The fang family

The fang family

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bailey 6.3

Hint Do not read this unless you have read the other Bailey stories on my blog. This is part of that series and must be read in order if you want to understand it. This is from the same AU where Angelus was never cursed with a soul and Darla and Drusilla were dusted and Angelus lives with Pen and Spike also Angelus is the one that made Spike in this AU world. Bailey is my character and in this world she is the most recent child turned by Angelus. She was 13 when Angelus turned her.

This continued from Bailey 6.2

Bailey 6.3

Angelus lay there with a pleased smile on his face. He heard Pen and Spike downstairs. They were arguing and  they were getting loud. Angelus briefly kissed the sleeping childe and went down the stairs.

Spike punched Pen "You are a coward and a worthless waste of space!" Pen didn't take offense but Angelus did.

"Excuse me?" Angelus interrupted coldly. Spike glared in his Sire's direction. "You can just stay out of this Angelus!" Spike raised his voice and Pen was quick "Angelus don't listen to him he's angry and that last human he stalked was high as a kite he's not exactly sober either." Pen tried to defend Spike.

"He is well aware of what he's saying Pen. He knows who I am. He's just too high to care." Angelus said.

"Yes but he wouldn't be saying it otherwise so it's not really his fault." Pen said and Spike pushed him. "Stop fucking making excuses for me! I can handle myself Pen so sod off you....."

"WILLIAM SHUT YOUR MOUTH NOW!" Angelus yelled and that alone made both of the younger vampires stare at him in shock.

"Oh shit." Pen cursed nervously watching Angelus. Angelus left the room and was back in a flash. Pen cursed again when he saw the strap in Angelus's right hand. "Fuck."

"Strip. Both of you." Angelus demanded.

"Wait what? Why both of us? I didn't do anything!" Pen said annoyed.

"Do as I say. Now." Angelus said in a dangerous tone.

Pen stood defiant.

Spike having sobered up quickly angrily ripped his shirt off and then yanked his pants down along with his underwear and stepped out of them and stood naked.

Angelus snapped the doubled over belt and glared dangerously at Pen.

"No! What did I do? I didn't do anything Angelus!" Pen yelled then he stiffened as he realized he had just said No to Angelus.

He was being defiant. Pen cringed and then stripped himself too. And he stood naked.

"Pen First. William stand in the corner and don't move. Pen get your ass in the study and I'll tell you exactly what you did wrong." Angelus ordered and Spike stood in the corner while Pen stalked to the study and Angelus followed him closing the door for privacy.

"I told you to stay with William and keep and eye on him. You obviously didn't go find your brother when we were done here earlier because if you had then you would have stopped him from drinking off of a human that was high and then allowing him to go to the bar and drink too. You know he isn't allowed to drink unless I am around. So either you didn't go find your brother and keep him out of trouble. Or you found him and allowed him to do as he pleased instead of stopping him. So which is it Pen?" Angelus asked.

"I didn't try to find him. I wanted to feed on my own and once I was done then I went to find him. He was half way here when I found him." Pen said.

Angelus nodded having figured that much. "You disobeyed me boy. It's been a while since you've done that." Angelus said.

"Yes well I don't particularly enjoy the whippings as much as you do." Pen sassed then inwardly flinched. What the hell was wrong with him tonight? He thought to himself.

Angelus came over and slapped Pen in the face hard. Then grabbed his chin in his hand forcing Pen to look him in the eyes keeping eye contact Angelus said "perhaps daddy's boy would like to be chained in the basement? Your getting a little too big for your britches there boyo." Angelus said using his Irish accent and it scared Pen more.

"No sire. Please. I'm sorry." Pen begged.

"You'd better be sorry." Angelus said speaking normal now. He swooped down for a punishing kiss his lips demanding and rough then he released the boy and turned him around Angelus placed a chair by the desk for Pen "Get on the chair and bend over." Pen did as he was told and got up on the chair on his knees and bent forward placing his hands on the desk.

 Angelus tapped his thighs with the strap "Spread your legs. You know the drill."

Pen got positioned properly and Angelus warned "Now tell me why your being punished boy." Angelus ordered.

"Because I disobeyed you." Pen said his nerves running wild now.

