The fang family

The fang family

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bailey part 12

Chapter 12 : Bailey's lesson in authority.

Four days of sleeping and four nights and Angelus was beginning to get nervous. Why was the boy sleeping so long? He himself had slept for 5 days and had rose on the 5th nights but he was made ready to be a Master vampire / Sire. If the boy didn't wake soon Angelus would have a hard time breaking him because his will would be almost as strong as that of Angelus.

He was relieved when on that morning the boy woke up on the fourth day of being asleep.
He heard his new fledgling whining. He could feel the new childe's hunger. He opened his eyes and sat up in the bed to find that Toby was whining because he couldn't get the locked door open.

Angelus moved with the speed of a demon well over 278 years old.

He was by the door in seconds. He had the boy pinned against the door and had a hand covering his mouth “Shh....Stop screaming.” Angelus ordered as the boy's muffled screams sounded from under Angelus's hand.
The boy stopped screaming but his eyes were wide with fear.
However the screams woke Bailey startling her and she sat up afraid and much like a toddler woken from a nap she burst into tears. Pen had woken up too.
Angelus growled low “Now see what you've done. You frightened your sister with your screaming.”
Bailey wasn't sure why she was crying. Spike was awake too and since Angelus had his hands full Spike pulled Bailey over to cuddle with her and held her close as she sniffled and tried to stop crying. He rubbed her back while murmuring “Shh. Princess, there there. Shh.”

Pen yawned and then said “He's awake finally.”

“Go back to sleep my babies. Daddy will take care of this and then come back and join you.” Angelus said.
Spike was already laying down now with Bailey snuggled up to him and he could feel her falling back to sleep. He got comfortable and closed his eyes to go back to sleep too.
Pen didn't want to sleep anymore. He wanted to watch Angelus with Toby.

Angelus moved quickly unlocking the door and took Toby by his bicep and led him to another room.
Once in the room he shut the door and led the boy to the bed and sat him down then he knelt before him.

“Now listen to me now my boy. I am Angelus. I am your Sire. That means that I made you. You remember that don't you? When I turned you?” Angelus asked.
Toby nodded but he was eying Angelus and glancing around for a way out of the room wanting to get away from the big dark vampire.

“Good then. Now the most important rule to remember is that I am your Sire. You need to listen to me and obey me when I tell you to do something. You can ask questions but you don't question me about why I say or do something. I demanded certain things from my children at all times.
One is obedience.
Two is respect
Three is honest. I encourage lying when it comes to some things but I don't recommend lying to me.
You are not allowed to challenge my authority over you. You will be punished if you try it.
You are not allowed to run away.
Your not allowed to throw tantrums.
Your not allowed to wonder off if I take you out with me while I'm hunting.
And your also not allowed to wonder out of bed once I put you there. You are to sleep until I wake you up. That's about all I can think of for now rule wise that is. You also need to know that you will be punished if you break any of those rules. I give spankings and other punishments as well but mostly it's spankings. And believe me boy....If I have to spank you....You will feel it. So don't think your getting off easy when I say you'll be spanked. Now do you have any questions before I feed you?” Angelus asked his eyes never leaving the boy.
“Your not the one that knocked me out. It was the blonde one. Not the white blonde one but the other blonde one.” Toby said wondering why this vampire had turned him instead of the one that had caught him.

“The blonde one that brought you here is named Pen. He was my first childe. The other blonde one used to have pretty golden locks as well but he bleached his hair. His name is William but he has an annoying habit of calling himself Spike and trying to get others to call him Spike too. And of course you know Bailey.” Angelus explained.
Toby nodded storing the information in his head “So why didn't....Pen? Why didn't Pen turn me?” he asked.

