelled trying to lunge for Pen again. “He hit her! He can't hit her!” he yelled.

Pen looked crushed “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. She scratched me and I just reacted!” Pen said then tried going over to Bailey “Bailey I'm sorry.” Pen apologized.
“Get away from her!! I'll kill you!” Toby shouted he had only been tested Pen to see if the vampire would play fair and make him share with Bailey. But it seemed that Pen didn't care about Bailey. And now Toby knew it.

Spike was having trouble holding Toby.

Bailey saw Pen coming over and she shouted “Stay away from me!! get away!! I hate you!! your mean!” She shouted and then continued to cry.

Pen backed away from her. “I'm sorry.” he said again.

“You will be.” Angelus promised then went over to snatch Toby away from Spike he turned him around and swatted him several times hard enough that he had tears in his eyes when Angelus stopped and then said “No fighting. Or next time I'll put you across my knee.” Angelus warned Toby nodded his head silently. Angelus let him go and stalked over to Bailey.
He lifted the crying girl right off the floor placing her on his hip and she buried her face in his shoulder he immediately began to rock her and rub her back as she cried.

“Shh......My baby. Your alright. Let me see.” Angelus crooned lifted her face to look at her.

He growled when he saw how red it was. Pen hadn't just hit her. He had hit her hard!

Angelus turned to Pen as Bailey buried her face back in his shoulder to cry.

“Do you see what you did to your sister! I'll have your hide for this I promise you that. And if she bruises Pen.... I am going to take you into another room just the two of us and I'm going to slowly break the hand you used to hit her with. Am I understood!” Angelus demanded.
Pen paled and answered “Yes Sire.”

“Good! Now you get your ass in my study and you can strip everything off while your at it as well.” Angelus ordered. Pen cringed but went to Angelus's study.

Bailey after hearing that Pen would be punished raised her head and tried to stop crying “No...Daddy don't hurt Pen.” Bailey begged.

Angelus had a hard time believing that the little girl would deliberately disobey him so he sat on the couch and placed her on his knee for a chat Bailey hid her face from the scary movie.

Angelus shut off the TV and then sent Spike and Toby upstairs to find something to do.

Then he spoke to Bailey “Now precious. Look at me.” Bailey looked at him.
“Daddy told you the other night not to lash out at anyone. And I know you would not strike your brother unless he made you angry enough. So tell me what happened.” Angelus said.

“I got bored upstairs and wanted to watch TV.” Bailey started. Her cheek kinda hurt and as if he read her mind Angelus reached up to rub her cheek stroking it gently.
“You wanted to watch TV. Then what?” Angelus asked.

“Toby was watching that scary movie and he didn't want to turn it to Disney channel. I went over to Pen took his headphones off and told him to make Toby share the TV and that I have nightmares when I watch scary movies. Pen was mean. He told me I had to let Toby watch the scary movie and that I had to wait for Toby's movie to be over and then he told me I was being selfish and then told me to go away and bother someone else. It hurt when he said that he didn't care about what I wanted. He was being mean to me because he likes Toby more. So I hit him because he doesn't want me here anymore.” Bailey said.

“Princess...That's not true. Pen loves you just as William and I do. But Pen is not your Sire. He doesn't have the patients to see reason or listen to you. I wasn't even in here and I can already tell that it was a test. Toby adores you childe. I saw how he reacted. He was merely testing Pen to see if Pen would do the right thing by you. And Pen failed. I told you before that Pen has mood swings. And when he's annoyed enough he will lash out without thinking. Now then I want you to go into the bedroom with William and Toby and stay there. Turn some music on. And you'll want to make it loud. Because he's going to scream.” Angelus warned and gave her a kiss on her left cheek before putting her on her feet. She looked at him unsure about weather she should ask him not to hurt Pen. But she knew he would do it anyways. He got up gently swatted her bottom and kissed her cheek again “Go on Precious....Daddy will be up soon enough.” Angelus promised patting her bottom once more and then she reluctantly went upstairs.

Angelus let his anger rise again and then went into his study.

He shut the door and locked it when he saw Pen naked.

“Put your back against that wall now.” Angelus instructed.

Pen obeyed backing up until his back was against the wall and then Angelus went over to him.
He placed his hands on both sides of Pen and got in the boys face.

