The fang family

The fang family

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bailey 8.2

Last time Spike was cursed with a soul and now Angelus is gonna get rid of the curse.

Bailey 8.2

When the slayer woke up she was groggy at first and then she was scared when she realized that she was chained. She saw Spike chained too. "Spike." she said.
"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." Spike said but Angelus came over to him and slapped him again "Shut up lover boy!" Angelus snarled then he turned an unpleasant smile towards Buffy "Hello there blondie." he said coming towards her Bat still in his hand.
He swung and landed a blow with the baseball bat right to her gut. She gasped and cried out in pain. He used it again to hit her in the face just as hard and she cried out again.
Spike lunged again "Angelus release me you bloody coward!" Spike growled straining hard trying to break the chains. Pen had taken Bailey into another room and turned up the music so that she couldn't hear what was happening.

Angelus ignored his childe and struck the slayer several more times and then stopped.
He threw the bat aside and went to a trunk that's when Spike really began to struggle and panic.
"No! Angelus no!" he shouted and Angelus pulled out several items including a poker and then he pulled out the stake that Spike had tried to use on him. Then he went over to the slayer staying to the side making sure that Spike could see everything.
Angelus smiled evilly up at her "Do you have any idea what I'm gonna do to you slayer? First you come after the baby. And then you come after William. Did you really think that you would get away with putting your hands on what's mine?" Angelus asked using the poker to trail up and down her body barely touching her with it.
"I'm not yours! I'll never be yours again!" Spike yelled.
Angelus chuckled "We'll see about that. Say goodbye lover." he said to Buffy.
"Goodbye lover." she mimicked and then tried to lung free and was shocked when the chains were too strong to get free from. Angelus chuckled again "What? Do you think I'm an amateur? Do you have any idea who I am? I'm Angelus. The scourge of mankind. And my boy there. Is William the bloody. Been by my side since the night he rose from the grave. Word of advice slayer......never sleep with ANY vampire's childe. Not that it'll do you any good now seeing as I'm going to maim and kill you." Angelus said and this time the poker came to rest it's point right between two of her ribs and he pushed it in slow listening to her scream.
Spike was heart broken and fought harder to get free he had tears in his eyes and he couldn't bare to watch what Angelus was doing to the slayer.
Angelus left the poker in and then turned he had been watching Spike as he had also watched the slayer. Angelus went over to the boy who had tears in his eyes and look at Angelus with hate in his heart.
Angelus lifted the boys chin and Spike tried to bite at his hand Angelus removed it and then slapped him.
"You don't bite me. You know that." Angelus growled then had Spike by the throat and pinned him against the pillar halting Spike from being able to move or do anything.

Angelus leaned down and spoke softly in his ear "When I'm done killing the slayer boyo I am going to bite you and drain you til you pass out. Then when you wake I am going to tie you up and fuck you so hard that you'll be soar for a week. Then I am going to put you over my knee hold you down and take a strap to your hide til it's blistered raw. For a whole week. Once every night. And we'll see just how big and bad you are after being put in your place by your Sire. And I will put you in your place little boy. Right over my knee. And on my cock. Do you understand me?" Angelus threatened and promised all at once.

Spike trembled and gulped then gathered his courage and spat in his Sire's face. Angelus growled low his body vibrating all over with his rage. He threw a punch that knocked Spike out again. He knew it would leave a bruise on the boys cheek.
Then he turned on the slayer and used a bandanna to wipe his face clean. Then he took out the stake again "Guess I have you to thank for his behavior. You've made him all simpering and good. And Stupid. Too bad you won't live long enough to see him pay for that." Angelus said and the plunged the stake into her heart.
She of course was human so she didn't turn to dust. She did however die a painful death and when she took her last breath Angelus told her "I could have done so much worse to you. But I need to save up my strength. I'm gonna have fun taming my boy again. There's much more of him to break this time." Angelus said and then he left her body there. Leaving the stake in her body and then he unchained Spike catching him and carrying him to the bedroom in the lair. He then turned to Pen seeing Bailey asleep he "Shut that music off and take this. Rent a hotel until tomorrow night then come back and we'll go home." Angelus said.
"What about Spike?" Pen asked.
"WILLIAM is in very serious trouble and you don't want to be around to witness it. He decided that he was going to add insult to injury and spit in my face. I am going to be teaching him a long and painful lesson for the next 24 hours. If Bailey gets hungry then fed her from you. DON'T let her drain you boy I will be very annoyed if she calls me and tells me your too weak to get out of bed. You'll feel when it's time for her to stop. Feed twice as much as normal tonight and then cut your arm and fed her from you until you feel yourself getting weaker. Then stop her and rest for a while. But don't forget to feed twice as much so that you won't be too weak when you wake up. When you return tomorrow night you'll need to fed from me. Now go." Angelus said. Pen lifted Bailey and carried her outside all the way to a hotel and rented a room and had no trouble.

