The fang family

The fang family

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bailey part 11

Later that night Angelus moved Bailey over to the couch in the bedroom so that they could sleep on the bed without disturbing her body.

The next night Pen went hunting on his own after informing Angelus that he was going. Angelus was staying home to watch over Bailey and if she didn't wake then he would have William watch her while he left to hunt. He had his eye on a teen boy from the homeless shelter full of those kids that liked to hunt vampires. One of which Pen thought was extra pretty. A boy about 16. probably the youngest of the group there. The boy had beautiful tanned skin with spiky black hair.

 The boy's name was Toby. He had been stalking the boy and he wanted him. His hope was that if Bailey had a companion closer to her own age then she would be easier to handle because she would have someone to relate to. Pen would find the boy and take him home and beg Angelus for permission to turn him. He had to have Angelus's permission first before he turned the boy.

Pen had just finished disposing of a body and was now waiting to see if Toby would make an appearance when suddenly he found himself surrounded by vampires. They were new in this territory and trying to claim it unaware that it had already been claimed by Angelus.

They were however more then willing to dust any lone vampire that crossed what they considered their path. One of them attacked Pen and Pen fought back.

Angelus had just got done hunting as well and was headed home. William was watching and listening out for Bailey and had promised to call if she began to wake up. So far there was no call. So Angelus headed to the club for some red wine.

Pen didn't have a stake on him so he only had his fighting skills to work with. He managed to take the stake from that first vampire and dust him with it after that things got a little crazy. He tried to run because there was no way to fight against that many vampires. He decided his safest bet was to go to the club maybe he could out run them and hide in the club for a while.

He didn't stop for the door vamp to ask him any questions he just ran in with a look on his face as if to say the slayer was after him.
Angelus was shocked to say the least when his Childe ran into the club with a look of fear and panic on his face. Angelus stood up and Pen paled when he saw Angelus. Oh this was NOT good.
Then he realized that now the dozen vampires would be out numbered if they followed him in here.
Angelus saw the stake in the boys hand and went over to confront the boy. Everyone had their eyes and ears on them.
“What's wrong boy?” Angelus asked.
Pen now comforted by the presence of his Sire thought it best to start with the most important thing “I didn't do anything! I swear! I did nothing! They just surrounded me it wasn't my fault!” Pen said in a hurry and then he turned around and he saw all 12 vampires come into the club in demon faces.

“Give us the vampire and none of you will be harmed. We only want the pretty one.” The head vampire said.

Angelus moved swiftly placing Pen directly behind him as several of the vampires in the club began to get up and gather around in mass.
“I am Angelus. And the pretty one belongs to me. And therefor you cannot have him. This territory is mine as well. What you can do is leave now before you find yourselves dusted.” Angelus warned.
The vampire gang had been on edge ever since they heard the name Angelus. Then they spotted another vampire. The head vampire recognized him.

Angelus followed the vampires gaze all the way to Sean. Who had a calm look on his face and had been the only vampire to not get up to help fight. Mainly because his being there alone would stop the vampires from fighting.

“You.” The head vampire said to Sean. Sean barely spared him a glance.
“Me.” Sean agreed with him.
“The great Angelus is bad enough. But you are here as well? What brings you here? Last I heard you were in Russia.” The vampire said to him.
Angelus's curiosity was peaked. The vampires were afraid of him but they also seemed afraid of Sean. Perhaps even more afraid of Sean then they were of him. But why?

“Something your not telling me Sean?” Angelus asked curious.
Sean smirked at him “I'm not just a vampire. I'm an ancient.” he said.
Angelus's eyes widened. An Ancient was another way of saying that the vampire was very old.
“What year?” Angelus asked curious as to what year he had been made. How old was he?
“Do you not know?” The vampire asked him as they began to back out of the door.
As soon as Angelus turned back to them they were gone. Well with any luck the vampire gang would get lost and not come back.
He put a protective arm around Pen's waist and turned to Sean. “Well? Are you gonna tell us or just leave me hanging?” Angelus asked wanting to know.
Sean let out a long suffering sigh he took a sip of his own red wine then said clearly “1134.” Sean stated the year.

There wasn't a vampire in the room that didn't gasp with shock. Sean went back to calmly drinking his wine as if he hadn't just said that he was the oldest vampire in existence.
“Well now. Didn't see that coming.” Angelus stated he was the first to regain his wits and he sat down pulling Pen to his table to sit him on his lap.
After a while Pen said that he was going to head home while Angelus went to talk with Sean and ask him some questions.

