The fang family

The fang family

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bailey part 7

Life moves fast for vampires and humans.
Days turned into weeks. And Weeks turned into months. And months became years. They also moved every year.

Three years later:

Bailey was seen as the great treasure. Everyone wanted her. Wanted to taste her. Wanted to feed her. But of course Angelus always said no.
And after the first sexual experience there were more. Angelus timed it perfectly. For the first year he only used his fingers to bring her to orgasm. And now he was going to introduce her to something even better.

Bailey had learned over time that when Angelus said the phrase "daddy will give you a nice treat." it meant sexual pleasure. And he mostly said it when he was pleased by something that one of them did.

This night Angelus wanted to set another trap. One of his favorite games was to watch Bailey play the lost little girl and lure in victims. Tonight was even more special for him. He had gathered some other vampires that wanted to see her playing too. He pulled her over to a bench by a church and sat her in his lap.
" Princess, Your going to do exactly as I say. Right?" Angelus asked.
"Yes." She said softly.
Angelus chuckled and kissed her lightly on her nose "That's my good girl. Now then. When you hear the door open the choir will come out and your going to play with them. Do a nice job and remember don't scare them away. You purposely scare them off and Daddy's going to be mad and I'll have to punish you. But if you do a nice job playing daddy will give you an extra special treat tonight. Alright?" Angelus asked.
Bailey nodded her head. "Okay." she said curious as to what he meant.
Angelus kissed her cheek and then put her beside him on the bench "Remember what I taught you?" he asked.
"Yes. Good girls are rewarded. Bad girls get punished." I quoted him.
Angelus smirked. "That's right. Make me proud baby." Angelus said kissed her again and then went over to a nearby ally to hide behind the wall with the other 6 vampires. There we 12 choir members and so there were enough people for each vampire to have two.

Suddenly things changed. A lone teenager approached. She sat next to the little girl "hi." the teen said.
"Hi." Bailey said back unsure.
"So...Your Bailey? I've heard stories about you." the teen said.
That got everyone's attention "What do you mean?" Bailey asked.
"My name is Buffy. And I hear that you have a soul." Buffy said.
"Yes." Bailey answered.
"so if you have a soul how is it that you can stand doing what you do?" Buffy asked.
"I don't understand." Bailey said.
"Of course not. Your a child. Look. The vampire that made you....He lied to you. He says your not hurting anyone because you don't feed off of them. But the truth is that even though your not the one killing them you are the reason they will die. I have a proposition for you. An offer. The powers need a champion. And they chose you. The vampire with a soul. I was sent to help you. To train you. Or I can just dust you. I am the slayer after all." Buffy said pulling out a stake fast and in seconds it was right at Bailey's chest pointed at her heart.
Angelus stopped Spike and Pen from lunging "She'll be dust before you even take one step." Angelus warned trying to find a way to get the slayer away from Bailey.
Bailey had no fear in her eyes and the slayer liked that. Bailey leaned forward to whisper in the slayers ear "I would like to hear more about your offer. I'll find you later. You must go. Angelus is near." Bailey whispered.
Buffy may have been the slayer but she knew she could not take a master vampire like Angelus. Nor his childe William or Spike who had killed two slayers before. Buffy whispered back telling Bailey where she would meet her at and then the slayer left.

When the people came out Bailey played the lost little girl routine. And cried and wailed because she couldn't find her daddy and the woman and men tried to comfort her and then the vampires attacked.
Spike left one of his victims alive and he went over to Bailey with the victim and said "Bailey. Watch me closely alright?" he said and she watched as Spike snapped the humans neck. "Did you see that?" he asked.
She nodded "Good. Now if that blonde slayer ever comes near you again don't think. Don't talk. Just do what I did. Alright? Promise me." Spike said.
"I promise." Bailey lied.
"Good girl." Spike praised and gave her a hug.

On the drive home Angelus was quiet. Spike knew what that meant. Angelus was pissed. And the slayer was gonna feel his wrath.

When they got home Spike and Pen were ordered to leave Angelus and Bailey alone.

Angelus had a promise to keep. He was going to show her one of the greater pleasures in life.