Angelus snorted “Because Pen is still too childe like to be a Sire. When I think he's grown up enough I will let him turn someone. But for now he is not ready. He chose you. But I turned you. Because he wanted you. You'll learn in time that when I turned a childe they are mine forever. I don't keep them all. But I do tend to be protective and a bit overbearing at times. I am the dominant one in the family. You will learn to listen and obey me. For now you need to feed and then sleep.” Angelus explained he moved to sit next to the boy.
“I don't want this.” Toby said as if that would matter.
“I didn't ask if you did little one. I said you were going to feed and you will.” Angelus said moving the boy to sit in his lap and Toby blushed with embarrassment at sitting on the other man's lap.
Angelus who had no shirt on and was only in leather pants slashed his peck open leaving a gash and said “Come on. You'll feel better after this.” Angelus said.
Toby tried to flee from Angelus's lap but Angelus only positioned him to where Toby was now straddling Angelus's thighs. And Angelus landed a sharp swat on the boy's bottom which made him whine indignantly and then Angelus firmly guided him down to the gash and Toby did as he was told not believing that Angelus had actually swatted him and that it had actually hurt. He didn't want to feel that again so he just did as he was told.
For some reason Toby feel asleep directly after feeding. Angelus chuckled as the boys head dropped onto his shoulder. He lifted him up and carried him to the bedroom when he found that he would need to get the bigger bed soon. Angelus laid down on his back on the couch and laid the boy on top of him to sleep. Toby slept on Angelus and Angelus fell asleep as well.

An hour later Bailey who was still snuggled up to Spike flipped over and squirmed around trying to get comfortable. She found herself close to Pen and snuggled up to him trying to fall back to sleep. She let out a silent whimper and found that she was hungry. Some part of her mind thought that the vampire she was snuggled up to was Angelus even though it was Pen. Subconsciously she bit him her eyes were closed and Pen woke suddenly when she bit him he grunted at the slight pain and then pulled her closer. Letting her feed from him. She only took a couple swallows before releasing him and dozing off to sleep. Pen went back to sleep as well thinking that maybe he shouldn't have let her feed from him. There was one time Pen could remember William talking about. A week after William had been made Drusilla had gotten mad at him and scratched his face and bit him. When Angelus had seen the bit mark on William he had been enraged. He had stalked after the cowering crazy girl and had used his strap on her hide til he drew blood on her. Scolding her all along about how biting daddy's property wasn't acceptable. But if Angelus saw the bit mark on him he would tell Angelus that he had let her do it and he would make sure Angelus didn't punish her for it. It wasn't her fault that their Sire had to sleep on the couch and was unable to feed her at the moment.

An hour later Pen was asleep again and Bailey turned over again snuggling up to Spike and Spike heard her hunger and brought her closer giving her access so that she could bite him. “Tell me when to stop.” she said then latched on and began to feed from him. Spike closed his eyes so comfortable that he began to doze off. Bailey stopped sucking but kept her fangs in place and every once and a while she would take a long pull from him. He barely felt it and was deep in sleep.

Several hours later Angelus woke up and laid Toby still sleeping on the couch. Angelus went over to wake Pen up. Pen groaned feeling weak and he dozed back to sleep not able to respond to Angelus shaking him. “Pen wake up.” Angelus shook him again then he saw the bit mark on the boy and heard sucking noises. Angelus looked over and saw Bailey feeding from William.

“No! Bailey stop!” Angelus growled he leaned over and snatched the girl away and picked her up right from the bed. He swung her around and smacked her bottom hard and pointed a finger in her shocked wide eyes “Naughty girl! What did I tell you about biting? You don't bit unless daddy gives you permission. If you are hungry then you come to me and tell me so that I can feed you. You DON'T feed from your brothers. I catch you doing that ever again and I will spank your little bare bottom red do you hear me?” Angelus asked dangerously putting his hands on his hips looking down at her with a stern parental expression on his face.
She nodded. “Good. Now go stand in that corner.” Angelus commanded with a snap of his fingers he pointed to a corner and Bailey went over to the designated Corner and put her nose against the fall feeling stupid for having to stand in the corner.