When Spike woke up he found himself unable to move. The last thing he remembered was Angelus biting him and drinking til he passed out. That had happened so fast that he had barely had time to realize that he had woken up when Angelus had lunged at him and bit him and drained him.
So this was the third time he woke up this night. And now he couldn't move and that scared him.
He found out why when he tried to move his arms. He was chained again. And his body ached. He looked down and saw that Angelus had bit him in three other places hard enough to bruise him. He had used his human teeth. Spike looked around trying to find the vampire but he didn't see him. He began to struggled with the chains. That brought his Sire into the room along with a strap. "Well lookie here. You finally woke up. I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to fed you in order to get you to wake up again." Angelus said.
"Fed me?" Spike questioned.
"Aye.  I'll be feeding you later boyo. You'll need my blood just to have enough strength to get off the bed. Not that you'll be able to walk or even move an inch without my permission. You were already in trouble when I brought you here. But because you decided to be stupid and disrespectful it's gonna be much worse now." Angelus turned him over on his stomach and placed a knee in his back "Brace yourself baby. Cause this is REALLY going to hurt. 300 little boy. And I promise you WILL remember them." Angelus said then he made sure Spike was pinned well before he began to bring down the strap hard and fast and in a short amount of time Angelus delivered 300 vicious snaps of the strap from the top of Spike's bottom to the middle of his thighs covering every inch. First turning it a blistering red and then a darker shade of puce and then finally breaking the skin and drawing blood and Angelus didn't stop until all 300 were given. Spike went from gritting his teeth to yelling to fighting to crying and then finally all he could do was scream and suffer through it. His guilt was overpowered by the pain in his ass. When it was over Angelus left the bed to sit in a chain admiring his work. He poured himself some wine and sniffed it then took a sip "So. Are we sorry yet?" Angelus asked trying to gauge just how must rebellion was left in the boy.
He had to wait several long minutes before Spike calmed himself enough to be able to speak. "Go to hell." was Spike's answer.

Angelus raised his brow then smirked and took another drink of his red wine "Guess not." Angelus said and then he finished off his wine and sat there looking at Spike's ass which had to be unbearable at the moment. For Spike anyway. "Hmm. If that hide were mine I certainly wouldn't want to take more punishment on it. Are you sure that's your final answer?" Angelus asked giving the boy one chance only to redeem himself.
"Sod off Angelus!" Spike yelled at him his tears had stopped.
"For someone who's tied up with his raw ass in the air your pretty stupid." Angelus said placing his glass down.
"It's just another beating." Spike said.
Angelus was there in seconds skimming his hand over Spike's bruised and hurting flesh. Not rubbing but stroking making Spike quiver with pain and fear.

It stopped and Angelus's hand left him "William why did you take like rat and pigs?" he asked curious.
"For a while I drank from rats. I been drinking pigs blood for the last 5 months. I only drink animal blood now." Spike told him.
Angelus's hand came down hard and fast on his already raw backside and he screamed from the fierce slap on his butt.
Angelus moved then to cover him sitting on him pinning him stomach down "You mean to tell me that You have been drinking from animals all this time?" Angelus asked.
"No. Got my blood from a butcher shop." Spike said.
"A butcher shop?" Angelus asked confused.
"yeah it's real cheap. They don't ask any questions." Spike said.
"Cheap? You PAID for pigs blood? You've been paying for the blood your drinking?" Angelus's voice began to raise. "When was the last time you had human blood?" Angelus asked.