He gently kissed her and slowly stripped her of her clothes and then he ran his hands over her lightly.

Then he turned around and placed her under him on the bed.

He kissed her nose "Who's?" he asked.

"Daddy's." she answered getting exited now.

Angelus chuckled. "That's right precious. Mine. And I'm not gonna let any slayer threaten what's mine." Angelus said leaning down to kiss her again.

"You were such a good girl tonight weren't you baby. Yes you were. And Daddy has a special treat in store tonight. Do you trust me baby?" Angelus asked.

"Yes." Bailey answered.

Angelus grinned "Good." he said and then got off the bed for a set of chains. He chained her wrists together and quickly chained them to the bed post. Bailey whined and squirmed and Angelus came back to her "Shh. Baby shh. It's okay. Your alright. Daddy just doesn't want your hands getting in the way. I won't hurt my baby. You know that." Angelus said softly.

"I'm scared now." Bailey whined.

"Aw. Baby don't be like that. Daddy always takes care of his baby. I won't hurt you. Don't fear pleasure princess. I'm gonna do something new tonight. You'll love it. It'll cause an orgasm more powerful then you've ever felt before. Now just trust me. This isn't going to hurt. You just let daddy take care of you." Angelus crooned and then he trailed down her body  spreading her legs wide after placing a pillow beneath her bottom to angle her hips up.

He wrapped an arm around each of her small trembling thighs to keep her wide open to him.

"Daddy?" Bailey whined nervous
"Shh. Baby girl. Daddy's gonna enjoy this. You just lay there and let daddy do all the work." Angelus said and he kissed her thigh and she whined. She nearly screamed when Angelus used his tongue on her very private most sensitive spot. At first he just kissed her and then he put out his tongue and began to lick and circle until her bare bottom was lifting off of the pillow in an attempt to get even closer to the hot mouth and talented tongue even though she wasn't aware of it. Angelus knew that she had never been loved like this before and so he was extra careful and loving. He took his time slowly guiding her to a climax that he knew would be new to her. Bailey tossed her head back and forth not sure what to do with herself and already feeling the head rising. Angelus with his face buried deep in her could easily read her body. Bailey made a move as if she could spread her legs wider but she knew Angelus already had her spread as wide as she could go. Angelus recognized the signals. He deepened his kiss and his tongue stroked more rapidly He put his hands beneath her writhing bottom lifting her more fully and then licked and lashed and tongued her until she was on her way to her orgasm. In seconds she was spiraling into a frightening release. Astounded by the intensity she screamed and bucked and spasmed as wave after wave of incredible buffeyed her entire body. Shuddering violently she screamed again bucking her hips trying to somehow get away from the pleasure being caused by his mouth on her. But Angelus kept her clutched to him staying with her as she had the most powerful orgasm yet in her life. He enjoyed her coming so much that instead of backing off and letting her come down from it he kept it going. Sucking and licking forcefully and eating her as if she was a feast. He felt her coming a second time and she came hard and fast and she screamed trembling and tears of sexual hysteria gathered in her eyes. The poor girl had felt so much pleasure that she was now crying from the potency of it. He eased her back down and his mouth left her as he crawled over to her and unlocked the chains and tossed them to the side table. Then he came over to hold his still trembling childe. She held on to him as she cried softly and he rubbed her back cooing to her "Shh. Sweet. So sweet. Sweet baby. You came so hard for daddy. Didn't you precious? You came so hard you almost had daddy coming too. Shh. Your alright. You've just never come that hard before have you honey. You were such a good girl. You came so hard for me." Angelus said.
Soon her tears stopped along with the shocks that had been going through her trembling body from the power of that orgasm. She sat up and then without thinking she slapped him in the face and jumped from the bed running for the door. Angelus was up and after her and had her around the waist right when she was about to open the door. He picked her up and threw her back on the bed. "Stop it!" Angelus growled becoming angry.
"That was indecent." Bailey yelled.
"It was not! You enjoyed it didn't you." Angelus said knowingly.
"That's not the point! Your not to do it again!" she yelled.
"Little girl you don't dictate to me what I will and will not do! I am your sire!" Angelus yelled.
Then he sighed and sat beside her "Listen to me precious there's no reason to have a snit about this." Angelus said gently. "Get away!" Bailey growled.
Angelus raised his brow "Excuse me?" he demanded.
"Get away from me! Leave me alone!" Bailey yelled.
"Young lady you are getting dangerously close to getting a spanking on your bare little bottom. Watch your tone and lower your voice." Angelus growled.
"Get away from me." Bailey screamed then got off the bed again.
Angelus was now angry "That's it young lady! You get your ass over here right now! You just earned yourself a spanking over daddy's knee." Angelus growled sitting down on the bed.
The next thing she did stunned them both she slapped him again in the face and then he delivered a light slap to her face. Not enough to hurt her but enough to get her attention. It go her attention alright. She backed away from him and then screamed at the top of her lungs "Help me! Spike!" she screamed crying.