Angelus shook Pen again “Pen wake up. Now!”
all Pen did was moan. He had only fed once the night before because he was anxious to get home and see if Toby had woken yet. So he was very weak at the moment.
Angelus sighed heavily then he bit into his own finger hard drawing blood then he placed it in the boy's mouth stroking his hair encourage him to swallow “Come on baby boy. Suckle for daddy.” when Pen latched on Angelus said “There we go. That's my good boy. No. Don't stop. More. That's it.” Angelus instructed and he allowed Pen to feed from his finger for a while and then stopped him. “Shh.” Angelus crooned his fingers still softly stroking his hair “That's enough now.” Angelus removed his finger saying firmly “Now get up boy.” Pen opened his eyes and sat up then looked curiously at Angelus and Angelus tapped the bit mark on Pen's chest “Why did you not wake when she bit you?” he asked.
Pen cringed slightly “I did. I told her she could. So did Spike. She was hungry. Tossing and turning most of the day because of it. I only had one victim last night that's the only reason I was weakened.” Pen said.
Angelus gave him an unpleasant look “You mean to tell me that she fed from you and because you only fed once last night she exhausted you from just that once? And William told her she could fed as well? Why did you not just stop her and wake me? I was just there on the couch not in wonderland. You don't feed her unless I specifically ask you too. The only reason I told you to the other time was because I was going to be busy all night with William. And even then I told you to fed twice as much and you still let her drain you so that you were too weak to get out of bed without my blood. And now you do it again only this time you weren't told to feed her! And you know what you can go put your nose in that corner too! That one there Pen.” Angelus pointed to a corner away from Bailey and Pen was shocked. It had been a long time since Angelus had sent him to stand in the corner like a fledgeling. It was more of a fledgeling punishment. Reserved for newer vampires that hadn't been around for a hundred years.

But Pen knew better then to challenge the punishment. Arguing about punishments only earned you a worse punishment. So Pen stalked over to the corner.
Angelus went over to William and tapped the boy on the cheek to gauge on how out he was. He was extremely out. Angelus sighed and mounted the boy sitting on his hips. Then he bit his wrist and placed it in the boy's mouth. William subconsciously latched on and began to feed though he was currently unaware of anything because he was so out of it. Angelus let him feed until he felt the boy getting stronger again. William opened his eyes and his hands came up to grip his Sire's arm as he continued to suck drawing out the blood hard. Angelus allowed this but only for about a minute. “That's enough William..Stop.” Angelus commanded and Spike reluctantly withdrew his fangs and changed back to his human face. He pouted “I want more.” he whined because he enjoyed Sire's blood just like every childe. Every Sire's blood tasted like the sweetest ambrosia to their Childe. And so it was a treat whenever they had a taste. Spike whined again pouting up at Angelus. Angelus leaned down to kiss his pouting lips. Then he got off of him and helped him to stand up then his hand connected sharply with Spike's backside and Spike winced and the whined as Angelus scolded “You do NOT feed your sister without my permission. You are not her Sire. She knows what to do when she gets hungry. She nearly drained you because you let her feed. Did you tell her to stop?” Angelus asked.
“No. I was tired. I went back to sleep while she fed.” Spike answered. Angelus growled and swatted him a second time. “You do not go to sleep while feeding a fledgeling! No wonder you were so weak. If you don't tell them to stop then they won't stop. They will keep feeding periodically without even realizing that they are doing it! That is why I am the one that feeds her or any of you. Because I know when you have had all that you need and I can make you stop. Don't feed her again unless I ask you to.” Angelus scolded him. He swatted him once more “Now you can go put your nose in that corner William.” Angelus directed pointing to another corner. Spike embarrassed and annoyed did as he was told seeing that Bailey and Pen were also standing in corners around the room. Angelus must be really annoyed to be treating Pen and Spike like fledgelings. Once each offending childe was standing in a corner to think about what they had done Angelus went over to wake up Toby.
He woke the boy by firmly running his fingers through the boys hair “Wake up Toby. Come on open those pretty brown eyes for me.” Angelus commanded and Toby woke opening his eyes and he sat up. When he looked around and saw everyone else standing in a corner he almost laughed at the ridiculous sight of two grown men standing in the corner. Seeing the laughter in the boys eyes Angelus scolded “Now don't laugh at your siblings. Their in trouble.” But Angelus's tone was light.
Bailey was getting bored. And her temper wasn't improving no matter how long she stood there and she felt like she had been there forever though it had really only been 5 minutes. She kicked the wall a little jealous that Angelus was ignoring her.
Angelus was keeping an eye on the time and keeping an ear out for each of them. He heard Bailey kick the wall as he was speaking to Toby. He would let that slid. Unless she did it a second time.
Bailey groaned bored as ever. Pen was getting a little agitated as well but he wouldn't push his luck any further. Spike was of the same mind as Pen.
Bailey however was still young and she had mixed feelings. And she didn't WANT to stand in the corner anymore. She kicked the wall again since Angelus wasn't making any noise now.
Angelus was currently feeding Toby but he chose to warn her “Princess..” he growled “Do you want a spanking?” he asked which Bailey thought was the stupid question in the world.
“No!” She said petulantly and with a little more attitude then was acceptable.
Once Angelus though Toby had had enough he stopped him and sat him down on the couch “Don't move.” Angelus warned. Toby sat where he was not sure what Angelus was going to do.
Bailey kicked the wall a third time. Angelus was behind her now and he grabbed her arm and spun her around and landed three heavy swats on her small round bottom. She cried out. Toby felt rage rise in him as Angelus hit Bailey on her backside. “You stop that right now. If you want out of that corner your going to have to convince me that your calm. Do you hear me?” Angelus demanded then Angelus turned to Pen and Spike “Pen. William you may get out of your corners and go hunt.” Angelus said and Pen and Spike hurriedly dressed and left the house glad to be free of their cranky Sire.
Angelus leaned down in Bailey's face “You can turn back around and put your nose in the corner until I see am improvement in your attitude.” Angelus informed but she didn't budge. “Now.” Angelus growled in her face. Bailey lost it. She slapped him in the face and then she gasped as she realized that she had just struck Angelus and she backed away until her back was against the wall but she knew that there was nowhere to run.
Angelus growled long and low in his throat. His fledgeling had just slapped him! How dare she! Well now she was really going to catch it!