"Yes. And you will be severely punished. I know how you are Pen. I won't risk you getting a big head and trying to take me again. So to help discourage you from fighting with me I'm going to be twice as hard on you. But most of this is for you disobeying me tonight. The last part will be for reassurance. Now be a good boy and don't move. Scream all you like. But don't move." Angelus said.

Pen closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and then the first vicious whack landed and the sharp stinging flew through his ass and then another and another Angelus laid on 50 strokes covering every inch of Pen ass and now it was deep dark red and had blisters and Angelus had even covered his sit spots with them. Pen had tears in his eyes and had been crying for a while but he hadn't screamed yet.

"Stand up." Angelus ordered and Pen stiffly stood up tears still in his eyes. Angelus wiped away a stray tear. "Now go lay face down on the couch." Angelus ordered and Pen walked slowly to the couch and laid face down on it.

Angelus went over and whispered in his ear "Daddy loves his little childe. You know that. Don't you boy?" Angelus asked.

"Yes sire." Pen chocked out.

"Say it boy. Call me daddy." Angelus ordered.

"Daddy." Pen managed to choke out.

"Good boy. Just a little more and it will be all over baby." Angelus said and then he quickly had Pen on the floor face down and his knee dug into Pen's back and Angelus took out a needle Angelus put some of his weight on the knee holding Pen in place.

"Brace yourself baby. Cause REALLY going to hurt." Angelus warned.

Pen did brace himself but he kept his eyes closed refusing to give in to his urge to look and see what Angelus was about to do.

Angelus put his free hand on a flaming red butt cheek which made Pen flinch hard and Angelus leaned over being careful about where he chose a spot. With his thumb and finger he stretched an area of skin that was very red. The hand holding the needle came down and he gently tapped the sharp end on the area and Pen inhaled sharply he opened his eyes and turned his head to see what Angelus had against his skin.

The needle was firmly pushed in and and Pen squirmed for a moment. Angelus had to be careful of the moving boy and so he slapped his hand down on a blister and Pen screamed "Be still!" Angelus commanded and then put his attention back on the needle.

Pen cried as Angelus took the embedded needle and twisted it several times in the same spot. It hurt just as Angelus warned that it would.

Then Angelus moved the needle as if he was taking it out. But he stopped leaving the sharp end still inside the hole. Angelus straddled the boys shoulders to help hold him down. He leaned over more and took the needle again this time and forced the needle to move digging in and creating a cut as Angelus moved the needle down several inches and Pen screamed from the pain and fear and the fact that he was unable to move with Angelus on top of him

Pen trembled beneath Angelus but he didn't stop. He made a long narrow gash in Pen's right butt cheek and listened to Pen as he continuously screamed and cried.

Once the gash was long enough to cover half of the blistered cheek Angelus stopped the needle and pulled it out.

Pen prayed that Angelus wasn't going to do the same with the other cheek.

Angelus leaned down to lick the gash and lap at the blood and Pen now moaned in misery and hurting beyond imagination. He whimpered continuously as Angelus licked the blood from his bleeding butt.

And for a split second Pen found the energy to hate Angelus and his cruelty. But then he remembered that Angelus's wouldn't be licking him clean if he didn't care.

Once the cut was pretty well closed Angelus picked Pen up just as easily as he picked up Bailey and carried him to a chair in which Angelus sat down in and Pen was left straddling his hips. Angelus Cut his chest which shocked Pen.

And at first Pen shook his head looking at Angelus with pleading eyes to not make him feed from him. "I already ate." Pen whimpered.

"Shh. That was human blood and before you were punished. Come now you know it'll help you heal. So come on. Now baby boy." Angelus said firmly grasping Pen by his hair and guiding him down and Pen cooperated after that and drank from Angelus as Angelus settled back he gently stroked the boys hair as he fed from him. "Shh. Good boy." Angelus praised and he let Pen feed until he feel asleep. No doubt his boy was exhausted after this long night. Angelus was exhausted as well. He carried Pen up stairs and laid him naked and next to Bailey.

Then he went downstairs taking the hairbrush with him he hurridly blistered Williams bottom a deep crimson and warned him to never feed from a high or intoxicated human again. And that if he couldn't feed responsibly on his own then Angelus would feed him.

He carried William up to bed as well and then he himself conked out on the bed.

Now there was two naked vampires sleeping in the bed while one had a night gown on and the other only had pants on.


Next will start part 7 yay. Sorry but there was 3 parts to part 6.

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