Spike and Pen were in the living room when they heard Bailey scream for Spike. Pen didn't move because their sire was there and so Bailey couldn't be hurt. Spike however ran up the stairs like a horse and came in the door just as Angelus had gotten up to fetch the girl who was refusing to move.

Angelus turned to Spike "William get out!" he growled.

Spike would have obeyed at once but he saw the light mark on her face and the fear there.
"He hit me!" Bailey cried scared.
"You don't scream and slap at your sire and then expect to get away with it young lady just ask your brothers. Be glad because I didn't hit you near as hard as I could have." Angelus said.

Spike went over to Bailey "What happened?" he asked.

"None of your business William now get out!" Angelus yelled.

Pen was at the door now too.

"He hurt me! He tied me up and had his mouth between my legs. It felt good. So good but then it began to hurt. Not pain hurt. But a different hurt. And then I slapped him for doing it. I told him to leave me alone and go away but he wouldn't listen." Bailey whined.

Spike turned and growled low at his Sire. Angelus glared "You'd best think long and hard about growling at me boyo." Angelus warned in his Irish accent the one that always made Pen and Spike cringe.
"You TIED  her?" Spike growled.
Angelus scowled "You'd best quit growling at me boyo!" Angelus warned angry now.

"Answer me." Spike demanded.
"I don't answer to you! You answer to me! Would you care to answer to me William?" Angelus asked in a soft menacing tone.
"No." he said.
"Then get out! Or I'll put you across my knee right after your sister." Angelus snapped his fingers pointing firmly to the door.

Spike wasn't backing down yet though "Why did you tie her?" he asked trying to keep his tone calm.

"Oh for the love of......So that her hands wouldn't get in my way boy! I wasn't going to rape her! I wasn't going to do anything except to eat her out! She came hard. That's what she felt. That's why it made her cry. Because of how hard she came. I was about to explain that before she slapped me. I've only ever used my finger on her before. I've never made her come hard before. It was new to her. I took as easy as I could. There was no actual pain.....Why am I explaining this to you? Get out now!" Angelus yelled.

Spike wasn't' sure that he wanted to leave them alone again.
 "You scared her Angelus. Your the one to blame here. Not her. I'm not gonna let you punish her for something that you caused." Everyone turned to Pen after the vampire said that. It was just so shocking.
Pen almost NEVER defied Angelus. He was always wanting to please him and keep him happy.

Angelus growled deep in his chest "Excuse me?" he demanded.

Pen didn't cringe. He didn't budge. "William take Bailey to another room and stay there with her." Pen ordered.

Angelus raised his eye brows at the boy "Pen don't you dare!" he yelled.

But the boys mind was already made up.

Spike picked up Bailey and took her to her room where she got dressed and changed clothes and cuddled with Spike and then they both cried as Pen began to scream.

After Spike and Bailey left the room Pen kicked the door shut and lunged at his Sire.

Angelus was a master vampire and he could take down any vampire. And demon. That included his stubborn childe too.

Angelus kicked Pen in the back of his knee and the flung him by his arm across the room he growled long and low and Pen was back instantly growling as well. Pen was strong. He was once a master vampire as well. Lived on his own without his sire for almost 100 years. Only 3 times had he ever attacked his Sire and challenged his authority. All three times Pen lived to regret.