"Not since I was living with you." Spike admitted.
"Okay. That's it!" Angelus growled
He leaped off the bed and stripped himself naked and then move prying Spike's raw cheeks apart and entered him roughly and Spike yelled as Angelus began to ride him hard and fast. Angelus's mouth was at his ear as tears pricked Spike's eyes and he began crying from the pain. He hated being raped.
"NO childe of mine if going to pay to fed! And no childe of mine is going to fed on animal blood! Do you have any idea how weak animal blood will make you? Feeding from animals takes at least half of your strength away from you. You only feed from animals or rats if you have to and you know that! You will not fed on animal blood! Until you get your soul extracted I'll feed you from me every night just like I do with Bailey that way you won't feel guilty about killing them. I am taking you home with me! You are mine! You will not harm yourself! You will not defy me! You will not challenge me! And you will remember who I am and show some damn respect or I'll give you a session every night until you learn to. You will do exactly as I say and not one thing less or more. Rebel in anyway and you will be sorry. You feel that..." Angelus asked thrusting deep and hard and staying still for a moment. Spike could feel him. Deep inside. "Yes." he managed to gasp out between his tears and then Angelus did it again. Going deep and hard. "Who's?" Angelus asked.
Spike kept his mouth shut. Then Angelus moved again this time slapping the boys backside twice as he moved fast and hard twice as well going deep. "Who's?" Angelus asked again pausing.
"Yours!" Spike cried out angrily.
Angelus chuckled "Aye. Mine. Your my boy. Mine to please or punish. And there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it. No one will stand up against me for you. I won't let anyone have you. No one can touch you but me. No one can touch you without my permission." Angelus said and then began to move fast and hard again. Picking up the pace and move with demonic speed causing Spike to scream and then Angelus reached around and began to jack him off moving to the same pace and his thrusts and soon Spike came hard and fast and Angelus came too. Growling in his pleasure and then he bit Spike hard and drank him blood as he came and came and his orgasm just went on and on. When it was finally over Angelus pulled out his fangs and his now limp member and then pressed a kiss to Spike's neck then knowing the boy was weak he unchained him and sat on the edge of the bed where he placed Spike over his knee pinning him there and began to spank him hard with his hand. Covering the bruised skin again and Spike immediately began to beg and scream and cry. Angelus didn't stop. He kept going until Spike was too worn out to even scream his voice going hoarse. His backside was almost purple and would take a long time to heal. Even with Angelus giving him only Sire's blood it would still take a week to heal. Angelus placed Spike back on the bed where he cried himself to sleep with Angelus gently petting his hair and then Angelus went out to feed. He had already drained the blood from the slayer but he was going to have to feed all three of his children the next night so he needed to feed plenty tonight. He drained six humans which he hadn't done in a long time. He was very full when he returned to the crypt. He Dressed Spike and carried him to the hotel that Pen rented a room from and Angelus walked in seeing Bailey crying her back against the wall scared made Angelus look over to the bed at Pen. Damn that boy! He put Spike on the bed after shutting the door.
"Daddy I didn't want to drink from him but he told me too and then he didn't tell me when to stop." She cried.
"Shh. Precious it's alright. He's alright. You didn't hurt him. Twas his own fault for not telling you when to stop. I told him not to let you drain him. Stay there for a moment honey." Angelus said going over to Pen's side of the bed. He shook him roughly. Pen barely stirred managing to mumble something but it was incoherent. Angelus bit his own wrist and placed it in Pen's mouth. "Fed. Now!" Angelus commanded.
Pen instantly obeyed that tone and began to fed even though he was unable to move or open his eyes he fed from Angelus until Angelus sensed his strength come back slightly then he stopped him. "That's enough for now." he said taking his wrist away allowing it to heal then he climbed in the bed "Come on Princess. Come lay here with us." He said and she came over to sleep in the bed.


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