“Do you have any idea how angry I am with you?” Angelus growled.

“Yes Sire. I'm sorry.”Pen said.

“That display in there is a perfect example of why I'm the Sire. You are NOT ready to be a Sire yet. You proved it only moments ago. A vampire master who is ready to be a Sire is patient and can listen to a fledgeling whine and pout all night if they have to. A Sire doesn't lash out in anger with a fledgeling. No matter what the fledgeling does. Yes she struck you but she struck you for a reason. You were being cruel and selfish. Wanting to give the boy his way rather then caring that you were hurting your sisters feelings. And you didn't see that he was testing you. He would have let her have the TV to herself but he wanted to test you and see if you would make him share with her. I wasn't even in the room and I got all that from how he was acting earlier. That's also why I'm the Sire.” Angelus informed he now moved slightly putting a little space between them.

“A Sire doesn't freeze when a fledgeling snaps or lunges at him. He doesn't cower on the floor and let the fledge beat on him. He set's him straight and puts him in his place. A Sire doesn't just stand there and watch a crying fledgeling he picks up the crying fledgeling and comforts them. So I don't want to hear anymore about you being all grown up and ready to be a Sire. Because clearly you are NOT!” Angelus growled.

Then he lifted his hand and slapped Pen on his cheek which was now healed from the earlier scratch.
Pen flinched and endure the slap. “You don't slap MY fledgeling little boy! It is not your place to punish any childe that is mine. You may be older then her but that doesn't mean that it's your place to boss her around and it certainly doesn't mean that you raise your hand to her in any way. There is a reason why I prefer to spank all of you. Because your backside is the best place for me to punish you. I can be as severe as I want and there will be no lasting damage. I don't slap that often. The other day I slapped your sister for the first time because she lashed out and slapped me. Instead of spanking her I chose to give a little wake up call to get her attention. I barely touched her but it got her attention. I then explained why she got slapped and that she isn't to lash out at anyone. You have to watch what you say to your sister because she has a soul. You can't just say whatever the hell you want and expect it to not matter to her. She struck you because you sent her the message that you don't care about her. She got that with your actions and your words. I know you like Toby. But you don't play favorites.” Now Angelus was done with the lecture and had said all he wanted to say.
He was going to draw a very clear line. Just like he had when Drusilla struck William and then bit him.

Angelus stalked over to the desk and pulled out the strap then went over to the coffee table by the sofa and placed his foot up he snapped his fingers at Pen “You get your little ass over here now!” Angelus growled at him.
Pen cringed but went over to Angelus. He was then yanked faced down over his Sire's raised knee.

Angelus tightly wrapped his arm around Pen's middle “I want you to remember why your getting this. You do not touch what's MINE. You are not their Sire. I am. You don't raise your hand to anyone in this house. If you ever touch MY fledgeling again...Not only will I bust your ass but I will also put you back in your place and make you a fledgeling as well!” Angelus growled then brought the strap down hard. 50 times and then paused as Pen was crying. Angelus waited a couple minutes and then brought it down another 50 times. Pen screamed and kicked his legs trying to ease away some of the sharp burning pain.
Angelus paused again to land a stinging lash on Pen's thighs “Stop kicking little boy we're just getting started!”

Another 50 and Pen could only scream and cry.

Angelus tossed the strap aside it landed on the desk.

Angelus then sat down on the couch bringing Pen with him and Pen was now over his knee on the couch. Gripping him tightly Angelus then settled in for a long session of hand spanking right over the dark and welted bare bottom. He would have begged but he didn't have the energy anymore. Angelus was flat wearing him out. After a long while Angelus stopped and Pen's beyond blazing bottom was pure agony and it felt more like there were lava rocks on it. Angelus left the boy over his knee to cry until the noise died down some. Then he let him up and hugged him for a moment.
Then Pen screamed again through the rough sex that followed. Once that was over Angelus dressed him and coddled him right before Pen drank from his Sire and then fell asleep on him. Angelus had given Pen his blood to help him heal a little bit faster.

Angelus carried him up to the bed finding all the children already asleep. Angelus laid Pen down as well then went out to hunt for an hour then came back and laid down himself falling asleep.


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