Pen was very strong and powerful because Angelus had made him. But then again all Sire's were stronger then their children. So Pen knew he would lose. Just as he knew it each of the other times he had dared to fight Angelus. He landed a punch and a spinning kick to Angelus's face hard. That was new and so it surprised Angelus. But he recovered quickly. He chuckled and wiped his lip with the back of his hand.
Angelus did his own spinning kick and kicked Pen in the chest hard enough to send him sprawling to the floor. He kicked himself to his feet and then lunged to the left dodging the punch and grabbing a sword and swung without thinking. Angelus instantly caught the sword between his hands and snapped the metal in half and kicked it from Pen's arm by kicking his elbow. Pen jumped up as Angelus went to sweep his legs and did another spinning kick but this time Angelus grabbed his foot before it could land and swung him at the wall. Pen landed hard against the wall and then feel to the floor. Angelus came over slowly and Pen lunged throwing himself at his Sire pinning him to the ground and then punched him in the face. And then landed another punch. Angelus returned it hard. Then his hands went to the boys waist and he kicked propelling him over and onto his back and then he Angelus was now on top pinning him with one hand on his throat he squeezed and the boy stopped trying to fight. Stupid his boy may be but Pen knew when he was beat.

Pen lay still on the floor pinned by his Sire's weight. Angelus had a stone cold look on his face.

He leaned down and changed to demon face "No!" Pen yelled but Angelus's hand covered his mouth as Angelus bent down and bit into Pen's sensitive neck right on the same bit mark where Angelus had bit him when making him so long ago. His fangs went in and Angelus took several long pulls of blood and then lifted his head and changed back to his human face. A growl came from Angelus "Why do you taste like rat?" he asked.
"I was bored and I ate a rat." Pen admitted.
Angelus rolled his eyes "Well don't do that. If you drink from a rat that has rabies you'll get sick." Angelus scolded.
"It's not like I can die." Pen complained.
Angelus slapped him in the face. "You do as I say boy."
"Yes Sire." Pen caved.
"That's better. Now then. Let's see if we can teach you some manners and obedience and loyalty." Angelus said in the tone that all his children knew to fear.
Pen cringed that was three very big transgressions.
Angelus's gentle touch alone was making Pen worry.
Angelus gently stripped him of clothing. Then he laid him on the bed and had him chained face down. But the shackles were positioned so that he could be turned and still be comfortable. But he was effectively helpless just as Angelus wanted him.
First Angelus grabbed the hairbrush.
He settled himself underneath Pen so that Pen was over his knee and Angelus put one hand on his back and the other rubbed the brush over his bare bottom gently. Almost stroking it.
"Now then boyo what's tonight's lesson about?" Angelus asked.
Pen cringed and tried not to cry because he knew this was gonna be bad.
"Manners. Obedience and Loyalty." Pen said.
"Do you attack your Sire Pen?" Angelus asked.
"No Sire." Pen answered.
"Then why may I ask do you keep doing it?" Angelus asked.
"I don't know. I guess to prove to myself that your still the stronger one." Pen said.
Angelus chuckled "Aye boy. I will always be stronger then you. I am perfectly capable of putting you in your place. Anytime and anywhere. I wish you would learn from your mistakes though boy. Having to repeat the same lessons make me wonder if maybe I didn't get my lesson across last time. Well this time for sure I will get this through that thick head of yours. When I'm through with you....You will need Sire's blood just to be able to move tomorrow night." Angelus promised. Pen had a hard time believing that Angelus could spank him that hard. Angelus proceeded to blister Pen's bottom with the hairbrush for ten minutes straight. The boy was screaming and crying when Angelus finally stopped bringing that brush down. Then he moved off the bed to look at the nicely blistered bottom and the very sorry childe with tears in his eyes on the bed.
Angelus leaned over and kissed the boys head. He chuckled deep in his throat and then whispered in Pen's ear. Something Pen hadn't heard in a long time "Your gonna scream for me baby." Angelus vowed and that made Pen's tears double.