But first....Angelus went over to Toby and escorted him to another room where he locked him in to make sure the boy wouldn't run. He would be fine in the room by himself for a while. There were no windows in that room so he had no escape. Angelus stalked back to the master bedroom and slammed the door.
Bailey still had her back against the wall and she had not moved. She was terrified.
Angelus snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him “You come here to me. Now.” Angelus said sternly.

“I'm sorry.” Bailey whined in a small voice.
“You will be. Now come here.” Angelus growled.

At this point Spike wondered back into the house having decided that he wanted his coat. He headed up the stairs to fetch it.

Bailey gathered her courage and went over to him. Angelus grabbed her chin firmly with one hand “You don't slap your Sire and expect to get away with it young lady.” Angelus growled.
She whined in his grip and Angelus moved fast. He slapped her left cheek firmly enough to make it sting. Bailey now terrified because Angelus had slapped her began to struggle in his grasp and scream bloody murder.
Spike heard what sounded like a slap and then heard Bailey scream and he came rushing through the bedroom door. He saw a light pink mark on Bailey's left cheek and knew that Angelus had slapped her.
The growl that came from him was dangerous and spoke volumes about his opinion of his Sire slapping Bailey. “Let. Her. Go.” Spike growled in a dangerous tone but it didn't scare Angelus.
“William you were told to go hunt. Don't interfere in this. She dared to strike me. I didn't hit her that hard. It hit you and Pen much harder when I slap you both.” Angelus informed.

“Last time Angelus. Let her go. I won't say it again.” Spike gritted out.
“You'd best watch your tone William. I've had enough from all four of you brats tonight and it's early still.” Angelus growled back “Now go out and hunt. Now.”
Bailey whine then “Spike it's okay. Go on. Don't get yourself in trouble.” Bailey begged.
Spike eyes Angelus for a moment then stalked over grabbing Angelus's coat knowing there was nothing he could say or do to win this. He just left. Angelus hollered behind him “William that's my coat.”
“Sod off Angelus. You'll be lucky if I even come back home.” Spike growled over his shoulder at his Sire. It was the wrong thing to say. “In that case you can wait downstairs until I'm finished here. And you and I can go hunting together while Pen watches the children. And you'd best be downstairs boy. If I have to go out on the streets and find you I am dragging you back here for a strapping.” Angelus warned as Spike stormed down the stairs but he was smart enough to sit on the coach rather then leaving.

Angelus turned his attention to Bailey now she had gotten over the shock of being slapped. Angelus gazed at her with gentle eyes then again it wouldn't be the first time Angelus looked passive on the outside and was aggressive on the inside.
“Now then Princess. What are we never going to do again?” Angelus asked.
“Slap you.” Bailey said more then a little insecure now.
“That's my good little girl. But I'm warning you now....the next time I see that attitude of your tonight I am going to turn you over my knee and blister your bare little bottom. Okay princess.” Angelus said in a light tone as if he were in a good mood instead of dangerously close to thrashing every one of them. Except for Toby that is. He had done nothing wrong. Yet.