Pen went back to the hide out the boy came out and Pen knocked him out fast and carried him back to the house. He took him up stairs and placed him on the bed in the main bedroom. Bailey was still dead on the couch.
Spike walked in and stopped at the sight of the human boy on the bed.
“Oh.....Angelus is gonna kill you. You know better then to bring them home.” Spike said.
“Shut up Spike. I brought him home for another reason.” Pen said.
“Oh and what reason is that?” Spike asked curious.
“I want him.” Pen said.
Spike stiffened then looked at the boy then back at Pen “Does that mean what I think it means?” Spike asked.
“I want him.” Pen stated again firmly.
Spike sighed and left the room going downstairs away from the human boy.
Angelus came in as soon as Spike sat down. “Hello William. Is your brother home?” Angelus asked.

“Yeah. And he brought home a surprise for you.” Spike said dryly.
Angelus smirked he went over and kissed the pouting lips and then went upstairs.
He opened the bedroom checked on Bailey then turned and stopped.
“Pen....” Angelus said in a dangerous tone. “what is that doing on our bed?”
Pen went over standing before Angelus he gave him a pleading look “Angelus I want him.” Pen stated.
Angelus raised a brow “You what?” he asked in disbelief.
“I want him.” Pen repeated.
“You want him? You don't need my permission to fed boy. So why did you bring him here?” Angelus asked.
“I said I WANT him. Not that I wanted to eat him. I want him Angelus. I want him.” Pen said in a whiny voice. “May I keep him. Please.”
Angelus snorted “No you may keep him! What do I look like? A half way house? You know the rules Pen. No pets.” Angelus said grabbing the boys chin firmly.

“I want him. And not as a pet. I want to Sire him.” Pen said.

Angelus's grip on Pen tightened “I'm sorry. What was that? You want to what?” Angelus asked tightly.
Pen stood his ground. “I want to turn him. Please Angelus. Can I Sire him?” Pen asked.
Angelus snorted and released the boy “And what makes you think that your ready to be a Sire? You can't even go a year without needing a thrashing over my knee. Your not nearly ready to be a Sire. So no. you can not Sire him.” Angelus said firmly.
“Angelus please. I want him!” Pen whined desperately.
“I said NO. don't make me repeat myself. Get rid of him. Your not turning him.” Angelus said.
“I don't have to turn him. If you don't think I'm ready then YOU turn him. But I want him. Please Sire. Please. Bailey will like having a play mate. And he's a pretty boy. I want him. Please Sire. Oh Please.” Pen begged he had a grasp on Angelus's arm ready to get down on his knees and beg if he had too.
Angelus grinned at Pen wolfishly. “First you want me to give you permission to turn him. And now you want me to turn him? So who is he a present for boy? Your sister? Or me?” Angelus asked curiously.

“Both of you. He's pretty. Pretty like me and William. And you like pretty boys. And he is close to Bailey's age so she will like him and they could become close. Please Sire.” Pen begged.
Angelus sighed “How old is he?” Angelus asked knowing the boy was young.
“16. Same age as Ryan.” Pen said.
Angelus growled shortly “So in other words I would then have two children with souls. Again I ask you do I look like a half way house?” Angelus snarled.
“But Angelus he is pretty. You will like him. He's prettier then I am.” Pen stated.
Angelus grunted “No Pen. He is not. Perhaps in your head he is. I admit that he is a pretty one. But then I always had thing for pretty blondes myself.” Angelus said stroking his fingers through Pen's hair.
“Angelus I have never asked you for anything. But I want him. Please. I will cry for hours and hours if you don't let me have him.” Pen said fully prepared to pull out the big guns and cry if he had to in order to get his way.
“Did we not just have a talk about manipulating me the other night boy?” Angelus growled.
As if the word daddy wasn't toxic enough. The sight of Pen in tears would just about do him in.
“I want him Daddy!” Pen whined in pitiful little boy voice that made Angelus cave right there.

He gave a long suffering sigh looked up at the ceiling as if it would give him the strength to tell Pen no but nothing happened. He looked back at Pen and snapped him fingers “Fine. I will turn him. Get out. Now. Go to the study and wait for me.” Angelus commanded and Pen left the room he told Spike what happened and Spike was flummoxed by it all.

Angelus went over to the bed gazing down at the boy. He had to admit the boy was pretty. He had dark hair and tanned skin but he was pretty. Like Bailey. He had a lost puppy look to him. Angelus had a feeling that if this boy could hook Pen so badly to want him turned then he could hook Angelus as well.
Angelus could also tell that the boy would be a handful. Just like Bailey. Was he doing this for Pen? Or for Bailey? He wasn't sure. Perhaps he was doing it for himself as well. True he had made Bailey almost two years ago but normally he waited 50 years after making a childe before he thought of making another. Angelus would make an exception because Pen wanted him so badly.