Angelus moved now to get the strap. He was far from done with the boy. He began to snap the strap down viciously over and over again on the dark red bottom that had blisters on it. He made sure to land several lashes all over even on the blisters. The boy would get no mercy. Pen screamed continuously now. His bottom was one big ball of fire and agony. He couldn't the energy to beg. It took all his energy to just cry and scream. He applied the strap for ten minutes. Now the boys bottom was viciously blistered and so dark that it was almost purple. It was bruised. Much more of this and the skin would break. He dealt some particularly harsh blows to the boys thighs as well. From the top of his bottom to about mid thigh was the same colors. And Pen no longer had the energy to do anything except to cry and scream.

Angelus tossed the strap aside now and went searching for something else. Something that was really going to make his boy scream for mercy.

Pen prayed that maybe it would be over but then again he was damned and god wasn't listening to him anymore. Angelus came back when Pen's tears were calming. But as soon as Pen saw him his tears doubled. Angelus had in his right hand the one thing Pen hated the most. It was the riding crop.
Angelus came over placed his knee in the small of Pen's back and said "No Mercy."
And then it began. All over Pen's already extremely sore backside rapid fire and what seemed like molten lava came down on his beaten backside. Angelus kept an eye on the clock and gave Pen a session that lasted for 30 minutes and not one second less. From the top of the boys backside to mid thigh he was blistered raw but Angelus hadn't broken skin. He was talented at his trade. And his trade was torture of all kinds. He didn't need to draw blood to make his point.
Pen was a screaming ball of agony and he felt like his bottom was too.
Angelus threw the crop aside and kept his knee in place. He gently skimmed his hand over the bruised and hurting flesh and Pen moaned in agony even at his Sire's now gentle touch.
Angelus leaned down now to pet and speak with his childe "Pen? Baby. Look at me." Angelus called.
Pen barely managed to raise his head "Good boy. Now listen to me. The next time you think to challenge me.....think hard about weather or not it's worth it. Cause next time boyo. I'll not just blister you ass raw as I did tonight. I'll also break every finger on each of your hands. I'll not have you fighting me. And if that means I blister you raw and break all your pretty fingers then that's what I'll damn well do. Don't make that necessary Pen. I may not mind hurting my children. And I love the screams. But I don't particularly like hurting you either. Remember this night the next time you want to challenge me. And think hard about weather it's worth it or not." Angelus said gently petting the boys hair and kissing him every once and a while. Then Angelus got on top of him and spread his raw cheeks ready to enter him and he screamed again when Angelus sheathed himself all the way in. It hurt so much. And Angelus took him rough. Riding him hard and taking the pace slow. He deliberately made sure that every thrust was deep and that he brushed up against Pen's raw backside which made the boy scream every time he did it. Pen was soon crying from that pain alone. The added pain of Angelus's harsh thrusts just made him cry harder. Angelus leaned over on him his full weight half on the boy as he said in his ear "You'll not defy me boy." more harsh slamming thrusts.
More screams and please for it to stop. Angelus ignored his begging. But soon his need to come was too strong to fight anymore. He slammed in again and again and again until he came hard and fast his release was explosive and so powerful that he yelled out his pleasure as he came and came and came hard and it shook his body. When it finally stopped Angelus pulled out of the boy and fell to his side. The boy hadn't stopped crying since Angelus had entered him. After a while of crying Pen forced himself to stop no matter how much agony he felt. He begged Angelus again "Please. Angelus. May I be unchained?" he begged.
Angelus rolled over to face the boy and smirked bringing a hand up to pet the boys face.
"Very well precious. But if I free your hands you'd better the best fucking boy in the whole world. I'll free your hands baby. But your to put them around me and sleep little boy. Your to stay near me tonight during sleep. I find you even two inches away from me and not only will I chain you up again tomorrow but I'll give you another blistering to match tonight's and seeing as you won't be healed yet I'd suggest you be a very good little boy for daddy." Angelus warned as he freed the boys hands. Pen did as he was told and laid next to Angelus while Angelus put an arm around the boy. Angelus knew that Spike had Bailey had cried themselves to sleep a while ago. He kept an ear open and sure enough sometime after he went to sleep Bailey crawled into bed with Angelus and Pen and an hour after that Angelus heard William crawl into bed as well.


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