Tears pricked Bailey's eyes and she nodded “Yes.”
“Yes What?” Angelus asked patiently.
“Yes....Daddy.” Bailey answered a sad look on her face.
Angelus bent down to kiss her nose. Then he picked her up off her feet placing her on his hip he held her against him as he asked gently “What's the matter with my sweet girl? Huh? Come now. Tell daddy all about what's bothering you.” Angelus said as she was forced to wrap her legs around his waste to get more comfortable and his hand was on her bottom holding her seated on his hip.
“ I feel....” Bailey paused.
“You feel what?” Angelus asked
“I feel left out.” She said.
Angelus raised his brow “left out? How do you feel left out?” Angelus asked.
“I think I'm also jealous.” She said.
“Jealous? Of whom?” Angelus asked.
“Toby. You made him. He's your fledgeling now,” Bailey said.
Angelus shook his head towing her with him as he sat on the bed and placed her to sit on his knee.
“Now you listen to me young lady. You are still my fledgeling. I chose you. I turned you. Pen chose him. Pen wanted him. I turned mostly to please Pen. But he is my responsibility as well. You have shared me with Pen and William with no trouble at all. And no matter what....your still my baby. My sweet precious girl. Even my oldest Childe Pen is my baby. There's enough of me to go around. I'll be getting the new bed in tonight and then I'll have all four of you in my bed. Toby won't like it at first no doubt. But hopefully he will accept it. However if he bothers you....or if you want him gone then you tell me. I will dust someone that I Sired. But then again I didn't chose him. Didn't really want him. But I'll care for him and be his Sire. And he can be part of this family. But all you have to do is tell me if you can'/t handle it. Alright. I'll dust him and make it up to Pen somehow.” Angelus said.
“No. no. Don't dust him. I didn't mean it like it. It's not that I don't like him. I do. He's been a friend for years. But.....” Bailey paused not knowing how to explain it.
“But you feel like you've been replaced and that your no longer my baby. Is that it?” Angelus asked.
Bailey nodded her head.
Angelus sighed “You know. Sometimes your too much like Pen for my liking. Obedient one minute. And then your rebelling and then your insecure about your place with me. Let me assure you once more. Your my baby girl. Even if I let Pen and William leave one day Pen would take Toby with him. And I would keep you to myself my sweet. I'll take care of you forever. You need have no worries about where you belong Princess. You belong right here. With me. And your brothers. Just because I added a new brother doesn't mean I love you any less. Next time tell me when you feel like this. Don't lash out at me or anyone else. It will only make things ten times worse.” Angelus lectured and then he set her on her feet and patted her bottom “Now go back to the Corner. Go on. Ten minutes more. And we'll see if that's helps you calm yourself more.” Angelus said Bailey went over to the Corner and stood there and Angelus called Pen. Pen had fed twice and was on his way home. Once he got there Angelus let Bailey out of the corner. Angelus kissed her nose again and then went out the door giving Pen strict orders to leave Toby where he was and to keep and eye an ear out for Bailey who was not aloud to leave the bedroom. Angelus took Spike with him when he left the house. Spike fed twice and Angelus drained about 6 victims. Homeless kids that no one would even notice missing. Then they found a bigger bed. A king size bed and they moved it upstairs easily after moving the smaller queen size bed out. Once the king size bed was set up and made Angelus fed Bailey from him and then he did the same with Toby. He let Toby out of the room and forced him to feed. The boy again feel asleep after feeding. And Angelus laid him in his spot on the bed. And then Angelus laid down with him and beckoned Bailey over. Bailey got in bed and Cuddled up to Angelus on his right side while Toby was on his left.
Angelus lay there until Pen came in and got in bed and then William came not long after that and once all of them were asleep Angelus allowed himself to sleep as well. But he kept an ear out for both of his fledgelings in case one of both got hungry. He would not let Bailey feel neglected again.


Next Time: Toby begins to show a little more spirit and Bailey becomes annoyed with Pen and loses her temper again. And Pen loses his cool as well.

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