The boy began to stir and Angelus saw the boy open his eyes. Dark brown eyes that seemed to peirce right through Angelus. Innocent and vulnerable. Angelus didn't need anymore then that. The puppy would now have a home.

Angelus caught the boys hand as he pulled out a stake from his pocket “Ah. Ah. ah. Now none of that little one. Your about to become the very thing you fight against.” Angelus said he pinned the boys hand down and then lunged for his throat to fast for the boy to try to fight. Toby cried out as Angelus bit him and nearly drained him. The stake dropped to the floor. He was too weak to keep hold of it. Angelus released his hand and climbed onto him sitting on Toby's hips to pin him where he was. Not that he could move either way. Angelus slashed a gash in his chest and pulled the boys head up placing it there the open mouth settled and blood gushed into Toby's mouth and it sickened him and as Angelus laid him back down before he died Toby manged to glare at him and say “Leech.”
Angelus smirked and the boy died. Then something occurred to him. Where was he suppose to put the boy? Bailey was on the couch and he would rather not sleep with the dead boy in the bed.
So Angelus made a pallet on the floor then went over to Bailey and placed her on it and she now looked like a kitten curled up on the tiny bed. Angelus then kissed her forehead. Then went over to Toby and took him to the couch. He was taller so he should be on the couch. And Bailey would wake sooner then he would anyways. Angelus stroked the boys hair then smiled indulgently at him. “Your mine now boy.” he said to the corpse. Then he went down stairs.

On the third night Bailey woke up just as Angelus was waking Pen and Spike from their day of sleep.
Bailey sat up.
“Well look who finally woke up. Hey there Princess.” Angelus greeted a pretend kind smile on his face as he came over to her.
Bailey looked wearily at him. “You turned me again.” she said.
“Yes I did my sweet. As I said before....If I had wanted you human I would have left you as one. Dead or alive.” Angelus said.
Bailey saw Toby then. “Why is Toby here? What did you do to him?” Bailey asked.
“Same thing I did to you precious. I turned him.” Angelus said.
“What?! Why?” Bailey whined not understanding why he would turn Toby.
“Because for one: Pen wanted him and was damn near determined to have him and I knew I would never hear the end of it if I didn't turn him. For two: because I thought that you might like a play mate and since Toby was once part of that gang you hung around and you knew him the both of you would get on well together. And three because he is just as pretty and tempting as you are. You need a companion. Someone more your own age. He'll have a soul as well and so you'll have several things in common.” Angelus said.

“Toby is the sweetest guy in the whole world. You shouldn't have done that to him!” Bailey said wanting to cry.

Angelus rolled his eyes “I do a lot of things that you probably think I shouldn't. Since your up now I think it would be best to get you fed and then you can deal with the consequences of your actions and then I am going out to get a bigger bed.” Angelus said.

“A bigger bed? What for?” Pen asked from behind him.

“The three of us can fit on that bed Pen. But not four of us. We need a bigger bed because you had me add another member to this family.” Angelus stated.

“Oh.” Pen said well that should have been obvious.

“Pen you and William go out without me. Stay together and watch your backs. This will take me an hour or two and then I'll come find you both. Be together. And you better have at least fed once when I get to you both.” Angelus said sending them out to hunt.

Pen and Spike left giving Bailey a sympathetic look and then left the room.

Angelus held him hand out to Bailey and she gathered her bravery and took it.
Angelus led her down the stairs to the study.
Where he took out the strap took her jeans and underwear down and then placed her bare bottom over his lap. “This is for running away.” Angelus said and held her around her waist tightly as he also placed his leg over hers to keep her from kicking he then brought down the strap 50 times all over her bare bottom. It was a flaming red and blazing hot when he reached 50. She was crying hard and vowing to herself that she would never run away again. Angelus put the strap down on the table but he didn't release him hold on her or let her up yet. “That was for running away. This is asking the gypsy to use that spell on you and turn you human again.” Angelus said and then spanked her with his hand bringing his hand down 30 times making her scream just as he had promised he would if she ever ran away.
Now done with the lesson Angelus rubbed her back til she was calmer.
He let her up and replaced her clothing then he pulled her into an embrace coddling her as a loving father would. He picked her up into his arms setting her on his hip like a small child and carried her to the bed upstairs he held her and spoke sweet nothing to her until she fell asleep. He would have to wake her up later to feed her. He had wanted to get the punishment over and it was better if she had blood after punishment anyway because it would help her heal faster. Most of the effects from the punishment would be gone by the next night. Only a smarting sting would remain.

Angelus called Pen saying that he had changed his mind and that he was staying home until one of the returned and to call if he had any trouble.

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